chore: reimplement alpha blending
This commit is contained in:
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
// Sprite Palette starts at 0x0500_0200
if (pal_id != 0) {
const bgr555 =, 0x200 + pal_id * 2);
copyToSpriteBuffer(self.bld.cnt, &self.scanline, x, bgr555);
drawSpritePixel(self.bld.cnt, &self.scanline, x, bgr555);
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
// Sprite Palette starts at 0x0500_0200
if (pal_id != 0) {
const bgr555 =, 0x200 + pal_id * 2);
copyToSpriteBuffer(self.bld.cnt, &self.scanline, x, bgr555);
drawSpritePixel(self.bld.cnt, &self.scanline, x, bgr555);
@ -493,10 +493,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
const tile_addr = char_base + (tile_id * 0x40) + (row * 0x8) + col;
const pal_id: u16 = self.vram.buf[tile_addr];
if (pal_id != 0) {
const bgr555 =, pal_id * 2);
self.copyToBackgroundBuffer(n, win_bounds, i, bgr555);
if (pal_id != 0) self.drawBackgroundPixel(n, i,, pal_id * 2));
// Update BGxX and BGxY
@ -551,10 +548,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
// and then we can index the palette
const pal_id: u16 = if (!is_8bpp) get4bppTilePalette(, col, tile) else tile;
if (pal_id != 0) {
const bgr555 =, pal_id * 2);
self.copyToBackgroundBuffer(n, win_bounds, i, bgr555);
if (pal_id != 0) self.drawBackgroundPixel(n, i,, pal_id * 2));
@ -669,8 +663,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
// FIXME: @ptrCast between slices changing the length isn't implemented yet
const framebuf = @ptrCast([*]u32, @alignCast(@alignOf(u32), self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)));
for ( |maybe_px, i| {
const maybe_top = maybe_px;
for ( |maybe_top, i| {
const maybe_btm = self.scanline.btm()[i];
const bgr555 = self.getBgr555(maybe_top, maybe_btm);
@ -683,12 +676,25 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
std.mem.set(?Sprite, self.scanline_sprites, null);
fn getBgr555(self: *Self, maybe_top: ?u16, maybe_btm: ?u16) u16 {
if (maybe_btm) |btm| {
return switch ( {
0b00 => if (maybe_top) |top| top else btm,
0b01 => if (maybe_top) |top| alphaBlend(btm, top, self.bld.alpha) else btm,
0b10 => blk: {
fn getBgr555(self: *Self, maybe_top: Scanline.Pixel, maybe_btm: Scanline.Pixel) u16 {
return switch ( {
0b00 => switch (maybe_top) {
.set => |top| top,
else => self.palette.backdrop(),
0b01 => switch (maybe_top) {
.set => |top| switch (maybe_btm) {
.set => |btm| alphaBlend(top, btm, self.bld.alpha), // ALPHA_BLEND
else => top,
else => switch (maybe_btm) {
.set => |btm| btm,
else => self.palette.backdrop(),
0b10 => switch (maybe_btm) {
.set => |btm| blk: {
const evy: u16 =;
const r = btm & 0x1F;
@ -701,51 +707,87 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
break :blk (bld_b << 10) | (bld_g << 5) | bld_r;
0b11 => blk: {
else => switch (maybe_top) {
.set => |top| top,
else => self.palette.backdrop(),
0b11 => switch (maybe_btm) {
.set => |btm| blk: {
const evy: u16 =;
const btm_r = btm & 0x1F;
const btm_g = (btm >> 5) & 0x1F;
const btm_b = (btm >> 10) & 0x1F;
const r = btm & 0x1F;
const g = (btm >> 5) & 0x1F;
const b = (btm >> 10) & 0x1F;
const bld_r = btm_r - ((btm_r * evy) >> 4);
const bld_g = btm_g - ((btm_g * evy) >> 4);
const bld_b = btm_b - ((btm_b * evy) >> 4);
const bld_r = r - ((r * evy) >> 4);
const bld_g = g - ((g * evy) >> 4);
const bld_b = b - ((b * evy) >> 4);
break :blk (bld_b << 10) | (bld_g << 5) | bld_r;
if (maybe_top) |top| return top;
return self.palette.backdrop();
else => switch (maybe_top) {
.set => |top| top,
else => self.palette.backdrop(),
fn copyToBackgroundBuffer(self: *Self, comptime n: u2, bounds: ?WindowBounds, i: usize, bgr555: u16) void {
if ( != 0b00) {
// Standard Alpha Blending
const a_layers =;
const is_blend_enabled = (a_layers >> n) & 1 == 1;
fn drawBackgroundPixel(self: *Self, comptime layer: u2, i: usize, bgr555: u16) void {
// When writing to the scanline buffer, we want to be aware of a top and bottom layer. Some preconditions were
// already determined by shouldDrawBackground, so we should be aware of what we can assume to be true or false
// If Alpha Blending is enabled and we've found an eligible layer for
// Pixel A, store the pixel in the bottom pixel buffer
switch ( {
0b00 => {}, // pass through
0b01 => {
// We are to alpha blend here so we should pay attention to which layer ths pixel should be written to
// FIXME: We redo work here that we've already figured out. Is this worth refactorning?
