
437 lines
14 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield;
const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit;
const System = @import("emu.zig").System;
const handleInterrupt = @import("emu.zig").handleInterrupt;
const log = std.log.scoped(.shared_io);
pub const Io = struct {
/// Inter Process Communication FIFO
ipc: Ipc = .{},
wramcnt: WramCnt = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
// Read Only
keyinput: AtomicKeyInput = .{},
fn warn(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u0 {
log.warn(format, args);
return 0;
/// Inter-Process Communication
const Ipc = struct {
const Sync = IpcSync;
const Control = IpcFifoCnt;
_nds7: Impl = .{},
_nds9: Impl = .{},
// we need access to the CPUs to handle IPC IRQs
arm7tdmi: ?*System.Arm7tdmi = null,
arm946es: ?*System.Arm946es = null,
// TODO: DS Cartridge I/O Ports
const Impl = struct {
/// IPC Synchronize
/// Read/Write
sync: Sync = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 },
/// IPC Fifo Control
/// Read/Write
cnt: Control = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0101 },
fifo: Fifo = Fifo{},
/// Latch containing thel last read value from a FIFO
last_read: ?u32 = null,
pub fn configure(self: *@This(), system: System) void {
self.arm7tdmi = system.arm7tdmi;
self.arm946es = system.arm946es;
/// Read/Write
pub fn setIpcSync(self: *@This(), comptime proc: System.Process, value: anytype) void {
switch (proc) {
.nds7 => {
self._nds7.sync.raw = masks.ipcFifoSync(self._nds7.sync.raw, value);
self._nds9.sync.raw = masks.mask(self._nds9.sync.raw, (self._nds7.sync.raw >> 8) & 0xF, 0xF);
if (value >> 13 & 1 == 1 and self._nds9.sync.recv_irq.read()) {
const bus: *System.Bus9 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm946es.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds9, self.arm946es.?);
if (value >> 3 & 1 == 1) {
.nds9 => {
self._nds9.sync.raw = masks.ipcFifoSync(self._nds9.sync.raw, value);
self._nds7.sync.raw = masks.mask(self._nds7.sync.raw, (self._nds9.sync.raw >> 8) & 0xF, 0xF);
if (value >> 13 & 1 == 1 and self._nds7.sync.recv_irq.read()) {
const bus: *System.Bus7 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm7tdmi.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds7, self.arm7tdmi.?);
if (value >> 3 & 1 == 1) {
/// Read/Write
pub fn setIpcFifoCnt(self: *@This(), comptime proc: System.Process, value: anytype) void {
switch (proc) {
.nds7 => self._nds7.cnt.raw = masks.ipcFifoCnt(self._nds7.cnt.raw, value),
.nds9 => self._nds9.cnt.raw = masks.ipcFifoCnt(self._nds9.cnt.raw, value),
/// IPC Send FIFO
/// Write-Only
pub fn send(self: *@This(), comptime proc: System.Process, value: u32) void {
switch (proc) {
.nds7 => {
if (!self._nds7.cnt.enable_fifos.read()) return;
self._nds7.fifo.push(value) catch unreachable; // see early return above
const not_empty_cache = !self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.read();
// update status bits
self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_empty.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_full.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0x10);
self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_full.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0x10);
const not_empty = !self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.read();
if (self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_irq_enable.read() and !not_empty_cache and not_empty) {
// NDS7 Send | NDS9 RECV (Handling Not Empty)
const bus: *System.Bus9 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm946es.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds9, self.arm946es.?);
.nds9 => {
if (!self._nds9.cnt.enable_fifos.read()) return;
self._nds9.fifo.push(value) catch unreachable; // see early return above
const not_empty_cache = !self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.read();
// update status bits
self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_empty.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_full.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0x10);
self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_full.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0x10);
const not_empty = !self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.read();
if (self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_irq_enable.read() and !not_empty_cache and not_empty) {
// NDS9 Send | NDS7 RECV (Handling Not Empty)
const bus: *System.Bus7 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm7tdmi.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds7, self.arm7tdmi.?);
/// IPC Receive FIFO
/// Read-Only
pub fn recv(self: *@This(), comptime proc: System.Process) u32 {
switch (proc) {
.nds7 => {
const enabled = self._nds7.cnt.enable_fifos.read();
const val_opt = if (enabled) self._nds9.fifo.pop() else self._nds9.fifo.peek();
const value = if (val_opt) |val| blk: {
self._nds9.last_read = val;
break :blk val;
} else blk: {
break :blk self._nds7.last_read orelse 0x0000_0000;
const empty_cache = self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_empty.read();
// update status bits
self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_empty.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds7.cnt.recv_fifo_full.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0x10);
self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_full.write(self._nds9.fifo._len() == 0x10);
const empty = self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_empty.read();
