292 lines
10 KiB
292 lines
10 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const KiB = 0x400;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const IntFittingRange = std.math.IntFittingRange;
const page_size = 16 * KiB; // smallest allocation is 16 KiB
const addr_space_size = 0x0100_0000; // 0x0600_0000 -> 0x06FF_FFFF (inclusive)
const table_len = addr_space_size / page_size;
const buf_len = 656 * KiB;
const log = std.log.scoped(.vram);
io: Io = .{},
_buf: *[buf_len]u8,
nds9_table: *const [table_len]?[*]u8,
nds7_table: *const [table_len]?[*]u8,
const Io = struct {
pub const Vramstat = nds7.Vramstat;
const nds9 = @import("../nds9/io.zig");
const nds7 = @import("../nds7/io.zig");
stat: nds7.Vramstat = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
/// Write-Only (according to melonDS these are readable lol)
cnt_a: nds9.Vramcnt.A = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_b: nds9.Vramcnt.A = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_c: nds9.Vramcnt.C = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_d: nds9.Vramcnt.C = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_e: nds9.Vramcnt.E = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_f: nds9.Vramcnt.C = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_g: nds9.Vramcnt.C = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_h: nds9.Vramcnt.H = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
cnt_i: nds9.Vramcnt.H = .{ .raw = 0x00 },
pub fn init(self: *@This(), allocator: Allocator) !void {
const buf = try allocator.create([buf_len]u8);
errdefer allocator.destroy(buf);
@memset(buf, 0);
const tables = try allocator.alloc(?[*]u8, 2 * table_len);
@memset(tables, null);
self.* = .{
.nds9_table = tables[0..table_len],
.nds7_table = tables[table_len .. 2 * table_len],
._buf = buf,
// ROMS like redpanda.nds won't write to VRAMCNT before trying to write to VRAM
// therefore we assume some default allocation (in this casee VRAMCNT_A -> VRAMCNT_I are 0x00)
pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void {
const ptr: [*]?[*]const u8 = @ptrCast(@constCast(self.nds9_table));
allocator.free(ptr[0 .. 2 * table_len]);
pub fn stat(self: *const @This()) Io.Vramstat {
const vram_c: u8 = @intFromBool(self.io.cnt_c.enable.read() and self.io.cnt_c.mst.read() == 2);
const vram_d: u8 = @intFromBool(self.io.cnt_d.enable.read() and self.io.cnt_d.mst.read() == 2);
return .{ .raw = (vram_d << 1) | vram_c };
const Kind = enum {
/// In Bytes
inline fn size(self: @This()) u32 {
return switch (self) {
.a => 128 * KiB,
.b => 128 * KiB,
.c => 128 * KiB,
.d => 128 * KiB,
.e => 64 * KiB,
.f => 16 * KiB,
.g => 16 * KiB,
.h => 32 * KiB,
.i => 16 * KiB,
// TODO: Rename
fn range(comptime kind: Kind, mst: u3, offset: u2) u32 {
const ofs: u32 = offset;
// panic messages are from GBATEK
return switch (kind) {
.a => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0680_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * ofs),
2 => 0x0640_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * (ofs & 0b01)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_A: Slot OFS(0-3)"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.b => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0682_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * ofs),
2 => 0x0640_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * (ofs & 0b01)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_B: Slot OFS(0-3)"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.c => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0684_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * ofs),
2 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * (ofs & 0b01)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_C: Slot OFS(0-3)"),
4 => 0x0620_0000,
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.d => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0686_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * ofs),
2 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0002_0000 * (ofs & 0b01)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_D: Slot OFS(0-3)"),
4 => 0x0660_0000,
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.e => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0688_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000,
2 => 0x0640_0000,
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_E: Slots 0-3"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.f => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0689_0000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0000_4000 * (ofs & 0b01)) + (0x0001_0000 * (ofs >> 1)),