const win_part = if (bounds) |win| blk: {
// Window Enabled
break :blk switch (win) {
.win0 =>,
.win1 =>,
.out =>,
} else true;
// If the current layer is makred as Layer A, write to top buffer
const top_layer =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layer >> layer) & 1 == 1;
if (win_part and is_blend_enabled) {
self.scanline.btm()[i] = bgr555;
if (is_top_layer) {
||||[i] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
// If the current layer is marked as Layer B, we want to continue if there's an available space on that buffer
const btm_layer =;
const is_btm_layer = (btm_layer >> layer) & 1 == 1;
if (is_btm_layer) {
self.scanline.btm()[i] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
// The code we're about to fall-through to assumes that alpha blending takes place. In order to withold all invariants
// we need to discard anything that might be in the bottom buffer.
self.scanline.btm()[i] = .hidden;
0b10, 0b11 => {
// Weare to blend with White or black here. By convention we store regular ol' pixels in the top layer, which means that if we want to
// treat some pixels (in this case the ones relegated to blending) we need to keep them separate as we can't apply the blending to the top layer.
// While in these modes, (and since this is a scanline renderer), the bottom layer will be completely unused. While it's a bit unintuitive, since we'll
// be moving layer A pixels there, we will repurpose the bottom layer as the "to blend", layer
// If the current layer is makred as Layer A, write to top buffer
const top_layer =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layer >> layer) & 1 == 1;
if (is_top_layer) {
self.scanline.btm()[i] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555); // this is intentional
||||[i] = bgr555;
// If we aren't blending here at all, just add the pixel to the top layer
||||[i] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
const WindowBounds = enum { win0, win1, out };
@ -763,48 +805,79 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
return .out;
fn shouldDrawBackground(self: *Self, comptime n: u2, bounds: ?WindowBounds, i: usize) bool {
// If a pixel has been drawn on the top layer, it's because:
// 1. The pixel is to be blended with a pixel on the bottom layer
// 2. The pixel is not to be blended at all
// Also, if we find a pixel on the top layer we don't need to bother with this I think?
if ([i] != null) return false;
fn shouldDrawBackground(self: *Self, comptime layer: u2, bounds: ?WindowBounds, i: usize) bool {
// First and foremost, we should recognize that there are two scanline buffers, named Top and Bottom.
if (bounds) |win| {
switch (win) {
.win0 => if (( >> n) & 1 == 0) return false,
.win1 => if (( >> n) & 1 == 0) return false,
.out => if (( >> n) & 1 == 0) return false,
switch ( {
0b00 => if ([i] == .set) return false, // Exit early if we've already drawn pixel here
0b01 => {
const top_layers =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layers >> layer) & 1 == 1;
if (is_top_layer and[i] == .set) return false;
// If the current layer is marked as Layer B, we want to continue if there's an available space on that buffer
const btm_layer =;
const is_btm_layer = (btm_layer >> layer) & 1 == 1;
if (is_btm_layer) {
if (self.scanline.btm()[i] == .set) return false;
// In some previous iteration we have determined that an opaque pixel was drawn at this position
// therefore there's no reason to draw anything here
if (self.scanline.btm()[i] == .hidden) return false;
// We have a pixel and we know it to be a part of hte bottom layer.
// when getBgr555 sees that thre's a pixel in the top and bottom layer it chooses to blend the two
// Meaning that if we want to prevent Alpha Blending from happening (like for example if a window is preventing it)
// we need to make that happen now.
// We can do this by not drawing the bottom pixel, since with alpha blending disabled it wouldn't be visible anyways
if (bounds) |win| {
switch (win) {
.win0 => if (! return false,
.win1 => if (! return false,
.out => if (! return false,
0b10, 0b11 => {
// We should treat the top and bottom layers the same in this mode. That means that we should exit early if a pixel has been drawn
// to either the top or bottom layers
if ([i] == .set) return false; // Check the regular pixels
if (self.scanline.btm()[i] == .set) return false; // Check the pixels that will later be blended WHITE or BLACK
// At this point we will have exited early if we determined that we'd be overwriting a pixel
// with a higher priority. We can now move own to determining whether the pixel is visible or not
// The first thing that may or may not affect visibility is windowing. We should check to see if ths pixel is in bounds
// of of the background Window if it is enabled
// TODO: Do Window Bounds checking here instead of outside this function?
