chore: move Gpio and Clock structs to separate file

This commit is contained in:
Rekai Nyangadzayi Musuka 2022-09-18 00:37:45 -03:00
parent d3efa432fa
commit fa3b9c21b9
3 changed files with 467 additions and 463 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit;
const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield;
const DateTime = @import("datetime").datetime.Datetime;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit;
const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield;
const Backup = @import("backup.zig").Backup;
const Gpio = @import("gpio.zig").Gpio;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const force_rtc = @import("../emu.zig").force_rtc;
@ -239,463 +240,3 @@ test "OOB Access" {
std.debug.assert(pak.get(4) == 0x02); // 0x0002
std.debug.assert(pak.get(5) == 0x00);
/// GPIO Register Implementation
const Gpio = struct {
const This = @This();
data: u4,
direction: u4,
cnt: u1,
device: Device,
const Device = struct {
ptr: ?*anyopaque,
kind: Kind, // TODO: Make comptime known?
const Kind = enum { Rtc, None };
fn step(self: *Device, value: u4) u4 {
return switch (self.kind) {
.Rtc => blk: {
const clock = @ptrCast(*Clock, @alignCast(@alignOf(*Clock), self.ptr.?));
break :blk clock.step(Clock.Data{ .raw = value });
.None => value,
fn init(kind: Kind, ptr: ?*anyopaque) Device {
return .{ .kind = kind, .ptr = ptr };
const Register = enum {
fn init(allocator: Allocator, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, kind: Device.Kind) !*This {"Device: {}", .{kind});
const self = try allocator.create(This);
self.* = .{
.data = 0b0000,
.direction = 0b1111, // TODO: What is GPIO DIrection set to by default?
.cnt = 0b0,
.device = switch (kind) {
.Rtc => blk: {
const clock = try allocator.create(Clock);
clock.init(cpu, self);
break :blk Device{ .kind = kind, .ptr = clock };
.None => Device{ .kind = kind, .ptr = null },
return self;
fn deinit(self: *This, allocator: Allocator) void {
switch (self.device.kind) {
.Rtc => {
allocator.destroy(@ptrCast(*Clock, @alignCast(@alignOf(*Clock), self.device.ptr.?)));
.None => {},
self.* = undefined;
fn write(self: *This, comptime reg: Register, value: if (reg == .Control) u1 else u4) void {
switch (reg) {
.Data => {
const masked_value = value & self.direction;
// The value which is actually stored in the GPIO register
// might be modified by the device implementing the GPIO interface e.g. RTC reads = self.device.step(masked_value);
.Direction => self.direction = value,
.Control => self.cnt = value,
fn read(self: *const This, comptime reg: Register) if (reg == .Control) u1 else u4 {
if (self.cnt == 0) return 0;
return switch (reg) {
.Data => & ~self.direction,
.Direction => self.direction,
.Control => self.cnt,
/// GBA Real Time Clock
pub const Clock = struct {
const This = @This();
writer: Writer,
reader: Reader,
state: State,
cnt: Control,
year: u8,
month: u5,
day: u6,
weekday: u3,
hour: u6,
minute: u7,
second: u7,
cpu: *Arm7tdmi,
gpio: *const Gpio,
const Register = enum {
const State = union(enum) {
Write: Register,
Read: Register,
const Reader = struct {
i: u4,
count: u8,
/// Reads a bit from RTC registers. Which bit it reads is dependent on
/// 1. The RTC State Machine, whitch tells us which register we're accessing
/// 2. A `count`, which keeps track of which byte is currently being read
/// 3. An index, which keeps track of which bit of the byte determined by `count` is being read
fn read(self: *Reader, clock: *const Clock, register: Register) u1 {
const idx = @intCast(u3, self.i);
defer self.i += 1;
// FIXME: What do I do about the unused bits?
