chore: mess with debug statements + mask APU I/O reads
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ const SoundFifo = std.fifo.LinearFifo(u8, .{ .Static = 0x20 });
const AudioDeviceId = SDL.SDL_AudioDeviceID;
const intToBytes = @import("util.zig").intToBytes;
const readUndefined = @import("util.zig").readUndefined;
const writeUndefined = @import("util.zig").writeUndefined;
const log = std.log.scoped(.APU);
pub const host_sample_rate = 1 << 15;
@ -18,25 +20,28 @@ pub fn read(comptime T: type, apu: *const Apu, addr: u32) T {
return switch (T) {
u16 => switch (byte) {
0x60 => apu.ch1.sweep.raw, // SOUND1CNT_L
0x60 => apu.ch1.getSoundCntL(),
0x62 => apu.ch1.getSoundCntH(),
0x64 => apu.ch1.freq.raw, // SOUND1CNT_X
0x64 => apu.ch1.getSoundCntX(),
0x68 => apu.ch2.getSoundCntL(),
0x6C => apu.ch2.freq.raw, // SOUND2CNT_H
0x6C => apu.ch2.getSoundCntH(),
0x70 =>, // SOUND3CNT_L
0x74 => apu.ch3.freq.raw, // SOUND3CNT_X
0x70 => & 0xE0, // SOUND3CNT_L
0x72 => apu.ch3.getSoundCntH(),
0x74 => apu.ch3.freq.raw & 0x4000, // SOUND3CNT_X
0x78 => apu.ch4.getSoundCntL(),
0x7C => apu.ch4.getSoundCntH(),
0x80 => apu.dma_cnt.raw, // SOUNDCNT_L
0x80 => apu.psg_cnt.raw & 0xFF77, // SOUNDCNT_L
0x82 => apu.dma_cnt.raw & 0x770F, // SOUNDCNT_H
0x84 => apu.getSoundCntX(),
0x88 => apu.bias.raw, // SOUNDBIAS
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u16 read"),
0x90...0x9F =>,, addr),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u8 => switch (byte) {
0x60 => apu.ch1.sweep.raw, // NR10
0x60 => apu.ch1.getSoundCntL(), // NR10
0x63 => apu.ch1.envelope.raw, // NR12
0x69 => apu.ch2.envelope.raw, // NR22
0x73 => apu.ch3.vol.raw, // NR32
@ -45,9 +50,9 @@ pub fn read(comptime T: type, apu: *const Apu, addr: u32) T {
0x81 => @truncate(u8, apu.psg_cnt.raw >> 8), // NR51
0x84 => apu.getSoundCntX(),
0x89 => @truncate(u8, apu.bias.raw >> 8), // SOUNDBIAS_H
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u8 read"),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u32 => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u32 read"),
u32 => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
else => @compileError("APU: Unsupported read width"),
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, apu: *Apu, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value),
0xA0 => apu.chA.push(value), // FIFO_A
0xA4 => apu.chB.push(value), // FIFO_B
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u32 write"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u16 => switch (byte) {
0x60 => apu.ch1.sweep.raw = @truncate(u8, value), // SOUND1CNT_L
@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, apu: *Apu, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0x88 => apu.bias.raw = value, // SOUNDBIAS
0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value),
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u16 write"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u8 => switch (byte) {
0x60 => apu.ch1.sweep.raw = value, // NR10
@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, apu: *Apu, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0x84 => apu.setSoundCntX(value >> 7 & 1 == 1), // NR52
0x89 => apu.setSoundBiasH(value),
0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value),
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected APU u8 write"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
else => @compileError("APU: Unsupported write width"),
@ -500,9 +505,14 @@ const ToneSweep = struct {
return @as(i16, self.sample);
/// NR10
pub fn getSoundCntL(self: *const Self) u8 {
return self.sweep.raw & 0x7F;
/// NR11, NR12
pub fn getSoundCntH(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8 | self.duty.raw;
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8 | (self.duty.raw & 0xC0);
/// NR11, NR12
@ -523,6 +533,11 @@ const ToneSweep = struct {
if (!self.isDacEnabled()) self.enabled = false;
/// NR13, NR14
pub fn getSoundCntX(self: *const Self) u16 {
return self.freq.raw & 0x4000;
/// NR13, NR14
pub fn setSoundCntX(self: *Self, fs: *const FrameSequencer, value: u16) void {
self.setNr13(@truncate(u8, value));
@ -641,7 +656,7 @@ const Tone = struct {
/// NR21, NR22
pub fn getSoundCntL(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8 | self.duty.raw;
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8 | (self.duty.raw & 0xC0);
/// NR21, NR22
@ -662,6 +677,11 @@ const Tone = struct {
