// dear imgui // (context when a running test + end user automation API) // This is the main (if not only) interface that your Tests will be using. #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #include "imgui_te_context.h" #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_internal.h" #include "imgui_te_engine.h" #include "imgui_te_internal.h" #include "imgui_te_perftool.h" #include "imgui_te_utils.h" #include "thirdparty/Str/Str.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImGuiTestRefDesc //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImGuiTestRefDesc::ImGuiTestRefDesc(const ImGuiTestRef& ref) { if (ref.Path && ref.ID != 0) ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "'%s' (id 0x%08X)", ref.Path, ref.ID); else if (ref.Path) ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "'%s'", ref.Path); else ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "0x%08X", ref.ID); } ImGuiTestRefDesc::ImGuiTestRefDesc(const ImGuiTestRef& ref, const ImGuiTestItemInfo& item) { if (ref.Path && item.ID != 0) ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "'%s' (id 0x%08X)", ref.Path, item.ID); else if (ref.Path) ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "'%s'", ref.Path); else ImFormatString(Buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(Buf), "0x%08X (label \"%s\")", ref.ID, item.DebugLabel); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImGuiTestContextDepthScope //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper to increment/decrement the function depth (so our log entry can be padded accordingly) #define IM_TOKENCONCAT_INTERNAL(x, y) x ## y #define IM_TOKENCONCAT(x, y) IM_TOKENCONCAT_INTERNAL(x, y) #define IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(_THIS) ImGuiTestContextDepthScope IM_TOKENCONCAT(depth_register, __LINE__)(_THIS) struct ImGuiTestContextDepthScope { ImGuiTestContext* TestContext; ImGuiTestContextDepthScope(ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { TestContext = ctx; TestContext->ActionDepth++; } ~ImGuiTestContextDepthScope() { TestContext->ActionDepth--; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Enum names helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const char* GetActionName(ImGuiTestAction action) { switch (action) { case ImGuiTestAction_Unknown: return "Unknown"; case ImGuiTestAction_Hover: return "Hover"; case ImGuiTestAction_Click: return "Click"; case ImGuiTestAction_DoubleClick: return "DoubleClick"; case ImGuiTestAction_Check: return "Check"; case ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck: return "Uncheck"; case ImGuiTestAction_Open: return "Open"; case ImGuiTestAction_Close: return "Close"; case ImGuiTestAction_Input: return "Input"; case ImGuiTestAction_NavActivate: return "NavActivate"; case ImGuiTestAction_COUNT: default: return "N/A"; } } inline const char* GetActionVerb(ImGuiTestAction action) { switch (action) { case ImGuiTestAction_Unknown: return "Unknown"; case ImGuiTestAction_Hover: return "Hovered"; case ImGuiTestAction_Click: return "Clicked"; case ImGuiTestAction_DoubleClick: return "DoubleClicked"; case ImGuiTestAction_Check: return "Checked"; case ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck: return "Unchecked"; case ImGuiTestAction_Open: return "Opened"; case ImGuiTestAction_Close: return "Closed"; case ImGuiTestAction_Input: return "Input"; case ImGuiTestAction_NavActivate: return "NavActivated"; case ImGuiTestAction_COUNT: default: return "N/A"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImGuiTestContext // This is the interface that most tests will interact with. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImGuiTestContext::LogEx(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel level, ImGuiTestLogFlags flags, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogExV(level, flags, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel level, ImGuiTestLogFlags flags, const char* fmt, va_list args) { ImGuiTestContext* ctx = this; //ImGuiTest* test = ctx->Test; IM_ASSERT(level > ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Silent && level < ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_COUNT); if (level == ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug && ctx->ActionDepth > 1) level = ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Trace; // Log all messages that we may want to print in future. if (EngineIO->ConfigVerboseLevelOnError < level) return; ImGuiTestLog* log = &ctx->TestOutput->Log; const int prev_size = log->Buffer.size(); //const char verbose_level_char = ImGuiTestEngine_GetVerboseLevelName(level)[0]; //if (flags & ImGuiTestLogFlags_NoHeader) // log->Buffer.appendf("[%c] ", verbose_level_char); //else // log->Buffer.appendf("[%c] [%04d] ", verbose_level_char, ctx->FrameCount); if ((flags & ImGuiTestLogFlags_NoHeader) == 0) log->Buffer.appendf("[%04d] ", ctx->FrameCount); if (level >= ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug) log->Buffer.appendf("-- %*s", ImMax(0, (ctx->ActionDepth - 1) * 2), ""); log->Buffer.appendfv(fmt, args); log->Buffer.append("\n"); log->UpdateLineOffsets(EngineIO, level, log->Buffer.begin() + prev_size); LogToTTY(level, log->Buffer.c_str() + prev_size); LogToDebugger(level, log->Buffer.c_str() + prev_size); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogDebug(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogInfo(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Info, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogWarning(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Warning, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogError(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Error, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogToTTY(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel level, const char* message, const char* message_end) { IM_ASSERT(level > ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Silent && level < ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_COUNT); if (!EngineIO->ConfigLogToTTY) return; ImGuiTestContext* ctx = this; ImGuiTestOutput* test_output = ctx->TestOutput; ImGuiTestLog* log = &test_output->Log; if (test_output->Status == ImGuiTestStatus_Error) { // Current test failed. if (!CachedLinesPrintedToTTY) { // Print all previous logged messages first // FIXME: Can't use ExtractLinesAboveVerboseLevel() because we want to keep error level... CachedLinesPrintedToTTY = true; for (int i = 0; i < log->LineInfo.Size; i++) { ImGuiTestLogLineInfo& line_info = log->LineInfo[i]; if (line_info.Level > EngineIO->ConfigVerboseLevelOnError) continue; char* line_begin = log->Buffer.Buf.Data + line_info.LineOffset; char* line_end = strchr(line_begin, '\n'); LogToTTY(line_info.Level, line_begin, line_end + 1); } // We already printed current line as well, so return now. return; } // Otherwise print only current message. If we are executing here log level already is within range of // ConfigVerboseLevelOnError setting. } else if (EngineIO->ConfigVerboseLevel < level) { // Skip printing messages of lower level than configured. return; } switch (level) { case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Warning: ImOsConsoleSetTextColor(ImOsConsoleStream_StandardOutput, ImOsConsoleTextColor_BrightYellow); break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Error: ImOsConsoleSetTextColor(ImOsConsoleStream_StandardOutput, ImOsConsoleTextColor_BrightRed); break; default: ImOsConsoleSetTextColor(ImOsConsoleStream_StandardOutput, ImOsConsoleTextColor_White); break; } if (message_end) fprintf(stdout, "%.*s", (int)(message_end - message), message); else fprintf(stdout, "%s", message); ImOsConsoleSetTextColor(ImOsConsoleStream_StandardOutput, ImOsConsoleTextColor_White); fflush(stdout); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogToDebugger(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel level, const char* message) { IM_ASSERT(level > ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Silent && level < ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_COUNT); if (!EngineIO->ConfigLogToDebugger) return; if (EngineIO->ConfigVerboseLevel < level) return; switch (level) { default: break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Error: ImOsOutputDebugString("[error] "); break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Warning: ImOsOutputDebugString("[warn.] "); break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Info: ImOsOutputDebugString("[info ] "); break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug: ImOsOutputDebugString("[debug] "); break; case ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Trace: ImOsOutputDebugString("[trace] "); break; } ImOsOutputDebugString(message); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogBasicUiState() { ImGuiID item_hovered_id = UiContext->HoveredIdPreviousFrame; ImGuiID item_active_id = UiContext->ActiveId; ImGuiTestItemInfo* item_hovered_info = item_hovered_id ? ImGuiTestEngine_FindItemInfo(Engine, item_hovered_id, "") : NULL; ImGuiTestItemInfo* item_active_info = item_active_id ? ImGuiTestEngine_FindItemInfo(Engine, item_active_id, "") : NULL; LogDebug("Hovered: 0x%08X (\"%s\"), Active: 0x%08X(\"%s\")", item_hovered_id, item_hovered_info->ID != 0 ? item_hovered_info->DebugLabel : "", item_active_id, item_active_info->ID != 0 ? item_active_info->DebugLabel : ""); } void ImGuiTestContext::LogItemList(ImGuiTestItemList* items) { for (const ImGuiTestItemInfo& info : *items) LogDebug("- 0x%08X: depth %d: '%s' in window '%s'\n", info.ID, info.Depth, info.DebugLabel, info.Window->Name); } void ImGuiTestContext::Finish(ImGuiTestStatus status) { if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_GuiFunc) { IM_ASSERT(status == ImGuiTestStatus_Success || status == ImGuiTestStatus_Unknown); if (RunFlags & ImGuiTestRunFlags_GuiFuncOnly) return; if (TestOutput->Status == ImGuiTestStatus_Running) TestOutput->Status = status; } else if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_TestFunc) { IM_ASSERT(status == ImGuiTestStatus_Unknown); // To set Success from a TestFunc() you can 'return' from it. if (TestOutput->Status == ImGuiTestStatus_Running) TestOutput->Status = status; } } static void LogWarningFunc(void* user_data, const char* fmt, ...) { ImGuiTestContext* ctx = (ImGuiTestContext*)user_data; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ctx->LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Warning, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } static void LogNotAsWarningFunc(void* user_data, const char* fmt, ...) { ImGuiTestContext* ctx = (ImGuiTestContext*)user_data; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); ctx->LogExV(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ImGuiTestContext::RecoverFromUiContextErrors() { IM_ASSERT(Test != NULL); // If we are _already_ in a test error state, recovering is normal so we'll hide the log. const bool verbose = (TestOutput->Status != ImGuiTestStatus_Error) || (EngineIO->ConfigVerboseLevel >= ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Debug); if (verbose && (Test->Flags & ImGuiTestFlags_NoRecoveryWarnings) == 0) ImGui::ErrorCheckEndFrameRecover(LogWarningFunc, this); else ImGui::ErrorCheckEndFrameRecover(LogNotAsWarningFunc, this); } void ImGuiTestContext::Yield(int count) { IM_ASSERT(count > 0); while (count > 0) { ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); count--; } } // Supported values for ImGuiTestRunFlags: // - ImGuiTestRunFlags_NoError: if child test fails, return false and do not mark parent test as failed. // - ImGuiTestRunFlags_ShareVars: share generic vars and custom vars between child and parent tests. // - ImGuiTestRunFlags_ShareTestContext ImGuiTestStatus ImGuiTestContext::RunChildTest(const char* child_test_name, ImGuiTestRunFlags run_flags) { if (IsError()) return ImGuiTestStatus_Error; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("RunChildTest %s", child_test_name); ImGuiTest* child_test = ImGuiTestEngine_FindTestByName(Engine, NULL, child_test_name); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(child_test != NULL, ImGuiTestStatus_Error); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(child_test != Test, ImGuiTestStatus_Error); // Can't recursively run same test. ImGuiTestStatus parent_status = TestOutput->Status; TestOutput->Status = ImGuiTestStatus_Running; ImGuiTestEngine_RunTest(Engine, this, child_test, run_flags); ImGuiTestStatus child_status = TestOutput->Status; // Restore parent status TestOutput->Status = parent_status; if (child_status == ImGuiTestStatus_Error && (run_flags & ImGuiTestRunFlags_NoError) == 0) TestOutput->Status = ImGuiTestStatus_Error; // Return child status LogDebug("(returning to parent test)"); return child_status; } // Return true to request aborting TestFunc // Called via IM_SUSPEND_TESTFUNC() bool ImGuiTestContext::SuspendTestFunc(const char* file, int line) { if (IsError()) return false; if (file != NULL) { file = ImPathFindFilename(file); LogError("SuspendTestFunc() at %s:%d", file, line); } else { LogError("SuspendTestFunc()"); } // Save relevant state. // FIXME-TESTS: Saving/restoring window z-order could be desirable. ImVec2 mouse_pos = Inputs->MousePosValue; ImGuiTestRunFlags run_flags = RunFlags; #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 18992 ImGui::TeleportMousePos(mouse_pos); #endif RunFlags |= ImGuiTestRunFlags_GuiFuncOnly; TestOutput->Status = ImGuiTestStatus_Suspended; while (TestOutput->Status == ImGuiTestStatus_Suspended && !Abort) Yield(); TestOutput->Status = ImGuiTestStatus_Running; // Restore relevant state. RunFlags = run_flags; Inputs->MousePosValue = mouse_pos; // Terminate TestFunc on abort, continue otherwise. return Abort; } // Sleep a given amount of time (unless running in Fast mode: there it will Yield once) void ImGuiTestContext::Sleep(float time) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) { LogEx(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Trace, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, "Sleep(%.2f) -> Yield() in fast mode", time); //ImGuiTestEngine_AddExtraTime(Engine, time); // We could add time, for now we have no use for it... ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); } else { LogEx(ImGuiTestVerboseLevel_Trace, ImGuiTestLogFlags_None, "Sleep(%.2f)", time); while (time > 0.0f && !Abort) { ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); time -= UiContext->IO.DeltaTime; } } } // This is useful when you need to wait a certain amount of time (even in Fast mode) // Sleep for a given clock time from the point of view of the Dear ImGui context, without affecting wall clock time of the running application. // FIXME: This makes sense for apps only relying on io.DeltaTime. void ImGuiTestContext::SleepNoSkip(float time, float framestep_in_second) { if (IsError()) return; LogDebug("SleepNoSkip %f seconds (in %f increments)", time, framestep_in_second); while (time > 0.0f && !Abort) { ImGuiTestEngine_SetDeltaTime(Engine, framestep_in_second); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); time -= UiContext->IO.DeltaTime; } } void ImGuiTestContext::SleepShort() { if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) Sleep(EngineIO->ActionDelayShort); } void ImGuiTestContext::SleepStandard() { if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) Sleep(EngineIO->ActionDelayStandard); } void ImGuiTestContext::SetInputMode(ImGuiInputSource input_mode) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("SetInputMode %d", input_mode); IM_ASSERT(input_mode == ImGuiInputSource_Mouse || input_mode == ImGuiInputSource_Keyboard || input_mode == ImGuiInputSource_Gamepad); InputMode = input_mode; if (InputMode == ImGuiInputSource_Keyboard || InputMode == ImGuiInputSource_Gamepad) { UiContext->NavDisableHighlight = false; UiContext->NavDisableMouseHover = true; } else { UiContext->NavDisableHighlight = true; UiContext->NavDisableMouseHover = false; } } // Shortcut for when we have a window pointer, avoid mistakes with slashes in child names. void ImGuiTestContext::SetRef(ImGuiWindow* window) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); LogDebug("SetRef '%s' 0x%08X", window->Name, window->ID); // We grab the ID directly and avoid ImHashDecoratedPath so "/" in window names are not ignored. size_t len = strlen(window->Name); IM_ASSERT(len < IM_ARRAYSIZE(RefStr) - 1); strcpy(RefStr, window->Name); RefID = RefWindowID = window->ID; MouseSetViewport(window); // Automatically uncollapse by default if (!(OpFlags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoUncollapse)) WindowCollapse(window->ID, false); } // It is exceptionally OK to call SetRef() in GuiFunc, as a facility to call seeded ctx->GetId() in GuiFunc. // FIXME-TESTS: May be good to focus window when docked? Otherwise locate request won't even see an item? void ImGuiTestContext::SetRef(ImGuiTestRef ref) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_TestFunc) LogDebug("SetRef '%s' 0x%08X", ref.Path ? ref.Path : "NULL", ref.ID); if (ref.Path) { size_t len = strlen(ref.Path); IM_ASSERT(len < IM_ARRAYSIZE(RefStr) - 1); strcpy(RefStr, ref.Path); RefID = GetID(ref.Path, ImGuiTestRef()); } else { RefStr[0] = 0; RefID = ref.ID; } RefWindowID = 0; // Early out if (ref.IsEmpty()) return; // Try to infer window // (This is in order to set viewport, uncollapse window, and store its base id for leading "/" operator) // (0) Windows is fully specified in path? ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(""); // (1) Try first element of ref path, it is most likely a window name and item lookup won't be necessary. if (window == NULL && ref.Path != NULL) { // "Window/SomeItem" -> search for "Window" const char* name_begin = ref.Path; while (*name_begin == '/') // Skip leading slashes name_begin++; const char* name_end = name_begin - 1; do { name_end = strchr(name_end + 1, '/'); } while (name_end != NULL && name_end > name_begin && name_end[-1] == '\\'); window = GetWindowByRef(ImHashDecoratedPath(name_begin, name_end)); } if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_GuiFunc) return; // (2) Ref was specified as an ID and points to an item therefore item lookup is unavoidable. // FIXME: Maybe display something in log when that happens? if (window == NULL) { ImGuiTestItemInfo item_info = ItemInfo(RefID, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); if (item_info.ID != 0) window = item_info.Window; } // Set viewport and base ID for single "/" operator. if (window) { RefWindowID = window->ID; MouseSetViewport(window); } // Automatically uncollapse by default if (window && !(OpFlags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoUncollapse)) WindowCollapse(window->ID, false); } ImGuiTestRef ImGuiTestContext::GetRef() { return RefID; } ImGuiWindow* ImGuiTestContext::GetWindowByRef(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiID window_id = GetID(ref); ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::FindWindowByID(window_id); return window; } ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetID(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (ref.ID) return ref.ID; return GetID(ref, RefID); } // Refer to Wiki to read details // https://github.com/ocornut/imgui_test_engine/wiki/Named-References // - Meaning of leading "//" ................. "//rootnode" : ignore SetRef // - Meaning of leading "//$FOCUSED" ......... "//$FOCUSED/node" : "node" in currently focused window // - Meaning of leading "/" .................. "/node" : move to root of window pointed by SetRef() when SetRef() uses a path // - Meaning of $$xxxx literal encoding ...... "list/$$1" : hash of "list" + hash if (int)1, equivalent of PushID("hello"); PushID(1); //// - Meaning of leading "../" .............. "../node" : move back 1 level from SetRef path() when SetRef() uses a path // Unimplemented // FIXME: "//$FOCUSED/.." is currently not usable. ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetID(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestRef seed_ref) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (ref.ID) return ref.ID; // FIXME: What if seed_ref != 0 // Handle special $FOCUSED variable. // (Note that we don't and can't really support a "$HOVERED" equivalent for the hovered window. // Why? Because it is extremely fragile to use: with late translation of variable held in string, // it is extremely common that the "expected" hovered window at the time of passing the string has // changed in later uses of the same reference.) // You can however easily use: // SetRef(g.HoveredWindow->ID); const char* FOCUSED_PREFIX = "//$FOCUSED"; const size_t FOCUSED_PREFIX_LEN = 10; const char* path = ref.Path ? ref.Path : ""; if (strncmp(path, FOCUSED_PREFIX, FOCUSED_PREFIX_LEN) == 0) if (path[FOCUSED_PREFIX_LEN] == '/' || path[FOCUSED_PREFIX_LEN] == 0) { path += FOCUSED_PREFIX_LEN; if (path[0] == '/') path++; if (g.NavWindow) seed_ref = g.NavWindow->ID; else LogError("\"//$FOCUSED\" was used with no focused window!"); } if (path[0] == '/') { path++; if (path[0] == '/') { // "//" : Double-slash prefix resets ID seed to 0. seed_ref = ImGuiTestRef(); } else { // "/" : Single-slash prefix sets seed to the "current window", which a parent window containing an item with RefID id. if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_GuiFunc) seed_ref = ImGuiTestRef(g.CurrentWindow->ID); else seed_ref = RefWindowID; } } return ImHashDecoratedPath(path, NULL, seed_ref.Path ? GetID(seed_ref) : seed_ref.ID); } #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetIDByInt(int n) { return ImHashData(&n, sizeof(n), GetID(RefID)); } ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetIDByInt(int n, ImGuiTestRef seed_ref) { return ImHashData(&n, sizeof(n), GetID(seed_ref)); } ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetIDByPtr(void* p) { return ImHashData(&p, sizeof(p), GetID(RefID)); } ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::GetIDByPtr(void* p, ImGuiTestRef seed_ref) { return ImHashData(&p, sizeof(p), GetID(seed_ref)); } #endif ImVec2 ImGuiTestContext::GetMainMonitorWorkPos() { #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT if (UiContext->IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable) { const ImGuiPlatformMonitor* monitor = ImGui::GetViewportPlatformMonitor(ImGui::GetMainViewport()); return monitor->WorkPos; } #endif return ImGui::GetMainViewport()->WorkPos; } ImVec2 ImGuiTestContext::GetMainMonitorWorkSize() { #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT if (UiContext->IO.ConfigFlags & ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsEnable) { const ImGuiPlatformMonitor* monitor = ImGui::GetViewportPlatformMonitor(ImGui::GetMainViewport()); return monitor->WorkSize; } #endif return ImGui::GetMainViewport()->WorkSize; } #if IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE static bool ImGuiTestContext_CanCaptureScreenshot(ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { ImGuiTestEngineIO* io = ctx->EngineIO; return io->ConfigCaptureEnabled; } static bool ImGuiTestContext_CanCaptureVideo(ImGuiTestContext* ctx) { ImGuiTestEngineIO* io = ctx->EngineIO; return io->ConfigCaptureEnabled && ImFileExist(io->VideoCaptureEncoderPath); } #endif bool ImGuiTestContext::CaptureAddWindow(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(window != NULL, false); CaptureArgs->InCaptureWindows.push_back(window); return true; } static void CaptureInitAutoFilename(ImGuiTestContext* ctx, const char* ext) { IM_ASSERT(ext != NULL && ext[0] == '.'); if (ctx->CaptureArgs->InOutputFile[0] == 0) ctx->CaptureSetExtension(ext); // Reset extension of specified filename or auto-generate a new filename. } bool ImGuiTestContext::CaptureScreenshot(int capture_flags) { if (IsError()) return false; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogInfo("CaptureScreenshot()"); ImGuiCaptureArgs* args = CaptureArgs; args->InFlags = capture_flags; // Auto filename CaptureInitAutoFilename(this, ".png"); #if IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE // Way capture tool is implemented doesn't prevent ClampWindowPos() from running, // so we disable that feature at the moment. (imgui_test_engine/#33) ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); bool backup_io_config_move_window_from_title_bar_only = io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly; if (capture_flags & ImGuiCaptureFlags_StitchAll) io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly = false; bool can_capture = ImGuiTestContext_CanCaptureScreenshot(this); if (!can_capture) args->InFlags |= ImGuiCaptureFlags_NoSave; bool ret = ImGuiTestEngine_CaptureScreenshot(Engine, args); if (can_capture) LogInfo("Saved '%s' (%d*%d pixels)", args->InOutputFile, (int)args->OutImageSize.x, (int)args->OutImageSize.y); else LogWarning("Skipped saving '%s' (%d*%d pixels) (enable in 'Misc->Options')", args->InOutputFile, (int)args->OutImageSize.x, (int)args->OutImageSize.y); if (capture_flags & ImGuiCaptureFlags_StitchAll) io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly = backup_io_config_move_window_from_title_bar_only; return ret; #else IM_UNUSED(args); LogWarning("Skipped screenshot capture: disabled by IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE=0."); return false; #endif } void ImGuiTestContext::CaptureReset() { *CaptureArgs = ImGuiCaptureArgs(); } // FIXME-TESTS: Add ImGuiCaptureFlags_NoHideOtherWindows void ImGuiTestContext::CaptureScreenshotWindow(ImGuiTestRef ref, int capture_flags) { CaptureReset(); CaptureAddWindow(ref); CaptureScreenshot(capture_flags); } void ImGuiTestContext::CaptureSetExtension(const char* ext) { IM_ASSERT(ext && ext[0] == '.'); ImGuiCaptureArgs* args = CaptureArgs; if (args->InOutputFile[0] == 0) { ImFormatString(args->InOutputFile, IM_ARRAYSIZE(args->InOutputFile), "output/captures/%s_%04d%s", Test->Name, CaptureCounter, ext); CaptureCounter++; } else { char* filename_ext = (char*)ImPathFindExtension(args->InOutputFile); ImStrncpy(filename_ext, ext, (size_t)(filename_ext - args->InOutputFile)); } } bool ImGuiTestContext::CaptureBeginVideo() { if (IsError()) return false; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogInfo("CaptureBeginVideo()"); ImGuiCaptureArgs* args = CaptureArgs; // Auto filename CaptureInitAutoFilename(this, EngineIO->VideoCaptureExtension); #if IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE bool can_capture = ImGuiTestContext_CanCaptureVideo(this); if (!can_capture) args->InFlags |= ImGuiCaptureFlags_NoSave; return ImGuiTestEngine_CaptureBeginVideo(Engine, args); #else IM_UNUSED(args); LogWarning("Skipped recording GIF: disabled by IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE=0."); return false; #endif } bool ImGuiTestContext::CaptureEndVideo() { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogInfo("CaptureEndVideo()"); ImGuiCaptureArgs* args = CaptureArgs; bool ret = Engine->CaptureContext.IsCapturingVideo() && ImGuiTestEngine_CaptureEndVideo(Engine, args); if (!ret) return false; #if IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ENABLE_CAPTURE // In-progress capture was canceled by user. Delete incomplete file. if (IsError()) { //ImFileDelete(args->OutSavedFileName); return false; } bool can_capture = ImGuiTestContext_CanCaptureVideo(this); if (can_capture) { LogInfo("Saved '%s' (%d*%d pixels)", args->InOutputFile, (int)args->OutImageSize.x, (int)args->OutImageSize.y); } else { if (!EngineIO->ConfigCaptureEnabled) LogWarning("Skipped saving '%s' video because: io.ConfigCaptureEnabled == false (enable in Misc->Options)", args->InOutputFile); else LogWarning("Skipped saving '%s' video because: Video Encoder not found.", args->InOutputFile); } #endif return ret; } // Handle wildcard search on the TestFunc side. // Results will be resolved on the Gui side via the following call-chain: // IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ITEM_INFO() -> ImGuiTestEngineHook_ItemInfo() -> ImGuiTestEngineHook_ItemInfo_ResolveFindByLabel() ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::ItemInfoHandleWildcardSearch(const char* wildcard_prefix_start, const char* wildcard_prefix_end, const char* wildcard_suffix_start) { LogDebug("Wildcard matching.."); // Wildcard matching // Note that task->InPrefixId may be 0 as well (= we don't know the window) ImGuiTestFindByLabelTask* task = &Engine->FindByLabelTask; if (wildcard_prefix_start < wildcard_prefix_end) task->InPrefixId = ImHashDecoratedPath(wildcard_prefix_start, wildcard_prefix_end, RefID); else task->InPrefixId = RefID; task->OutItemId = 0; // Advance pointer to point it to the last label task->InSuffix = task->InSuffixLastItem = wildcard_suffix_start; for (const char* c = task->InSuffix; *c; c++) if (*c == '/') task->InSuffixLastItem = c + 1; task->InSuffixLastItemHash = ImHashStr(task->InSuffixLastItem, 0, 0); // Count number of labels task->InSuffixDepth = 1; for (const char* c = wildcard_suffix_start; *c; c++) if (*c == '/') task->InSuffixDepth++; int retries = 0; while (retries < 2 && task->OutItemId == 0) { ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); retries++; } // Wildcard matching requires item to be visible, because clipped items are unaware of their labels. Try panning through entire window, searching for target item. // (Scrollbar position restoration in theory may be desirable, however it interferes with typical use of found item) // FIXME-TESTS: This doesn't recurse properly into each child.. // FIXME: Down the line if we refactor ItemAdd() return value to distinguish render-clipping vs logic-clipping etc, we should instead temporarily enable a "no clip" // mode without the need for scrolling. if (task->OutItemId == 0) { ImGuiTestItemInfo base_item = ItemInfo(task->InPrefixId, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); ImGuiWindow* window = (base_item.ID != 0) ? base_item.Window : GetWindowByRef(task->InPrefixId); if (window) { ImVec2 rect_size = window->InnerRect.GetSize(); for (float scroll_x = 0.0f; task->OutItemId == 0; scroll_x += rect_size.x) { for (float scroll_y = 0.0f; task->OutItemId == 0; scroll_y += rect_size.y) { window->Scroll.x = scroll_x; window->Scroll.y = scroll_y; retries = 0; while (retries < 2 && task->OutItemId == 0) { ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); retries++; } if (window->Scroll.y >= window->ScrollMax.y) break; } if (window->Scroll.x >= window->ScrollMax.x) break; } } } ImGuiID full_id = task->OutItemId; // FIXME: InFilterItemStatusFlags is intentionally not cleared here, because it is set in ItemAction() and reused in later calls to ItemInfo() to resolve ambiguities. task->InPrefixId = 0; task->InSuffix = task->InSuffixLastItem = NULL; task->InSuffixLastItemHash = 0; task->InSuffixDepth = 0; task->OutItemId = 0; // -V1048 // Variable 'OutItemId' was assigned the same value. False-positive, because value of OutItemId could be modified from other thread during ImGuiTestEngine_Yield() call. return full_id; } static void ItemInfoErrorLog(ImGuiTestContext* ctx, ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiID full_id, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) return; // Prefixing the string with / ignore the reference/current ID Str256 msg; if (ref.Path && ref.Path[0] == '/' && ctx->RefStr[0] != 0) msg.setf("Unable to locate item: '%s'", ref.Path); else if (ref.Path && full_id != 0) msg.setf("Unable to locate item: '%s/%s' (0x%08X)", ctx->RefStr, ref.Path, full_id); else if (ref.Path) msg.setf("Unable to locate item: '%s/%s'", ctx->RefStr, ref.Path); else msg.setf("Unable to locate item: 0x%08X", ref.ID); //if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) // ctx->LogInfo("Ignored: %s", msg.c_str()); // FIXME //else IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("%s", msg.c_str()); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError ImGuiTestItemInfo ImGuiTestContext::ItemInfo(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return ItemInfoNull(); const ImGuiTestOpFlags SUPPORTED_FLAGS = ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError; IM_ASSERT((flags & ~SUPPORTED_FLAGS) == 0); ImGuiID full_id = 0; if (const char* p = ref.Path ? strstr(ref.Path, "**/") : NULL) { // Wildcard matching // FIXME-TESTS: Need to verify that this is not inhibited by a \, so \**/ should not pass, but \\**/ should :) // We could add a simple helpers that would iterate the strings, handling inhibitors, and let you check if a given characters is inhibited or not. const char* wildcard_prefix_start = ref.Path; const char* wildcard_prefix_end = p; const char* wildcard_suffix_start = wildcard_prefix_end + 3; full_id = ItemInfoHandleWildcardSearch(wildcard_prefix_start, wildcard_prefix_end, wildcard_suffix_start); } else { // Regular matching full_id = GetID(ref); } // If ui_ctx->TestEngineHooksEnabled is not already on (first ItemInfo() task in a while) we'll probably need an extra frame to warmup IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestItemInfo* item = NULL; int retries = 0; int max_retries = 2; int extra_retries_for_appearing = 0; while (full_id && retries < max_retries) { item = ImGuiTestEngine_FindItemInfo(Engine, full_id, ref.Path); // While a window is appearing it is likely to be resizing and items moving. Wait an extra frame for things to settle. (FIXME: Could use another source e.g. Hidden? AutoFitFramesX?) if (item && item->Window && item->Window->Appearing && extra_retries_for_appearing == 0) { item = NULL; max_retries++; extra_retries_for_appearing++; } if (item) return *item; ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); retries++; } ItemInfoErrorLog(this, ref, full_id, flags); return ItemInfoNull(); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError ImGuiTestItemInfo ImGuiTestContext::ItemInfoOpenFullPath(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { // First query bool can_open_full_path = (ref.Path != NULL); ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref, (can_open_full_path ? ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError : ImGuiTestOpFlags_None) | (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)); if (item.ID != 0) return item; if (!can_open_full_path) return ItemInfoNull(); // Tries to auto open intermediaries leading to final path. // Note that openables cannot be part of the **/ (else it means we would have to open everything). // - Openables can be before the wildcard "Node2/Node3/**/Button" // - Openables can be after the wildcard "**/Node2/Node3/Lv4/Button" int opened_parents = 0; for (const char* parent_end = strstr(ref.Path, "/"); parent_end != NULL; parent_end = strstr(parent_end + 1, "/")) { // Skip "**/* sections if (strncmp(ref.Path, "**/", parent_end - ref.Path) == 0) continue; Str128 parent_id; parent_id.set(ref.Path, parent_end); ImGuiTestItemInfo parent_item = ItemInfo(parent_id.c_str(), ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); if (parent_item.ID != 0) { #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK ImGuiWindow* parent_window = parent_item.Window; #endif if ((parent_item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable) != 0 && (parent_item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0) { // Open intermediary item if ((parent_item.