
465 lines
15 KiB

//! Namespace for dealing with ZBA's immediate-mode GUI
//! Currently, ZBA uses zgui from https://github.com/michal-z/zig-gamedev
//! which provides Zig bindings for https://github.com/ocornut/imgui under the hood
const std = @import("std");
const zgui = @import("zgui");
const gl = @import("gl");
const nfd = @import("nfd");
const config = @import("config.zig");
const emu = @import("core/emu.zig");
const Gui = @import("platform.zig").Gui;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("core/cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const RingBuffer = @import("zba-util").RingBuffer;
const Dimensions = @import("platform.zig").Dimensions;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const GLuint = gl.GLuint;
const gba_width = @import("core/ppu.zig").width;
const gba_height = @import("core/ppu.zig").height;
const log = std.log.scoped(.Imgui);
// two seconds worth of fps values into the past
const histogram_len = 0x80;
/// Immediate-Mode GUI State
pub const State = struct {
title: [12:0]u8,
fps_hist: RingBuffer(u32),
should_quit: bool = false,
emulation: Emulation,
win_stat: WindowStatus = .{},
const WindowStatus = struct {
show_deps: bool = false,
show_regs: bool = false,
show_schedule: bool = false,
show_perf: bool = false,
show_palette: bool = false,
const Emulation = union(enum) {
Transition: enum { Active, Inactive },
/// if zba is initialized with a ROM already provided, this initializer should be called
/// with `title_opt` being non-null
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, title_opt: ?*const [12]u8) !@This() {
const history = try allocator.alloc(u32, histogram_len);
return .{
.title = handleTitle(title_opt),
.emulation = if (title_opt == null) .Inactive else .{ .Transition = .Active },
.fps_hist = RingBuffer(u32).init(history),
pub fn deinit(self: *@This(), allocator: Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn draw(state: *State, win_dim: Dimensions, tex_id: GLuint, cpu: *Arm7tdmi) bool {
const scn_scale = config.config().host.win_scale;
zgui.backend.newFrame(@intToFloat(f32, win_dim.width), @intToFloat(f32, win_dim.height));
_ = zgui.beginMainMenuBar();
defer zgui.endMainMenuBar();
if (zgui.beginMenu("File", true)) {
defer zgui.endMenu();
if (zgui.menuItem("Quit", .{}))
state.should_quit = true;
if (zgui.menuItem("Insert ROM", .{})) blk: {
const maybe_path = nfd.openFileDialog("gba", null) catch |e| {
log.err("failed to open file dialog: {}", .{e});
break :blk;
const file_path = maybe_path orelse {
log.warn("did not receive a file path", .{});
break :blk;
defer nfd.freePath(file_path);
log.info("user chose: \"{s}\"", .{file_path});
emu.replaceGamepak(cpu, file_path) catch |e| {
log.err("failed to replace GamePak: {}", .{e});
break :blk;
state.title = handleTitle(&cpu.bus.pak.title);
state.emulation = .{ .Transition = .Active };
if (zgui.beginMenu("Emulation", true)) {
defer zgui.endMenu();
if (zgui.menuItem("Registers", .{ .selected = state.win_stat.show_regs }))
state.win_stat.show_regs = true;
if (zgui.menuItem("Palette", .{ .selected = state.win_stat.show_palette }))
state.win_stat.show_palette = true;
if (zgui.menuItem("Schedule", .{ .selected = state.win_stat.show_schedule }))
state.win_stat.show_schedule = true;
if (zgui.menuItem("Paused", .{ .selected = state.emulation == .Inactive })) {
state.emulation = switch (state.emulation) {
.Active => .{ .Transition = .Inactive },
.Inactive => .{ .Transition = .Active },
else => state.emulation,
if (zgui.menuItem("Restart", .{}))
if (zgui.beginMenu("Stats", true)) {
defer zgui.endMenu();
if (zgui.menuItem("Performance", .{ .selected = state.win_stat.show_perf }))
state.win_stat.show_perf = true;
if (zgui.beginMenu("Help", true)) {
defer zgui.endMenu();
if (zgui.menuItem("Dependencies", .{ .selected = state.win_stat.show_deps }))
state.win_stat.show_deps = true;
const w = @intToFloat(f32, gba_width * scn_scale);
const h = @intToFloat(f32, gba_height * scn_scale);
const window_title = std.mem.sliceTo(&state.title, 0);
_ = zgui.begin(window_title, .{ .flags = .{ .no_resize = true, .always_auto_resize = true } });
defer zgui.end();
zgui.image(@intToPtr(*anyopaque, tex_id), .{ .w = w, .h = h, .uv0 = .{ 0, 1 }, .uv1 = .{ 1, 0 } });
// TODO: Any other steps to respect the copyright of the libraries I use?
