
225 lines
7.3 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const config = @import("../config.zig");
const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Tracker = @import("../util.zig").FpsTracker;
const Timer = std.time.Timer;
const Atomic = std.atomic.Atomic;
/// 4 Cycles in 1 dot
const cycles_per_dot = 4;
/// The GBA draws 228 Horizontal which each consist 308 dots
/// (note: not all lines are visible)
const cycles_per_frame = 228 * (308 * cycles_per_dot); //280896
/// The GBA ARM7TDMI runs at 2^24 Hz
const clock_rate = 1 << 24; // 16.78MHz
/// The # of nanoseconds a frame should take
const frame_period = (std.time.ns_per_s * cycles_per_frame) / clock_rate;
/// Exact Value: 59.7275005696Hz
/// The inverse of the frame period
pub const frame_rate: f64 = @intToFloat(f64, clock_rate) / cycles_per_frame;
const log = std.log.scoped(.Emulation);
const RunKind = enum {
pub fn run(quit: *Atomic(bool), pause: *Atomic(bool), cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: *Tracker) void {
const audio_sync = config.config().guest.audio_sync and !config.config().host.mute;
if (audio_sync) log.info("Audio sync enabled", .{});
if (config.config().guest.video_sync) {
inner(.LimitedFPS, audio_sync, quit, pause, cpu, scheduler, tracker);
} else {
inner(.UnlimitedFPS, audio_sync, quit, pause, cpu, scheduler, tracker);
fn inner(comptime kind: RunKind, audio_sync: bool, quit: *Atomic(bool), pause: *Atomic(bool), cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: ?*Tracker) void {
if (kind == .UnlimitedFPS or kind == .LimitedFPS) {
std.debug.assert(tracker != null);
log.info("FPS tracking enabled", .{});
switch (kind) {
.Unlimited, .UnlimitedFPS => {
log.info("Emulation w/out video sync", .{});
while (!quit.load(.Monotonic)) {
if (pause.load(.Monotonic)) continue;
runFrame(scheduler, cpu);
audioSync(audio_sync, cpu.bus.apu.stream, &cpu.bus.apu.is_buffer_full);
if (kind == .UnlimitedFPS) tracker.?.tick();
.Limited, .LimitedFPS => {
log.info("Emulation w/ video sync", .{});
var timer = Timer.start() catch @panic("failed to initalize std.timer.Timer");
var wake_time: u64 = frame_period;
while (!quit.load(.Monotonic)) {
if (pause.load(.Monotonic)) continue;
runFrame(scheduler, cpu);
const new_wake_time = videoSync(&timer, wake_time);
// Spin to make up the difference of OS scheduler innacuracies
// If we happen to also be syncing to audio, we choose to spin on
// the amount of time needed for audio to catch up rather than
// our expected wake-up time
audioSync(audio_sync, cpu.bus.apu.stream, &cpu.bus.apu.is_buffer_full);
if (!audio_sync) spinLoop(&timer, wake_time);
wake_time = new_wake_time;
if (kind == .LimitedFPS) tracker.?.tick();
pub fn runFrame(sched: *Scheduler, cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void {
const frame_end = sched.tick + cycles_per_frame;
while (sched.tick < frame_end) {
if (!cpu.stepDmaTransfer()) {
if (cpu.isHalted()) {
// Fast-forward to next Event
sched.tick = sched.nextTimestamp();
} else {
if (sched.tick >= sched.nextTimestamp()) sched.handleEvent(cpu);
fn audioSync(audio_sync: bool, stream: *SDL.SDL_AudioStream, is_buffer_full: *bool) void {
comptime std.debug.assert(@import("../platform.zig").sample_format == SDL.AUDIO_U16);
const sample_size = 2 * @sizeOf(u16);
const max_buf_size: c_int = 0x400;
// Determine whether the APU is busy right at this moment
var still_full: bool = SDL.SDL_AudioStreamAvailable(stream) > sample_size * if (is_buffer_full.*) max_buf_size >> 1 else max_buf_size;
defer is_buffer_full.* = still_full; // Update APU Busy status right before exiting scope
// If Busy is false, there's no need to sync here
if (!still_full) return;
while (true) {
still_full = SDL.SDL_AudioStreamAvailable(stream) > sample_size * max_buf_size >> 1;
if (!audio_sync or !still_full) break;
fn videoSync(timer: *Timer, wake_time: u64) u64 {
// Use the OS scheduler to put the emulation thread to sleep
const recalculated = sleep(timer, wake_time);
// If sleep() determined we need to adjust our wake up time, do so
// otherwise predict our next wake up time according to the frame period
return recalculated orelse wake_time + frame_period;
// TODO: Better sleep impl?
fn sleep(timer: *Timer, wake_time: u64) ?u64 {
const timestamp = timer.read();
// ns_late is non zero if we are late.
var ns_late = timestamp -| wake_time;
// If we're more than a frame late, skip the rest of this loop
// Recalculate what our new wake time should be so that we can
// get "back on track"
if (ns_late > frame_period) return timestamp + frame_period;
const sleep_for = frame_period - ns_late;
const step = 2 * std.time.ns_per_ms; // Granularity of 2ms
const times = sleep_for / step;
for (0..times) |_| {
// Upon wakeup, check to see if this particular sleep was longer than expected
// if so we should exit early, but probably not skip a whole frame period
ns_late = timer.read() -| wake_time;
if (ns_late > frame_period) return null;
return null;
fn spinLoop(timer: *Timer, wake_time: u64) void {
while (true) if (timer.read() > wake_time) break;
pub const EmuThing = struct {
const Self = @This();
const Interface = @import("gdbstub").Emulator;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
cpu: *Arm7tdmi,
scheduler: *Scheduler,
pub fn init(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler) Self {
return .{ .cpu = cpu, .scheduler = scheduler };
pub fn interface(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) Interface {
return Interface.init(allocator, self);
pub fn read(self: *const Self, addr: u32) u8 {
return self.cpu.bus.dbgRead(u8, addr);
pub fn write(self: *Self, addr: u32, value: u8) void {
self.cpu.bus.dbgWrite(u8, addr, value);
pub fn registers(self: *const Self) *[16]u32 {
return &self.cpu.r;
pub fn cpsr(self: *const Self) u32 {
return self.cpu.cpsr.raw;
pub fn step(self: *Self) void {
const cpu = self.cpu;
const sched = self.scheduler;
// Is true when we have executed one (1) instruction
var did_step: bool = false;
// TODO: How can I make it easier to keep this in lock-step with runFrame?
while (!did_step) {
if (!cpu.stepDmaTransfer()) {
if (cpu.isHalted()) {
// Fast-forward to next Event
sched.tick = sched.queue.peek().?.tick;
} else {
did_step = true;
if (sched.tick >= sched.nextTimestamp()) sched.handleEvent(cpu);