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) // FIXME: Report disabled state in log? { ItemAction(ImGuiTestAction_Open, parent_item.ID, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoOpenFullPath); opened_parents++; } } #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK else if (parent_window->ID == parent_item.ID && parent_window->DockIsActive && parent_window->DockTabIsVisible == false) { // Make tab visible ItemClick(parent_item.ID); opened_parents++; } #endif } } if (opened_parents > 0) item = ItemInfo(ref, (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)); if (item.ID == 0) ItemInfoErrorLog(this, ref, 0, flags); return item; } // Find a window given a path or an ID. // In the case of when a path is passed, this handle finding child windows as well. // e.g. // ctx->WindowInfo("//Test Window"); // OK // ctx->WindowInfo("//Test Window/Child/SubChild"); // OK // ctx->WindowInfo("//$FOCUSED/Child"); // OK // ctx->SetRef("Test Window); ctx->WindowInfo("Child"); // OK // ctx->WindowInfo(GetID("//Test Window")); // OK (find by raw ID without a path) // ctx->WindowInfo(GetID("//Test Window/Child/SubChild)); // *INCORRECT* GetID() doesn't unmangle child names. // ctx->WindowInfo("//Test Window/Button"); // *INCORRECT* Only finds windows, not items. // Return: // - Return pointer is always valid. // - Valid fields are: // - item->ID : window ID (may be == 0, if the window doesn't exist) // - item->Window : window pointer (may be == NULL, if the window doesn't exist) // - Other fields correspond to the title-bar/tab item of a window, so likely not what you want (same as using IsItemXXX after Begin) // - If you want other fields simply get them via the window-> pointer. // - Likely you may want to feed the return value into SetRef(): e.g. 'ctx->SetRef(item->ID)' or 'ctx->SetRef(WindowInfo("//Window/Child")->ID);' // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError // Todos: // - FIXME: Missing support for wildcards. ImGuiTestItemInfo ImGuiTestContext::WindowInfo(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return ItemInfoNull(); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); // Query by ID (not very useful but supported) if (ref.ID != 0) { LogDebug("WindowInfo: by id: 0x%08X", ref.ID); IM_ASSERT(ref.Path == NULL); ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); if (window == NULL) { if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) == 0) LogError("WindowInfo: cannot find window by ID!"); // FIXME: What if we want to query a not-yet-existing window by ID? return ItemInfoNull(); } return ItemInfo(window->ID, flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); } // Query by Path: this is where the meat of our work is. LogDebug("WindowInfo: by path: '%s'", ref.Path ? ref.Path : "NULL"); ImGuiWindow* window = NULL; ImGuiID window_idstack_back = 0; const char* current = ref.Path; while (*current || window == NULL) { // Handle SetRef(), if any (this will also handle "//$FOCUSED" syntax) Str128 part_name; if (window == NULL && RefID != 0 && strncmp(ref.Path, "//", 2) != 0) { window = GetWindowByRef(""); window_idstack_back = window ? window->ID : 0; } else { // Find next part of the path + create a zero-terminated copy for convenience const char* part_start = current; const char* part_end = ImFindNextDecoratedPartInPath(current); if (part_end == NULL) { current = part_end = part_start + strlen(part_start); } else if (part_end > part_start) { current = part_end; part_end--; IM_ASSERT(part_end[0] == '/'); } part_name.setf("%.*s", (int)(part_end - part_start), part_start); // Find root window or child window if (window == NULL) { // Root: defer first element to GetID(), this will handle SetRef(), "//" and "//$FOCUSED" syntax. ImGuiID window_id = GetID(part_name.c_str()); window = GetWindowByRef(window_id); window_idstack_back = window ? window->ID : 0; } else { ImGuiID child_window_id = 0; ImGuiWindow* child_window = NULL; { // Child: Attempt 1: Try to BeginChild(const char*) variant and mimic its logic. Str128 child_window_full_name; #if (IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 18996) && (IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 18999) if (window_idstack_back == window->ID) { child_window_full_name.setf("%s/%s", window->Name, part_name.c_str()); } else #endif { ImGuiID child_item_id = GetID(part_name.c_str(), window_idstack_back); child_window_full_name.setf("%s/%s_%08X", window->Name, part_name.c_str(), child_item_id); } child_window_id = ImHashStr(child_window_full_name.c_str()); // We do NOT use ImHashDecoratedPath() child_window = GetWindowByRef(child_window_id); } if (child_window == NULL) { // Child: Attempt 2: Try for BeginChild(ImGuiID id) variant and mimic its logic. // FIXME: This only really works when ID passed to BeginChild() was derived from a string. // We could support $$xxxx syntax to encode ID in parameter? ImGuiID child_item_id = GetID(part_name.c_str(), window_idstack_back); Str128f child_window_full_name("%s/%08X", window->Name, child_item_id); child_window_id = ImHashStr(child_window_full_name.c_str()); // We do NOT use ImHashDecoratedPath() child_window = GetWindowByRef(child_window_id); } if (child_window == NULL) { // Assume that part is an arbitrary PushID(const char*) window_idstack_back = GetID(part_name.c_str(), window_idstack_back); } else { window = child_window; window_idstack_back = window ? window->ID : 0; } } } // Process result // FIXME: What if we want to query a not-yet-existing window by ID? if (window == NULL) { if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) == 0) LogError("WindowInfo: element \"%s\" doesn't seem to exist.", part_name.c_str()); return ItemInfoNull(); } } IM_ASSERT(window != NULL); IM_ASSERT(window_idstack_back != 0); // Stopped on "window/node/" if (window_idstack_back != 0 && window_idstack_back != window->ID) { if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) == 0) LogError("WindowInfo: element doesn't seem to exist or isn't a window."); return ItemInfoNull(); } return ItemInfo(window->ID, flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); } void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToTop(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); if (window->Scroll.y == 0.0f) return; ScrollToY(ref, 0.0f); Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToBottom(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); if (window->Scroll.y == window->ScrollMax.y) return; ScrollToY(ref, window->ScrollMax.y); Yield(); } bool ImGuiTestContext::ScrollErrorCheck(ImGuiAxis axis, float expected, float actual, int* remaining_attempts) { if (IsError()) { (*remaining_attempts)--; return false; } float THRESHOLD = 1.0f; if (ImFabs(actual - expected) < THRESHOLD) return true; (*remaining_attempts)--; if (*remaining_attempts > 0) { LogInfo("Failed to set Scroll%c. Requested %.2f, got %.2f. Will try again.", 'X' + axis, expected, actual); return true; } else { IM_ERRORF("Failed to set Scroll%c. Requested %.2f, got %.2f. Aborting.", 'X' + axis, expected, actual); return false; } } // FIXME-TESTS: Mostly the same code as ScrollbarEx() static ImVec2 GetWindowScrollbarMousePositionForScroll(ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiAxis axis, float scroll_v) { ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; ImRect bb = ImGui::GetWindowScrollbarRect(window, axis); // From Scrollbar(): //float* scroll_v = &window->Scroll[axis]; const float size_avail_v = window->InnerRect.Max[axis] - window->InnerRect.Min[axis]; const float size_contents_v = window->ContentSize[axis] + window->WindowPadding[axis] * 2.0f; // From ScrollbarEx() onward: // V denote the main, longer axis of the scrollbar (= height for a vertical scrollbar) const float scrollbar_size_v = bb.Max[axis] - bb.Min[axis]; // Calculate the height of our grabbable box. It generally represent the amount visible (vs the total scrollable amount) // But we maintain a minimum size in pixel to allow for the user to still aim inside. const float win_size_v = ImMax(ImMax(size_contents_v, size_avail_v), 1.0f); const float grab_h_pixels = ImClamp(scrollbar_size_v * (size_avail_v / win_size_v), g.Style.GrabMinSize, scrollbar_size_v); const float scroll_max = ImMax(1.0f, size_contents_v - size_avail_v); const float scroll_ratio = ImSaturate(scroll_v / scroll_max); const float grab_v = scroll_ratio * (scrollbar_size_v - grab_h_pixels); // Grab position ImVec2 position; position[axis] = bb.Min[axis] + grab_v + grab_h_pixels * 0.5f; position[axis ^ 1] = bb.GetCenter()[axis ^ 1]; return position; } #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 18993 #define ImTrunc ImFloor #endif static bool ScrollToWithScrollbar(ImGuiTestContext* ctx, ImGuiWindow* window, ImGuiAxis axis, float scroll_target) { ImGuiContext& g = *ctx->UiContext; ctx->Yield(); ctx->WindowFocus(window->ID); if (window->ScrollbarSizes[axis ^ 1] <= 0.0f) // Verify if still exists after yield return false; const ImRect scrollbar_rect = ImGui::GetWindowScrollbarRect(window, axis); const float scrollbar_size_v = scrollbar_rect.Max[axis] - scrollbar_rect.Min[axis]; const float window_resize_grip_size = ImTrunc(ImMax(g.FontSize * 1.35f, window->WindowRounding + 1.0f + g.FontSize * 0.2f)); // In case of a very small window, directly use SetScrollX/Y function to prevent resizing it // FIXME-TESTS: GetWindowScrollbarMousePositionForScroll() doesn't return the exact value when scrollbar grip is too small if (scrollbar_size_v < window_resize_grip_size) return false; ctx->MouseSetViewport(window); const float scroll_src = window->Scroll[axis]; ImVec2 scrollbar_src_pos = GetWindowScrollbarMousePositionForScroll(window, axis, scroll_src); scrollbar_src_pos[axis] = ImMin(scrollbar_src_pos[axis], scrollbar_rect.Min[axis] + scrollbar_size_v - window_resize_grip_size); ctx->MouseMoveToPos(scrollbar_src_pos); ctx->MouseDown(0); ctx->SleepStandard(); ImVec2 scrollbar_dst_pos = GetWindowScrollbarMousePositionForScroll(window, axis, scroll_target); ctx->MouseMoveToPos(scrollbar_dst_pos); ctx->MouseUp(0); ctx->SleepStandard(); // Verify that things worked const float scroll_result = window->Scroll[axis]; if (ImFabs(scroll_result - scroll_target) < 1.0f) return true; // FIXME-TESTS: Investigate ctx->LogWarning("Failed to set Scroll%c. Requested %.2f, got %.2f.", 'X' + axis, scroll_target, scroll_result); return true; } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollTo(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiAxis axis, float scroll_target, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); // Early out const float scroll_target_clamp = ImClamp(scroll_target, 0.0f, window->ScrollMax[axis]); if (ImFabs(window->Scroll[axis] - scroll_target_clamp) < 1.0f) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); const char axis_c = (char)('X' + axis); LogDebug("ScrollTo %c %.1f/%.1f", axis_c, scroll_target, window->ScrollMax[axis]); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); // Try to use Scrollbar if available const ImGuiTestItemInfo scrollbar_item = ItemInfo(ImGui::GetWindowScrollbarID(window, axis), ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); if (scrollbar_item.ID != 0 && /*EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast && */ !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow)) { if (ScrollToWithScrollbar(this, window, axis, scroll_target_clamp)) { // Verify that things worked const float scroll_result = window->Scroll[axis]; if (ImFabs(scroll_result - scroll_target_clamp) < 1.0f) return; // FIXME-TESTS: Investigate LogWarning("Failed to set Scroll%c. Requested %.2f, got %.2f.", 'X' + axis, scroll_target_clamp, scroll_result); } } // Fallback: manual slow scroll // FIXME-TESTS: Consider using mouse wheel, since it can work without taking focus int remaining_failures = 3; while (!Abort) { if (ImFabs(window->Scroll[axis] - scroll_target_clamp) < 1.0f) break; const float scroll_speed = (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) ? FLT_MAX : ImFloor(EngineIO->ScrollSpeed * g.IO.DeltaTime + 0.99f); const float scroll_next = ImLinearSweep(window->Scroll[axis], scroll_target, scroll_speed); if (axis == ImGuiAxis_X) ImGui::SetScrollX(window, scroll_next); else ImGui::SetScrollY(window, scroll_next); // Error handling to avoid getting stuck in this function. Yield(); if (!ScrollErrorCheck(axis, scroll_next, window->Scroll[axis], &remaining_failures)) break; } // Need another frame for the result->Rect to stabilize Yield(); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToItem(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiAxis axis, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return; // If the item is not currently visible, scroll to get it in the center of our window IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref, item); LogDebug("ScrollToItem %c %s", 'X' + axis, desc.c_str()); if (item.ID == 0) return; // Ensure window size and ScrollMax are up-to-date Yield(); // TabBar are a special case because they have no scrollbar and rely on ScrollButton "<" and ">" // FIXME-TESTS: Consider moving to its own function. ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (axis == ImGuiAxis_X) if (ImGuiTabBar* tab_bar = g.TabBars.GetByKey(item.ParentID)) if (tab_bar->Flags & ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll) { ScrollToTabItem(tab_bar, item.ID); return; } ImGuiWindow* window = item.Window; float item_curr = ImFloor(item.RectFull.GetCenter()[axis]); float item_target = ImFloor(window->InnerClipRect.GetCenter()[axis]); float scroll_delta = item_target - item_curr; float scroll_target = ImClamp(window->Scroll[axis] - scroll_delta, 0.0f, window->ScrollMax[axis]); ScrollTo(window->ID, axis, scroll_target, (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow)); } void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToItemX(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ScrollToItem(ref, ImGuiAxis_X); } void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToItemY(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ScrollToItem(ref, ImGuiAxis_Y); } void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollToTabItem(ImGuiTabBar* tab_bar, ImGuiID tab_id) { if (IsError()) return; // Cancel if "##v", because it's outside the tab_bar rect, and will be considered as "not visible" even if it is! //if (GetID("##v") == item->ID) // return; IM_CHECK_SILENT(tab_bar != NULL); const ImGuiTabItem* selected_tab_item = ImGui::TabBarFindTabByID(tab_bar, tab_bar->SelectedTabId); const ImGuiTabItem* target_tab_item = ImGui::TabBarFindTabByID(tab_bar, tab_id); if (target_tab_item == NULL) return; int selected_tab_index = tab_bar->Tabs.index_from_ptr(selected_tab_item); int target_tab_index = tab_bar->Tabs.index_from_ptr(target_tab_item); ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); SetRef(tab_bar->ID); if (selected_tab_index > target_tab_index) { MouseMove("##<"); for (int i = 0; i < selected_tab_index - target_tab_index; ++i) MouseClick(0); } else { MouseMove("##>"); for (int i = 0; i < target_tab_index - selected_tab_index; ++i) MouseClick(0); } // Skip the scroll animation if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) { tab_bar->ScrollingAnim = tab_bar->ScrollingTarget; Yield(); } SetRef(backup_ref); } // Verify that ScrollMax is stable regardless of scrolling position // - This can break when the layout of clipped items doesn't match layout of unclipped items // - This can break with non-rounded calls to ItemSize(), namely when the starting position is negative (above visible area) // We should ideally be more tolerant of non-rounded sizes passed by the users. // - One of the net visible effect of an unstable ScrollMax is that the End key would put you at a spot that's not exactly the lowest spot, // and so a second press to End would you move again by a few pixels. // FIXME-TESTS: Make this an iterative, smooth scroll. void ImGuiTestContext::ScrollVerifyScrollMax(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); ImGui::SetScrollY(window, 0.0f); Yield(); float scroll_max_0 = window->ScrollMax.y; ImGui::SetScrollY(window, window->ScrollMax.y); Yield(); float scroll_max_1 = window->ScrollMax.y; IM_CHECK_EQ(scroll_max_0, scroll_max_1); } void ImGuiTestContext::NavMoveTo(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref, item); LogDebug("NavMove to %s", desc.c_str()); if (item.ID == 0) return; if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); // Focus window before scrolling/moving so things are nicely visible WindowFocus(item.Window->ID); // Teleport // FIXME-NAV: We should have a nav request feature that does this, // except it'll have to queue the request to find rect, then set scrolling, which would incur a 2 frame delay :/ // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER IM_ASSERT(g.NavMoveSubmitted == false); ImRect rect_rel = item.RectFull; rect_rel.Translate(ImVec2(-item.Window->Pos.x, -item.Window->Pos.y)); ImGui::SetNavID(item.ID, (ImGuiNavLayer)item.NavLayer, 0, rect_rel); g.NavDisableHighlight = false; g.NavDisableMouseHover = g.NavMousePosDirty = true; ImGui::ScrollToBringRectIntoView(item.Window, item.RectFull); while (g.NavMoveSubmitted) Yield(); Yield(); if (!Abort) if (g.NavId != item.ID) IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("Unable to set NavId to %s", desc.c_str()); } void ImGuiTestContext::NavActivate() { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("NavActivate"); Yield(); // ? KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Space); } void ImGuiTestContext::NavInput() { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("NavInput"); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Enter); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeL // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeR // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeU // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeD static ImVec2 GetMouseAimingPos(const ImGuiTestItemInfo& item, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { ImRect r = item.RectClipped; ImVec2 pos; if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeL) pos.x = (r.Min.x + 1.0f); else if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeR) pos.x = (r.Max.x - 1.0f); else pos.x = (r.Min.x + r.Max.x) * 0.5f; if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeU) pos.y = (r.Min.y + 1.0f); else