if (state.win_stat.show_deps) {
_ = zgui.begin("Dependencies", .{ .popen = &state.win_stat.show_deps });
defer zgui.end();
zgui.bulletText("SDL.zig by Felix Queißner", .{});
defer zgui.unindent(.{});
zgui.bulletText("SDL by Sam Lantinga", .{});
zgui.bulletText("known-folders by ziglibs", .{});
zgui.bulletText("nfd-zig by Fabio Arnold", .{});
defer zgui.unindent(.{});
zgui.bulletText("nativefiledialog by Michael Labbe", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zba-gdbstub by Rekai Musuka", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zba-util by Rekai Musuka", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zgui by Michal Ziulek", .{});
defer zgui.unindent(.{});
zgui.bulletText("DearImGui by Omar Cornut", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zig-clap by Jimmi Holst Christensen", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zig-datetime by Jairus Martin", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zig-opengl by Felix Queißner", .{});
defer zgui.unindent(.{});
zgui.bulletText("OpenGL-Registry by The Khronos Group", .{});
zgui.bulletText("zig-toml by Aeron Avery", .{});
zgui.bulletText("bitfield.zig by Hannes Bredberg and FlorenceOS contributors", .{});
if (state.win_stat.show_regs) {
_ = zgui.begin("Guest Registers", .{ .popen = &state.win_stat.show_regs });
defer zgui.end();
for (0..8) |i| {
zgui.text("R{}: 0x{X:0>8}", .{ i, cpu.r[i] });
const padding = if (8 + i < 10) " " else "";
zgui.text("{s}R{}: 0x{X:0>8}", .{ padding, 8 + i, cpu.r[8 + i] });
widgets.psr("CPSR", cpu.cpsr);
widgets.psr("SPSR", cpu.spsr);
widgets.interrupts(" IE", cpu.bus.io.ie);
widgets.interrupts("IRQ", cpu.bus.io.irq);
if (state.win_stat.show_perf) {
_ = zgui.begin("Performance", .{ .popen = &state.win_stat.show_perf });
defer zgui.end();
const tmp = blk: {
var buf: [histogram_len]u32 = undefined;
const len = state.fps_hist.copy(&buf);
break :blk .{ buf, len };
const values = tmp[0];
const len = tmp[1];
if (len == values.len) _ = state.fps_hist.pop();
const sorted = blk: {
var buf: @TypeOf(values) = undefined;
@memcpy(buf[0..len], values[0..len]);
std.mem.sort(u32, buf[0..len], {}, std.sort.asc(u32));
break :blk buf;
const y_max = 2 * if (len != 0) @intToFloat(f64, sorted[len - 1]) else emu.frame_rate;
const x_max = @intToFloat(f64, values.len);
const y_args = .{ .flags = .{ .no_grid_lines = true } };
const x_args = .{ .flags = .{ .no_grid_lines = true, .no_tick_labels = true, .no_tick_marks = true } };
if (zgui.plot.beginPlot("Emulation FPS", .{ .w = 0.0, .flags = .{ .no_title = true, .no_frame = true } })) {
defer zgui.plot.endPlot();
zgui.plot.setupLegend(.{ .north = true, .east = true }, .{});
zgui.plot.setupAxis(.x1, x_args);
zgui.plot.setupAxis(.y1, y_args);
zgui.plot.setupAxisLimits(.y1, .{ .min = 0.0, .max = y_max, .cond = .always });
zgui.plot.setupAxisLimits(.x1, .{ .min = 0.0, .max = x_max, .cond = .always });
zgui.plot.plotLineValues("FPS", u32, .{ .v = values[0..len] });
const stats: struct { u32, u32, u32 } = blk: {
if (len == 0) break :blk .{ 0, 0, 0 };
const average = average: {
var sum: u32 = 0;
for (sorted[0..len]) |value| sum += value;
break :average @intCast(u32, sum / len);
const median = sorted[len / 2];
const low = sorted[len / 100]; // 1% Low
break :blk .{ average, median, low };
zgui.text("Average: {:0>3} fps", .{stats[0]});
zgui.text(" Median: {:0>3} fps", .{stats[1]});
zgui.text(" 1% Low: {:0>3} fps", .{stats[2]});
if (state.win_stat.show_schedule) {
_ = zgui.begin("Schedule", .{ .popen = &state.win_stat.show_schedule });
defer zgui.end();
const scheduler = cpu.sched;
zgui.text("tick: {X:0>16}", .{scheduler.tick});
const Event = std.meta.Child(@TypeOf(scheduler.queue.items));
var items: [20]Event = undefined;
const len = scheduler.queue.len;
@memcpy(&items, scheduler.queue.items);
std.mem.sort(Event, items[0..len], {}, widgets.eventDesc(Event));
for (items[0..len]) |event| {
zgui.text("{X:0>16} | {?}", .{ event.tick, event.kind });
if (state.win_stat.show_palette) {
_ = zgui.begin("Palette", .{ .popen = &state.win_stat.show_palette });
defer zgui.end();
widgets.paletteGrid(.Background, cpu);
zgui.sameLine(.{ .spacing = 20.0 });
