fix: reimpl debug reads w/out throwing away *const Self
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,70 +77,29 @@ pub fn attach(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void {
self.cpu = cpu;
pub fn debugRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const cached = self.sched.tick;
defer self.sched.tick = cached;
// FIXME: This is bad but it's a debug read so I don't care that much?
const this = @intToPtr(*Self, @ptrToInt(self));
return, address);
fn readOpenBus(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const r15 = self.cpu.?.r[15];
const word = if (self.cpu.? blk: {
const page = @truncate(u8, r15 >> 24);
switch (page) {
// EWRAM, PALRAM, VRAM, and Game ROM (16-bit)
0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08...0x0D => {
const halfword = self.debugRead(u16, r15 + 2);
break :blk @as(u32, halfword) << 16 | halfword;
// BIOS or OAM (32-bit)
0x00, 0x07 => {
const offset: u32 = if (address & 3 == 0b00) 2 else 0;
break :blk @as(u32, self.debugRead(u16, (r15 + 2) + offset)) << 16 | self.debugRead(u16, r15 + offset);
// IWRAM (16-bit but special)
0x03 => {
const offset: u32 = if (address & 3 == 0b00) 2 else 0;
break :blk @as(u32, self.debugRead(u16, (r15 + 2) - offset)) << 16 | self.debugRead(u16, r15 + offset);
else => unreachable,
} else self.debugRead(u32, r15 + 4);
return @truncate(T, rotr(u32, word, 8 * (address & 3)));
fn readBios(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
if (address < Bios.size) return self.bios.checkedRead(T, self.cpu.?.r[15], alignAddress(T, address));
return self.readOpenBus(T, address);
pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
pub fn dbgRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const page = @truncate(u8, address >> 24);
const align_addr = alignAddress(T, address);
defer self.sched.tick += timings[@boolToInt(T == u32)][@truncate(u4, page)];
const aligned_addr = forceAlign(T, address);
return switch (page) {
// General Internal Memory
0x00 => self.readBios(T, address),
0x02 =>, align_addr),
0x03 =>, align_addr),
0x04 =>, T, align_addr),
0x00 => blk: {
if (address < Bios.size)
break :blk self.bios.dbgRead(T, self.cpu.?.r[15], aligned_addr);
break :blk self.readOpenBus(T, address);
0x02 =>, aligned_addr),
0x03 =>, aligned_addr),
0x04 =>, T, aligned_addr),
// Internal Display Memory
0x05 =>, align_addr),
0x06 =>, align_addr),
0x07 =>, align_addr),
0x05 =>, aligned_addr),
0x06 =>, aligned_addr),
0x07 =>, aligned_addr),
// External Memory (Game Pak)
0x08...0x0D =>, align_addr),
0x08...0x0D => self.pak.dbgRead(T, aligned_addr),
0x0E...0x0F => blk: {
const value =;
@ -153,29 +112,100 @@ pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
break :blk @as(T, value) * multiplier;
else => readOpenBus(self, T, address),
else => self.readOpenBus(T, address),
fn readOpenBus(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const r15 = self.cpu.?.r[15];
const word = if (self.cpu.? blk: {
const page = @truncate(u8, r15 >> 24);
switch (page) {
// EWRAM, PALRAM, VRAM, and Game ROM (16-bit)
0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x08...0x0D => {
const halfword = self.dbgRead(u16, r15 + 2);
break :blk @as(u32, halfword) << 16 | halfword;
// BIOS or OAM (32-bit)
0x00, 0x07 => {
const offset: u32 = if (address & 3 == 0b00) 2 else 0;
break :blk @as(u32, self.dbgRead(u16, (r15 + 2) + offset)) << 16 | self.dbgRead(u16, r15 + offset);
// IWRAM (16-bit but special)
0x03 => {
const offset: u32 = if (address & 3 == 0b00) 2 else 0;
break :blk @as(u32, self.dbgRead(u16, (r15 + 2) - offset)) << 16 | self.dbgRead(u16, r15 + offset);
else => unreachable,
} else self.dbgRead(u32, r15 + 4);
return @truncate(T, rotr(u32, word, 8 * (address & 3)));
pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const page = @truncate(u8, address >> 24);
const aligned_addr = forceAlign(T, address);
self.sched.tick += timings[@boolToInt(T == u32)][@truncate(u4, page)];
return switch (page) {
// General Internal Memory
0x00 => blk: {
if (address < Bios.size)
break :blk, self.cpu.?.r[15], aligned_addr);
break :blk self.readOpenBus(T, address);
0x02 =>, aligned_addr),
0x03 =>, aligned_addr),
0x04 =>, T, aligned_addr),
// Internal Display Memory
0x05 =>, aligned_addr),
0x06 =>, aligned_addr),
0x07 =>, aligned_addr),
// External Memory (Game Pak)
0x08...0x0D =>, aligned_addr),
0x0E...0x0F => blk: {
const value =;
const multiplier = switch (T) {
u32 => 0x01010101,
u16 => 0x0101,
u8 => 1,
else => @compileError("Backup: Unsupported read width"),
break :blk @as(T, value) * multiplier;
else => self.readOpenBus(T, address),
pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32, value: T) void {
const page = @truncate(u8, address >> 24);
const align_addr = alignAddress(T, address);
defer self.sched.tick += timings[@boolToInt(T == u32)][@truncate(u4, page)];
const aligned_addr = forceAlign(T, address);
self.sched.tick += timings[@boolToInt(T == u32)][@truncate(u4, page)];
switch (page) {
// General Internal Memory
0x00 => self.bios.write(T, align_addr, value),
0x02 => self.ewram.write(T, align_addr, value),
0x03 => self.iwram.write(T, align_addr, value),
0x04 => io.write(self, T, align_addr, value),
0x00 => self.bios.write(T, aligned_addr, value),
0x02 => self.ewram.write(T, aligned_addr, value),
0x03 => self.iwram.write(T, aligned_addr, value),
