fix: drop select atomics in favour of a thread-safe channel

This commit is contained in:
Rekai Nyangadzayi Musuka 2023-03-10 02:02:34 -06:00
parent 11eae091db
commit bd872ee1c0
4 changed files with 55 additions and 32 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 52ac8d952fe7c722e33a3237e465dcf258076613
Subproject commit d5e66caf2180324d83ad9be30e887849f5ed74da

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ const config = @import("../config.zig");
const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Tracker = @import("../util.zig").FpsTracker;
const TwoWayChannel = @import("zba-util").TwoWayChannel;
const Timer = std.time.Timer;
const Atomic = std.atomic.Atomic;
/// 4 Cycles in 1 dot
const cycles_per_dot = 4;
@ -35,29 +35,40 @@ const RunKind = enum {
pub fn run(quit: *Atomic(bool), pause: *Atomic(bool), cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: *Tracker) void {
pub fn run(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: *Tracker, channel: *TwoWayChannel) void {
const audio_sync = config.config().guest.audio_sync and !config.config().host.mute;
if (audio_sync)"Audio sync enabled", .{});
if (config.config().guest.video_sync) {
inner(.LimitedFPS, audio_sync, quit, pause, cpu, scheduler, tracker);
inner(.LimitedFPS, audio_sync, cpu, scheduler, tracker, channel);
} else {
inner(.UnlimitedFPS, audio_sync, quit, pause, cpu, scheduler, tracker);
inner(.UnlimitedFPS, audio_sync, cpu, scheduler, tracker, channel);
fn inner(comptime kind: RunKind, audio_sync: bool, quit: *Atomic(bool), pause: *Atomic(bool), cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: ?*Tracker) void {
fn inner(comptime kind: RunKind, audio_sync: bool, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, scheduler: *Scheduler, tracker: ?*Tracker, channel: *TwoWayChannel) void {
if (kind == .UnlimitedFPS or kind == .LimitedFPS) {
std.debug.assert(tracker != null);"FPS tracking enabled", .{});
var paused: bool = false;
switch (kind) {
.Unlimited, .UnlimitedFPS => {"Emulation w/out video sync", .{});
while (!quit.load(.Monotonic)) {
if (pause.load(.Monotonic)) continue;
while (true) {
if (channel.emu.pop()) |e| switch (e) {
.Quit => break,
.Resume => paused = false,
.Pause => {
paused = true;
if (paused) continue;
runFrame(scheduler, cpu);
audioSync(audio_sync,, &cpu.bus.apu.is_buffer_full);
@ -70,8 +81,17 @@ fn inner(comptime kind: RunKind, audio_sync: bool, quit: *Atomic(bool), pause: *
var timer = Timer.start() catch @panic("failed to initalize std.timer.Timer");
var wake_time: u64 = frame_period;
while (!quit.load(.Monotonic)) {
if (pause.load(.Monotonic)) continue;
while (true) {
if (channel.emu.pop()) |e| switch (e) {
.Quit => break,
.Resume => paused = false,
.Pause => {
paused = true;
if (paused) continue;
runFrame(scheduler, cpu);
const new_wake_time = videoSync(&timer, wake_time);

