
76 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("arm32").Arm7tdmi;
const Bank = @import("arm32").Arm7tdmi.Bank;
const Bus = @import("Bus.zig");
pub inline fn isHalted(cpu: *const Arm7tdmi) bool {
const bus_ptr = @ptrCast(*Bus, @alignCast(@alignOf(Bus), cpu.bus.ptr));
return bus_ptr.io.haltcnt == .Halt;
pub fn stepDmaTransfer(cpu: *Arm7tdmi) bool {
const bus_ptr = @ptrCast(*Bus, @alignCast(@alignOf(Bus), cpu.bus.ptr));
inline for (0..4) |i| {
if (bus_ptr.dma[i].in_progress) {
return true;
return false;
pub fn handleInterrupt(cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void {
const bus_ptr = @ptrCast(*Bus, @alignCast(@alignOf(Bus), cpu.bus.ptr));
const should_handle = bus_ptr.io.ie.raw & bus_ptr.io.irq.raw;
// Return if IME is disabled, CPSR I is set or there is nothing to handle
if (!bus_ptr.io.ime or cpu.cpsr.i.read() or should_handle == 0) return;
// If Pipeline isn't full, we have a bug
// log.debug("Handling Interrupt!", .{});
bus_ptr.io.haltcnt = .Execute;
// FIXME: This seems weird, but retAddr.gba suggests I need to make these changes
const ret_addr = cpu.r[15] - if (cpu.cpsr.t.read()) 0 else @as(u32, 4);
const new_spsr = cpu.cpsr.raw;
cpu.r[14] = ret_addr;
cpu.spsr.raw = new_spsr;
cpu.r[15] = 0x0000_0018;
/// Advances state so that the BIOS is skipped
/// Note: This accesses the CPU's bus ptr so it only may be called
/// once the Bus has been properly initialized
/// TODO: Make above notice impossible to do in code
pub fn fastBoot(cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void {
const bus_ptr = @ptrCast(*Bus, @alignCast(@alignOf(Bus), cpu.bus.ptr));
cpu.r = std.mem.zeroes([16]u32);
// cpu.r[0] = 0x08000000;
// cpu.r[1] = 0x000000EA;
cpu.r[13] = 0x0300_7F00;
cpu.r[15] = 0x0800_0000;
cpu.bank.r[Bank.regIdx(.Irq, .R13)] = 0x0300_7FA0;
cpu.bank.r[Bank.regIdx(.Supervisor, .R13)] = 0x0300_7FE0;
// cpu.cpsr.raw = 0x6000001F;
cpu.cpsr.raw = 0x0000_001F;
bus_ptr.bios.addr_latch = 0x0000_00DC + 8;