119 lines
4.6 KiB
119 lines
4.6 KiB
const Bus = @import("../../Bus.zig");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("../../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const InstrFn = @import("../../cpu.zig").ThumbInstrFn;
const adc = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").adc;
const sbc = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").sbc;
const sub = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").sub;
const cmp = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").cmp;
const cmn = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").cmn;
const setTestOpFlags = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").setTestOpFlags;
const setLogicOpFlags = @import("../arm/data_processing.zig").setLogicOpFlags;
const logicalLeft = @import("../barrel_shifter.zig").logicalLeft;
const logicalRight = @import("../barrel_shifter.zig").logicalRight;
const arithmeticRight = @import("../barrel_shifter.zig").arithmeticRight;
const rotateRight = @import("../barrel_shifter.zig").rotateRight;
pub fn format4(comptime op: u4) InstrFn {
return struct {
fn inner(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u16) void {
const rs = opcode >> 3 & 0x7;
const rd = opcode & 0x7;
const carry = @boolToInt(cpu.cpsr.c.read());
switch (op) {
0x0 => {
// AND
const result = cpu.r[rd] & cpu.r[rs];
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x1 => {
// EOR
const result = cpu.r[rd] ^ cpu.r[rs];
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x2 => {
// LSL
const result = logicalLeft(true, &cpu.cpsr, cpu.r[rd], @truncate(u8, cpu.r[rs]));
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x3 => {
// LSR
const result = logicalRight(true, &cpu.cpsr, cpu.r[rd], @truncate(u8, cpu.r[rs]));
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x4 => {
// ASR
const result = arithmeticRight(true, &cpu.cpsr, cpu.r[rd], @truncate(u8, cpu.r[rs]));
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x5 => {
// ADC
cpu.r[rd] = adc(true, cpu, cpu.r[rd], cpu.r[rs], carry);
0x6 => {
// SBC
cpu.r[rd] = sbc(true, cpu, cpu.r[rd], cpu.r[rs], carry);
0x7 => {
// ROR
const result = rotateRight(true, &cpu.cpsr, cpu.r[rd], @truncate(u8, cpu.r[rs]));
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x8 => {
// TST
const result = cpu.r[rd] & cpu.r[rs];
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0x9 => {
// NEG
cpu.r[rd] = sub(true, cpu, 0, cpu.r[rs]);
0xA => {
// CMP
cmp(cpu, cpu.r[rd], cpu.r[rs]);
0xB => {
// CMN
cmn(cpu, cpu.r[rd], cpu.r[rs]);
0xC => {
// ORR
const result = cpu.r[rd] | cpu.r[rs];
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0xD => {
// MUL
const temp = @as(u64, cpu.r[rs]) * @as(u64, cpu.r[rd]);
const result = @truncate(u32, temp);
cpu.r[rd] = result;
cpu.cpsr.n.write(result >> 31 & 1 == 1);
cpu.cpsr.z.write(result == 0);
// V is unaffected, assuming similar behaviour to ARMv4 MUL C is undefined
0xE => {
// BIC
const result = cpu.r[rd] & ~cpu.r[rs];
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);
0xF => {
// MVN
const result = ~cpu.r[rs];
cpu.r[rd] = result;
setLogicOpFlags(true, cpu, result);