return switch (register) {
.Control => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
0 => clock.cnt.raw >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 1 byte)", .{ self.count, register }),
.DateTime => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
// Date
0 => clock.year >> idx,
1 => @as(u8, clock.month) >> idx,
2 => @as(u8, >> idx,
3 => @as(u8, clock.weekday) >> idx,
// Time
4 => @as(u8, clock.hour) >> idx,
5 => @as(u8, clock.minute) >> idx,
6 => @as(u8, clock.second) >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 7 bytes)", .{ self.count, register }),
.Time => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
0 => @as(u8, clock.hour) >> idx,
1 => @as(u8, clock.minute) >> idx,
2 => @as(u8, clock.second) >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 3 bytes)", .{ self.count, register }),
/// Is true when a Reader has read a u8's worth of bits
fn finished(self: *const Reader) bool {
return self.i >= 8;
/// Resets the index used to shift bits out of RTC registers
/// and `count`, which is used to keep track of which byte we're reading
/// is incremeneted
fn lap(self: *Reader) void {
self.i = 0;
self.count += 1;
/// Resets the state of a `Reader` in preparation for a future
/// read command
fn reset(self: *Reader) void {
self.i = 0;
self.count = 0;
const Writer = struct {
buf: u8,
i: u4,
/// The Number of bytes written since last reset
count: u8,
/// Append a bit to the internal bit buffer (aka an integer)
fn push(self: *Writer, value: u1) void {
const idx = @intCast(u3, self.i);
self.buf = (self.buf & ~(@as(u8, 1) << idx)) | @as(u8, value) << idx;
self.i += 1;
/// Takes the contents of the internal buffer and writes it to an RTC register
/// Where it writes to is dependent on:
/// 1. The RTC State Machine, whitch tells us which register we're accessing
/// 2. A `count`, which keeps track of which byte is currently being read
fn write(self: *const Writer, clock: *Clock, register: Register) void {
// FIXME: What do do about unused bits?
switch (register) {
.Control => switch (self.count) {
0 => clock.cnt.raw = (clock.cnt.raw & 0x80) | (self.buf & 0x7F), // Bit 7 read-only
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to write to byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 1 byte)", .{ self.count, register }),
.DateTime, .Time => log.debug("RTC: Ignoring {} write", .{register}),
/// Is true when 8 bits have been shifted into the internal buffer
fn finished(self: *const Writer) bool {
return self.i >= 8;
/// Resets the internal buffer
/// resets the index used to shift bits into the internal buffer
/// increments `count` (which keeps track of byte offsets) by one
fn lap(self: *Writer) void {
self.buf = 0;
self.i = 0;
self.count += 1;
/// Resets `Writer` to a clean state in preparation for a future write command
fn reset(self: *Writer) void {
self.buf = 0;
self.i = 0;
self.count = 0;
const Data = extern union {
sck: Bit(u8, 0),
sio: Bit(u8, 1),
cs: Bit(u8, 2),
raw: u8,
const Control = extern union {
/// Unknown, value should be preserved though
unk: Bit(u8, 1),
/// Per-minute IRQ
/// If set, fire a Gamepak IRQ every 30s,
irq: Bit(u8, 3),
/// 12/24 Hour Bit
/// If set, 12h mode
/// If cleared, 24h mode
mode: Bit(u8, 6),
/// Read-Only, bit cleared on read
/// If is set, means that there has been a failure / time has been lost
off: Bit(u8, 7),
raw: u8,
fn init(ptr: *This, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, gpio: *const Gpio) void {
ptr.* = .{
.writer = .{ .buf = 0, .i = 0, .count = 0 },
.reader = .{ .i = 0, .count = 0 },
.state = .Idle,
.cnt = .{ .raw = 0 },
.year = 0x01,
.month = 0x6,
.day = 0x13,
.weekday = 0x3,
.hour = 0x23,
.minute = 0x59,
.second = 0x59,
.cpu = cpu,
.gpio = gpio, // Can't use Arm7tdmi ptr b/c not initialized yet
cpu.sched.push(.RealTimeClock, 1 << 24); // Every Second
pub fn updateTime(self: *This, late: u64) void {
self.cpu.sched.push(.RealTimeClock, (1 << 24) -| late); // Reschedule
const now =;
self.year = toBcd(u8, @intCast(u8, - 2000));
self.month = toBcd(u5,; = toBcd(u6,;
self.weekday = toBcd(u3, ( + 1) % 7); // API is Monday = 0, Sunday = 6. We want Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6
self.hour = toBcd(u6, now.time.hour);
self.minute = toBcd(u7, now.time.minute);
self.second = toBcd(u7, now.time.second);
fn step(self: *This, value: Data) u4 {
const cache: Data = .{ .raw = };
return switch (self.state) {
.Idle => blk: {
// FIXME: Maybe check incoming value to see if SCK is also high?