if (self._nds9.cnt.send_fifo_irq_enable.read() and (!empty_cache and empty)) {
const bus: *System.Bus9 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm946es.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds9, self.arm946es.?);
return value;
.nds9 => {
const enabled = self._nds9.cnt.enable_fifos.read();
const val_opt = if (enabled) self._nds7.fifo.pop() else self._nds7.fifo.peek();
const value = if (val_opt) |val| blk: {
self._nds7.last_read = val;
break :blk val;
} else blk: {
break :blk self._nds7.last_read orelse 0x0000_0000;
const empty_cache = self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_empty.read();
// update status bits
self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_empty.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_empty.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0);
self._nds9.cnt.recv_fifo_full.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0x10);
self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_full.write(self._nds7.fifo._len() == 0x10);
const empty = self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_empty.read();
if (self._nds7.cnt.send_fifo_irq_enable.read() and (!empty_cache and empty)) {
const bus: *System.Bus7 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(self.arm7tdmi.?.bus.ptr));
handleInterrupt(.nds7, self.arm7tdmi.?);
return value;
const IpcSync = extern union {
/// Data input to IPCSYNC Bit 8->11 of remote CPU
/// Read-Only
data_input: Bitfield(u32, 0, 4),
/// Data output to IPCSYNC Bit 0->3 of remote CPU
/// Read/Write
data_output: Bitfield(u32, 8, 4),
/// Send IRQ to remote CPU
/// Write-Only
send_irq: Bit(u32, 13),
/// Enable IRQ from remote CPU
/// Read/Write
recv_irq: Bit(u32, 14),
raw: u32,
const IpcFifoCnt = extern union {
/// Read-Only
send_fifo_empty: Bit(u32, 0),
/// Read-Only
send_fifo_full: Bit(u32, 1),
/// Read/Write
send_fifo_irq_enable: Bit(u32, 2),
/// Write-Only
send_fifo_clear: Bit(u32, 3),
/// Read-Only
recv_fifo_empty: Bit(u32, 8),
/// Read-Only
recv_fifo_full: Bit(u32, 9),
/// IRQ for when the Receive FIFO is **not empty**
/// Read/Write
recv_fifo_irq_enable: Bit(u32, 10),
/// Error, recv FIFO empty or send FIFO full
/// Read/Write
fifo_error: Bit(u32, 14),
/// Read/Write
enable_fifos: Bit(u32, 15),
raw: u32,
pub const WramCnt = extern union {
mode: Bitfield(u8, 0, 2),
raw: u8,
pub const masks = struct {
const Bus9 = @import("nds9/Bus.zig");
const Bus7 = @import("nds7/Bus.zig");
inline fn ipcFifoSync(sync: u32, value: anytype) u32 {
const _mask: u32 = 0x6F00;
return (@as(u32, value) & _mask) | (sync & ~_mask);
inline fn ipcFifoCnt(cnt: u32, value: anytype) u32 {
const _mask: u32 = 0xC40C;
const err_mask: u32 = 0x4000; // bit 14
const err_bit = (cnt & err_mask) & ~(value & err_mask);
const without_err = (@as(u32, value) & _mask) | (cnt & ~_mask);
return (without_err & ~err_mask) | err_bit;
/// General Mask helper
pub inline fn mask(original: anytype, value: @TypeOf(original), _mask: @TypeOf(original)) @TypeOf(original) {
return (value & _mask) | (original & ~_mask);
// FIXME: bitfields depends on NDS9 / NDS7
pub const IntEnable = extern union {
vblank: Bit(u32, 0),
hblank: Bit(u32, 1),
coincidence: Bit(u32, 2),
dma0: Bit(u32, 8),
dma1: Bit(u32, 9),
dma2: Bit(u32, 10),
dma3: Bit(u32, 11),
ipcsync: Bit(u32, 16),
ipc_send_empty: Bit(u32, 17),
ipc_recv_not_empty: Bit(u32, 18),
raw: u32,
const Fifo = struct {
const Index = u8;
const Error = error{full};
const len = 0x10;
read_idx: Index = 0,
write_idx: Index = 0,
buf: [len]u32 = [_]u32{undefined} ** len,
comptime {
const max_capacity = (@as(Index, 1) << @typeInfo(Index).Int.bits - 1) - 1; // half the range of index type
std.debug.assert(len <= max_capacity);
pub fn reset(self: *@This()) void {
self.read_idx = 0;
self.write_idx = 0;
pub fn push(self: *@This(), value: u32) Error!void {
if (self.isFull()) return Error.full;
defer self.write_idx += 1;
self.buf[self.mask(self.write_idx)] = value;
pub fn pop(self: *@This()) ?u32 {
if (self.isEmpty()) return null;
defer self.read_idx += 1;
return self.buf[self.mask(self.read_idx)];
pub fn peek(self: *const @This()) ?u32 {
if (self.isEmpty()) return null;
return self.buf[self.mask(self.read_idx)];
fn _len(self: *const @This()) Index {
return self.write_idx - self.read_idx;
fn isFull(self: *const @This()) bool {
return self._len() == self.buf.len;
fn isEmpty(self: *const @This()) bool {
return self.read_idx == self.write_idx;
inline fn mask(self: *const @This(), idx: Index) Index {
const _mask: Index = @intCast(self.buf.len - 1);
return idx & _mask;
/// Read Only
/// 0 = Pressed, 1 = Released
pub const KeyInput = extern union {
a: Bit(u16, 0),
b: Bit(u16, 1),
select: Bit(u16, 2),
start: Bit(u16, 3),
right: Bit(u16, 4),
left: Bit(u16, 5),
up: Bit(u16, 6),
down: Bit(u16, 7),
shoulder_r: Bit(u16, 8),
shoulder_l: Bit(u16, 9),
raw: u16,
const AtomicKeyInput = struct {
const Self = @This();
const Ordering = std.atomic.Ordering;
inner: KeyInput = .{ .raw = 0x03FF },
pub inline fn load(self: *const Self, comptime ordering: Ordering) u16 {
return switch (ordering) {
.AcqRel, .Release => @compileError("not supported for atomic loads"),
else => @atomicLoad(u16, &self.inner.raw, ordering),
pub inline fn fetchOr(self: *Self, value: u16, comptime ordering: Ordering) void {
_ = @atomicRmw(u16, &self.inner.raw, .Or, value, ordering);
pub inline fn fetchAnd(self: *Self, value: u16, comptime ordering: Ordering) void {
_ = @atomicRmw(u16, &self.inner.raw, .And, value, ordering);