feat(cpu): implement condition field behaviour

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Rekai Nyangadzayi Musuka 2022-01-01 21:56:58 -06:00
parent c40a1af534
commit cc7e42efd8

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pub const Arm7tdmi = struct {
const opcode = self.fetch();
std.debug.print("opcode: 0x{X:}\n", .{opcode}); // Debug
arm_lut[armIdx(opcode)](self, self.bus, opcode);
if (checkCond(&self.cpsr, opcode)) arm_lut[armIdx(opcode)](self, self.bus, opcode);
return 1;
@ -48,6 +48,28 @@ fn armIdx(opcode: u32) u12 {
return @truncate(u12, opcode >> 20 & 0xFF) << 4 | @truncate(u12, opcode >> 4 & 0xF);
fn checkCond(cpsr: *const CPSR, opcode: u32) bool {
// TODO: Should I implement an enum?
return switch (@truncate(u4, opcode >> 28)) {
0x0 => cpsr.z(), // EQ - Equal
0x1 => !cpsr.z(), // NEQ - Not equal
0x2 => cpsr.c(), // CS - Unsigned higher or same
0x3 => !cpsr.c(), // CC - Unsigned lower
0x4 => cpsr.n(), // MI - Negative
0x5 => !cpsr.n(), // PL - Positive or zero
0x6 => cpsr.v(), // VS - Overflow
0x7 => !cpsr.v(), // VC - No overflow
0x8 => cpsr.c() and !cpsr.z(), // HI - unsigned higher
0x9 => !cpsr.c() and cpsr.z(), // LS - unsigned lower or same
0xA => cpsr.n() == cpsr.v(), // GE - Greater or equal
0xB => cpsr.n() != cpsr.v(), // LT - Less than
0xC => !cpsr.z() and (cpsr.n() == cpsr.z()), // GT - Greater than
0xD => cpsr.z() or (cpsr.n() != cpsr.v()), // LE - Less than or equal
0xE => true, // AL - Always
0xF => std.debug.panic("0xF is a reserved condition field", .{}),
fn populate() [0x1000]InstrFn {
return comptime {
@setEvalBranchQuota(0x5000); // TODO: Figure out exact size