if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeD) pos.y = (r.Max.y - 1.0f); else pos.y = (r.Min.y + r.Max.y) * 0.5f; return pos; } // Conceptucally this could be called ItemHover() // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_IsSecondAttempt [used when recursively calling ourself) // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeXXX flags // FIXME-TESTS: This is too eagerly trying to scroll everything even if already visible. // FIXME: Maybe ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId could be automatic if we detect that another item is active as intended? void ImGuiTestContext::MouseMove(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; ImGuiTestItemInfo item; if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoOpenFullPath) item = ItemInfo(ref); else item = ItemInfoOpenFullPath(ref); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref, item); LogDebug("MouseMove to %s", desc.c_str()); if (item.ID == 0) return; ImGuiWindow* window = item.Window; if (!window->WasActive) { LogError("Window '%s' is not active!", window->Name); return; } // FIXME-TESTS: If window was not brought to front (because of either ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus or ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow) // then we need to make space by moving other windows away. // An easy to reproduce this bug is to run "docking_dockspace_tab_amend" with Test Engine UI over top-left corner, covering the Tools menu. // Check visibility and scroll if necessary { ImRect window_r = window->InnerClipRect; window_r.Expand(ImVec2(-g.WindowsHoverPadding.x, -g.WindowsHoverPadding.y)); ImRect item_r_clipped; item_r_clipped.Min.x = ImClamp(item.RectFull.Min.x, window_r.Min.x, window_r.Max.x); item_r_clipped.Min.y = ImClamp(item.RectFull.Min.y, window_r.Min.y, window_r.Max.y); item_r_clipped.Max.x = ImClamp(item.RectFull.Max.x, window_r.Min.x, window_r.Max.x); item_r_clipped.Max.y = ImClamp(item.RectFull.Max.y, window_r.Min.y, window_r.Max.y); // In theory all we need is one visible point, but it is generally nicer if we scroll toward visibility. // Bias toward reducing amount of horizontal scroll. float visibility_ratio_x = (item_r_clipped.GetWidth() + 1.0f) / (item.RectFull.GetWidth() + 1.0f); float visibility_ratio_y = (item_r_clipped.GetHeight() + 1.0f) / (item.RectFull.GetHeight() + 1.0f); if (item.NavLayer == ImGuiNavLayer_Main) { if (visibility_ratio_x < 0.70f) ScrollToItem(ref, ImGuiAxis_X, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow); if (visibility_ratio_y < 0.90f) ScrollToItem(ref, ImGuiAxis_Y, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow); } // FIXME: Scroll parent window } // Menu layer is not scrollable: attempt to resize window. if (item.NavLayer == ImGuiNavLayer_Menu) { // FIXME-TESTS: We designed RectClipped as being within RectFull which is not what we want here. Approximate using window's Max.x ImRect window_r = window->Rect(); if (item.RectFull.Min.x > window_r.Max.x) { float extra_width_desired = item.RectFull.Max.x - window_r.Max.x; // item->RectClipped.Max.x; if (extra_width_desired > 0.0f && (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_IsSecondAttempt) == 0) { LogDebug("Will attempt to resize window to make item in menu layer visible."); WindowResize(window->ID, window->Size + ImVec2(extra_width_desired, 0.0f)); } } } // Update item item = ItemInfo(item.ID); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER ImVec2 pos = item.RectFull.GetCenter(); if (WindowTeleportToMakePosVisible(window->ID, pos)) item = ItemInfo(item.ID); // Keep a copy of item info const ImGuiTestItemInfo item_initial_state = item; // Target point pos = GetMouseAimingPos(item, flags); // Focus window if (!(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow) && item.Window != NULL) { // Avoid unnecessary focus // While this is generally desirable and much more consistent with user behavior, // it make test-engine behavior a little less deterministic. // Incorrectly written tests could possibly succeed or fail based on position of other windows. bool is_covered = FindHoveredWindowAtPos(pos) != item.Window; #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 18944 bool is_inhibited = ImGui::IsWindowContentHoverable(item.Window) == false; #else bool is_inhibited = false; #endif // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER: This has too many side effect, could we do without? // - e.g. This can close a modal. if (is_covered || is_inhibited) WindowBringToFront(item.Window->ID); } // Another is window active test (in the case focus change has a side effect but also as we have yield an extra frame) if (!item.Window->WasActive) { LogError("Window '%s' is not active (after aiming)", item.Window->Name); return; } MouseSetViewport(item.Window); MouseMoveToPos(pos); // Focus again in case something made us lost focus (which could happen on a simple hover) if (!(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow)) { // Avoid unnecessary focus bool is_covered = FindHoveredWindowAtPos(pos) != item.Window; #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 18944 bool is_inhibited = ImGui::IsWindowContentHoverable(item.Window) == false; #else bool is_inhibited = false; #endif if (is_covered || is_inhibited) WindowBringToFront(window->ID); } // Check hovering target: may be an item (common) or a window (rare) if (!Abort && !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId)) { ImGuiID hovered_id; bool is_hovered_item; // Give a few extra frames to validate hovering. // In the vast majority of case this will be set on the first attempt, // but e.g. blocking popups may need to close based on external logic. for (int remaining_attempts = 3; remaining_attempts > 0; remaining_attempts--) { hovered_id = g.HoveredIdPreviousFrame; is_hovered_item = (hovered_id == item.ID); if (is_hovered_item) break; Yield(); } bool is_hovered_window = is_hovered_item ? true : false; if (!is_hovered_item) for (ImGuiWindow* hovered_window = g.HoveredWindow; hovered_window != NULL && !is_hovered_window; hovered_window = hovered_window->ParentWindow) if (hovered_window->ID == item.ID && hovered_window == item.Window) is_hovered_window = true; if (!is_hovered_item && !is_hovered_window) { // Check if we are accidentally hovering resize grip (which uses ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChildren) if (!(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize) && !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_IsSecondAttempt)) { bool is_hovering_resize_corner = false; for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) is_hovering_resize_corner |= (hovered_id == ImGui::GetWindowResizeCornerID(window, n)); if (is_hovering_resize_corner) { LogDebug("Child obstructed by parent's ResizeGrip, trying to resize window and trying again.."); float extra_size = window->CalcFontSize() * 3.0f; WindowResize(window->ID, window->Size + ImVec2(extra_size, extra_size)); MouseMove(ref, flags | ImGuiTestOpFlags_IsSecondAttempt); return; } } // Update item item = ItemInfo(item.ID); // Log message ImVec2 pos_old = item_initial_state.RectFull.Min; ImVec2 pos_new = item.RectFull.Min; ImVec2 size_old = item_initial_state.RectFull.GetSize(); ImVec2 size_new = item.RectFull.GetSize(); Str256f error_message( "Unable to Hover %s:\n" "- Expected item 0x%08X in window '%s', targeted position: (%.1f,%.1f)'\n" "- Hovered id was 0x%08X in '%s'.\n" "- Before mouse move: Item Pos (%6.1f,%6.1f) Size (%6.1f,%6.1f)\n" "- After mouse move: Item Pos (%6.1f,%6.1f) Size (%6.1f,%6.1f)", desc.c_str(), item.ID, item.Window ? item.Window->Name : "", pos.x, pos.y, hovered_id, g.HoveredWindow ? g.HoveredWindow->Name : "", pos_old.x, pos_old.y, size_old.x, size_old.y, pos_new.x, pos_new.y, size_new.x, size_new.y); IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("%s", error_message.c_str()); } } } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseSetViewport(ImGuiWindow* window) { IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT ImGuiViewportP* viewport = window ? window->Viewport : NULL; ImGuiID viewport_id = viewport ? viewport->ID : 0; if (window->Viewport == NULL) IM_CHECK(window->WasActive == false); // only time this is allowed is an inactive window (where the viewport was destroyed) if (Inputs->MouseHoveredViewport != viewport_id) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseSetViewport changing to 0x%08X (window '%s')", viewport_id, window->Name); Inputs->MouseHoveredViewport = viewport_id; Yield(2); } #else IM_UNUSED(window); #endif } // May be 0 to specify "automatic" (based on platform stack, rarely used) void ImGuiTestContext::MouseSetViewportID(ImGuiID viewport_id) { if (IsError()) return; if (Inputs->MouseHoveredViewport != viewport_id) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseSetViewportID changing to 0x%08X", viewport_id); Inputs->MouseHoveredViewport = viewport_id; ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); } } // Make