feat: Implement MVP of Mode 0 Sprites

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Rekai Nyangadzayi Musuka 2022-03-10 18:48:44 -04:00
parent f1df3d6615
commit 05e67da181
1 changed files with 238 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit;
const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const log = std.log.scoped(.PPU);
pub const width = 240;
pub const height = 160;
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
framebuf: []u8,
alloc: Allocator,
scanline_sprites: [128]?Sprite,
scanline_buf: [width]?u16,
pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, sched: *Scheduler) !Self {
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
.vcount = .{ .raw = 0x0000 },
.scanline_buf = [_]?u16{null} ** width,
.scanline_sprites = [_]?Sprite{null} ** 128,
@ -74,6 +77,139 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
self.bg[n + 1].cnt.raw = @truncate(u16, word >> 16);
/// Search OAM for Sprites that might be rendered on this scanline
fn fetchSprites(self: *Self) void {
const y = self.vcount.scanline.read();
var i: usize = 0;
search: while (i < self.oam.buf.len) : (i += 8) {
// Attributes in OAM are 6 bytes long, with 2 bytes of padding
// Grab Attributes from OAM
const attr0 = @bitCast(Attr0, self.oam.get16(i));
const attr1 = @bitCast(Attr1, self.oam.get16(i + 2));
const attr2 = @bitCast(Attr2, self.oam.get16(i + 4));
const sprite = Sprite.init(attr0, attr1, attr2);
// Only consider enabled sprites
if (sprite.isDisabled()) continue;
// Determine sprite bounds
// We only care about the Y axis since that value remains constant
const sy = sprite.y();
const sy_end = sy + sprite.height;
if ((sy <= y and sy_end > y) or (sy_end < sy and y < sy_end)) {
for (self.scanline_sprites) |*maybe_sprite| {
if (maybe_sprite.* == null) {
maybe_sprite.* = sprite;
continue :search;
log.err("Found more than 128 sprites in OAM Search", .{});
fn drawSprite(self: *Self, prio: u2) void {
// Object VRAM 3rd and 4th (0-indexed) charblocks
const char_base = 0x4000 * 4;
const scanline = self.vcount.scanline.read();
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < width) : (i += 1) {
// Exit early if a pixel is already here
if (self.scanline_buf[i] != null) continue;
const x = i;
const y = scanline;
// Find Relevant Tile
var maybe_sprite: ?Sprite = null;
for (self.scanline_sprites) |sprite_opt| {
if (sprite_opt) |sprite| {
if (sprite.priority() != prio) continue;
const sx = sprite.x();
const sx_end = sx + sprite.width;
if (sx <= x and sx_end > x) {
maybe_sprite = sprite;
} else break;
// // TODO: Scanning OAM for every single pixel is insanely expensive
// // This should be done once per scanline (and then check for X bounds every pixel)
// var j: u32 = 0;
// while (j < self.oam.buf.len) : (j += 8) {
// // Attributes in OAM are 6 bytes long, with 2 bytes of padding
// // Grab Attributes from OAM
// const attr0 = @bitCast(Attr0, self.oam.get16(j));
// const attr1 = @bitCast(Attr1, self.oam.get16(j + 2));
// const attr2 = @bitCast(Attr2, self.oam.get16(j + 4));
// // Only consider enabled sprites on the current priority
// if (attr0.disabled.read() or attr2.rel_prio.read() != prio) continue;
// // Determine sprite bounds
// const d = spriteDimensions(attr0.shape.read(), attr1.size.read());
// const sy = attr0.y.read();
// const sx = attr1.x.read();
// const sx_end = sx + d[0];
// const sy_end = sy + d[1];
// // If sprite is in range
// if (sy < y and sy_end > y and sx < x and sx_end > x) {
// maybe_sprite = Sprite.init(attr0, attr1, attr2);
// break;
// }
// }
// If we didn't find a sprite, progress to the next pixel
const sprite: Sprite = if (maybe_sprite) |s| s else continue;
const is_8bpp = sprite.is_8bpp();
// Y and X coordinates within the context of a singular 8x8 tile
const tile_y = y - sprite.y();
const tile_x = x - sprite.x();
const tile_id: u32 = sprite.tile_id();
const tile_row_offset: u32 = if (is_8bpp) 8 else 4;
const tile_len: u32 = if (is_8bpp) 0x40 else 0x20;
const row = if (sprite.v_flip()) 7 - (tile_y % 8) else tile_y % 8;
const col = if (sprite.h_flip()) 7 - (tile_x % 8) else tile_x % 8;
const tile_base: u32 = char_base + (0x20 * tile_id) + (tile_row_offset * row) + if (is_8bpp) col else col / 2;
