//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const f32_min: f32 = 1.17549435082228750796873653722225e-38; pub const f32_max: f32 = 3.40282346638528859811704183484517e+38; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const DrawIdx = u16; pub const DrawVert = extern struct { pos: [2]f32, uv: [2]f32, color: u32, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) void { if (zguiGetCurrentContext() == null) { mem_allocator = allocator; mem_allocations = std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize).init(allocator); mem_allocations.?.ensureTotalCapacity(32) catch @panic("zgui: out of memory"); zguiSetAllocatorFunctions(zguiMemAlloc, zguiMemFree); _ = zguiCreateContext(null); temp_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); temp_buffer.?.resize(3 * 1024 + 1) catch unreachable; } } pub fn deinit() void { if (zguiGetCurrentContext() != null) { temp_buffer.?.deinit(); zguiDestroyContext(null); if (mem_allocations.?.count() > 0) { var it = mem_allocations.?.iterator(); while (it.next()) |kv| { const address = kv.key_ptr.*; const size = kv.value_ptr.*; mem_allocator.?.free(@intToPtr([*]align(mem_alignment) u8, address)[0..size]); std.log.info( "[zgui] Possible memory leak or static memory usage detected: (address: 0x{x}, size: {d})", .{ address, size }, ); } mem_allocations.?.clearAndFree(); } assert(mem_allocations.?.count() == 0); mem_allocations.?.deinit(); mem_allocations = null; mem_allocator = null; } } extern fn zguiCreateContext(shared_font_atlas: ?*const anyopaque) Context; extern fn zguiDestroyContext(ctx: ?Context) void; extern fn zguiGetCurrentContext() ?Context; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var mem_allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null; var mem_allocations: ?std.AutoHashMap(usize, usize) = null; var mem_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = .{}; const mem_alignment = 16; fn zguiMemAlloc(size: usize, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque { mem_mutex.lock(); defer mem_mutex.unlock(); const mem = mem_allocator.?.alignedAlloc( u8, mem_alignment, size, ) catch @panic("zgui: out of memory"); mem_allocations.?.put(@ptrToInt(mem.ptr), size) catch @panic("zgui: out of memory"); return mem.ptr; } fn zguiMemFree(maybe_ptr: ?*anyopaque, _: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void { if (maybe_ptr) |ptr| { mem_mutex.lock(); defer mem_mutex.unlock(); if (mem_allocations != null) { const size = mem_allocations.?.fetchRemove(@ptrToInt(ptr)).?.value; const mem = @ptrCast([*]align(mem_alignment) u8, @alignCast(mem_alignment, ptr))[0..size]; mem_allocator.?.free(mem); } } } extern fn zguiSetAllocatorFunctions( alloc_func: ?*const fn (usize, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque, free_func: ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void, ) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const ConfigFlags = enum(u32) { none = 0, nav_enable_keyboard = 1 << 0, nav_enable_gamepad = 1 << 1, nav_enable_set_mouse_pos = 1 << 2, nav_no_capture_keyboard = 1 << 3, no_mouse = 1 << 4, no_mouse_cursor_change = 1 << 5, is_srgb = 1 << 20, is_touch_screen = 1 << 21, }; pub const FontConfig = extern struct { font_data: ?*anyopaque, font_data_size: i32, font_data_owned_by_atlas: bool, font_no: i32, size_pixels: f32, oversample_h: i32, oversample_v: i32, pixel_snap_h: bool, glyph_extra_spacing: [2]f32, glyph_offset: [2]f32, glyph_ranges: [*c]u16, glyph_min_advance_x: f32, glyph_max_advance_x: f32, merge_mode: bool, font_builder_flags: u32, rasterizer_multiply: f32, ellipsis_char: Wchar, name: [40]u8, dst_font: *Font, pub fn init() FontConfig { return zguiFontConfig_Init(); } extern fn zguiFontConfig_Init() FontConfig; }; pub const io = struct { pub fn addFontFromFile(filename: [:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32) Font { return zguiIoAddFontFromFile(filename, size_pixels); } extern fn zguiIoAddFontFromFile(filename: [*:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32) Font; pub fn addFontFromFileWithConfig( filename: [:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32, config: ?FontConfig, ranges: ?[*]const Wchar, ) Font { return zguiIoAddFontFromFileWithConfig(filename, size_pixels, if (config) |c| &c else null, ranges); } extern fn zguiIoAddFontFromFileWithConfig( filename: [*:0]const u8, size_pixels: f32, config: ?*const FontConfig, ranges: ?[*]const Wchar, ) Font; pub fn addFontFromMemory(fontdata: []const u8, size_pixels: f32) Font { return zguiIoAddFontFromMemory(fontdata.ptr, @intCast(i32, fontdata.len), size_pixels); } extern fn zguiIoAddFontFromMemory(font_data: *const anyopaque, font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32) Font; pub fn addFontFromMemoryWithConfig( fontdata: []const u8, size_pixels: f32, config: ?FontConfig, ranges: ?[*]const Wchar, ) Font { return zguiIoAddFontFromMemoryWithConfig(fontdata.ptr, @intCast(i32, fontdata.len), size_pixels, if (config) |c| &c else null, ranges); } extern fn zguiIoAddFontFromMemoryWithConfig( font_data: *const anyopaque, font_size: i32, size_pixels: f32, config: ?*const FontConfig, ranges: ?[*]const Wchar, ) Font; /// `pub fn getFont(index: u32) Font` pub const getFont = zguiIoGetFont; extern fn zguiIoGetFont(index: u32) Font; /// `pub fn setDefaultFont(font: Font) void` pub const setDefaultFont = zguiIoSetDefaultFont; extern fn zguiIoSetDefaultFont(font: Font) void; /// `pub fn getFontsTextDataAsRgba32() return fonts pixel data and size pub const getFontsTextDataAsRgba32 = zguiIoGetFontsTexDataAsRgba32; extern fn zguiIoGetFontsTexDataAsRgba32(width: *i32, height: *i32) [*c]const u32; /// `pub fn setFontsTexId(id:TextureIdent) set the backend Id for the fonts atlas pub const setFontsTexId = zguiIoSetFontsTexId; extern fn zguiIoSetFontsTexId(id: TextureIdent) void; pub const getFontsTexId = zguiIoGetFontsTexId; extern fn zguiIoGetFontsTexId() TextureIdent; /// `pub fn zguiIoGetWantCaptureMouse() bool` pub const getWantCaptureMouse = zguiIoGetWantCaptureMouse; extern fn zguiIoGetWantCaptureMouse() bool; /// `pub fn zguiIoGetWantCaptureKeyboard() bool` pub const getWantCaptureKeyboard = zguiIoGetWantCaptureKeyboard; extern fn zguiIoGetWantCaptureKeyboard() bool; pub fn setIniFilename(filename: ?[*:0]const u8) void { zguiIoSetIniFilename(filename); } extern fn zguiIoSetIniFilename(filename: ?[*:0]const u8) void; /// `pub fn setDisplaySize(width: f32, height: f32) void` pub const setDisplaySize = zguiIoSetDisplaySize; extern fn zguiIoSetDisplaySize(width: f32, height: f32) void; pub fn getDisplaySize() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiIoGetDisplaySize(&size); return size; } extern fn zguiIoGetDisplaySize(size: *[2]f32) void; /// `pub fn setDisplayFramebufferScale(sx: f32, sy: f32) void` pub const setDisplayFramebufferScale = zguiIoSetDisplayFramebufferScale; extern fn zguiIoSetDisplayFramebufferScale(sx: f32, sy: f32) void; /// `pub fn setConfigFlags(flags: ConfigFlags) void` pub const setConfigFlags = zguiIoSetConfigFlags; extern fn zguiIoSetConfigFlags(flags: ConfigFlags) void; /// `pub fn setDeltaTime(delta_time: f32) void` pub const setDeltaTime = zguiIoSetDeltaTime; extern fn zguiIoSetDeltaTime(delta_time: f32) void; pub const addFocusEvent = zguiIoAddFocusEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddFocusEvent(focused: bool) void; pub const addMousePositionEvent = zguiIoAddMousePositionEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddMousePositionEvent(x: f32, y: f32) void; pub const addMouseButtonEvent = zguiIoAddMouseButtonEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddMouseButtonEvent(button: MouseButton, down: bool) void; pub const addMouseWheelEvent = zguiIoAddMouseWheelEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddMouseWheelEvent(x: f32, y: f32) void; pub const addKeyEvent = zguiIoAddKeyEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddKeyEvent(key: Key, down: bool) void; pub const setKeyEventNativeData = zguiIoSetKeyEventNativeData; extern fn zguiIoSetKeyEventNativeData(key: Key, keycode: i32, scancode: i32) void; pub const addCharacterEvent = zguiIoAddCharacterEvent; extern fn zguiIoAddCharacterEvent(char: i32) void; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Context = *opaque {}; pub const DrawData = *extern struct { valid: bool, cmd_lists_count: i32, total_idx_count: i32, total_vtx_count: i32, cmd_lists: [*]DrawList, display_pos: [2]f32, display_size: [2]f32, framebuffer_scale: [2]f32, }; pub const Font = *opaque {}; pub const Ident = u32; pub const TextureIdent = *anyopaque; pub const Wchar = u16; pub const Key = enum(u32) { none = 0, tab = 512, left_arrow, right_arrow, up_arrow, down_arrow, page_up, page_down, home, end, insert, delete, back_space, space, enter, escape, left_ctrl, left_shift, left_alt, left_super, right_ctrl, right_shift, right_alt, right_super, menu, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, severn, eight, nine, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, apostrophe, comma, minus, period, slash, semicolon, equal, left_bracket, back_slash, right_bracket, grave_accent, caps_lock, scroll_lock, num_lock, print_screen, pause, keypad_0, keypad_1, keypad_2, keypad_3, keypad_4, keypad_5, keypad_6, keypad_7, keypad_8, keypad_9, keypad_decimal, keypad_divide, keypad_multiply, keypad_subtract, keypad_add, keypad_enter, keypad_equal, gamepad_start, gamepad_back, gamepad_faceleft, gamepad_faceright, gamepad_faceup, gamepad_facedown, gamepad_dpadleft, gamepad_dpadright, gamepad_dpadup, gamepad_dpaddown, gamepad_l1, gamepad_r1, gamepad_l2, gamepad_r2, gamepad_l3, gamepad_r3, gamepad_lstickleft, gamepad_lstickright, gamepad_lstickup, gamepad_lstickdown, gamepad_rstickleft, gamepad_rstickright, gamepad_rstickup, gamepad_rstickdown, mouse_left, mouse_right, mouse_middle, mouse_x1, mouse_x2, mouse_wheel_x, mouse_wheel_y, pub const mod_ctrl: u32 = 1 << 12; pub const mod_shift: u32 = 1 << 13; pub const mod_alt: u32 = 1 << 14; pub const mod_super: u32 = 1 << 15; pub const mod_mask_: u32 = 0xf000; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const WindowFlags = packed struct(u32) { no_title_bar: bool = false, no_resize: bool = false, no_move: bool = false, no_scrollbar: bool = false, no_scroll_with_mouse: bool = false, no_collapse: bool = false, always_auto_resize: bool = false, no_background: bool = false, no_saved_settings: bool = false, no_mouse_inputs: bool = false, menu_bar: bool = false, horizontal_scrollbar: bool = false, no_focus_on_appearing: bool = false, no_bring_to_front_on_focus: bool = false, always_vertical_scrollbar: bool = false, always_horizontal_scrollbar: bool = false, always_use_window_padding: bool = false, no_nav_inputs: bool = false, no_nav_focus: bool = false, unsaved_document: bool = false, _padding: u12 = 0, pub const no_nav = WindowFlags{ .no_nav_inputs = true, .no_nav_focus = true }; pub const no_decoration = WindowFlags{ .no_title_bar = true, .no_resize = true, .no_scrollbar = true, .no_collapse = true, }; pub const no_inputs = WindowFlags{ .no_mouse_inputs = true, .no_nav_inputs = true, .no_nav_focus = true, }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const SliderFlags = packed struct(u32) { _reserved0: bool = false, _reserved1: bool = false, _reserved2: bool = false, _reserved3: bool = false, always_clamp: bool = false, logarithmic: bool = false, no_round_to_format: bool = false, no_input: bool = false, _padding: u24 = 0, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const ButtonFlags = packed struct(u32) { mouse_button_left: bool = false, mouse_button_right: bool = false, mouse_button_middle: bool = false, _padding: u29 = 0, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Direction = enum(i32) { none = -1, left = 0, right = 1, up = 2, down = 3, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const DataType = enum(u32) { I8, U8, I16, U16, I32, U32, I64, U64, F32, F64 }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Condition = enum(u32) { none = 0, always = 1, once = 2, first_use_ever = 4, appearing = 8, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Main // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn newFrame() void` pub const newFrame = zguiNewFrame; extern fn zguiNewFrame() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn render() void` pub const render = zguiRender; extern fn zguiRender() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn getDrawData() DrawData` pub const getDrawData = zguiGetDrawData; extern fn zguiGetDrawData() DrawData; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Demo, Debug, Information // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn showDemoWindow(popen: ?*bool) void` pub const showDemoWindow = zguiShowDemoWindow; extern fn zguiShowDemoWindow(popen: ?