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const clap = @import("clap");
const config = @import("config.zig");
const emu = @import("core/emu.zig");
const TwoWayChannel = @import("zba-util").TwoWayChannel;
const Gui = @import("platform.zig").Gui;
const Bus = @import("core/Bus.zig");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("core/cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
@ -13,7 +14,6 @@ const Scheduler = @import("core/scheduler.zig").Scheduler;
const FilePaths = @import("util.zig").FilePaths;
const FpsTracker = @import("util.zig").FpsTracker;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Atomic = std.atomic.Atomic;
const log = std.log.scoped(.Cli);
pub const log_level = if (builtin.mode != .Debug) .info else std.log.default_level;
@ -94,7 +94,10 @@ pub fn main() void {
var gui = Gui.init(allocator, bus.pak.title, &bus.apu) catch |e| exitln("failed to init gui: {}", .{e});
defer gui.deinit();
var quit = Atomic(bool).init(false);
var quit = std.atomic.Atomic(bool).init(false);
var items: [0x100]u8 = undefined;
var channel = TwoWayChannel.init(&items);
if (result.args.gdb) {
const Server = @import("gdbstub").Server;
@ -117,21 +120,19 @@ pub fn main() void {{
.cpu = &cpu,
.scheduler = &scheduler,
.quit = &quit,
.channel = &channel,
}) catch |e| exitln("main thread panicked: {}", .{e});
} else {
var tracker = FpsTracker.init();
var pause = Atomic(bool).init(false);
const thread = std.Thread.spawn(.{},, .{ &quit, &pause, &cpu, &scheduler, &tracker }) catch |e| exitln("emu thread panicked: {}", .{e});
const thread = std.Thread.spawn(.{},, .{ &cpu, &scheduler, &tracker, &channel }) catch |e| exitln("emu thread panicked: {}", .{e});
defer thread.join();{
.cpu = &cpu,
.scheduler = &scheduler,
.channel = &channel,
.tracker = &tracker,
.quit = &quit,
.pause = &pause,
}) catch |e| exitln("main thread panicked: {}", .{e});

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const Apu = @import("core/apu.zig").Apu;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("core/cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const Scheduler = @import("core/scheduler.zig").Scheduler;
const FpsTracker = @import("util.zig").FpsTracker;
const RingBuffer = @import("util.zig").RingBuffer;
const TwoWayChannel = @import("zba-util").TwoWayChannel;
const gba_width = @import("core/ppu.zig").width;
const gba_height = @import("core/ppu.zig").height;
@ -243,8 +243,7 @@ pub const Gui = struct {
const RunOptions = struct {
quit: *std.atomic.Atomic(bool),
pause: ?*std.atomic.Atomic(bool) = null,
channel: *TwoWayChannel,
tracker: ?*FpsTracker = null,
cpu: *Arm7tdmi,
scheduler: *Scheduler,
@ -253,8 +252,7 @@ pub const Gui = struct {
pub fn run(self: *Self, opt: RunOptions) !void {
const cpu = opt.cpu;
const tracker = opt.tracker;
const quit = opt.quit;
const pause = opt.pause;
const channel =;
const obj_ids = Self.genBufferObjects();
defer gl.deleteBuffers(3, @as(*const [3]c_uint, &obj_ids));
@ -269,7 +267,10 @@ pub const Gui = struct {
emu_loop: while (true) {
// `quit` from RunOptions may be modified by the GDBSTUB thread,
// so we want to recognize that it may change to `true` and exit the GUI thread
if (quit.load(.Monotonic)) break :emu_loop;
if (channel.gui.pop()) |event| switch (event) {
.Quit => break :emu_loop,
.Paused => @panic("TODO: We want to peek (and then pop if it's .Quit), not always pop"),
// Outside of `SDL.SDL_QUIT` below, the DearImgui UI might signal that the program
// should exit, in which case we should also handle this
@ -325,17 +326,18 @@ pub const Gui = struct {
// If `` has been passed with a `pause` atomic, we should
// pause the emulation thread while we access the data there
// TODO: Is there a nicer way to express this?
if (pause) |val|, .Monotonic);
defer if (pause) |val|, .Monotonic);
defer channel.emu.push(.Resume);
// Spin Loop until we know that the emu is paused
wait: while (true) switch (channel.gui.pop() orelse continue) {
.Paused => break :wait,
else => |any| std.debug.panic("[Gui/Channel]: Unhandled Event: {}", .{any}),
// Add FPS count to the histogram
if (tracker) |t| {
self.state.fps_hist.push(t.value()) catch {};
if (tracker) |t| self.state.fps_hist.push(t.value()) catch {};
// Draw GBA Screen to Texture
@ -361,7 +363,7 @@ pub const Gui = struct {
}, .Monotonic); // Signals to emu thread to exit
fn glGetProcAddress(ctx: SDL.SDL_GLContext, proc: [:0]const u8) ?*anyopaque {