if (!self.isDacEnabled()) self.enabled = false;
/// NR23, NR24
pub fn getSoundCntH(self: *const Self) u16 {
return self.freq.raw & 0x4000;
/// NR23, NR24
pub fn setSoundCntH(self: *Self, fs: *const FrameSequencer, value: u16) void {
self.setNr23(@truncate(u8, value));
@ -759,6 +779,11 @@ const Wave = struct {
if (! self.enabled = false;
/// NR31, NR32
fn getSoundCntH(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @as(u16, self.length & 0xE0) << 8;
/// NR31, NR32
pub fn setSoundCntH(self: *Self, value: u16) void {
self.setNr31(@truncate(u8, value));
@ -880,7 +905,7 @@ const Noise = struct {
/// NR41, NR42
pub fn getSoundCntL(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8 | self.len;
return @as(u16, self.envelope.raw) << 8;
/// NR41, NR42
@ -903,7 +928,7 @@ const Noise = struct {
/// NR43, NR44
pub fn getSoundCntH(self: *const Self) u16 {
return @as(u16, self.poly.raw) << 8 | self.cnt.raw;
return @as(u16, self.poly.raw & 0x40) << 8 | self.cnt.raw;
/// NR43, NR44
@ -1143,10 +1168,15 @@ const WaveDevice = struct {
const base = if (! @as(u32, 0x10) else 0; // Write to the Opposite Bank in Use
const i = base + addr - 0x0400_0090;
switch (T) {
u32, u16, u8 => std.mem.writeIntSliceLittle(T, self.buf[i..][0..@sizeOf(T)], value),
else => @compileError("Ch3 WAVERAM: Unsupported write width"),
std.mem.writeIntSliceLittle(T, self.buf[i..][0..@sizeOf(T)], value);
fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, cnt: io.WaveSelect, addr: u32) T {
// TODO: Handle reads when Channel 3 is disabled
const base = if (! @as(u32, 0x10) else 0; // Read from the Opposite Bank in Use
const i = base + addr - 0x0400_0090;
return std.mem.readIntSliceLittle(T, self.buf[i..][0..@sizeOf(T)]);
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, word_count: u16, address: u32, value
0x0800_00C8 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Control", .{ T, value }),
else => {},
u8 => log.warn("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to 0x{X:0>8}, Ignored.", .{ T, value, address }),
u8 => log.debug("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to 0x{X:0>8}, Ignored.", .{ T, value, address }),
else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported write width"),
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ const DmaControl = @import("io.zig").DmaControl;
const Bus = @import("../Bus.zig");
const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const readUndefined = @import("../util.zig").readUndefined;
const writeUndefined = @import("../util.zig").writeUndefined;
pub const DmaTuple = std.meta.Tuple(&[_]type{ DmaController(0), DmaController(1), DmaController(2), DmaController(3) });
const log = std.log.scoped(.DmaTransfer);
@ -20,16 +22,16 @@ pub fn read(comptime T: type, dma: *const DmaTuple, addr: u32) T {
0xC4 => @as(T, dma.*[1].cnt.raw) << 16,
0xD0 => @as(T, dma.*[1].cnt.raw) << 16,
0xDC => @as(T, dma.*[3].cnt.raw) << 16,
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u32 DMA read"),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u16 => switch (byte) {
0xBA => dma.*[0].cnt.raw,
0xC6 => dma.*[1].cnt.raw,
0xD2 => dma.*[2].cnt.raw,
0xDE => dma.*[3].cnt.raw,
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u16 DMA read"),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u8 => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u8 DMA read"),
u8 => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
else => @compileError("DMA: Unsupported read width"),
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, dma: *DmaTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0xD4 => dma.*[3].setSad(value),
0xD8 => dma.*[3].setDad(value),
0xDC => dma.*[3].setCnt(value),
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u32 DMA write"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u16 => switch (byte) {
0xB0 => dma.*[0].setSad(setU32L(dma.*[0].sad, value)),
@ -81,9 +83,9 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, dma: *DmaTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0xDA => dma.*[3].setDad(setU32H(dma.*[3].dad, value)),
0xDC => dma.*[3].setCntL(value),
0xDE => dma.*[3].setCntH(value),
else => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u16 DMA write"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u8 => @panic("TODO: Unexpected u8 DMA write"),
u8 => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