*bool) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Windows // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SetNextWindowPos = struct { x: f32, y: f32, cond: Condition = .none, pivot_x: f32 = 0.0, pivot_y: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn setNextWindowPos(args: SetNextWindowPos) void { zguiSetNextWindowPos(args.x, args.y, args.cond, args.pivot_x, args.pivot_y); } extern fn zguiSetNextWindowPos(x: f32, y: f32, cond: Condition, pivot_x: f32, pivot_y: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SetNextWindowSize = struct { w: f32, h: f32, cond: Condition = .none, }; pub fn setNextWindowSize(args: SetNextWindowSize) void { zguiSetNextWindowSize(args.w, args.h, args.cond); } extern fn zguiSetNextWindowSize(w: f32, h: f32, cond: Condition) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SetNextWindowCollapsed = struct { collapsed: bool, cond: Condition = .none, }; pub fn setNextWindowCollapsed(args: SetNextWindowCollapsed) void { zguiSetNextWindowCollapsed(args.collapsed, args.cond); } extern fn zguiSetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed: bool, cond: Condition) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn setNextWindowFocus() void` pub const setNextWindowFocus = zguiSetNextWindowFocus; extern fn zguiSetNextWindowFocus() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SetNextWindowBgAlpha = struct { alpha: f32, }; pub fn setNextWindowBgAlpha(args: SetNextWindowBgAlpha) void { zguiSetNextWindowBgAlpha(args.alpha); } extern fn zguiSetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Begin = struct { popen: ?*bool = null, flags: WindowFlags = .{}, }; pub fn begin(name: [:0]const u8, args: Begin) bool { return zguiBegin(name, args.popen, args.flags); } /// `pub fn end() void` pub const end = zguiEnd; extern fn zguiBegin(name: [*:0]const u8, popen: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool; extern fn zguiEnd() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const BeginChild = struct { w: f32 = 0.0, h: f32 = 0.0, border: bool = false, flags: WindowFlags = .{}, }; pub fn beginChild(str_id: [:0]const u8, args: BeginChild) bool { return zguiBeginChild(str_id, args.w, args.h, args.border, args.flags); } pub fn beginChildId(id: Ident, args: BeginChild) bool { return zguiBeginChildId(id, args.w, args.h, args.border, args.flags); } /// `pub fn endChild() void` pub const endChild = zguiEndChild; extern fn zguiBeginChild(str_id: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32, border: bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool; extern fn zguiBeginChildId(id: Ident, w: f32, h: f32, border: bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool; extern fn zguiEndChild() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn zguiGetScrollX() f32` pub const getScrollX = zguiGetScrollX; /// `pub fn zguiGetScrollY() f32` pub const getScrollY = zguiGetScrollY; /// `pub fn zguiSetScrollX(scroll_x: f32) void` pub const setScrollX = zguiSetScrollX; /// `pub fn zguiSetScrollY(scroll_y: f32) void` pub const setScrollY = zguiSetScrollY; /// `pub fn zguiGetScrollMaxX() f32` pub const getScrollMaxX = zguiGetScrollMaxX; /// `pub fn zguiGetScrollMaxY() f32` pub const getScrollMaxY = zguiGetScrollMaxY; extern fn zguiGetScrollX() f32; extern fn zguiGetScrollY() f32; extern fn zguiSetScrollX(scroll_x: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetScrollY(scroll_y: f32) void; extern fn zguiGetScrollMaxX() f32; extern fn zguiGetScrollMaxY() f32; const SetScrollHereX = struct { center_x_ratio: f32 = 0.5, }; const SetScrollHereY = struct { center_y_ratio: f32 = 0.5, }; pub fn setScrollHereX(args: SetScrollHereX) void { zguiSetScrollHereX(args.center_x_ratio); } pub fn setScrollHereY(args: SetScrollHereY) void { zguiSetScrollHereY(args.center_y_ratio); } const SetScrollFromPosX = struct { local_x: f32, center_x_ratio: f32 = 0.5, }; const SetScrollFromPosY = struct { local_y: f32, center_y_ratio: f32 = 0.5, }; pub fn setScrollFromPosX(args: SetScrollFromPosX) void { zguiSetScrollFromPosX(args.local_x, args.center_x_ratio); } pub fn setScrollFromPosY(args: SetScrollFromPosY) void { zguiSetScrollFromPosY(args.local_y, args.center_y_ratio); } extern fn zguiSetScrollHereX(center_x_ratio: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetScrollHereY(center_y_ratio: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetScrollFromPosX(local_x: f32, center_x_ratio: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetScrollFromPosY(local_y: f32, center_y_ratio: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const FocusedFlags = packed struct(u32) { child_windows: bool = false, root_window: bool = false, any_window: bool = false, no_popup_hierarchy: bool = false, _padding: u28 = 0, pub const root_and_child_windows = FocusedFlags{ .root_window = true, .child_windows = true }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const HoveredFlags = packed struct(u32) { child_windows: bool = false, root_window: bool = false, any_window: bool = false, no_popup_hierarchy: bool = false, _reserved0: bool = false, allow_when_blocked_by_popup: bool = false, _reserved1: bool = false, allow_when_blocked_by_active_item: bool = false, allow_when_overlapped: bool = false, allow_when_disabled: bool = false, no_nav_override: bool = false, _padding: u21 = 0, pub const rect_only = HoveredFlags{ .allow_when_blocked_by_popup = true, .allow_when_blocked_by_active_item = true, .allow_when_overlapped = true, }; pub const root_and_child_windows = HoveredFlags{ .root_window = true, .child_windows = true }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn isWindowAppearing() bool` pub const isWindowAppearing = zguiIsWindowAppearing; /// `pub fn isWindowCollapsed() bool` pub const isWindowCollapsed = zguiIsWindowCollapsed; pub fn isWindowFocused(flags: FocusedFlags) bool { return zguiIsWindowFocused(flags); } pub fn isWindowHovered(flags: HoveredFlags) bool { return zguiIsWindowHovered(flags); } extern fn zguiIsWindowAppearing() bool; extern fn zguiIsWindowCollapsed() bool; extern fn zguiIsWindowFocused(flags: FocusedFlags) bool; extern fn zguiIsWindowHovered(flags: HoveredFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn getWindowPos() [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetWindowPos(&pos); return pos; } pub fn getWindowSize() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetWindowSize(&size); return size; } pub fn getContentRegionAvail() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetContentRegionAvail(&size); return size; } pub fn getContentRegionMax() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetContentRegionMax(&size); return size; } pub fn getWindowContentRegionMin() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetWindowContentRegionMin(&size); return size; } pub fn getWindowContentRegionMax() [2]f32 { var size: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetWindowContentRegionMax(&size); return size; } /// `pub fn getWindowWidth() f32` pub const getWindowWidth = zguiGetWindowWidth; /// `pub fn getWindowHeight() f32` pub const getWindowHeight = zguiGetWindowHeight; extern fn zguiGetWindowPos(pos: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetWindowSize(size: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetWindowWidth() f32; extern fn zguiGetWindowHeight() f32; extern fn zguiGetContentRegionAvail(size: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetContentRegionMax(size: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetWindowContentRegionMin(size: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetWindowContentRegionMax(size: *[2]f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Style // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Style = extern struct { alpha: f32, disabled_alpha: f32, window_padding: [2]f32, window_rounding: f32, window_border_size: f32, window_min_size: [2]f32, window_title_align: [2]f32, window_menu_button_position: Direction, child_rounding: f32, child_border_size: f32, popup_rounding: f32, popup_border_size: f32, frame_padding: [2]f32, frame_rounding: f32, frame_border_size: f32, item_spacing: [2]f32, item_inner_spacing: [2]f32, cell_padding: [2]f32, touch_extra_padding: [2]f32, indent_spacing: f32, columns_min_spacing: f32, scrollbar_size: f32, scrollbar_rounding: f32, grab_min_size: f32, grab_rounding: f32, log_slider_deadzone: f32, tab_rounding: f32, tab_border_size: f32, tab_min_width_for_close_button: f32, color_button_position: Direction, button_text_align: [2]f32, selectable_text_align: [2]f32, display_window_padding: [2]f32, display_safe_area_padding: [2]f32, mouse_cursor_scale: f32, anti_aliased_lines: bool, anti_aliased_lines_use_tex: bool, anti_aliased_fill: bool, curve_tessellation_tol: f32, circle_tessellation_max_error: f32, colors: [@typeInfo(StyleCol).Enum.fields.len][4]f32, /// `pub fn init() Style` pub const init = zguiStyle_Init; extern fn zguiStyle_Init() Style; /// `pub fn scaleAllSizes(style: *Style, scale_factor: f32) void` pub const scaleAllSizes = zguiStyle_ScaleAllSizes; extern fn zguiStyle_ScaleAllSizes(style: *Style, scale_factor: f32) void; pub fn getColor(style: Style, idx: StyleCol) [4]f32 { return style.colors[@enumToInt(idx)]; } pub fn setColor(style: *Style, idx: StyleCol, color: [4]f32) void { style.colors[@enumToInt(idx)] = color; } }; /// `pub fn getStyle() *Style` pub const getStyle = zguiGetStyle; extern fn zguiGetStyle() *Style; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const StyleCol = enum(u32) { text, text_disabled, window_bg, child_bg, popup_bg, border, border_shadow, frame_bg, frame_bg_hovered, frame_bg_active, title_bg, title_bg_active, title_bg_collapsed, menu_bar_bg, scrollbar_bg, scrollbar_grab, scrollbar_grab_hovered, scrollbar_grab_active, check_mark, slider_grab, slider_grab_active, button, button_hovered, button_active, header, header_hovered, header_active, separator, separator_hovered, separator_active, resize_grip, resize_grip_hovered, resize_grip_active, tab, tab_hovered, tab_active, tab_unfocused, tab_unfocused_active, plot_lines, plot_lines_hovered, plot_histogram, plot_histogram_hovered, table_header_bg, table_border_strong, table_border_light, table_row_bg, table_row_bg_alt, text_selected_bg, drag_drop_target, nav_highlight, nav_windowing_highlight, nav_windowing_dim_bg, modal_window_dim_bg, }; const PushStyleColor4f = struct { idx: StyleCol, c: [4]f32, }; pub fn pushStyleColor4f(args: PushStyleColor4f) void { zguiPushStyleColor4f(args.idx, &args.c); } const PushStyleColor1u = struct { idx: StyleCol, c: u32, }; pub fn pushStyleColor1u(args: PushStyleColor1u) void { zguiPushStyleColor1u(args.idx, args.c); } const PopStyleColor = struct { count: i32 = 1, }; pub fn popStyleColor(args: PopStyleColor) void { zguiPopStyleColor(args.count); } extern fn zguiPushStyleColor4f(idx: StyleCol, col: *const [4]f32) void; extern fn zguiPushStyleColor1u(idx: StyleCol, col: u32) void; extern fn zguiPopStyleColor(count: i32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const StyleVar = enum(u32) { alpha, // 1f disabled_alpha, // 1f window_padding, // 2f window_rounding, // 1f window_border_size, // 1f window_min_size, // 2f window_title_align, // 2f child_rounding, // 1f child_border_size, // 1f popup_rounding, // 1f popup_border_size, // 1f frame_padding, // 2f frame_rounding, // 1f frame_border_size, // 1f item_spacing, // 2f item_inner_spacing, // 2f indent_spacing, // 1f cell_padding, // 2f scrollbar_size, // 1f scrollbar_rounding, // 1f grab_min_size, // 1f grab_rounding, // 1f tab_rounding, // 1f button_text_align, // 2f selectable_text_align, // 2f }; const PushStyleVar1f = struct { idx: StyleVar, v: f32, }; pub fn pushStyleVar1f(args: PushStyleVar1f) void { zguiPushStyleVar1f(args.idx, args.v); } const PushStyleVar2f = struct { idx: StyleVar, v: [2]f32, }; pub fn pushStyleVar2f(args: PushStyleVar2f) void { zguiPushStyleVar2f(args.idx, &args.v); } const PopStyleVar = struct { count: i32 = 1, }; pub fn popStyleVar(args: PopStyleVar) void { zguiPopStyleVar(args.count); } extern fn zguiPushStyleVar1f(idx: StyleVar, v: f32) void; extern fn zguiPushStyleVar2f(idx: StyleVar, v: *const [2]f32) void; extern fn zguiPopStyleVar(count: i32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `void pushItemWidth(item_width: f32) void` pub const pushItemWidth = zguiPushItemWidth; /// `void popItemWidth() void` pub const popItemWidth = zguiPopItemWidth; /// `void setNextItemWidth(item_width: f32) void` pub const setNextItemWidth = zguiSetNextItemWidth; extern fn zguiPushItemWidth(item_width: f32) void; extern fn zguiPopItemWidth() void; extern fn zguiSetNextItemWidth(item_width: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn getFont() Font` pub const getFont = zguiGetFont; extern fn zguiGetFont() Font; /// `pub fn getFontSize() f32` pub const getFontSize = zguiGetFontSize; extern fn zguiGetFontSize() f32; /// `void pushFont(font: Font) void` pub const pushFont = zguiPushFont; extern fn zguiPushFont(font: Font) void; /// `void popFont() void` pub const popFont = zguiPopFont; extern fn zguiPopFont() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const BeginDisabled = struct { disabled: bool = true, }; pub fn beginDisabled(args: BeginDisabled) void { zguiBeginDisabled(args.disabled); } /// `pub fn endDisabled() void` pub const endDisabled = zguiEndDisabled; extern fn zguiBeginDisabled(disabled: bool) void; extern fn zguiEndDisabled() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Cursor / Layout // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn separator() void` pub const separator = zguiSeparator; extern fn zguiSeparator() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SameLine = struct { offset_from_start_x: f32 = 0.0, spacing: f32 = -1.0, }; pub fn sameLine(args: SameLine) void { zguiSameLine(args.offset_from_start_x, args.spacing); } extern fn zguiSameLine(offset_from_start_x: f32, spacing: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn newLine() void` pub const newLine = zguiNewLine; extern fn zguiNewLine() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn spacing() void` pub const spacing = zguiSpacing; extern fn zguiSpacing() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Dummy = struct { w: f32, h: f32, }; pub fn dummy(args: Dummy) void { zguiDummy(args.w, args.h); } extern fn zguiDummy(w: f32, h: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Indent = struct { indent_w: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn indent(args: Indent) void { zguiIndent(args.indent_w); } const Unindent = struct { indent_w: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn unindent(args: Unindent) void { zguiUnindent(args.indent_w); } extern fn zguiIndent(indent_w: f32) void; extern fn zguiUnindent(indent_w: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn beginGroup() void` pub const beginGroup = zguiBeginGroup; extern fn zguiBeginGroup() void; /// `pub fn endGroup() void` pub const endGroup = zguiEndGroup; extern fn zguiEndGroup() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn getCursorPos() [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetCursorPos(&pos); return pos; } /// `pub fn getCursorPosX() f32` pub const getCursorPosX = zguiGetCursorPosX; /// `pub fn getCursorPosY() f32` pub const getCursorPosY = zguiGetCursorPosY; extern fn zguiGetCursorPos(pos: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetCursorPosX() f32; extern fn zguiGetCursorPosY() f32; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn setCursorPos(local_pos: [2]f32) void { zguiSetCursorPos(local_pos[0], local_pos[1]); } /// `pub fn setCursorPosX(local_x: f32) void` pub const setCursorPosX = zguiSetCursorPosX; /// `pub fn setCursorPosY(local_y: f32) void` pub const setCursorPosY = zguiSetCursorPosY; extern fn zguiSetCursorPos(local_x: f32, local_y: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetCursorPosX(local_x: f32) void; extern fn zguiSetCursorPosY(local_y: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn getCursorStartPos() [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetCursorStartPos(&pos); return pos; } pub fn getCursorScreenPos() [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetCursorScreenPos(&pos); return pos; } pub fn setCursorScreenPos(screen_pos: [2]f32) void { zguiSetCursorPos(screen_pos[0], screen_pos[1]); } extern fn zguiGetCursorStartPos(pos: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiGetCursorScreenPos(pos: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiSetCursorScreenPos(screen_x: f32, screen_y: f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Cursor = enum(i32) { none = -1, arrow = 0, text_input, resize_all, resize_ns, resize_ew, resize_nesw, resize_nwse, hand, not_allowed, count, }; /// `pub fn getMouseCursor() MouseCursor` pub const getMouseCursor = zguiGetMouseCursor; /// `pub fn setMouseCursor(cursor: MouseCursor) void` pub const setMouseCursor = zguiSetMouseCursor; extern fn zguiGetMouseCursor() Cursor; extern fn zguiSetMouseCursor(cursor: Cursor) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn alignTextToFramePadding() void` pub const alignTextToFramePadding = zguiAlignTextToFramePadding; /// `pub fn getTextLineHeight() f32` pub const getTextLineHeight = zguiGetTextLineHeight; /// `pub fn getTextLineHeightWithSpacing() f32` pub const getTextLineHeightWithSpacing = zguiGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing; /// `pub fn getFrameHeight() f32` pub const getFrameHeight = zguiGetFrameHeight; /// `pub fn getFrameHeightWithSpacing() f32` pub const getFrameHeightWithSpacing = zguiGetFrameHeightWithSpacing; extern fn zguiAlignTextToFramePadding() void; extern fn zguiGetTextLineHeight() f32; extern fn zguiGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() f32; extern fn zguiGetFrameHeight() f32; extern fn zguiGetFrameHeightWithSpacing() f32; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ID stack/scopes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn pushStrId(str_id: []const u8) void { zguiPushStrId(str_id.ptr, str_id.ptr + str_id.len); } pub fn pushStrIdZ(str_id: [:0]const u8) void { zguiPushStrIdZ(str_id); } pub fn pushPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) void { zguiPushPtrId(ptr_id); } pub fn pushIntId(int_id: i32) void { zguiPushIntId(int_id); } extern fn zguiPushStrId(str_id_begin: [*]const u8, str_id_end: [*]const u8) void; extern fn zguiPushStrIdZ(str_id: [*:0]const u8) void; extern fn zguiPushPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) void; extern fn zguiPushIntId(int_id: i32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn popId() void` pub const popId = zguiPopId; extern fn zguiPopId() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn getStrId(str_id: []const u8) Ident { return zguiGetStrId(str_id.ptr, str_id.ptr + str_id.len); } pub fn getStrIdZ(str_id: [:0]const u8) Ident { return zguiGetStrIdZ(str_id); } pub fn getPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) Ident { return zguiGetPtrId(ptr_id); } extern fn zguiGetStrId(str_id_begin: [*]const u8, str_id_end: [*]const u8) Ident; extern fn zguiGetStrIdZ(str_id: [*:0]const u8) Ident; extern fn zguiGetPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) Ident; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Text // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn textUnformatted(txt: []const u8) void { zguiTextUnformatted(txt.ptr, txt.ptr + txt.len); } pub fn textUnformattedColored(color: [4]f32, txt: []const u8) void { pushStyleColor4f(.{ .idx = .text, .c = color }); textUnformatted(txt); popStyleColor(.{}); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn text(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { const result = format(fmt, args); zguiTextUnformatted(result.ptr, result.ptr + result.len); } pub fn textColored(color: [4]f32, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { pushStyleColor4f(.{ .idx = .text, .c = color }); text(fmt, args); popStyleColor(.{}); } extern fn zguiTextUnformatted(txt: [*]const u8, txt_end: [*]const u8) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn textDisabled(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { zguiTextDisabled("%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } extern fn zguiTextDisabled(fmt: [*:0]const u8, ...) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn textWrapped(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { zguiTextWrapped("%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } extern fn zguiTextWrapped(fmt: [*:0]const u8, ...) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn bulletText(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { bullet(); text(fmt, args); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn labelText(label: [:0]const u8, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { zguiLabelText(label, "%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } extern fn zguiLabelText(label: [*:0]const u8, fmt: [*:0]const u8, ...) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CalcTextSize = struct { hide_text_after_double_hash: bool = false, wrap_width: f32 = -1.0, }; pub fn calcTextSize(txt: []const u8, args: CalcTextSize) [2]f32 { var w: f32 = undefined; var h: f32 = undefined; zguiCalcTextSize( txt.ptr, txt.ptr + txt.len, args.hide_text_after_double_hash, args.wrap_width, &w, &h, ); return .{ w, h }; } extern fn zguiCalcTextSize( txt: [*]const u8, txt_end: [*]const u8, hide_text_after_double_hash: bool, wrap_width: f32, out_w: *f32, out_h: *f32, ) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Main // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Button = struct { w: f32 = 0.0, h: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn button(label: [:0]const u8, args: Button) bool { return zguiButton(label, args.w, args.h); } extern fn zguiButton(label: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn smallButton(label: [:0]const u8) bool { return zguiSmallButton(label); } extern fn zguiSmallButton(label: [*:0]const u8) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InvisibleButton = struct { w: f32, h: f32, flags: ButtonFlags = .{}, }; pub fn invisibleButton(str_id: [:0]const u8, args: InvisibleButton) bool { return zguiInvisibleButton(str_id, args.w, args.h, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInvisibleButton(str_id: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32, flags: ButtonFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ArrowButton = struct { dir: Direction, }; pub fn arrowButton(label: [:0]const u8, args: ArrowButton) bool { return zguiArrowButton(label, args.dir); } extern fn zguiArrowButton(label: [*:0]const u8, dir: Direction) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Image = struct { w: f32, h: f32, uv0: [2]f32 = .{ 0.0, 0.0 }, uv1: [2]f32 = .{ 1.0, 1.0 }, tint_col: [4]f32 = .{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, border_col: [4]f32 = .{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, }; pub fn image(user_texture_id: TextureIdent, args: Image) void { zguiImage(user_texture_id, args.w, args.h, &args.uv0, &args.uv1, &args.tint_col, &args.border_col); } extern fn zguiImage( user_texture_id: TextureIdent, w: f32, h: f32, uv0: *const [2]f32, uv1: *const [2]f32, tint_col: *const [4]f32, border_col: *const [4]f32, ) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ImageButton = struct { w: f32, h: f32, uv0: [2]f32 = .{ 0.0, 0.0 }, uv1: [2]f32 = .{ 1.0, 1.0 }, bg_col: [4]f32 = .{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, tint_col: [4]f32 = .{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, }; pub fn imageButton(str_id: [:0]const u8, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, args: ImageButton) bool { return zguiImageButton( str_id, user_texture_id, args.w, args.h, &args.uv0, &args.uv1, &args.bg_col, &args.tint_col, ); } extern fn zguiImageButton( str_id: [*:0]const u8, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, w: f32, h: f32, uv0: *const [2]f32, uv1: *const [2]f32, bg_col: *const [4]f32, tint_col: *const [4]f32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn bullet() void` pub const bullet = zguiBullet; extern fn zguiBullet() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const RadioButton = struct { active: bool, }; pub fn radioButton(label: [:0]const u8, args: RadioButton) bool { return zguiRadioButton(label, args.active); } extern fn zguiRadioButton(label: [*:0]const u8, active: bool) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const RadioButtonStatePtr = struct { v: *i32, v_button: i32, }; pub fn radioButtonStatePtr(label: [:0]const u8, args: RadioButtonStatePtr) bool { return zguiRadioButtonStatePtr(label, args.v, args.v_button); } extern fn zguiRadioButtonStatePtr(label: [*:0]const u8, v: *i32, v_button: i32) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Checkbox = struct { v: *bool, }; pub fn checkbox(label: [:0]const u8, args: Checkbox) bool { return zguiCheckbox(label, args.v); } extern fn zguiCheckbox(label: [*:0]const u8, v: *bool) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CheckboxBits = struct { bits: *u32, bits_value: u32, }; pub fn checkboxBits(label: [:0]const u8, args: CheckboxBits) bool { return zguiCheckboxBits(label, args.bits, args.bits_value); } extern fn zguiCheckboxBits(label: [*:0]const u8, bits: *u32, bits_value: u32) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ProgressBar = struct { fraction: f32, w: f32 = -f32_min, h: f32 = 0.0, overlay: ?[:0]const u8 = null, }; pub fn progressBar(args: ProgressBar) void { zguiProgressBar(args.fraction, args.w, args.h, if (args.overlay) |o| o else null); } extern fn zguiProgressBar(fraction: f32, w: f32, h: f32, overlay: ?[*:0]const u8) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Combo Box // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Combo = struct { current_item: *i32, items_separated_by_zeros: [:0]const u8, popup_max_height_in_items: i32 = -1, }; pub fn combo(label: [:0]const u8, args: Combo) bool { return zguiCombo( label, args.current_item, args.items_separated_by_zeros, args.popup_max_height_in_items, ); } extern fn zguiCombo( label: [*:0]const u8, current_item: *i32, items_separated_by_zeros: [*:0]const u8, popup_max_height_in_items: i32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const ComboFlags = packed struct(u32) { popup_align_left: bool = false, height_small: bool = false, height_regular: bool = false, height_large: bool = false, height_largest: bool = false, no_arrow_button: bool = false, no_preview: bool = false, _padding: u25 = 0, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const BeginCombo = struct { preview_value: [*:0]const u8, flags: ComboFlags = .