var tile_offset = (tile_x >> 3) * tile_len;
if (self.dispcnt.obj_mapping.read()) {
// One Dimensional
tile_offset += (tile_y / 8) * tile_len * (sprite.width >> 3);
} else {
// Two Dimensional
tile_offset += (@as(u32, tile_y) >> 3) * tile_len * 0x20;
const tile = self.vram.buf[tile_base + tile_offset];
const pal_id = if (!is_8bpp) blk: {
const nybble_tile = if (col & 1 == 1) tile >> 4 else tile & 0xF;
if (nybble_tile == 0) break :blk 0;
const pal_bank: u16 = @as(u8, sprite.pal_bank()) << 4;
break :blk pal_bank | nybble_tile;
} else tile;
// Sprite Palette starts at 0x0500_0200
if (pal_id != 0) self.scanline_buf[i] = self.palette.get16(0x200 + pal_id * 2);
fn drawBackround(self: *Self, comptime n: u3) void {
// A Tile in a charblock is a byte, while a Screen Entry is a halfword
const charblock_len: u32 = 0x4000;
@ -139,15 +275,19 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
pub fn drawScanline(self: *Self) void {
const bg_mode = self.dispcnt.bg_mode.read();
const bg_enable = self.dispcnt.bg_enable.read();
const obj_enable = self.dispcnt.obj_enable.read();
const scanline = self.vcount.scanline.read();
switch (bg_mode) {
0x0 => {
const start = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 4) : (i += 1) {
// Draw Sprites Here
if (obj_enable) self.drawSprite(@truncate(u2, i));
if (i == self.bg[0].cnt.priority.read() and bg_enable & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(0);
if (i == self.bg[1].cnt.priority.read() and bg_enable >> 1 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(1);
if (i == self.bg[2].cnt.priority.read() and bg_enable >> 2 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(2);
@ -165,6 +305,8 @@ pub const Ppu = struct {
// Reset Scanline Buffer
std.mem.set(?u16, &self.scanline_buf, null);
// Reset List of Sprites
std.mem.set(?Sprite, &self.scanline_sprites, null);
0x3 => {
const start = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline);
@ -377,6 +519,73 @@ const ScreenEntry = extern union {
raw: u16,
const Sprite = struct {
const Self = @This();
attr0: Attr0,
attr1: Attr1,
attr2: Attr2,
width: u16,
height: u16,
fn init(attr0: Attr0, attr1: Attr1, attr2: Attr2) Self {
const d = spriteDimensions(attr0.shape.read(), attr1.size.read());
return .{
.attr0 = attr0,
.attr1 = attr1,
.attr2 = attr2,
.width = d[0],
.height = d[1],
fn x(self: *const Self) u16 {
return self.attr1.x.read();
fn y(self: *const Self) u8 {
return self.attr0.y.read();
fn is_8bpp(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.attr0.is_8bpp.read();
fn shape(self: *const Self) u2 {
return self.attr0.shape.read();
fn size(self: *const Self) u2 {
return self.attr1.size.read();
fn tile_id(self: *const Self) u10 {
return self.attr2.tile_id.read();
fn pal_bank(self: *const Self) u4 {
return self.attr2.pal_bank.read();
fn h_flip(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.attr1.h_flip.read();
fn v_flip(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.attr1.v_flip.read();
fn priority(self: *const Self) u2 {
return self.attr2.rel_prio.read();
fn isDisabled(self: *const Self) bool {
return self.attr0.disabled.read();
const Attr0 = extern union {
y: Bitfield(u16, 0, 8),
rot_scaling: Bit(u16, 8), // This SBZ
@ -384,7 +593,7 @@ const Attr0 = extern union {
mode: Bitfield(u16, 10, 2),
mosaic: Bit(u16, 12),
is_8bpp: Bit(u16, 13),
shape: Bit(u16, 14, 2),
shape: Bitfield(u16, 14, 2),
raw: u16,
@ -399,5 +608,32 @@ const Attr1 = extern union {
const Attr2 = extern union {
tile_id: Bitfield(u16, 0, 10),
rel_prio: Bitfield(u16, 10, 2),
pal_id: Bitfield(u16, 12, 3),
pal_bank: Bitfield(u16, 12, 4),
fn spriteDimensions(shape: u2, size: u2) [2]u16 {
return switch (shape) {
0b00 => switch (size) {
// Square
0b00 => [_]u16{ 8, 8 },
0b01 => [_]u16{ 16, 16 },
0b10 => [_]u16{ 32, 32 },
0b11 => [_]u16{ 64, 64 },
0b01 => switch (size) {
0b00 => [_]u16{ 16, 8 },
0b01 => [_]u16{ 32, 8 },
0b10 => [_]u16{ 32, 16 },
0b11 => [_]u16{ 64, 32 },
0b10 => switch (size) {
0b00 => [_]u16{ 8, 16 },
0b01 => [_]u16{ 8, 32 },
0b10 => [_]u16{ 16, 32 },
0b11 => [_]u16{ 32, 64 },
else => std.debug.panic("{} is an invalid sprite shape", .{shape}),