if ( {
if (! and {
log.debug("RTC: Entering Command Mode", .{});
self.state = .Command;
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Command => blk: {
if (! log.err("RTC: Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
// If SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
if (self.writer.finished()) {
self.state = self.processCommand(self.writer.buf);
log.debug("RTC: Switching to {}", .{self.state});
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Write => |register| blk: {
if (! log.err("RTC: Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
// If SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
const register_width: u32 = switch (register) {
.Control => 1,
.DateTime => 7,
.Time => 3,
if (self.writer.finished()) {
self.writer.write(self, register); // write inner buffer to RTC register
if (self.writer.count == register_width) {
self.state = .Idle;
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Read => |register| blk: {
if (! log.err("RTC: Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
var ret = value;
// if SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
ret.sio.write(, register) == 0b1);
const register_width: u32 = switch (register) {
.Control => 1,
.DateTime => 7,
.Time => 3,
if (self.reader.finished()) {
if (self.reader.count == register_width) {
self.state = .Idle;
break :blk @truncate(u4, ret.raw);
fn reset(self: *This) void {
// mGBA and NBA only zero the control register. We will do the same
log.debug("RTC: Reset (control register was zeroed)", .{});
self.cnt.raw = 0;
fn irq(self: *This) void {
// TODO: Confirm that this is the right behaviour
log.debug("RTC: Force GamePak IRQ", .{});;
fn processCommand(self: *This, raw_command: u8) State {
const command = blk: {
// If High Nybble is 0x6, no need to switch the endianness
if (raw_command >> 4 & 0xF == 0x6) break :blk raw_command;
// Turns out reversing the order of bits isn't trivial at all
var ret = raw_command;
ret = (ret & 0xF0) >> 4 | (ret & 0x0F) << 4;
ret = (ret & 0xCC) >> 2 | (ret & 0x33) << 2;
ret = (ret & 0xAA) >> 1 | (ret & 0x55) << 1;
break :blk ret;
log.debug("RTC: Handling Command 0x{X:0>2} [0b{b:0>8}]", .{ command, command });
const is_write = command & 1 == 0;
const rtc_register = @truncate(u3, command >> 1 & 0x7);
if (is_write) {
return switch (rtc_register) {
0 => blk: {
break :blk .Idle;
1 => .{ .Write = .Control },
2 => .{ .Write = .DateTime },
3 => .{ .Write = .Time },
6 => blk: {
break :blk .Idle;
4, 5, 7 => .Idle,
} else {
return switch (rtc_register) {
1 => .{ .Read = .Control },
2 => .{ .Read = .DateTime },
3 => .{ .Read = .Time },
0, 4, 5, 6, 7 => .Idle, // Do Nothing
fn toBcd(comptime T: type, value: u8) T {
var input = value;
var ret: u8 = 0;
var shift: u3 = 0;
while (input > 0) {
ret |= (input % 10) << (shift << 2);
shift += 1;
input /= 10;
return @truncate(T, ret);

src/core/bus/gpio.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit;
const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield;
const DateTime = @import("datetime").datetime.Datetime;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
/// GPIO Register Implementation
pub const Gpio = struct {
const Self = @This();
const log = std.log.scoped(.Gpio);
data: u4,
direction: u4,
cnt: u1,
device: Device,
const Register = enum { Data, Direction, Control };
pub const Device = struct {
ptr: ?*anyopaque,
kind: Kind, // TODO: Make comptime known?
pub const Kind = enum { Rtc, None };
fn step(self: *Device, value: u4) u4 {
return switch (self.kind) {
.Rtc => blk: {
const clock = @ptrCast(*Clock, @alignCast(@alignOf(*Clock), self.ptr.?));
break :blk clock.step(Clock.Data{ .raw = value });
.None => value,
fn init(kind: Kind, ptr: ?*anyopaque) Device {
return .{ .kind = kind, .ptr = ptr };
pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime reg: Register, value: if (reg == .Control) u1 else u4) void {
switch (reg) {
.Data => {
const masked_value = value & self.direction;
// The value which is actually stored in the GPIO register
// might be modified by the device implementing the GPIO interface e.g. RTC reads = self.device.step(masked_value);
.Direction => self.direction = value,
.Control => self.cnt = value,
pub fn read(self: *const Self, comptime reg: Register) if (reg == .Control) u1 else u4 {
if (self.cnt == 0) return 0;
return switch (reg) {
.Data => & ~self.direction,
.Direction => self.direction,
.Control => self.cnt,
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, kind: Device.Kind) !*Self {"Device: {}", .{kind});
const self = try allocator.create(Self);
self.* = .{
.data = 0b0000,
.direction = 0b1111, // TODO: What is GPIO DIrection set to by default?