{}, }; pub fn beginCombo(label: [:0]const u8, args: BeginCombo) bool { return zguiBeginCombo(label, args.preview_value, args.flags); } extern fn zguiBeginCombo(label: [*:0]const u8, preview_value: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: ComboFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn endCombo() void` pub const endCombo = zguiEndCombo; extern fn zguiEndCombo() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Drag Sliders // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn DragFloatGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: f32 = 0.0, max: f32 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragFloat = DragFloatGen(f32); pub fn dragFloat(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragFloat) bool { return zguiDragFloat( label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDragFloat( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *f32, speed: f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragFloat2 = DragFloatGen([2]f32); pub fn dragFloat2(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragFloat2) bool { return zguiDragFloat2(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragFloat2( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, speed: f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragFloat3 = DragFloatGen([3]f32); pub fn dragFloat3(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragFloat3) bool { return zguiDragFloat3(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragFloat3( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, speed: f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragFloat4 = DragFloatGen([4]f32); pub fn dragFloat4(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragFloat4) bool { return zguiDragFloat4(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragFloat4( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, speed: f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragFloatRange2 = struct { current_min: *f32, current_max: *f32, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: f32 = 0.0, max: f32 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", cfmt_max: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; pub fn dragFloatRange2(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragFloatRange2) bool { return zguiDragFloatRange2( label, args.current_min, args.current_max, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, if (args.cfmt_max) |fm| fm else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDragFloatRange2( label: [*:0]const u8, current_min: *f32, current_max: *f32, speed: f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, cfmt_max: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn DragIntGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: i32 = 0.0, max: i32 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%d", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragInt = DragIntGen(i32); pub fn dragInt(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragInt) bool { return zguiDragInt(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragInt( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *i32, speed: f32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragInt2 = DragIntGen([2]i32); pub fn dragInt2(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragInt2) bool { return zguiDragInt2(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragInt2( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, speed: f32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragInt3 = DragIntGen([3]i32); pub fn dragInt3(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragInt3) bool { return zguiDragInt3(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragInt3( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, speed: f32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragInt4 = DragIntGen([4]i32); pub fn dragInt4(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragInt4) bool { return zguiDragInt4(label, args.v, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDragInt4( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, speed: f32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DragIntRange2 = struct { current_min: *i32, current_max: *i32, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: i32 = 0.0, max: i32 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%d", cfmt_max: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; pub fn dragIntRange2(label: [:0]const u8, args: DragIntRange2) bool { return zguiDragIntRange2( label, args.current_min, args.current_max, args.speed, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, if (args.cfmt_max) |fm| fm else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDragIntRange2( label: [*:0]const u8, current_min: *i32, current_max: *i32, speed: f32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, cfmt_max: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn DragScalarGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: ?T = null, max: ?T = null, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn dragScalar(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: DragScalarGen(T)) bool { return zguiDragScalar( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(T), args.v, args.speed, if (args.min) |vm| &vm else null, if (args.max) |vm| &vm else null, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDragScalar( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, speed: f32, pmin: ?*const anyopaque, pmax: ?*const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn DragScalarNGen(comptime T: type) type { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; return struct { v: *T, speed: f32 = 1.0, min: ?ScalarType = null, max: ?ScalarType = null, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn dragScalarN(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: DragScalarNGen(T)) bool { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; const components = @typeInfo(T).Array.len; return zguiDragScalarN( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(ScalarType), args.v, components, args.speed, if (args.min) |vm| &vm else null, if (args.max) |vm| &vm else null, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDragScalarN( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, components: i32, speed: f32, pmin: ?*const anyopaque, pmax: ?*const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Regular Sliders // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn SliderFloatGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderFloat = SliderFloatGen(f32); pub fn sliderFloat(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderFloat) bool { return zguiSliderFloat(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderFloat( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderFloat2 = SliderFloatGen([2]f32); pub fn sliderFloat2(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderFloat2) bool { return zguiSliderFloat2(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderFloat2( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderFloat3 = SliderFloatGen([3]f32); pub fn sliderFloat3(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderFloat3) bool { return zguiSliderFloat3(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderFloat3( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderFloat4 = SliderFloatGen([4]f32); pub fn sliderFloat4(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderFloat4) bool { return zguiSliderFloat4(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderFloat4( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn SliderIntGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%d", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderInt = SliderIntGen(i32); pub fn sliderInt(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderInt) bool { return zguiSliderInt(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderInt( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderInt2 = SliderIntGen([2]i32); pub fn sliderInt2(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderInt2) bool { return zguiSliderInt2(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderInt2( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderInt3 = SliderIntGen([3]i32); pub fn sliderInt3(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderInt3) bool { return zguiSliderInt3(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderInt3( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderInt4 = SliderIntGen([4]i32); pub fn sliderInt4(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderInt4) bool { return zguiSliderInt4(label, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiSliderInt4( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn SliderScalarGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, min: T, max: T, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn sliderScalar(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: SliderScalarGen(T)) bool { return zguiSliderScalar( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(T), args.v, &args.min, &args.max, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiSliderScalar( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, pmin: *const anyopaque, pmax: *const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn SliderScalarNGen(comptime T: type) type { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; return struct { v: *T, min: ScalarType, max: ScalarType, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn sliderScalarN(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: SliderScalarNGen(T)) bool { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; const components = @typeInfo(T).Array.len; return zguiSliderScalarN( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(ScalarType), args.v, components, &args.min, &args.max, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiSliderScalarN( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, components: i32, pmin: *const anyopaque, pmax: *const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const VSliderFloat = struct { w: f32, h: f32, v: *f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; pub fn vsliderFloat(label: [:0]const u8, args: VSliderFloat) bool { return zguiVSliderFloat(label, args.w, args.h, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiVSliderFloat( label: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32, v: *f32, min: f32, max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const VSliderInt = struct { w: f32, h: f32, v: *i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%d", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; pub fn vsliderInt(label: [:0]const u8, args: VSliderInt) bool { return zguiVSliderInt(label, args.w, args.h, args.v, args.min, args.max, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiVSliderInt( label: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32, v: *i32, min: i32, max: i32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn VSliderScalarGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { w: f32, h: f32, v: *T, min: T, max: T, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn vsliderScalar(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: VSliderScalarGen(T)) bool { return zguiVSliderScalar( label, args.w, args.h, typeToDataTypeEnum(T), args.v, &args.min, &args.max, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiVSliderScalar( label: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, pmin: *const anyopaque, pmax: *const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SliderAngle = struct { vrad: *f32, deg_min: f32 = -360.0, deg_max: f32 = 360.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.0f deg", flags: SliderFlags = .{}, }; pub fn sliderAngle(label: [:0]const u8, args: SliderAngle) bool { return zguiSliderAngle( label, args.vrad, args.deg_min, args.deg_max, args.cfmt, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiSliderAngle( label: [*:0]const u8, vrad: *f32, deg_min: f32, deg_max: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: SliderFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Input with Keyboard // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const InputTextFlags = packed struct(u32) { chars_decimal: bool = false, chars_hexadecimal: bool = false, chars_uppercase: bool = false, chars_no_blank: bool = false, auto_select_all: bool = false, enter_returns_true: bool = false, callback_completion: bool = false, callback_history: bool = false, callback_always: bool = false, callback_char_filter: bool = false, allow_tab_input: bool = false, ctrl_enter_for_new_line: bool = false, no_horizontal_scroll: bool = false, always_overwrite: bool = false, read_only: bool = false, password: bool = false, no_undo_redo: bool = false, chars_scientific: bool = false, callback_resize: bool = false, callback_edit: bool = false, _padding: u12 = 0, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const InputTextCallbackData = extern struct { event_flag: InputTextFlags, flags: InputTextFlags, user_data: ?