if (bounds) |window| {
// If this parameter is non-null, we know that:
// 1. Win0, Win1 or WinObj are enabled
// 2. This specific pixel exists within the range of a window
// Here, we check to see if the Window for this background is enabled. If not, we won't render the pixel
// FIXME: We perform needless computations on Window Bounds by checking for enable here after we've already computed this information
switch (window) {
.win0 => if (( >> layer) & 1 == 0) return false,
.win1 => if (( >> layer) & 1 == 0) return false,
.out => if (( >> layer) & 1 == 0) return false,
if (self.scanline.btm()[i] != null) {
// The pixel found in the bottom layer is:
// 1. From a higher priority background
// 2. From a background that is marked for blending (Pixel A)
// If Alpha Blending isn't enabled, then we've already found a higher prio
// pixel, we can return early
if ( != 0b01) return false;
const b_layers =;
const win_part = if (bounds) |win| blk: {
// Window Enabled
break :blk switch (win) {
.win0 =>,
.win1 =>,
.out =>,
} else true;
// If the Background is not marked for blending, we've already found
// a higher priority pixel, move on.
const is_blend_enabled = win_part and ((b_layers >> n) & 1 == 1);
if (!is_blend_enabled) return false;
// Otherwise, return true
return true;
@ -1287,56 +1360,98 @@ fn alphaBlend(top: u16, btm: u16, bldalpha: io.BldAlpha) u16 {
fn shouldDrawSprite(bldcnt: io.BldCnt, scanline: *Scanline, x: u9) bool {
if ([x] != null) return false;
if ( == 0b01) {
const top_layers =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (scanline.btm()[x] != null) {
if ( != 0b01) return false;
if (is_top_layer and[x] == .set) return false;
const b_layers =;
const is_blend_enabled = (b_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (!is_blend_enabled) return false;
const btm_layers =;
const is_btm_layer = (btm_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (is_btm_layer and scanline.btm()[x] == .set) return false;
} else {
if ([x] == .set) return false;
return true;
fn copyToSpriteBuffer(bldcnt: io.BldCnt, scanline: *Scanline, x: u9, bgr555: u16) void {
if ( != 0b00) {
// Alpha Blending
const a_layers =;
const is_blend_enabled = (a_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
fn drawSpritePixel(bldcnt: io.BldCnt, scanline: *Scanline, x: u9, bgr555: u16) void {
switch ( {
0b00 => {}, // pass through
0b01 => {
const top_layers =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (is_blend_enabled) {
scanline.btm()[x] = bgr555;
if (is_top_layer) {
||||[x] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
const btm_layers =;
const is_btm_layer = (btm_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (is_btm_layer) {
scanline.btm()[x] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
// We're rendering a normal pixel that isn't alpha blended
// we can mark the pixel on the bottom layer as hidden
scanline.btm()[x] = .hidden;
0b10, 0b11 => {
// This is explained in drawBackgroundPixel, we're reusing the bottom layer to draw layer A pixels we will want to
// later blend with WHITE or BLACK
const top_layers =;
const is_top_layer = (top_layers >> 4) & 1 == 1;
if (is_top_layer) {
scanline.btm()[x] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555); // This is intentional
||||[x] = bgr555;
||||[x] = Scanline.Pixel.from(bgr555);
const Scanline = struct {
const Self = @This();
layers: [2][]?u16,
buf: []?u16,
const Pixel = union(enum) {
set: u16,
unset: void,
hidden: void,
fn from(bgr555: u16) Pixel {
return .{ .set = bgr555 };
layers: [2][]Pixel,
buf: []Pixel,
allocator: Allocator,
fn init(allocator: Allocator) !Self {
const buf = try allocator.alloc(?u16, width * 2); // Top & Bottom Scanline
std.mem.set(?u16, buf, null);
const buf = try allocator.alloc(Pixel, width * 2); // Top & Bottom Scanline
std.mem.set(Pixel, buf, .unset);
return .{
// Top & Bototm Layers
.layers = [_][]?u16{ buf[0..][0..width], buf[width..][0..width] },
.layers = [_][]Pixel{ buf[0..][0..width], buf[width..][0..width] },
.buf = buf,
.allocator = allocator,
fn reset(self: *Self) void {
std.mem.set(?u16, self.buf, null);
std.mem.set(Pixel, self.buf, .unset);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
@ -1344,11 +1459,11 @@ const Scanline = struct {
self.* = undefined;
fn top(self: *Self) []?u16 {
fn top(self: *Self) []Pixel {
return self.layers[0];
fn btm(self: *Self) []?u16 {
fn btm(self: *Self) []Pixel {
return self.layers[1];
Reference in New Issue
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