0x04 => io.write(self, T, aligned_addr, value),
// Internal Display Memory
0x05 => self.ppu.palette.write(T, align_addr, value),
0x06 => self.ppu.vram.write(T, self.ppu.dispcnt, align_addr, value),
0x07 => self.ppu.oam.write(T, align_addr, value),
0x05 => self.ppu.palette.write(T, aligned_addr, value),
0x06 => self.ppu.vram.write(T, self.ppu.dispcnt, aligned_addr, value),
0x07 => self.ppu.oam.write(T, aligned_addr, value),
// External Memory (Game Pak)
0x08...0x0D => self.pak.write(T, self.dma[3].word_count, align_addr, value),
0x08...0x0D => self.pak.write(T, self.dma[3].word_count, aligned_addr, value),
0x0E...0x0F => {
const rotate_by = switch (T) {
u32 => address & 3,
@ -190,7 +220,7 @@ pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32, value: T) void {
fn alignAddress(comptime T: type, address: u32) u32 {
fn forceAlign(comptime T: type, address: u32) u32 {
return switch (T) {
u32 => address & 0xFFFF_FFFC,
u16 => address & 0xFFFF_FFFE,
@ -31,17 +31,22 @@ pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {
if (self.buf) |buf|;
pub fn checkedRead(self: *Self, comptime T: type, r15: u32, addr: u32) T {
pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, r15: u32, addr: u32) T {
if (r15 < Self.size) {
self.addr_latch = addr;
return, addr);
return self.uncheckedRead(T, addr);
log.debug("Rejected read since r15=0x{X:0>8}", .{r15});
return @truncate(T,, self.addr_latch + 8));
return @truncate(T, self.uncheckedRead(T, self.addr_latch + 8));
fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, addr: u32) T {
pub fn dbgRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, r15: u32, addr: u32) T {
if (r15 < Self.size) return self.uncheckedRead(T, addr);
return @truncate(T, self.uncheckedRead(T, self.addr_latch + 8));
fn uncheckedRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, addr: u32) T {
if (self.buf) |buf| {
return switch (T) {
u32, u16, u8 => std.mem.readIntSliceLittle(T, buf[addr..][0..@sizeOf(T)]),
@ -90,6 +90,33 @@ pub fn read(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
pub fn dbgRead(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T {
const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF;
if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) {
if (self.isLarge()) {
// Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB)
if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF)
return self.backup.eeprom.dbgRead();
} else {
// Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if
// * Backup type is EEPROM
// * Small ROM (less than 16MB)
if (@truncate(u8, address >> 24) == 0x0D)
return self.backup.eeprom.dbgRead();
return switch (T) {
u32 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 3)) << 24) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 2)) << 16) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | (@as(T, self.get(addr))),
u16 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | @as(T, self.get(addr)),
u8 => self.get(addr),
else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported read width"),
pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, word_count: u16, address: u32, value: T) void {
const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF;
@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ const Eeprom = struct {
pub fn dbgRead(self: *const Self) u1 {
return self.reader.dbgRead();
pub fn write(self: *Self, word_count: u16, buf: *[]u8, bit: u1) void {
if (self.guessKind(word_count)) |found| {
||||"EEPROM Kind: {}", .{found});
@ -492,6 +496,19 @@ const Eeprom = struct {
return bit;
fn dbgRead(self: *const This) u1 {
if (!self.enabled) return 1;
const bit = if (self.i < 4) blk: {
break :blk 0;
} else blk: {
const idx = @intCast(u6, 63 - (self.i - 4));
break :blk @truncate(u1, >> idx);
return bit;
const Writer = struct {
@ -520,11 +520,11 @@ pub const Arm7tdmi = struct {
if ( {
const opcode = self.bus.debugRead(u16, self.r[15] - 4);
const opcode = self.bus.dbgRead(u16, self.r[15] - 4);
const id = thumbIdx(opcode);
std.debug.print("opcode: ID: 0x{b:0>10} 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ id, opcode });
} else {
const opcode = self.bus.debugRead(u32, self.r[15] - 4);
const opcode = self.bus.dbgRead(u32, self.r[15] - 4);
const id = armIdx(opcode);
std.debug.print("opcode: ID: 0x{X:0>3} 0x{X:0>8}\n", .{ id, opcode });
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ pub const Arm7tdmi = struct {
if ( {
if (opcode >> 11 == 0x1E) {
// Instruction 1 of a BL Opcode, print in ARM mode
const other_half = self.bus.debugRead(u16, self.r[15]);
const other_half = self.bus.dbgRead(u16, self.r[15]);
const bl_opcode = @as(u32, opcode) << 16 | other_half;
log_str = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, arm_fmt, .{ r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, c_psr, bl_opcode });
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ pub const Logger = struct {
if ( {
if (opcode >> 11 == 0x1E) {
// Instruction 1 of a BL Opcode, print in ARM mode
const low = arm7tdmi.bus.debugRead(u16, arm7tdmi.r[15]);
const low = arm7tdmi.bus.dbgRead(u16, arm7tdmi.r[15]);
const bl_opcode = @as(u32, opcode) << 16 | low;
self.print(arm_fmt, Self.fmtArgs(arm7tdmi, bl_opcode)) catch @panic("failed to write to log file");
Reference in New Issue
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