*anyopaque, event_char: Wchar, event_key: Key, buf: [*]u8, buf_text_len: i32, buf_size: i32, buf_dirty: bool, cursor_pos: i32, selection_start: i32, selection_end: i32, /// `pub fn init() InputTextCallbackData` pub const init = zguiInputTextCallbackData_Init; /// `pub fn deleteChars(data: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, bytes_count: i32) void` pub const deleteChars = zguiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars; pub fn insertChars(data: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, txt: []const u8) void { zguiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars(data, pos, txt.ptr, txt.ptr + txt.len); } pub fn selectAll(data: *InputTextCallbackData) void { data.selection_start = 0; data.selection_end = data.buf_text_len; } pub fn clearSelection(data: *InputTextCallbackData) void { data.selection_start = data.buf_text_len; data.selection_end = data.buf_text_len; } pub fn hasSelection(data: InputTextCallbackData) bool { return data.selection_start != data.selection_end; } extern fn zguiInputTextCallbackData_Init() InputTextCallbackData; extern fn zguiInputTextCallbackData_DeleteChars( data: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, bytes_count: i32, ) void; extern fn zguiInputTextCallbackData_InsertChars( data: *InputTextCallbackData, pos: i32, text: [*]const u8, text_end: [*]const u8, ) void; }; pub const InputTextCallback = *const fn (data: *InputTextCallbackData) i32; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputText = struct { buf: []u8, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, callback: ?InputTextCallback = null, user_data: ?*anyopaque = null, }; pub fn inputText(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputText) bool { return zguiInputText( label, args.buf.ptr, args.buf.len, args.flags, if (args.callback) |cb| cb else null, args.user_data, ); } extern fn zguiInputText( label: [*:0]const u8, buf: [*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: ?*const anyopaque, user_data: ?*anyopaque, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputTextMultiline = struct { buf: []u8, w: f32 = 0.0, h: f32 = 0.0, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, callback: ?InputTextCallback = null, user_data: ?*anyopaque = null, }; pub fn inputTextMultiline(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputTextMultiline) bool { return zguiInputTextMultiline( label, args.buf.ptr, args.buf.len, args.w, args.h, args.flags, if (args.callback) |cb| cb else null, args.user_data, ); } extern fn zguiInputTextMultiline( label: [*:0]const u8, buf: [*]u8, buf_size: usize, w: f32, h: f32, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: ?*const anyopaque, user_data: ?*anyopaque, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputTextWithHint = struct { hint: [:0]const u8, buf: []u8, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, callback: ?InputTextCallback = null, user_data: ?*anyopaque = null, }; pub fn inputTextWithHint(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputTextWithHint) bool { return zguiInputTextWithHint( label, args.hint, args.buf.ptr, args.buf.len, args.flags, if (args.callback) |cb| cb else null, args.user_data, ); } extern fn zguiInputTextWithHint( label: [*:0]const u8, hint: [*:0]const u8, buf: [*]u8, buf_size: usize, flags: InputTextFlags, callback: ?*const anyopaque, user_data: ?*anyopaque, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputFloat = struct { v: *f32, step: f32 = 0.0, step_fast: f32 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; pub fn inputFloat(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputFloat) bool { return zguiInputFloat( label, args.v, args.step, args.step_fast, args.cfmt, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiInputFloat( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *f32, step: f32, step_fast: f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn InputFloatGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.3f", flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputFloat2 = InputFloatGen([2]f32); pub fn inputFloat2(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputFloat2) bool { return zguiInputFloat2(label, args.v, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputFloat2( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputFloat3 = InputFloatGen([3]f32); pub fn inputFloat3(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputFloat3) bool { return zguiInputFloat3(label, args.v, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputFloat3( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputFloat4 = InputFloatGen([4]f32); pub fn inputFloat4(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputFloat4) bool { return zguiInputFloat4(label, args.v, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputFloat4( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]f32, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputInt = struct { v: *i32, step: i32 = 1, step_fast: i32 = 100, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; pub fn inputInt(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputInt) bool { return zguiInputInt(label, args.v, args.step, args.step_fast, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputInt( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *i32, step: i32, step_fast: i32, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn InputIntGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputInt2 = InputIntGen([2]i32); pub fn inputInt2(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputInt2) bool { return zguiInputInt2(label, args.v, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputInt2(label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[2]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputInt3 = InputIntGen([3]i32); pub fn inputInt3(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputInt3) bool { return zguiInputInt3(label, args.v, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputInt3(label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[3]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputInt4 = InputIntGen([4]i32); pub fn inputInt4(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputInt4) bool { return zguiInputInt4(label, args.v, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputInt4(label: [*:0]const u8, v: *[4]i32, flags: InputTextFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const InputDouble = struct { v: *f64, step: f64 = 0.0, step_fast: f64 = 0.0, cfmt: [:0]const u8 = "%.6f", flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; pub fn inputDouble(label: [:0]const u8, args: InputDouble) bool { return zguiInputDouble(label, args.v, args.step, args.step_fast, args.cfmt, args.flags); } extern fn zguiInputDouble( label: [*:0]const u8, v: *f64, step: f64, step_fast: f64, cfmt: [*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn InputScalarGen(comptime T: type) type { return struct { v: *T, step: ?T = null, step_fast: ?T = null, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn inputScalar(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: InputScalarGen(T)) bool { return zguiInputScalar( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(T), args.v, if (args.step) |s| &s else null, if (args.step_fast) |sf| &sf else null, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiInputScalar( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, pstep: ?*const anyopaque, pstep_fast: ?*const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn InputScalarNGen(comptime T: type) type { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; return struct { v: *T, step: ?ScalarType = null, step_fast: ?ScalarType = null, cfmt: ?[:0]const u8 = null, flags: InputTextFlags = .{}, }; } pub fn inputScalarN(label: [:0]const u8, comptime T: type, args: InputScalarNGen(T)) bool { const ScalarType = @typeInfo(T).Array.child; const components = @typeInfo(T).Array.len; return zguiInputScalarN( label, typeToDataTypeEnum(ScalarType), args.v, components, if (args.step) |s| &s else null, if (args.step_fast) |sf| &sf else null, if (args.cfmt) |fmt| fmt else null, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiInputScalarN( label: [*:0]const u8, data_type: DataType, pdata: *anyopaque, components: i32, pstep: ?*const anyopaque, pstep_fast: ?*const anyopaque, cfmt: ?[*:0]const u8, flags: InputTextFlags, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Color Editor/Picker // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const ColorEditFlags = packed struct(u32) { no_alpha: bool = false, no_picker: bool = false, no_options: bool = false, no_small_preview: bool = false, no_inputs: bool = false, no_tooltip: bool = false, no_label: bool = false, no_side_preview: bool = false, no_drag_drop: bool = false, no_border: bool = false, _reserved0: bool = false, _reserved1: bool = false, _reserved2: bool = false, _reserved3: bool = false, _reserved4: bool = false, alpha_bar: bool = false, alpha_preview: bool = false, alpha_preview_half: bool = false, hdr: bool = false, display_rgb: bool = false, display_hsv: bool = false, display_hex: bool = false, uint8: bool = false, float: bool = false, picker_hue_bar: bool = false, picker_hue_wheel: bool = false, input_rgb: bool = false, input_hsv: bool = false, _padding: u4 = 0, pub const default_options = ColorEditFlags{ .uint8 = true, .display_rgb = true, .input_rgb = true, .picker_hue_bar = true, }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColorEdit3 = struct { col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags = .{}, }; pub fn colorEdit3(label: [:0]const u8, args: ColorEdit3) bool { return zguiColorEdit3(label, args.col, args.flags); } extern fn zguiColorEdit3(label: [*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColorEdit4 = struct { col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags = .{}, }; pub fn colorEdit4(label: [:0]const u8, args: ColorEdit4) bool { return zguiColorEdit4(label, args.col, args.flags); } extern fn zguiColorEdit4(label: [*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColorPicker3 = struct { col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags = .{}, }; pub fn colorPicker3(label: [:0]const u8, args: ColorPicker3) bool { return zguiColorPicker3(label, args.col, args.flags); } extern fn zguiColorPicker3(label: [*:0]const u8, col: *[3]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColorPicker4 = struct { col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags = .{}, ref_col: ?[*]const f32 = null, }; pub fn colorPicker4(label: [:0]const u8, args: ColorPicker4) bool { return zguiColorPicker4( label, args.col, args.flags, if (args.ref_col) |rc| rc else null, ); } extern fn zguiColorPicker4( label: [*:0]const u8, col: *[4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags, ref_col: ?[*]const f32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ColorButton = struct { col: [4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags = .{}, w: f32 = 0.0, h: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn colorButton(desc_id: [:0]const u8, args: ColorButton) bool { return zguiColorButton(desc_id, &args.col, args.flags, args.w, args.h); } extern fn zguiColorButton( desc_id: [*:0]const u8, col: *const [4]f32, flags: ColorEditFlags, w: f32, h: f32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Trees // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const TreeNodeFlags = packed struct(u32) { selected: bool = false, framed: bool = false, allow_item_overlap: bool = false, no_tree_push_on_open: bool = false, no_auto_open_on_log: bool = false, default_open: bool = false, open_on_double_click: bool = false, open_on_arrow: bool = false, leaf: bool = false, bullet: bool = false, frame_padding: bool = false, span_avail_width: bool = false, span_full_width: bool = false, nav_left_jumps_back_here: bool = false, _padding: u18 = 0, pub const collapsing_header = TreeNodeFlags{ .framed = true, .no_tree_push_on_open = true, .no_auto_open_on_log = true, }; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn treeNode(label: [:0]const u8) bool { return zguiTreeNode(label); } pub fn treeNodeFlags(label: [:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool { return zguiTreeNodeFlags(label, flags); } extern fn zguiTreeNode(label: [*:0]const u8) bool; extern fn zguiTreeNodeFlags(label: [*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn treeNodeStrId(str_id: [:0]const u8, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) bool { return zguiTreeNodeStrId(str_id, "%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } pub fn treeNodeStrIdFlags( str_id: [:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype, ) bool { return zguiTreeNodeStrIdFlags(str_id, flags, "%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } extern fn zguiTreeNodeStrId(str_id: [*:0]const u8, fmt: [*:0]const u8, ...) bool; extern fn zguiTreeNodeStrIdFlags( str_id: [*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags, fmt: [*:0]const u8, ..., ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn treeNodePtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) bool { return zguiTreeNodePtrId(ptr_id, "%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } pub fn treeNodePtrIdFlags( ptr_id: *const anyopaque, flags: TreeNodeFlags, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype, ) bool { return zguiTreeNodePtrIdFlags(ptr_id, flags, "%s", formatZ(fmt, args).ptr); } extern fn zguiTreeNodePtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque, fmt: [*:0]const u8, ...) bool; extern fn zguiTreeNodePtrIdFlags( ptr_id: *const anyopaque, flags: TreeNodeFlags, fmt: [*:0]const u8, ..., ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn treePushStrId(str_id: [:0]const u8) void { zguiTreePushStrId(str_id); } pub fn treePushPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) void { zguiTreePushPtrId(ptr_id); } extern fn zguiTreePushStrId(str_id: [*:0]const u8) void; extern fn zguiTreePushPtrId(ptr_id: *const anyopaque) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn treePop() void` pub const treePop = zguiTreePop; extern fn zguiTreePop() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const CollapsingHeaderStatePtr = struct { pvisible: *bool, flags: TreeNodeFlags = .