else => @compileError("DMA: Unsupported write width"),
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const timer = @import("timer.zig");
const dma = @import("dma.zig");
const apu = @import("../apu.zig");
const readUndefined = @import("../util.zig").readUndefined;
const writeUndefined = @import("../util.zig").writeUndefined;
const log = std.log.scoped(.@"I/O");
pub const Io = struct {
@ -56,18 +58,18 @@ pub fn read(bus: *const Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
0x0400_0100...0x0400_010C =>, &bus.tim, address),
// Serial Communication 1
0x0400_0128 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from SIOCNT and SIOMLT_SEND", .{T}),
0x0400_0128 => readTodo("Read {} from SIOCNT and SIOMLT_SEND", .{T}),
// Keypad Input
0x0400_0130 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from KEYINPUT", .{T}),
0x0400_0130 => readTodo("Read {} from KEYINPUT", .{T}),
// Serial Communication 2
0x0400_0150 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from JOY_RECV", .{T}),
0x0400_0150 => readTodo("Read {} from JOY_RECV", .{T}),
// Interrupts
0x0400_0200 => @as(T, << 16 |,
0x0400_0208 => @boolToInt(,
else => undefinedRead("Tried to read {} from 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
u16 => switch (address) {
// Display
@ -78,10 +80,10 @@ pub fn read(bus: *const Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
0x0400_000A =>[1].cnt.raw,
0x0400_000C =>[2].cnt.raw,
0x0400_000E =>[3].cnt.raw,
0x0400_004C => unimplementedRead("Read {} from MOSAIC", .{T}),
0x0400_004C => readTodo("Read {} from MOSAIC", .{T}),
// Sound
0x0400_0060...0x0400_0088 =>, &bus.apu, address),
0x0400_0060...0x0400_009F =>, &bus.apu, address),
// DMA Transfers
0x0400_00BA...0x0400_00DE =>, &bus.dma, address),
@ -90,20 +92,20 @@ pub fn read(bus: *const Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
0x0400_0100...0x0400_010E =>, &bus.tim, address),
// Serial Communication 1
0x0400_0128 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from SIOCNT", .{T}),
0x0400_0128 => readTodo("Read {} from SIOCNT", .{T}),
// Keypad Input
0x0400_0130 =>,
// Serial Communication 2
0x0400_0134 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from RCNT", .{T}),
0x0400_0134 => readTodo("Read {} from RCNT", .{T}),
// Interrupts
0x0400_0200 =>,
0x0400_0202 =>,
0x0400_0204 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from WAITCNT", .{T}),
0x0400_0204 => readTodo("Read {} from WAITCNT", .{T}),
0x0400_0208 => @boolToInt(,
else => undefinedRead("Tried to read {} from 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
u8 => return switch (address) {
// Display
@ -120,18 +122,18 @@ pub fn read(bus: *const Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
0x0400_0060...0x0400_0089 =>, &bus.apu, address),
// Serial Communication 1
0x0400_0128 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from SIOCNT_L", .{T}),
0x0400_0128 => readTodo("Read {} from SIOCNT_L", .{T}),
// Keypad Input
0x0400_0130 => unimplementedRead("read {} from KEYINPUT_L", .{T}),
0x0400_0130 => readTodo("read {} from KEYINPUT_L", .{T}),
// Serial Communication 2
0x0400_0135 => unimplementedRead("Read {} from RCNT_H", .{T}),
0x0400_0135 => readTodo("Read {} from RCNT_H", .{T}),
// Interrupts
0x0400_0200 => @truncate(T,,
0x0400_0300 => @enumToInt(,
else => undefinedRead("Tried to read {} from 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, address }),
else => @compileError("I/O: Unsupported read width"),
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ pub fn write(bus: *Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32, value: T) void {
0x0400_0204 => log.debug("Wrote 0x{X:0>8} to WAITCNT", .{value}),
0x0400_0208 => = value & 1 == 1,
0x0400_020C...0x0400_021C => {}, // Unused
else => undefinedWrite("Tried to write {} 0x{X:0>8} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, value, address }),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, address }),
u16 => switch (address) {
// Display
@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ pub fn write(bus: *Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32, value: T) void {
0x0400_0204 => log.debug("Wrote 0x{X:0>4} to WAITCNT", .{value}),
0x0400_0208 => = value & 1 == 1,
0x0400_0206, 0x0400_020A => {}, // Not Used
else => undefinedWrite("Tried to write {} 0x{X:0>4} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, value, address }),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, address }),
