
180 lines
5.5 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const network = @import("network");
const Packet = @import("Packet.zig");
const Socket = network.Socket;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Emulator = @import("lib.zig").Emulator;
const Self = @This();
const log = std.log.scoped(.Server);
const port: u16 = 2424;
pub const target: []const u8 =
\\<target version="1.0">
\\ <architecture>armv4t</architecture>
\\ <feature name="org.gnu.gdb.arm.core">
\\ <reg name="r0" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r1" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r2" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r3" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r4" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r5" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r6" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r7" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r8" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r9" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r10" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r11" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r12" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="sp" bitsize="32" type="data_ptr"/>
\\ <reg name="lr" bitsize="32"/>
\\ <reg name="pc" bitsize="32" type="code_ptr"/>
\\ <reg name="cpsr" bitsize="32" regnum="25"/>
\\ </feature>
// Game Pak SRAM isn't included
// TODO: Can i be more specific here?
pub const memory_map: []const u8 =
\\ <memory-map version="1.0">
\\ <memory type="rom" start="0x00000000" length="0x00004000"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x02000000" length="0x00040000"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x03000000" length="0x00008000"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x04000000" length="0x00000400"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x05000000" length="0x00000400"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x06000000" length="0x00018000"/>
\\ <memory type="ram" start="0x07000000" length="0x00000400"/>
\\ <memory type="rom" start="0x08000000" length="0x02000000"/>
\\ <memory type="rom" start="0x0A000000" length="0x02000000"/>
\\ <memory type="rom" start="0x0C000000" length="0x02000000"/>
\\ </memory-map>
// FIXME: Shouldn't this be a Packet Struct?
pkt_cache: ?[]const u8 = null,
client: Socket,
_socket: Socket,
emu: Emulator,
pub fn init(emulator: Emulator) !Self {
try network.init();
var socket = try Socket.create(.ipv4, .tcp);
try socket.bindToPort(port);
try socket.listen();
var client = try socket.accept(); // TODO: This blocks, is this OK?
const endpoint = try client.getLocalEndPoint();
log.info("client connected from {}", .{endpoint});
return .{ .emu = emulator, ._socket = socket, .client = client };
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
const Action = union(enum) {
send: []const u8,
pub fn run(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) !void {
var buf: [Packet.max_len]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const len = try self.client.receive(&buf);
if (len == 0) break;
const action = try self.parse(allocator, buf[0..len]);
try self.send(allocator, action);
fn parse(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) !Action {
// log.debug("-> {s}", .{input});
return switch (input[0]) {
'+' => blk: {
if (input.len == 1) break :blk .nothing;
break :blk switch (input[1]) {
'$' => self.handlePacket(allocator, input[1..]),
else => std.debug.panic("Unknown: {s}", .{input}),
'-' => .retry,
'$' => try self.handlePacket(allocator, input),
'\x03' => .nothing,
else => std.debug.panic("Unknown: {s}", .{input}),
fn handlePacket(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, input: []const u8) !Action {
var packet = Packet.from(allocator, input) catch return .nack;
defer packet.deinit(allocator);
var string = packet.parse(allocator, &self.emu) catch return .nack;
defer string.deinit(allocator);
const reply = string.inner();
// deallocated by the caller
const response = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "+${s}#{x:0>2}", .{ reply, Packet.checksum(reply) });
return .{ .send = response };
fn send(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, action: Action) !void {
switch (action) {
.send => |pkt| {
_ = try self.client.send(pkt);
// log.debug("<- {s}", .{pkt});
self.pkt_cache = pkt;
.retry => {
log.warn("received nack, resending: \"{?s}\"", .{self.pkt_cache});
if (self.pkt_cache) |pkt| {
_ = try self.client.send(pkt);
// log.debug("<- {s}", .{pkt});
.ack => {
_ = try self.client.send("+");
// log.debug("<- +", .{});
.nack => {
_ = try self.client.send("-");
// log.debug("<- -", .{});
.nothing => self.reset(allocator),
fn reset(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {
if (self.pkt_cache) |pkt| allocator.free(pkt);
self.pkt_cache = null;