{}, }; pub fn collapsingHeader(label: [:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool { return zguiCollapsingHeader(label, flags); } pub fn collapsingHeaderStatePtr(label: [:0]const u8, args: CollapsingHeaderStatePtr) bool { return zguiCollapsingHeaderStatePtr(label, args.pvisible, args.flags); } extern fn zguiCollapsingHeader(label: [*:0]const u8, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool; extern fn zguiCollapsingHeaderStatePtr(label: [*:0]const u8, pvisible: *bool, flags: TreeNodeFlags) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SetNextItemOpen = struct { is_open: bool, cond: Condition = .none, }; pub fn setNextItemOpen(args: SetNextItemOpen) void { zguiSetNextItemOpen(args.is_open, args.cond); } extern fn zguiSetNextItemOpen(is_open: bool, cond: Condition) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Selectables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const SelectableFlags = packed struct(u32) { dont_close_popups: bool = false, span_all_colums: bool = false, allow_double_click: bool = false, disabled: bool = false, allow_item_overlap: bool = false, _padding: u27 = 0, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Selectable = struct { selected: bool = false, flags: SelectableFlags = .{}, w: f32 = 0, h: f32 = 0, }; pub fn selectable(label: [:0]const u8, args: Selectable) bool { return zguiSelectable(label, args.selected, args.flags, args.w, args.h); } extern fn zguiSelectable( label: [*:0]const u8, selected: bool, flags: SelectableFlags, w: f32, h: f32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SelectableStatePtr = struct { pselected: *bool, flags: SelectableFlags = .{}, w: f32 = 0, h: f32 = 0, }; pub fn selectableStatePtr(label: [:0]const u8, args: SelectableStatePtr) bool { return zguiSelectableStatePtr(label, args.pselected, args.flags, args.w, args.h); } extern fn zguiSelectableStatePtr( label: [*:0]const u8, pselected: *bool, flags: SelectableFlags, w: f32, h: f32, ) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: List Boxes // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const BeginListBox = struct { w: f32 = 0.0, h: f32 = 0.0, }; pub fn beginListBox(label: [:0]const u8, args: BeginListBox) bool { return zguiBeginListBox(label, args.w, args.h); } /// `pub fn endListBox() void` pub const endListBox = zguiEndListBox; extern fn zguiBeginListBox(label: [*:0]const u8, w: f32, h: f32) bool; extern fn zguiEndListBox() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Widgets: Tables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const TableBorderFlags = packed struct(u4) { inner_h: bool = false, outer_h: bool = false, inner_v: bool = false, outer_v: bool = false, pub const h = TableBorderFlags{ .inner_h = true, .outer_h = true, }; // Draw horizontal borders. pub const v = TableBorderFlags{ .inner_v = true, .outer_v = true, }; // Draw vertical borders. pub const inner = TableBorderFlags{ .inner_v = true, .inner_h = true, }; // Draw inner borders. pub const outer = TableBorderFlags{ .outer_v = true, .outer_h = true, }; // Draw outer borders. pub const all = TableBorderFlags{ .inner_v = true, .inner_h = true, .outer_v = true, .outer_h = true, }; // Draw all borders. }; pub const TableFlags = packed struct(u32) { resizable: bool = false, reorderable: bool = false, hideable: bool = false, sortable: bool = false, no_saved_settings: bool = false, context_menu_in_body: bool = false, row_bg: bool = false, borders: TableBorderFlags = .{}, no_borders_in_body: bool = false, no_borders_in_body_until_resize: bool = false, // Sizing Policy sizing: enum(u3) { none = 0, fixed_fit = 1, fixed_same = 2, stretch_prop = 3, stretch_same = 4, } = .none, // Sizing Extra Options no_host_extend_x: bool = false, no_host_extend_y: bool = false, no_keep_columns_visible: bool = false, precise_widths: bool = false, // Clipping no_clip: bool = false, // Padding pad_outer_x: bool = false, no_pad_outer_x: bool = false, no_pad_inner_x: bool = false, // Scrolling scroll_x: bool = false, scroll_y: bool = false, // Sorting sort_multi: bool = false, sort_tristate: bool = false, _padding: u4 = 0, }; pub const TableRowFlags = packed struct(u32) { headers: bool = false, _padding: u31 = 0, }; pub const TableColumnFlags = packed struct(u32) { // Input configuration flags disabled: bool = false, default_hide: bool = false, default_sort: bool = false, width_stretch: bool = false, width_fixed: bool = false, no_resize: bool = false, no_reorder: bool = false, no_hide: bool = false, no_clip: bool = false, no_sort: bool = false, no_sort_ascending: bool = false, no_sort_descending: bool = false, no_header_label: bool = false, no_header_width: bool = false, prefer_sort_ascending: bool = false, prefer_sort_descending: bool = false, indent_enable: bool = false, indent_disable: bool = false, _padding0: u6 = 0, // Output status flags, read-only via TableGetColumnFlags() is_enabled: bool = false, is_visible: bool = false, is_sorted: bool = false, is_hovered: bool = false, _padding1: u4 = 0, }; pub const TableColumnSortSpecs = extern struct { user_id: Ident, index: i16, sort_order: i16, sort_direction: enum(u8) { none = 0, ascending = 1, // Ascending = 0->9, A->Z etc. descending = 2, // Descending = 9->0, Z->A etc. }, }; pub const TableSortSpecs = *extern struct { specs: [*]TableColumnSortSpecs, count: i32, dirty: bool, }; pub const TableBgTarget = enum(u32) { none = 0, row_bg0 = 1, row_bg1 = 2, cell_bg = 3, }; pub const BeginTable = struct { flags: TableFlags = .{}, outer_size: [2]f32 = .{ 0, 0 }, inner_width: f32 = 0, }; pub fn beginTable(name: [:0]const u8, args: BeginTable) void { zguiBeginTable(name, args.flags, args.outer_size, args.inner_width); } extern fn zguiBeginTable(str_id: [*:0]const u8, column: i32, flags: TableFlags, outer_size: [2]f32, inner_width: f32) void; pub fn endTable() void { zguiEndTable(); } extern fn zguiEndTable() void; pub const TableNextRow = struct { row_flags: TableRowFlags = .{}, min_row_height: f32 = 0, }; pub fn tableNextRow(args: TableNextRow) void { zguiTableNextRow(args.row_flags, args.min_row_height); } extern fn zguiTableNextRow(row_flags: TableRowFlags, min_row_height: f32) void; pub const tableNextColumn = zguiTableNextColumn; extern fn zguiTableNextColumn() bool; pub const tableSetColumnIndex = zguiTableSetColumnIndex; extern fn zguiTableSetColumnIndex(column_n: i32) bool; pub const TableSetupColumn = struct { flags: TableColumnFlags = .{}, init_width_or_height: f32 = 0, user_id: Ident = 0, }; pub fn tableSetupColumn(label: [:0]const u8, args: TableSetupColumn) void { zguiTableSetupColumn(label, args.flags, args.init_width_or_height, args.user_id); } extern fn zguiTableSetupColumn(label: [*:0]const u8, flags: TableColumnFlags, init_width_or_height: f32, user_id: Ident) void; pub const tableSetupScrollFreeze = zguiTableSetupScrollFreeze; extern fn zguiTableSetupScrollFreeze(cols: i32, rows: i32) void; pub const tableHeadersRow = zguiTableHeadersRow; extern fn zguiTableHeadersRow() void; pub fn tableHeader(label: [:0]const u8) void { zguiTableHeader(label); } extern fn zguiTableHeader(label: [*:0]const u8) void; pub const tableGetSortSpecs = zguiTableGetSortSpecs; extern fn zguiTableGetSortSpecs() ?TableSortSpecs; pub const tableGetColumnCount = zguiTableGetColumnCount; extern fn zguiTableGetColumnCount() i32; pub const tableGetColumnIndex = zguiTableGetColumnIndex; extern fn zguiTableGetColumnIndex() i32; pub const tableGetRowIndex = zguiTableGetRowIndex; extern fn zguiTableGetRowIndex() i32; pub const TableGetColumnName = struct { column_n: i32 = -1, }; pub fn tableGetColumnName(args: TableGetColumnName) [*:0]const u8 { return zguiTableGetColumnName(args.column_n); } extern fn zguiTableGetColumnName(column_n: i32) [*:0]const u8; pub const TableGetColumnFlags = struct { column_n: i32 = -1, }; pub fn tableGetColumnFlags(args: TableGetColumnFlags) TableColumnFlags { return zguiTableGetColumnFlags(args.column_n); } extern fn zguiTableGetColumnFlags(column_n: i32) TableColumnFlags; pub const tableSetColumnEnabled = zguiTableSetColumnEnabled; extern fn zguiTableSetColumnEnabled(column_n: i32, v: bool) void; pub const TableSetBgColor = struct { target: TableBgTarget, color: u32, column_n: i32 = -1, }; pub fn tableSetBgColor(args: TableSetBgColor) void { zguiTableSetBgColor(args.target, args.color, args.column_n); } extern fn zguiTableSetBgColor(target: TableBgTarget, color: u32, column_n: i32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Item/Widgets Utilities and Query Functions // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn isItemHovered(flags: HoveredFlags) bool { return zguiIsItemHovered(flags); } /// `pub fn isItemActive() bool` pub const isItemActive = zguiIsItemActive; /// `pub fn isItemFocused() bool` pub const isItemFocused = zguiIsItemFocused; pub const MouseButton = enum(u32) { left = 0, right = 1, middle = 2, }; /// `pub fn isItemClicked(mouse_button: MouseButton) bool` pub const isItemClicked = zguiIsItemClicked; /// `pub fn isItemVisible() bool` pub const isItemVisible = zguiIsItemVisible; /// `pub fn isItemEdited() bool` pub const isItemEdited = zguiIsItemEdited; /// `pub fn isItemActivated() bool` pub const isItemActivated = zguiIsItemActivated; /// `pub fn isItemDeactivated bool` pub const isItemDeactivated = zguiIsItemDeactivated; /// `pub fn isItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() bool` pub const isItemDeactivatedAfterEdit = zguiIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit; /// `pub fn isItemToggledOpen() bool` pub const isItemToggledOpen = zguiIsItemToggledOpen; /// `pub fn isAnyItemHovered() bool` pub const isAnyItemHovered = zguiIsAnyItemHovered; /// `pub fn isAnyItemActive() bool` pub const isAnyItemActive = zguiIsAnyItemActive; /// `pub fn isAnyItemFocused() bool` pub const isAnyItemFocused = zguiIsAnyItemFocused; extern fn zguiIsItemHovered(flags: HoveredFlags) bool; extern fn zguiIsItemActive() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemFocused() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemClicked(mouse_button: MouseButton) bool; extern fn zguiIsItemVisible() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemEdited() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemActivated() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemDeactivated() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() bool; extern fn zguiIsItemToggledOpen() bool; extern fn zguiIsAnyItemHovered() bool; extern fn zguiIsAnyItemActive() bool; extern fn zguiIsAnyItemFocused() bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Color Utilities // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn colorConvertU32ToFloat4(in: u32) [4]f32 { var rgba: [4]f32 = undefined; zguiColorConvertU32ToFloat4(in, &rgba); return rgba; } pub fn colorConvertU32ToFloat3(in: u32) [3]f32 { var rgba: [4]f32 = undefined; zguiColorConvertU32ToFloat4(in, &rgba); return .{ rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2] }; } pub fn colorConvertFloat4ToU32(in: [4]f32) u32 { return zguiColorConvertFloat4ToU32(&in); } pub fn colorConvertFloat3ToU32(in: [3]f32) u32 { return colorConvertFloat4ToU32(.{ in[0], in[1], in[2], 1 }); } pub fn colorConvertRgbToHsv(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) [3]f32 { var hsv: [3]f32 = undefined; return zguiColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r, g, b, &hsv[0], &hsv[1], &hsv[2]); } pub fn colorConvertHsvToRgb(h: f32, s: f32, v: f32) [3]f32 { var rgb: [3]f32 = undefined; return zguiColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, &rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[2]); } extern fn zguiColorConvertU32ToFloat4(in: u32, rgba: *[4]f32) void; extern fn zguiColorConvertFloat4ToU32(in: *const [4]f32) u32; extern fn zguiColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, out_h: *f32, out_s: *f32, out_v: *f32) void; extern fn zguiColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h: f32, s: f32, v: f32, out_r: *f32, out_g: *f32, out_b: *f32) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Helpers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var temp_buffer: ?std.ArrayList(u8) = null; pub fn format(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) []const u8 { const len = std.fmt.count(fmt, args); if (len > temp_buffer.?.items.len) temp_buffer.?.resize(len + 64) catch unreachable; return std.fmt.bufPrint(temp_buffer.?.items, fmt, args) catch unreachable; } pub fn formatZ(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) [:0]const u8 { const len = std.fmt.count(fmt ++ "\x00", args); if (len > temp_buffer.?.items.len) temp_buffer.?.resize(len + 64) catch unreachable; return std.fmt.bufPrintZ(temp_buffer.?.items, fmt, args) catch unreachable; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn typeToDataTypeEnum(comptime T: type) DataType { return switch (T) { i8 => .I8, u8 => .U8, i16 => .I16, u16 => .U16, i32 => .I32, u32 => .U32, i64 => .I64, u64 => .U64, f32 => .F32, f64 => .F64, else => @compileError("Only fundamental scalar types allowed"), }; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Menus // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn beginMenuBar() bool` pub const beginMenuBar = zguiBeginMenuBar; /// `pub fn endMenuBar() void` pub const endMenuBar = zguiEndMenuBar; /// `pub fn beginMainMenuBar() bool` pub const beginMainMenuBar = zguiBeginMainMenuBar; /// `pub fn endMainMenuBar() void` pub const endMainMenuBar = zguiEndMainMenuBar; pub fn beginMenu(label: [:0]const u8, enabled: bool) bool { return zguiBeginMenu(label, enabled); } /// `pub fn endMenu() void` pub const endMenu = zguiEndMenu; const MenuItem = struct { shortcut: ?