2 => 0x0640_0000 + (0x0000_4000 * (ofs & 0b01)) + (0x0001_0000 * (ofs >> 1)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_F: Slot (OFS.0*1)+(OFS.1*4)"),
4 => @panic("VRAMCNT_F: Slot 0-1 (OFS=0), Slot 2-3 (OFS=1)"),
5 => @panic("VRAMCNT_F: Slot 0"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.g => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0689_4000,
1 => 0x0600_0000 + (0x0000_4000 * (ofs & 0b01)) + (0x0001_0000 * (ofs >> 1)),
2 => 0x0640_0000 + (0x0000_4000 * (ofs & 0b01)) + (0x0001_0000 * (ofs >> 1)),
3 => @panic("VRAMCNT_G: Slot (OFS.0*1)+(OFS.1*4)"),
4 => @panic("VRAMCNT_G: Slot 0-1 (OFS=0), Slot 2-3 (OFS=1)"),
5 => @panic("VRAMCNT_G: Slot 0"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.h => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x0689_8000,
1 => 0x0620_0000,
2 => @panic("VRAMCNT_H: Slot 0-3"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
.i => switch (mst) {
0 => 0x068A_0000,
1 => 0x0620_8000,
2 => 0x0660_0000,
3 => @panic("Slot 0"),
else => std.debug.panic("Invalid MST for VRAMCNT_{s}", .{[_]u8{std.ascii.toUpper(@tagName(kind)[0])}}),
fn buf_offset(comptime kind: Kind) usize {
// zig fmt: off
return switch (kind) {
.a => 0, // 0x00000
.b => (128 * KiB) * 1, // 0x20000 (+ 0x20000)
.c => (128 * KiB) * 2, // 0x40000 (+ 0x20000)
.d => (128 * KiB) * 3, // 0x60000 (+ 0x20000)
.e => (128 * KiB) * 4, // 0x80000 (+ 0x20000)
.f => (128 * KiB) * 4 + (64 * KiB), // 0x90000 (+ 0x10000)
.g => (128 * KiB) * 4 + (64 * KiB) + (16 * KiB) * 1, // 0x94000 (+ 0x04000)
.h => (128 * KiB) * 4 + (64 * KiB) + (16 * KiB) * 2, // 0x98000 (+ 0x04000)
.i => (128 * KiB) * 4 + (64 * KiB) + (16 * KiB) * 2 + (32 * KiB) // 0xA0000 (+ 0x08000)
// zig fmt: on
fn CntType(comptime kind: Kind) type {
const Vramcnt = @import("../nds9/io.zig").Vramcnt;
return switch (kind) {
.a => Vramcnt.A,
.b => Vramcnt.A,
.c => Vramcnt.C,
.d => Vramcnt.C,
.e => Vramcnt.E,
.f => Vramcnt.C,
.g => Vramcnt.C,
.h => Vramcnt.H,
.i => Vramcnt.H,
fn cntValue(self: *const @This(), comptime kind: Kind) CntType(kind) {
return switch (kind) {
.a => self.io.cnt_a,
.b => self.io.cnt_b,
.c => self.io.cnt_c,
.d => self.io.cnt_d,
.e => self.io.cnt_e,
.f => self.io.cnt_f,
.g => self.io.cnt_g,
.h => self.io.cnt_h,
.i => self.io.cnt_i,
// TODO: We always update the entirety of VRAM when that argubably isn't necessary
pub fn update(self: *@This()) void {
const nds9_tbl = @constCast(self.nds9_table);
const nds7_tbl = @constCast(self.nds7_table);
for (nds9_tbl, nds7_tbl, 0..) |*nds9_ptr, *nds7_ptr, i| {
const addr = 0x0600_0000 + (i * page_size);
inline for (std.meta.fields(Kind)) |f| {
const kind = @field(Kind, f.name);
const cnt = cntValue(self, kind);
const ofs = switch (kind) {
.e, .h, .i => 0,
else => cnt.offset.read(),
const min = range(kind, cnt.mst.read(), ofs);
const max = min + kind.size();
const offset = addr & (kind.size() - 1);
if (min <= addr and addr < max) {
if ((kind == .c or kind == .d) and cnt.mst.read() == 2) {
// Allocate to ARM7
nds7_ptr.* = self._buf[buf_offset(kind) + offset ..].ptr;
} else {
nds9_ptr.* = self._buf[buf_offset(kind) + offset ..].ptr;
// TODO: Rename
const Device = enum { nds9, nds7 };
pub fn read(self: @This(), comptime T: type, comptime dev: Device, address: u32) T {
const bits = @typeInfo(IntFittingRange(0, page_size - 1)).Int.bits;
const masked_addr = address & (addr_space_size - 1);
const page = masked_addr >> bits;
const offset = masked_addr & (page_size - 1);
const table = if (dev == .nds9) self.nds9_table else self.nds7_table;
if (table[page]) |some_ptr| {
const ptr: [*]const T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(some_ptr));
return ptr[offset / @sizeOf(T)];
log.err("{s}: read(T: {}, addr: 0x{X:0>8}) was in un-mapped VRAM space", .{ @tagName(dev), T, address });
return 0x00;
pub fn write(self: *@This(), comptime T: type, comptime dev: Device, address: u32, value: T) void {
const bits = @typeInfo(IntFittingRange(0, page_size - 1)).Int.bits;
const masked_addr = address & (addr_space_size - 1);
const page = masked_addr >> bits;
const offset = masked_addr & (page_size - 1);
const table = if (dev == .nds9) self.nds9_table else self.nds7_table;
if (table[page]) |some_ptr| {
const ptr: [*]T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(some_ptr));
ptr[offset / @sizeOf(T)] = value;
log.err("{s}: write(T: {}, addr: 0x{X:0>8}, value: 0x{X:0>8}) was in un-mapped VRA< space", .{ @tagName(dev), T, address, value });