widgets.paletteGrid(.Object, cpu);
return true; // request redraw
const widgets = struct {
const PaletteKind = enum { Background, Object };
fn paletteGrid(comptime kind: PaletteKind, cpu: *const Arm7tdmi) void {
_ = zgui.beginGroup();
defer zgui.endGroup();
const address: u32 = switch (kind) {
.Background => 0x0500_0000,
.Object => 0x0500_0200,
for (0..0x100) |i| {
const offset = @truncate(u32, i);
const bgr555 = cpu.bus.dbgRead(u16, address + offset * @sizeOf(u16));
if ((i + 1) % 0x10 != 0) zgui.sameLine(.{});
zgui.text(@tagName(kind), .{});
fn colourSquare(bgr555: u16) void {
// FIXME: working with the packed struct enum is currently broken :pensive:
const ImguiColorEditFlags_NoInputs: u32 = 1 << 5;
const ImguiColorEditFlags_NoPicker: u32 = 1 << 2;
const flags = @bitCast(zgui.ColorEditFlags, ImguiColorEditFlags_NoInputs | ImguiColorEditFlags_NoPicker);
const b = @intToFloat(f32, bgr555 >> 10 & 0x1f);
const g = @intToFloat(f32, bgr555 >> 5 & 0x1F);
const r = @intToFloat(f32, bgr555 & 0x1F);
var col = [_]f32{ r / 31.0, g / 31.0, b / 31.0 };
_ = zgui.colorEdit3("", .{ .col = &col, .flags = flags });
fn interrupts(comptime label: []const u8, int: anytype) void {
const h = 15.0;
const w = 9.0 * 2 + 3.5;
const ww = 9.0 * 3;
zgui.text(label ++ ":", .{});
_ = zgui.selectable("VBL", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.vblank.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("HBL", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.hblank.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("VCT", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.coincidence.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("TIM0", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.tim0.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("TIM1", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.tim1.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("TIM2", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.tim2.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("TIM3", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.tim3.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("SRL", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.serial.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("DMA0", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.dma0.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("DMA1", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.dma1.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("DMA2", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.dma2.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("DMA3", .{ .w = ww, .h = h, .selected = int.dma3.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("KPD", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.keypad.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("GPK", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = int.game_pak.read() });
fn psr(comptime label: []const u8, register: anytype) void {
const Mode = @import("core/cpu.zig").Mode;
const maybe_mode = std.meta.intToEnum(Mode, register.mode.read()) catch null;
const mode = if (maybe_mode) |mode| mode.toString() else "???";
const w = 9.0;
const h = 15.0;
zgui.text(label ++ ": 0x{X:0>8}", .{register.raw});
_ = zgui.selectable("N", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = register.n.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("Z", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = register.z.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("C", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = register.c.read() });
_ = zgui.selectable("V", .{ .w = w, .h = h, .selected = register.v.read() });
zgui.text("{s}", .{mode});
fn eventDesc(comptime T: type) fn (void, T, T) bool {
return struct {
fn inner(_: void, left: T, right: T) bool {
return left.tick > right.tick;
fn handleTitle(title_opt: ?*const [12]u8) [12:0]u8 {
if (title_opt == null) return "[N/A Title]\x00".*; // No ROM present
const title = title_opt.?;
// ROM Title is an empty string (ImGui hates these)
if (title[0] == '\x00') return "[No Title]\x00\x00".*;
return title.* ++ [_:0]u8{};