
262 lines
9.9 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const config = @import("../../config.zig");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("arm32").Arm7tdmi;
const Backup = @import("backup.zig").Backup;
const Gpio = @import("gpio.zig").Gpio;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const log = std.log.scoped(.GamePak);
const Self = @This();
title: [12]u8,
buf: []u8,
allocator: Allocator,
backup: Backup,
gpio: *Gpio,
pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF;
if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) {
if (self.buf.len > 0x100_0000) { // Large
// Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB)
if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF)
return self.backup.eeprom.read();
} else {
// Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Small ROM (less than 16MB)
if (@as(u8, @truncate(address >> 24)) == 0x0D)
return self.backup.eeprom.read();
if (self.gpio.cnt == 1) {
// GPIO Can be read from
// We assume that this will only be true when a ROM actually does want something from GPIO
switch (T) {
u32 => switch (address) {
// TODO: Do I even need to implement these?
0x0800_00C4 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Data/Direction Reads", .{}),
0x0800_00C6 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Direction/Control Reads", .{}),
0x0800_00C8 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Control Reads", .{}),
else => {},
u16 => switch (address) {
// FIXME: What do 16-bit GPIO Reads look like?
0x0800_00C4 => return self.gpio.read(.Data),
0x0800_00C6 => return self.gpio.read(.Direction),
0x0800_00C8 => return self.gpio.read(.Control),
else => {},
u8 => switch (address) {
0x0800_00C4 => return self.gpio.read(.Data),
0x0800_00C6 => return self.gpio.read(.Direction),
0x0800_00C8 => return self.gpio.read(.Control),
else => {},
else => @compileError("GamePak[GPIO]: Unsupported read width"),
return switch (T) {
u32 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 3)) << 24) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 2)) << 16) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | (@as(T, self.get(addr))),
u16 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | @as(T, self.get(addr)),
u8 => self.get(addr),
else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported read width"),
inline fn get(self: *const Self, i: u32) u8 {
if (i < self.buf.len) return self.buf[i];
const lhs = i >> 1 & 0xFFFF;
return @truncate(lhs >> 8 * @as(u5, @truncate(i & 1)));
pub fn dbgRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF;
if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) {
if (self.buf.len > 0x100_0000) { // Large
// Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB)
if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF)
return self.backup.eeprom.dbgRead();
} else {
// Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Small ROM (less than 16MB)
if (@as(u8, @truncate(address >> 24)) == 0x0D)
return self.backup.eeprom.dbgRead();
if (self.gpio.cnt == 1) {
// GPIO Can be read from
// We assume that this will only be true when a ROM actually does want something from GPIO
switch (T) {
u32 => switch (address) {
// FIXME: Do I even need to implement these?
0x0800_00C4 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Data/Direction Reads", .{}),
0x0800_00C6 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Direction/Control Reads", .{}),
0x0800_00C8 => std.debug.panic("Handle 32-bit GPIO Control Reads", .{}),
else => {},
u16 => switch (address) {
0x0800_00C4 => return self.gpio.read(.Data),
0x0800_00C6 => return self.gpio.read(.Direction),
0x0800_00C8 => return self.gpio.read(.Control),
else => {},
u8 => switch (address) {
0x0800_00C4 => return self.gpio.read(.Data),
0x0800_00C6 => return self.gpio.read(.Direction),
0x0800_00C8 => return self.gpio.read(.Control),
else => {},
else => @compileError("GamePak[GPIO]: Unsupported read width"),
return switch (T) {
u32 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 3)) << 24) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 2)) << 16) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | (@as(T, self.get(addr))),