.cnt = 0b0,
.device = switch (kind) {
.Rtc => blk: {
const clock = try allocator.create(Clock);
clock.init(cpu, self);
break :blk Device{ .kind = kind, .ptr = clock };
.None => Device{ .kind = kind, .ptr = null },
return self;
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
switch (self.device.kind) {
.Rtc => allocator.destroy(@ptrCast(*Clock, @alignCast(@alignOf(*Clock), self.device.ptr.?))),
.None => {},
self.* = undefined;
/// GBA Real Time Clock
pub const Clock = struct {
const Self = @This();
const log = std.log.scoped(.Rtc);
writer: Writer,
reader: Reader,
state: State,
cnt: Control,
year: u8,
month: u5,
day: u6,
weekday: u3,
hour: u6,
minute: u7,
second: u7,
cpu: *Arm7tdmi,
gpio: *const Gpio,
const Register = enum {
const State = union(enum) {
Write: Register,
Read: Register,
const Reader = struct {
i: u4,
count: u8,
/// Reads a bit from RTC registers. Which bit it reads is dependent on
/// 1. The RTC State Machine, whitch tells us which register we're accessing
/// 2. A `count`, which keeps track of which byte is currently being read
/// 3. An index, which keeps track of which bit of the byte determined by `count` is being read
fn read(self: *Reader, clock: *const Clock, register: Register) u1 {
const idx = @intCast(u3, self.i);
defer self.i += 1;
// FIXME: What do I do about the unused bits?
return switch (register) {
.Control => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
0 => clock.cnt.raw >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 1 byte)", .{ self.count, register }),
.DateTime => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
// Date
0 => clock.year >> idx,
1 => @as(u8, clock.month) >> idx,
2 => @as(u8, >> idx,
3 => @as(u8, clock.weekday) >> idx,
// Time
4 => @as(u8, clock.hour) >> idx,
5 => @as(u8, clock.minute) >> idx,
6 => @as(u8, clock.second) >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 7 bytes)", .{ self.count, register }),
.Time => @truncate(u1, switch (self.count) {
0 => @as(u8, clock.hour) >> idx,
1 => @as(u8, clock.minute) >> idx,
2 => @as(u8, clock.second) >> idx,
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to read from byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 3 bytes)", .{ self.count, register }),
/// Is true when a Reader has read a u8's worth of bits
fn finished(self: *const Reader) bool {
return self.i >= 8;
/// Resets the index used to shift bits out of RTC registers
/// and `count`, which is used to keep track of which byte we're reading
/// is incremeneted
fn lap(self: *Reader) void {
self.i = 0;
self.count += 1;
/// Resets the state of a `Reader` in preparation for a future
/// read command
fn reset(self: *Reader) void {
self.i = 0;
self.count = 0;
const Writer = struct {
buf: u8,
i: u4,
/// The Number of bytes written since last reset
count: u8,
/// Append a bit to the internal bit buffer (aka an integer)
fn push(self: *Writer, value: u1) void {
const idx = @intCast(u3, self.i);
self.buf = (self.buf & ~(@as(u8, 1) << idx)) | @as(u8, value) << idx;
self.i += 1;
/// Takes the contents of the internal buffer and writes it to an RTC register
/// Where it writes to is dependent on:
/// 1. The RTC State Machine, whitch tells us which register we're accessing
/// 2. A `count`, which keeps track of which byte is currently being read
fn write(self: *const Writer, clock: *Clock, register: Register) void {
// FIXME: What do do about unused bits?
switch (register) {
.Control => switch (self.count) {
0 => clock.cnt.raw = (clock.cnt.raw & 0x80) | (self.buf & 0x7F), // Bit 7 read-only
else => std.debug.panic("Tried to write to byte #{} of {} (hint: there's only 1 byte)", .{ self.count, register }),
.DateTime, .Time => log.debug("Ignoring {} write", .{register}),
/// Is true when 8 bits have been shifted into the internal buffer
fn finished(self: *const Writer) bool {
return self.i >= 8;
/// Resets the internal buffer
/// resets the index used to shift bits into the internal buffer
/// increments `count` (which keeps track of byte offsets) by one
fn lap(self: *Writer) void {
self.buf = 0;
self.i = 0;
self.count += 1;
/// Resets `Writer` to a clean state in preparation for a future write command
fn reset(self: *Writer) void {
self.buf = 0;
self.i = 0;
self.count = 0;
const Data = extern union {
sck: Bit(u8, 0),
sio: Bit(u8, 1),
cs: Bit(u8, 2),
raw: u8,
const Control = extern union {
/// Unknown, value should be preserved though
unk: Bit(u8, 1),
/// Per-minute IRQ
/// If set, fire a Gamepak IRQ every 30s,
