feat: get to user input in gdb
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,8 +53,57 @@ pub fn parse(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator) !String {
// Deallocated by the caller
return .{ .alloc = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "T{x:0>2}thread:1;", .{@enumToInt(ret)}) };
'g', 'G' => @panic("TODO: Register Access"),
'm', 'M' => @panic("TODO: Memory Access"),
'g' => {
// TODO: Actually reference GBA Registers
const r = [_]u32{0xDEAD_BEEF} ** 0x10;
const cpsr: u32 = 0xCAFE_B0BA;
const char_len = 2;
const reg_len = @sizeOf(u32) * char_len; // Every byte is represented by 2 characters
const ret = try allocator.alloc(u8, r.len * reg_len + reg_len); // r0 -> r15 + CPSR
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < r.len + 1) : (i += 1) {
const reg: u32 = if (i < r.len) r[i] else cpsr;
// bufPrintIntToSlice writes to the provided slice, which is all we want from this
// consequentially, we ignore the slice it returns since it just references the slice
// passed as an argument
_ = std.fmt.bufPrintIntToSlice(ret[i * 8 ..][0..8], reg, 16, .lower, .{ .fill = '0', .width = 8 });
return .{ .alloc = ret };
'G' => @panic("TODO: Register Write"),
'm' => {
// TODO: Actually reference GBA Memory
log.err("{s}", .{self.contents});
var tokens = std.mem.tokenize(u8, self.contents[1..], ",");
const addr_str = tokens.next() orelse return .{ .static = "E9999" }; // EUNKNOWN
const length_str = tokens.next() orelse return .{ .static = "E9999" }; // EUNKNOWN
const addr = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, addr_str, 16);
const len = try std.fmt.parseInt(u32, length_str, 16);
_ = addr;
const ret = try allocator.alloc(u8, len * 2);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
const value: u8 = 0;
_ = std.fmt.bufPrintIntToSlice(ret[i * 2 ..][0..2], value, 16, .lower, .{ .fill = '0', .width = 2 });
return .{ .alloc = ret };
'M' => @panic("TODO: Memory Write"),
'c' => @panic("TODO: Continue"),
's' => @panic("TODO: Step"),
@ -5,32 +5,6 @@ const Server = @import("Server.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Socket = network.Socket;
pub const target: []const u8 =
\\<target version="1.0">
\\ <architecture>armv4t</architecture>
\\ <feature name="org.gnu.gdb.arm.core">
\\ <reg name="r0" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r1" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r2" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r3" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r4" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r5" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r6" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r7" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r8" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r9" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r10" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r11" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="r12" bitsize="32" type="uint32"/>
\\ <reg name="sp" bitsize="32" type="data_ptr"/>
\\ <reg name="lr" bitsize="32"/>
\\ <reg name="pc" bitsize="32" type="code_ptr"/>
\\ <reg name="cpsr" bitsize="32" regnum="25"/>
\\ </feature>
pub fn main() !void {
const log = std.log.scoped(.Main);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user