
54 lines
1.4 KiB

const io = @import("../../bus/io.zig");
const ToneSweep = @import("../ToneSweep.zig");
const Self = @This();
timer: u8 = 0,
enabled: bool = false,
shadow: u11 = 0,
calc_performed: bool = false,
pub fn create() Self {
return .{};
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.* = .{};
pub fn tick(self: *Self, ch1: *ToneSweep) void {
if (self.timer != 0) self.timer -= 1;
if (self.timer == 0) {
const period = ch1.sweep.period.read();
self.timer = if (period == 0) 8 else period;
if (self.enabled and period != 0) {
const new_freq = self.calculate(ch1.sweep, &ch1.enabled);
if (new_freq <= 0x7FF and ch1.sweep.shift.read() != 0) {
ch1.freq.frequency.write(@as(u11, @truncate(new_freq)));
self.shadow = @as(u11, @truncate(new_freq));
_ = self.calculate(ch1.sweep, &ch1.enabled);
/// Calculates the Sweep Frequency
pub fn calculate(self: *Self, sweep: io.Sweep, ch_enable: *bool) u12 {
const shadow = @as(u12, self.shadow);
const shadow_shifted = shadow >> sweep.shift.read();
const decrease = sweep.direction.read();
const freq = if (decrease) blk: {
self.calc_performed = true;
break :blk shadow - shadow_shifted;
} else shadow + shadow_shifted;
if (freq > 0x7FF) ch_enable.* = false;
return freq;