u8 => switch (address) {
// Display
@ -315,29 +317,17 @@ pub fn write(bus: *Bus, comptime T: type, address: u32, value: T) void {
0x0400_0301 => = if (value >> 7 & 1 == 0) .Halt else std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement STOP", .{}),
0x0400_0410 => log.debug("Wrote 0x{X:0>2} to the common yet undocumented 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, address }),
else => undefinedWrite("Tried to write {} 0x{X:0>2} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, value, address }),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, address }),
else => @compileError("I/O: Unsupported write width"),
fn undefinedRead(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u8 {
log.debug(format, args);
if (builtin.mode == .Debug) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{});
return 0;
fn unimplementedRead(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u8 {
fn readTodo(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u8 {
log.debug(format, args);
return 0;
fn undefinedWrite(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
log.debug(format, args);
if (builtin.mode == .Debug) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{});
/// Read / Write
pub const PostFlag = enum(u1) {
FirstBoot = 0,
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ const Scheduler = @import("../scheduler.zig").Scheduler;
const Event = @import("../scheduler.zig").Event;
const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi;
const readUndefined = @import("../util.zig").readUndefined;
const writeUndefined = @import("../util.zig").writeUndefined;
pub const TimerTuple = std.meta.Tuple(&[_]type{ Timer(0), Timer(1), Timer(2), Timer(3) });
const log = std.log.scoped(.Timer);
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn read(comptime T: type, tim: *const TimerTuple, addr: u32) T {
0x4 => @as(T, tim.*[1].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[1].getCntL(),
0x8 => @as(T, tim.*[2].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[2].getCntL(),
0xC => @as(T, tim.*[3].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[3].getCntL(),
else => @panic("TODO: u32 timer unexpected nybble"),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u16 => switch (nybble) {
0x0 => tim.*[0].getCntL(),
@ -33,10 +35,10 @@ pub fn read(comptime T: type, tim: *const TimerTuple, addr: u32) T {
0xA => tim.*[2].cnt.raw,
0xC => tim.*[3].getCntL(),
0xE => tim.*[3].cnt.raw,
else => @panic("TODO: u16 timer unexpected nybble"),
else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
u8 => @panic("TODO: u8 timer unexpected read"),
else => @compileError("TIMX: Unsupported read width"),
u8 => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }),
else => @compileError("TIM: Unsupported read width"),
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, tim: *TimerTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0x4 => tim.*[1].setCnt(value),
0x8 => tim.*[2].setCnt(value),
0xC => tim.*[3].setCnt(value),
else => @panic("TODO: u32 timer unexpected nybble"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u16 => switch (nybble) {
0x0 => tim.*[0].setCntL(value),
@ -60,10 +62,10 @@ pub fn write(comptime T: type, tim: *TimerTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void {
0xA => tim.*[2].setCntH(value),
0xC => tim.*[3].setCntL(value),
0xE => tim.*[3].setCntH(value),
else => @panic("TODO: u16 timer unexpected nybble"),
else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
u8 => @panic("TODO: u8 timer unexpected write"),
else => @compileError("TIMX: Unsupported write width"),
u8 => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }),
else => @compileError("TIM: Unsupported write width"),
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Log2Int = std.math.Log2Int;
// Sign-Extend value of type `T` to type `U`
@ -99,3 +100,15 @@ pub const FilePaths = struct {
bios: ?[]const u8,
save: ?[]const u8,
pub fn readUndefined(log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u8 {
log.debug(format, args);
if (builtin.mode == .Debug) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{});
return 0;
pub fn writeUndefined(log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
log.debug(format, args);
if (builtin.mode == .Debug) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{});
Reference in New Issue
Block a user