[:0]const u8 = null, selected: bool = false, enabled: bool = true, }; pub fn menuItem(label: [:0]const u8, args: MenuItem) bool { return zguiMenuItem(label, if (args.shortcut) |s| s.ptr else null, args.selected, args.enabled); } extern fn zguiBeginMenuBar() bool; extern fn zguiEndMenuBar() void; extern fn zguiBeginMainMenuBar() bool; extern fn zguiEndMainMenuBar() void; extern fn zguiBeginMenu(label: [*:0]const u8, enabled: bool) bool; extern fn zguiEndMenu() void; extern fn zguiMenuItem(label: [*:0]const u8, shortcut: ?[*:0]const u8, selected: bool, enabled: bool) bool; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Popups // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// `pub fn beginTooltip() bool` pub const beginTooltip = zguiBeginTooltip; /// `pub fn endTooltip() void` pub const endTooltip = zguiEndTooltip; extern fn zguiBeginTooltip() void; extern fn zguiEndTooltip() void; pub const PopupFlags = packed struct(u32) { mouse_button_left: bool = false, mouse_button_right: bool = false, mouse_button_middle: bool = false, mouse_button_mask_: bool = false, mouse_button_default_: bool = false, no_open_over_existing_popup: bool = false, no_open_over_items: bool = false, any_popup_id: bool = false, any_popup_level: bool = false, any_popup: bool = false, _padding: u22 = 0, }; pub fn beginPopupModal(name: [:0]const u8, args: Begin) bool { return zguiBeginPopupModal(name, args.popen, args.flags); } pub fn openPopup(str_id: [:0]const u8, flags: PopupFlags) void { zguiOpenPopup(str_id, flags); } /// `pub fn endPopup() void` pub const endPopup = zguiEndPopup; /// `pub fn closeCurrentPopup() void` pub const closeCurrentPopup = zguiCloseCurrentPopup; extern fn zguiBeginPopupModal(name: [*:0]const u8, popen: ?*bool, flags: WindowFlags) bool; extern fn zguiEndPopup() void; extern fn zguiOpenPopup(str_id: [*:0]const u8, flags: PopupFlags) void; extern fn zguiCloseCurrentPopup() void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tabs // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const TabBarFlags = packed struct(u32) { reorderable: bool = false, auto_select_new_tabs: bool = false, tab_list_popup_button: bool = false, no_close_with_middle_mouse_button: bool = false, no_tab_list_scrolling_buttons: bool = false, no_tooltip: bool = false, fitting_policy_resize_down: bool = false, fitting_policy_scroll: bool = false, _padding: u24 = 0, pub const fitting_policy_mask = TabBarFlags{ .fitting_policy_resize_down = true, .fitting_policy_scroll = true, }; pub const fitting_policy_default = TabBarFlags{ .fitting_policy_resize_down = true }; }; pub const TabItemFlags = packed struct(u32) { unsaved_document: bool = false, set_selected: bool = false, no_close_with_middle_mouse_button: bool = false, no_push_id: bool = false, no_tooltip: bool = false, no_reorder: bool = false, leading: bool = false, trailing: bool = false, _padding: u24 = 0, }; pub fn beginTabBar(label: [:0]const u8, flags: TabBarFlags) bool { return zguiBeginTabBar(label, flags); } const BeginTabItem = struct { p_open: ?*bool = null, flags: TabItemFlags = .{}, }; pub fn beginTabItem(label: [:0]const u8, args: BeginTabItem) bool { return zguiBeginTabItem(label, args.p_open, args.flags); } /// `void endTabItem() void` pub const endTabItem = zguiEndTabItem; /// `void endTabBar() void` pub const endTabBar = zguiEndTabBar; pub fn setTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label: [:0]const u8) void { zguiSetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label); } extern fn zguiBeginTabBar(label: [*:0]const u8, flags: TabBarFlags) bool; extern fn zguiBeginTabItem(label: [*:0]const u8, p_open: ?*bool, flags: TabItemFlags) bool; extern fn zguiEndTabItem() void; extern fn zguiEndTabBar() void; extern fn zguiSetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label: [*:0]const u8) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Viewport // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const Viewport = *opaque { pub fn getPos(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiViewport_GetPos(viewport, &pos); return pos; } extern fn zguiViewport_GetPos(viewport: Viewport, pos: *[2]f32) void; pub fn getSize(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiViewport_GetSize(viewport, &pos); return pos; } extern fn zguiViewport_GetSize(viewport: Viewport, size: *[2]f32) void; pub fn getWorkPos(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiViewport_GetWorkPos(viewport, &pos); return pos; } extern fn zguiViewport_GetWorkPos(viewport: Viewport, pos: *[2]f32) void; pub fn getWorkSize(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { var pos: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiViewport_GetWorkSize(viewport, &pos); return pos; } extern fn zguiViewport_GetWorkSize(viewport: Viewport, size: *[2]f32) void; pub fn getCenter(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { const pos = viewport.getPos(); const size = viewport.getSize(); return .{ pos[0] + size[0] * 0.5, pos[1] + size[1] * 0.5, }; } pub fn getWorkCenter(viewport: Viewport) [2]f32 { const pos = viewport.getWorkPos(); const size = viewport.getWorkSize(); return .{ pos[0] + size[0] * 0.5, pos[1] + size[1] * 0.5, }; } }; pub const getMainViewport = zguiGetMainViewport; extern fn zguiGetMainViewport() Viewport; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mouse Input // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const MouseDragDelta = struct { lock_threshold: f32 = -1.0, }; pub fn getMouseDragDelta(drag_button: MouseButton, args: MouseDragDelta) [2]f32 { var delta: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiGetMouseDragDelta(drag_button, args.lock_threshold, &delta); return delta; } pub const resetMouseDragDelta = zguiResetMouseDragDelta; extern fn zguiGetMouseDragDelta(button: MouseButton, lock_threshold: f32, delta: *[2]f32) void; extern fn zguiResetMouseDragDelta(button: MouseButton) void; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DrawFlags // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const DrawFlags = packed struct(u32) { closed: bool = false, _padding0: u3 = 0, round_corners_top_left: bool = false, round_corners_top_right: bool = false, round_corners_bottom_left: bool = false, round_corners_bottom_right: bool = false, round_corners_none: bool = false, _padding1: u23 = 0, pub const round_corners_top = DrawFlags{ .round_corners_top_left = true, .round_corners_top_right = true, }; pub const round_corners_bottom = DrawFlags{ .round_corners_bottom_left = true, .round_corners_bottom_right = true, }; pub const round_corners_left = DrawFlags{ .round_corners_top_left = true, .round_corners_bottom_left = true, }; pub const round_corners_right = DrawFlags{ .round_corners_top_right = true, .round_corners_bottom_right = true, }; pub const round_corners_all = DrawFlags{ .round_corners_top_left = true, .round_corners_top_right = true, .round_corners_bottom_left = true, .round_corners_bottom_right = true, }; }; pub const DrawCmd = extern struct { clip_rect: [4]f32, texture_id: TextureIdent, vtx_offset: u32, idx_offset: u32, elem_count: u32, user_callback: ?*anyopaque, user_callback_data: ?*anyopaque, }; pub const getWindowDrawList = zguiGetWindowDrawList; pub const getBackgroundDrawList = zguiGetBackgroundDrawList; pub const getForegroundDrawList = zguiGetForegroundDrawList; pub const createDrawList = zguiCreateDrawList; pub fn destroyDrawList(draw_list: DrawList) void { if (draw_list.getOwnerName()) |owner| { @panic(format("zgui: illegally destroying DrawList of {s}", .{owner})); } zguiDestroyDrawList(draw_list); } extern fn zguiGetWindowDrawList() DrawList; extern fn zguiGetBackgroundDrawList() DrawList; extern fn zguiGetForegroundDrawList() DrawList; extern fn zguiCreateDrawList() DrawList; extern fn zguiDestroyDrawList(draw_list: DrawList) void; pub const DrawList = *opaque { pub const getOwnerName = zguiDrawList_GetOwnerName; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetOwnerName(draw_list: DrawList) ?[*:0]const u8; pub fn reset(draw_list: DrawList) void { if (draw_list.getOwnerName()) |owner| { @panic(format("zgui: illegally resetting DrawList of {s}", .{owner})); } zguiDrawList_ResetForNewFrame(draw_list); } extern fn zguiDrawList_ResetForNewFrame(draw_list: DrawList) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const getVertexBufferLength = zguiDrawList_GetVertexBufferLength; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetVertexBufferLength(draw_list: DrawList) i32; pub const getVertexBufferData = zguiDrawList_GetVertexBufferData; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetVertexBufferData(draw_list: DrawList) [*]const DrawVert; pub const getIndexBufferLength = zguiDrawList_GetIndexBufferLength; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetIndexBufferLength(draw_list: DrawList) i32; pub const getIndexBufferData = zguiDrawList_GetIndexBufferData; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetIndexBufferData(draw_list: DrawList) [*]const DrawIdx; pub const getCmdBufferLength = zguiDrawList_GetCmdBufferLength; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetCmdBufferLength(draw_list: DrawList) i32; pub const getCmdBufferData = zguiDrawList_GetCmdBufferData; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetCmdBufferData(draw_list: DrawList) [*]const DrawCmd; pub const DrawListFlags = packed struct(u32) { anti_aliased_lines: bool = false, anti_aliased_lines_use_tex: bool = false, anti_aliased_fill: bool = false, allow_vtx_offset: bool = false, _padding: u28, }; pub const getDrawListFlags = zguiDrawList_GetFlags; extern fn zguiDrawList_GetFlags(draw_list: DrawList) DrawListFlags; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const ClipRect = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, intersect_with_current: bool = false, }; pub fn pushClipRect(draw_list: DrawList, args: ClipRect) void { zguiDrawList_PushClipRect( draw_list, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, args.intersect_with_current, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PushClipRect( draw_list: DrawList, clip_rect_min: *const [2]f32, clip_rect_max: *const [2]f32, intersect_with_current_clip_rect: bool, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const pushClipRectFullScreen = zguiDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen; extern fn zguiDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen(draw_list: DrawList) void; pub const popClipRect = zguiDrawList_PopClipRect; extern fn zguiDrawList_PopClipRect(draw_list: DrawList) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const pushTextureId = zguiDrawList_PushTextureId; extern fn zguiDrawList_PushTextureId(draw_list: DrawList, texture_id: TextureIdent) void; pub const popTextureId = zguiDrawList_PopTextureId; extern fn zguiDrawList_PopTextureId(draw_list: DrawList) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn getClipRectMin(draw_list: DrawList) [2]f32 { var v: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiDrawList_GetClipRectMin(draw_list, &v); return v; } extern fn zguiDrawList_GetClipRectMin(draw_list: DrawList, clip_min: *[2]f32) void; pub fn getClipRectMax(draw_list: DrawList) [2]f32 { var v: [2]f32 = undefined; zguiDrawList_GetClipRectMax(draw_list, &v); return v; } extern fn zguiDrawList_GetClipRectMax(draw_list: DrawList, clip_min: *[2]f32) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddLine = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, }; pub fn addLine(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddLine) void { zguiDrawList_AddLine(draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, args.col, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddLine( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddRect = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, col: u32, rounding: f32 = 0.0, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addRect(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddRect) void { zguiDrawList_AddRect( draw_list, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, args.col, args.rounding, args.flags, args.thickness, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddRect( draw_list: DrawList, pmin: *const [2]f32, pmax: *const [2]f32, col: u32, rounding: f32, flags: DrawFlags, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddRectFilled = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, col: u32, rounding: f32 = 0.0, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, }; pub