feat: parse cartridge header

This commit is contained in:
Rekai Nyangadzayi Musuka 2022-02-04 05:54:06 -04:00
parent b233981a34
commit 2f74b61f2e
2 changed files with 40 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -3,18 +3,48 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Self = @This();
title: [12]u8,
buf: []u8,
alloc: Allocator,
const log = std.log.scoped(.GamePak);
pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, path: []const u8) !Self {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{});
defer file.close();
const len = try file.getEndPos();
const buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, len);
const title = parseTitle(buf);
return Self{
.buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, len),
.alloc = alloc,
const pak = Self{ .buf = buf, .alloc = alloc, .title = title };
return pak;
fn parseHeader(self: *const Self) void {
const title = parseTitle(self.buf);
const code = self.buf[0xAC..0xB0];
const maker = self.buf[0xB0..0xB2];
const version = self.buf[0xBC];
log.info("Title: {s}", .{title});
if (version != 0) log.info("Version: {}", .{version});
log.info("Game Code: {s}", .{code});
if (lookupMaker(maker)) |c| log.info("Maker Code: {s}", .{c}) else log.info("Maker: {s}", .{maker});
fn parseTitle(buf: []u8) [12]u8 {
return buf[0xA0..0xAC].*;
fn lookupMaker(slice: *const [2]u8) ?[]const u8 {
const num = @as(u16, slice[1]) << 8 | @as(u16, slice[0]);
return switch (num) {
0x3130 => "Nintendo",
else => null,

View File

@ -94,8 +94,11 @@ pub fn main() anyerror!void {
if (status < 0) sdlPanic();
defer SDL.SDL_Quit();
var title_buf: [0x20]u8 = [_]u8{0x00} ** 0x20;
const title = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&title_buf, "ZBA | {s}", .{bus.pak.title});
var window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow(
gba_width * window_scale,
@ -111,8 +114,8 @@ pub fn main() anyerror!void {
defer SDL.SDL_DestroyTexture(texture);
// Init FPS Timer
// var fps_buf: [0x100]u8 = [_]u8{0x00} ** 0x100;
// var timer = Timer.start() catch unreachable;
// var title_buf: [0x30]u8 = [_]u8{0x00} ** 0x30;
emu_loop: while (true) {
var event: SDL.SDL_Event = undefined;
@ -167,8 +170,8 @@ pub fn main() anyerror!void {
// const fps = std.time.ns_per_s / timer.lap();
// const title = std.fmt.bufPrint(&title_buf, "ZBA FPS: {d}", .{fps}) catch unreachable;
// SDL.SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, title.ptr);
// const fps_title = std.fmt.bufPrint(&fps_buf, "{s} [FPS: {d}]", .{ title, fps }) catch unreachable;
// SDL.SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, fps_title.ptr);
pause.store(false, .Unordered);