u16 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | @as(T, self.get(addr)),
u8 => self.get(addr),
else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported read width"),
pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, word_count: u16, address: u32, value: T) void {
const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF;
if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) {
const bit: u1 = @truncate(value);
if (self.buf.len > 0x100_0000) { // Large
// Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB)
if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF)
return self.backup.eeprom.write(word_count, &self.backup.buf, bit);
} else {
// Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Small ROM (less than 16MB)
if (@as(u8, @truncate(address >> 24)) == 0x0D)
return self.backup.eeprom.write(word_count, &self.backup.buf, bit);
switch (T) {
u32 => switch (address) {
0x0800_00C4 => {
self.gpio.write(.Data, @as(u4, @truncate(value)));
self.gpio.write(.Direction, @as(u4, @truncate(value >> 16)));
0x0800_00C6 => {
self.gpio.write(.Direction, @as(u4, @truncate(value)));
self.gpio.write(.Control, @as(u1, @truncate(value >> 16)));
else => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:0>8} to 0x{X:0>8}, Unhandled", .{ T, value, address }),
u16 => switch (address) {
0x0800_00C4 => self.gpio.write(.Data, @as(u4, @truncate(value))),
0x0800_00C6 => self.gpio.write(.Direction, @as(u4, @truncate(value))),
0x0800_00C8 => self.gpio.write(.Control, @as(u1, @truncate(value))),
else => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:0>4} to 0x{X:0>8}, Unhandled", .{ T, value, address }),
u8 => log.debug("Wrote {} 0x{X:0>2} to 0x{X:0>8}, Ignored.", .{ T, value, address }),
else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported write width"),
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, maybe_rom: ?[]const u8, maybe_save: ?[]const u8) !Self {
const Device = Gpio.Device;
const items: struct { []u8, [12]u8, Backup.Kind, Device.Kind } = if (maybe_rom) |file_path| blk: {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_path, .{});
defer file.close();
const buffer = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try file.getEndPos());
const title = buffer[0xA0..0xAC];
logHeader(buffer, title);
const device_kind = if (config.config().guest.force_rtc) .Rtc else guessDevice(buffer);
break :blk .{ buffer, title.*, Backup.guess(buffer), device_kind };
} else .{ try allocator.alloc(u8, 0), [_]u8{0} ** 12, .None, .None };
const title = items[1];
return .{
.buf = items[0],
.allocator = allocator,
.title = title,
.backup = try Backup.init(allocator, items[2], title, maybe_save),
.gpio = try Gpio.init(allocator, cpu, items[3]),
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.* = undefined;
/// Searches the ROM to see if it can determine whether the ROM it's searching uses
/// any GPIO device, like a RTC for example.
fn guessDevice(buf: []const u8) Gpio.Device.Kind {
// Try to Guess if ROM uses RTC
const needle = "RTC_V"; // I was told SIIRTC_V, though Pokemen Firered (USA) is a false negative
// TODO: Use new for loop syntax?
var i: usize = 0;
while ((i + needle.len) < buf.len) : (i += 1) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, needle, buf[i..(i + needle.len)])) return .Rtc;
// TODO: Detect other GPIO devices
return .None;
fn logHeader(buf: []const u8, title: *const [12]u8) void {
const version = buf[0xBC];
log.info("Title: {s}", .{title});
if (version != 0) log.info("Version: {}", .{version});
log.info("Game Code: {s}", .{buf[0xAC..0xB0]});
log.info("Maker Code: {s}", .{buf[0xB0..0xB2]});
test "OOB Access" {
const title = .{ 'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', ' ', 'W', 'O', 'R', 'L', 'D', '!' };
const alloc = std.testing.allocator;
const pak = Self{
.buf = &.{},
.alloc = alloc,
.title = title,
.backup = try Backup.init(alloc, .None, title, null),
std.debug.assert(pak.get(0) == 0x00); // 0x0000
std.debug.assert(pak.get(1) == 0x00);
std.debug.assert(pak.get(2) == 0x01); // 0x0001
std.debug.assert(pak.get(3) == 0x00);
std.debug.assert(pak.get(4) == 0x02); // 0x0002
std.debug.assert(pak.get(5) == 0x00);