irq: Bit(u8, 3),
/// 12/24 Hour Bit
/// If set, 12h mode
/// If cleared, 24h mode
mode: Bit(u8, 6),
/// Read-Only, bit cleared on read
/// If is set, means that there has been a failure / time has been lost
off: Bit(u8, 7),
raw: u8,
fn init(ptr: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, gpio: *const Gpio) void {
ptr.* = .{
.writer = .{ .buf = 0, .i = 0, .count = 0 },
.reader = .{ .i = 0, .count = 0 },
.state = .Idle,
.cnt = .{ .raw = 0 },
.year = 0x01,
.month = 0x6,
.day = 0x13,
.weekday = 0x3,
.hour = 0x23,
.minute = 0x59,
.second = 0x59,
.cpu = cpu,
.gpio = gpio, // Can't use Arm7tdmi ptr b/c not initialized yet
cpu.sched.push(.RealTimeClock, 1 << 24); // Every Second
pub fn updateTime(self: *Self, late: u64) void {
self.cpu.sched.push(.RealTimeClock, (1 << 24) -| late); // Reschedule
const now =;
self.year = bcd(u8, @intCast(u8, - 2000));
self.month = bcd(u5,; = bcd(u6,;
self.weekday = bcd(u3, ( + 1) % 7); // API is Monday = 0, Sunday = 6. We want Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6
self.hour = bcd(u6, now.time.hour);
self.minute = bcd(u7, now.time.minute);
self.second = bcd(u7, now.time.second);
fn step(self: *Self, value: Data) u4 {
const cache: Data = .{ .raw = };
return switch (self.state) {
.Idle => blk: {
// FIXME: Maybe check incoming value to see if SCK is also high?
if ( {
if (! and {
log.debug("Entering Command Mode", .{});
self.state = .Command;
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Command => blk: {
if (! log.err("Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
// If SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
if (self.writer.finished()) {
self.state = self.processCommand(self.writer.buf);
log.debug("Switching to {}", .{self.state});
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Write => |register| blk: {
if (! log.err("Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
// If SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
const register_width: u32 = switch (register) {
.Control => 1,
.DateTime => 7,
.Time => 3,
if (self.writer.finished()) {
self.writer.write(self, register); // write inner buffer to RTC register
if (self.writer.count == register_width) {
self.state = .Idle;
break :blk @truncate(u4, value.raw);
.Read => |register| blk: {
if (! log.err("Expected CS to be set during {}, however CS was cleared", .{self.state});
var ret = value;
// if SCK rises, sample SIO
if (! and {
ret.sio.write(, register) == 0b1);
const register_width: u32 = switch (register) {
.Control => 1,
.DateTime => 7,
.Time => 3,
if (self.reader.finished()) {
if (self.reader.count == register_width) {
self.state = .Idle;
break :blk @truncate(u4, ret.raw);
fn reset(self: *Self) void {
// mGBA and NBA only zero the control register. We will do the same
log.debug("Reset (control register was zeroed)", .{});
self.cnt.raw = 0;
fn irq(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: Confirm that this is the right behaviour
log.debug("Force GamePak IRQ", .{});;
fn processCommand(self: *Self, raw_command: u8) State {
const command = blk: {
// If High Nybble is 0x6, no need to switch the endianness
if (raw_command >> 4 & 0xF == 0x6) break :blk raw_command;
// Turns out reversing the order of bits isn't trivial at all
var ret = raw_command;
ret = (ret & 0xF0) >> 4 | (ret & 0x0F) << 4;
ret = (ret & 0xCC) >> 2 | (ret & 0x33) << 2;
ret = (ret & 0xAA) >> 1 | (ret & 0x55) << 1;
break :blk ret;
log.debug("Handling Command 0x{X:0>2} [0b{b:0>8}]", .{ command, command });
const is_write = command & 1 == 0;
const rtc_register = @truncate(u3, command >> 1 & 0x7);
if (is_write) {
return switch (rtc_register) {
0 => blk: {
break :blk .Idle;
1 => .{ .Write = .Control },
2 => .{ .Write = .DateTime },
3 => .{ .Write = .Time },
6 => blk: {
break :blk .Idle;
4, 5, 7 => .Idle,
} else {
return switch (rtc_register) {
1 => .{ .Read = .Control },
2 => .{ .Read = .DateTime },
3 => .{ .Read = .Time },
0, 4, 5, 6, 7 => .Idle, // Do Nothing
fn bcd(comptime T: type, value: u8) T {
var input = value;
var ret: u8 = 0;
var shift: u3 = 0;
while (input > 0) {
ret |= (input % 10) << (shift << 2);
shift += 1;
input /= 10;
return @truncate(T, ret);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Bus = @import("Bus.zig");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Clock = @import("bus/GamePak.zig").Clock;
const Clock = @import("bus/gpio.zig").Clock;
const Order = std.math.Order;
const PriorityQueue = std.PriorityQueue;