fn addRectFilled(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddRectFilled) void { zguiDrawList_AddRectFilled(draw_list, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, args.col, args.rounding, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddRectFilled( draw_list: DrawList, pmin: *const [2]f32, pmax: *const [2]f32, col: u32, rounding: f32, flags: DrawFlags, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddRectFilledMultiColor = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, col_upr_left: u32, col_upr_right: u32, col_bot_right: u32, col_bot_left: u32, }; pub fn addRectFilledMultiColor(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddRectFilledMultiColor) void { zguiDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor( draw_list, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, args.col_upr_left, args.col_upr_right, args.col_bot_right, args.col_bot_left, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor( draw_list: DrawList, pmin: *const [2]f32, pmax: *const [2]f32, col_upr_left: u32, col_upr_right: u32, col_bot_right: u32, col_bot_left: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddQuad = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, p4: [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addQuad(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddQuad) void { zguiDrawList_AddQuad(draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, &args.p4, args.col, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddQuad( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, p4: *const [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddQuadFilled = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, p4: [2]f32, col: u32, }; pub fn addQuadFilled(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddQuadFilled) void { zguiDrawList_AddQuadFilled(draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, &args.p4, args.col); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddQuadFilled( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, p4: *const [2]f32, col: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddTriangle = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addTriangle(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddTriangle) void { zguiDrawList_AddTriangle(draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, args.col, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddTriangle( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddTriangleFilled = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, col: u32, }; pub fn addTriangleFilled(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddTriangleFilled) void { zguiDrawList_AddTriangleFilled(draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, args.col); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddTriangleFilled( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, col: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddCircle = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32 = 0, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addCircle(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddCircle) void { zguiDrawList_AddCircle(draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.col, args.num_segments, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddCircle( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddCircleFilled = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn addCircleFilled(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddCircleFilled) void { zguiDrawList_AddCircleFilled(draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.col, args.num_segments); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddCircleFilled( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddNgon = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addNgon(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddNgon) void { zguiDrawList_AddNgon(draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.col, args.num_segments, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddNgon( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddNgonFilled = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, }; pub fn addNgonFilled(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddNgonFilled) void { zguiDrawList_AddNgonFilled(draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.col, args.num_segments); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddNgonFilled( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, col: u32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn addText(draw_list: DrawList, pos: [2]f32, col: u32, comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) void { const txt = format(fmt, args); draw_list.addTextUnformatted(pos, col, txt); } pub fn addTextUnformatted(draw_list: DrawList, pos: [2]f32, col: u32, txt: []const u8) void { zguiDrawList_AddText(draw_list, &pos, col, txt.ptr, txt.ptr + txt.len); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddText( draw_list: DrawList, pos: *const [2]f32, col: u32, text: [*]const u8, text_end: [*]const u8, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddPolyline = struct { col: u32, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn addPolyline(draw_list: DrawList, points: []const [2]f32, args: AddPolyline) void { zguiDrawList_AddPolyline( draw_list, points.ptr, @intCast(u32, points.len), args.col, args.flags, args.thickness, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddPolyline( draw_list: DrawList, points: [*]const [2]f32, num_points: u32, col: u32, flags: DrawFlags, thickness: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn addConvexPolyFilled( draw_list: DrawList, points: []const [2]f32, col: u32, ) void { zguiDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled( draw_list, points.ptr, @intCast(u32, points.len), col, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled( draw_list: DrawList, points: [*]const [2]f32, num_points: u32, col: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddBezierCubic = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, p4: [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32 = 1.0, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn addBezierCubic(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddBezierCubic) void { zguiDrawList_AddBezierCubic( draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, &args.p4, args.col, args.thickness, args.num_segments, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddBezierCubic( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, p4: *const [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddBezierQuadratic = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32 = 1.0, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn addBezierQuadratic(draw_list: DrawList, args: AddBezierQuadratic) void { zguiDrawList_AddBezierQuadratic( draw_list, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, args.col, args.thickness, args.num_segments, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddBezierQuadratic( draw_list: DrawList, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, col: u32, thickness: f32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddImage = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, uvmin: [2]f32 = .{ 0, 0 }, uvmax: [2]f32 = .{ 1, 1 }, col: u32 = 0xff_ff_ff_ff, }; pub fn addImage(draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, args: AddImage) void { zguiDrawList_AddImage( draw_list, user_texture_id, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, &args.uvmin, &args.uvmax, args.col, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddImage( draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, pmin: *const [2]f32, pmax: *const [2]f32, uvmin: *const [2]f32, uvmax: *const [2]f32, col: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddImageQuad = struct { p1: [2]f32, p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, p4: [2]f32, uv1: [2]f32 = .{ 0, 0 }, uv2: [2]f32 = .{ 1, 0 }, uv3: [2]f32 = .{ 1, 1 }, uv4: [2]f32 = .{ 0, 1 }, col: u32 = 0xff_ff_ff_ff, }; pub fn addImageQuad(draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, args: AddImageQuad) void { zguiDrawList_AddImageQuad( draw_list, user_texture_id, &args.p1, &args.p2, &args.p3, &args.p4, &args.uv1, &args.uv2, &args.uv3, &args.uv4, args.col, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddImageQuad( draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, p1: *const [2]f32, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, p4: *const [2]f32, uv1: *const [2]f32, uv2: *const [2]f32, uv3: *const [2]f32, uv4: *const [2]f32, col: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const AddImageRounded = struct { pmin: [2]f32, pmax: [2]f32, uvmin: [2]f32 = .{ 0, 0 }, uvmax: [2]f32 = .{ 1, 1 }, col: u32 = 0xff_ff_ff_ff, rounding: f32 = 4.0, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, }; pub fn addImageRounded(draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, args: AddImageRounded) void { zguiDrawList_AddImageRounded( draw_list, user_texture_id, &args.pmin, &args.pmax, &args.uvmin, &args.uvmax, args.col, args.rounding, args.flags, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_AddImageRounded( draw_list: DrawList, user_texture_id: TextureIdent, pmin: *const [2]f32, pmax: *const [2]f32, uvmin: *const [2]f32, uvmax: *const [2]f32, col: u32, rounding: f32, flags: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const pathClear = zguiDrawList_PathClear; extern fn zguiDrawList_PathClear(draw_list: DrawList) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn pathLineTo(draw_list: DrawList, pos: [2]f32) void { zguiDrawList_PathLineTo(draw_list, &pos); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathLineTo(draw_list: DrawList, pos: *const [2]f32) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn pathLineToMergeDuplicate(draw_list: DrawList, pos: [2]f32) void { zguiDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(draw_list, &pos); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(draw_list: DrawList, pos: *const [2]f32) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub const pathFillConvex = zguiDrawList_PathFillConvex; extern fn zguiDrawList_PathFillConvex(draw_list: DrawList, col: u32) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathStroke = struct { col: u32, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, thickness: f32 = 1.0, }; pub fn pathStroke(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathStroke) void { zguiDrawList_PathStroke(draw_list, args.col, args.flags, args.thickness); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathStroke(draw_list: DrawList, col: u32, flags: DrawFlags, thickness: f32) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathArcTo = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, amin: f32, amax: f32, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn pathArcTo(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathArcTo) void { zguiDrawList_PathArcTo( draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.amin, args.amax, args.num_segments, ); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathArcTo( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, amin: f32, amax: f32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathArcToFast = struct { p: [2]f32, r: f32, amin_of_12: f32, amax_of_12: f32, }; pub fn pathArcToFast(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathArcToFast) void { zguiDrawList_PathArcToFast(draw_list, &args.p, args.r, args.amin_of_12, args.amax_of_12); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathArcToFast( draw_list: DrawList, center: *const [2]f32, radius: f32, a_min_of_12: f32, a_max_of_12: f32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathBezierCubicCurveTo = struct { p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, p4: [2]f32, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn pathBezierCubicCurveTo(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathBezierCubicCurveTo) void { zguiDrawList_PathBezierCubicCurveTo(draw_list, &args.p2, &args.p3, &args.p4, args.num_segments); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathBezierCubicCurveTo( draw_list: DrawList, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, p4: *const [2]f32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo = struct { p2: [2]f32, p3: [2]f32, num_segments: u32 = 0, }; pub fn pathPathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo) void { zguiDrawList_PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(draw_list, &args.p2, &args.p3, args.num_segments); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo( draw_list: DrawList, p2: *const [2]f32, p3: *const [2]f32, num_segments: u32, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const PathRect = struct { bmin: [2]f32, bmax: [2]f32, rounding: f32 = 0.0, flags: DrawFlags = .{}, }; pub fn pathRect(draw_list: DrawList, args: PathRect) void { zguiDrawList_PathRect(draw_list, &args.bmin, &args.bmax, args.rounding, args.flags); } extern fn zguiDrawList_PathRect( draw_list: DrawList, rect_min: *const [2]f32, rect_max: *const [2]f32, rounding: f32, flags: DrawFlags, ) void; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- };