the point at 'pos' (generally expected to be within window's boundaries) visible in the viewport, // so it can be later focused then clicked. bool ImGuiTestContext::WindowTeleportToMakePosVisible(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImVec2 pos) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return false; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(window != NULL, false); #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK // This is particularly useful for docked windows, as we have to move root dockspace window instead of docket window // itself. As a side effect this also adds support for child windows. window = window->RootWindowDockTree; #endif ImRect visible_r; visible_r.Min = GetMainMonitorWorkPos(); visible_r.Max = visible_r.Min + GetMainMonitorWorkSize(); if (!visible_r.Contains(pos)) { // Fallback move window directly to make our item reachable with the mouse. // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER float pad = g.FontSize; ImVec2 delta; delta.x = (pos.x < visible_r.Min.x) ? (visible_r.Min.x - pos.x + pad) : (pos.x > visible_r.Max.x) ? (visible_r.Max.x - pos.x - pad) : 0.0f; delta.y = (pos.y < visible_r.Min.y) ? (visible_r.Min.y - pos.y + pad) : (pos.y > visible_r.Max.y) ? (visible_r.Max.y - pos.y - pad) : 0.0f; ImGui::SetWindowPos(window, window->Pos + delta, ImGuiCond_Always); LogDebug("WindowTeleportToMakePosVisible '%s' delta (%.1f,%.1f)", window->Name, delta.x, delta.y); Yield(); return true; } return false; } // ignore_list is a NULL-terminated list of pointers // Windows that are below all of ignore_list windows are not hidden. // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER: Aim to get rid of this. void ImGuiTestContext::ForeignWindowsHideOverPos(ImVec2 pos, ImGuiWindow** ignore_list) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("ForeignWindowsHideOverPos (%.0f,%.0f)", pos.x, pos.y); IM_CHECK_SILENT(ignore_list != NULL); // It makes little sense to call this function with an empty list. IM_CHECK_SILENT(ignore_list[0] != NULL); //auto& ctx = this; IM_SUSPEND_TESTFUNC(); // Find lowest ignored window index. All windows rendering above this index will be hidden. All windows rendering // below this index do not prevent interactions with these windows already, and they can be ignored. int min_window_index = g.Windows.Size; for (int i = 0; ignore_list[i]; i++) min_window_index = ImMin(min_window_index, ImGui::FindWindowDisplayIndex(ignore_list[i])); bool hidden_windows = false; for (int i = 0; i < g.Windows.Size; i++) { ImGuiWindow* other_window = g.Windows[i]; if (other_window->RootWindow == other_window && other_window->WasActive) { ImRect r = other_window->Rect(); r.Expand(g.WindowsHoverPadding); if (r.Contains(pos)) { for (int j = 0; ignore_list[j]; j++) #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK if (ignore_list[j]->RootWindowDockTree == other_window->RootWindowDockTree) #else if (ignore_list[j] == other_window) #endif { other_window = NULL; break; } if (other_window && ImGui::FindWindowDisplayIndex(other_window) < min_window_index) other_window = NULL; if (other_window) { ForeignWindowsToHide.push_back(other_window); hidden_windows = true; } } } } if (hidden_windows) Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::ForeignWindowsUnhideAll() { ForeignWindowsToHide.clear(); Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseMoveToPos(ImVec2 target) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseMoveToPos from (%.0f,%.0f) to (%.0f,%.0f)", Inputs->MousePosValue.x, Inputs->MousePosValue.y, target.x, target.y); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); // Enforce a mouse move if we are already at destination, to enforce g.NavDisableMouseHover gets cleared. if (g.NavDisableMouseHover && ImLengthSqr(Inputs->MousePosValue - target) < 1.0f) { Inputs->MousePosValue = target + ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); } if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) { Inputs->MousePosValue = target; ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); return; } // Simulate slower movements. We use a slightly curved movement to make the movement look less robotic. // Calculate some basic parameters const ImVec2 start_pos = Inputs->MousePosValue; const ImVec2 delta = target - start_pos; const float length2 = ImLengthSqr(delta); const float length = (length2 > 0.0001f) ? ImSqrt(length2) : 1.0f; const float inv_length = 1.0f / length; // Short distance alter speed and wobble float base_speed = EngineIO->MouseSpeed; float base_wobble = EngineIO->MouseWobble; if (length < base_speed * 1.0f) { // Time = 1.0f -> wobble max, Time = 0.0f -> no wobble base_wobble *= length / base_speed; // Slow down for short movements(all movement in the 0.0f..1.0f range are remapped to a 0.5f..1.0f seconds) if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) { float approx_time = length / base_speed; approx_time = 0.5f + ImSaturate(approx_time * 0.5f); base_speed = length / approx_time; } } // Calculate a vector perpendicular to the motion delta const ImVec2 perp = ImVec2(delta.y, -delta.x) * inv_length; // Calculate how much wobble we want, clamped to max out when the delta is 100 pixels (shorter movements get less wobble) const float position_offset_magnitude = ImClamp(length, 1.0f, 100.0f) * base_wobble; // Wobble positions, using a sine wave based on position as a cheap way to get a deterministic offset ImVec2 intermediate_pos_a = start_pos + (delta * 0.3f); ImVec2 intermediate_pos_b = start_pos + (delta * 0.6f); intermediate_pos_a += perp * ImSin(intermediate_pos_a.y * 0.1f) * position_offset_magnitude; intermediate_pos_b += perp * ImCos(intermediate_pos_b.y * 0.1f) * position_offset_magnitude; // We manipulate Inputs->MousePosValue without reading back from g.IO.MousePos because the later is rounded. // To handle high framerate it is easier to bypass this rounding. float current_dist = 0.0f; // Our current distance along the line (in pixels) while (true) { float move_speed = base_speed * g.IO.DeltaTime; //if (g.IO.KeyShift) // move_speed *= 0.1f; current_dist += move_speed; // Move along the line // Calculate a parametric position on the direct line that we will use for the curve float t = current_dist * inv_length; t = ImClamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f); t = 1.0f - ((ImCos(t * IM_PI) + 1.0f) * 0.5f); // Generate a smooth curve with acceleration/deceleration //ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList()->AddCircle(target, 10.0f, IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255)); if (t >= 1.0f) { Inputs->MousePosValue = target; ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); return; } else { // Use a bezier curve through the wobble points Inputs->MousePosValue = ImBezierCubicCalc(start_pos, intermediate_pos_a, intermediate_pos_b, target, t); //ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList()->AddBezierCurve(start_pos, intermediate_pos_a, intermediate_pos_b, target, IM_COL32(255,0,0,255), 1.0f); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); } } } // This always teleport the mouse regardless of fast/slow mode. Useful e.g. to set initial mouse position for a GIF recording. // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoYield void ImGuiTestContext::MouseTeleportToPos(ImVec2 target, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseTeleportToPos from (%.0f,%.0f) to (%.0f,%.0f)", Inputs->MousePosValue.x, Inputs->MousePosValue.y, target.x, target.y); Inputs->MousePosValue = target; if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoYield) == 0) { ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); ImGuiTestEngine_Yield(Engine); } } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton button) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseDown %d", button); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); UiContext->IO.MouseClickedTime[button] = -FLT_MAX; // Prevent accidental double-click from happening ever Inputs->MouseButtonsValue |= (1 << button); Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseUp(ImGuiMouseButton button) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseUp %d", button); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue &= ~(1 << button); Yield(); } // TODO: click time argument (seconds and/or frames) void ImGuiTestContext::MouseClick(ImGuiMouseButton button) { if (IsError()) return; MouseClickMulti(button, 1); } // TODO: click time argument (seconds and/or frames) void ImGuiTestContext::MouseClickMulti(ImGuiMouseButton button, int count) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); if (count > 1) LogDebug("MouseClickMulti %d x%d", button, count); else LogDebug("MouseClick %d", button); // Make sure mouse buttons are released IM_ASSERT(count >= 1); IM_ASSERT(Inputs->MouseButtonsValue == 0); Yield(); // Press UiContext->IO.MouseClickedTime[button] = -FLT_MAX; // Prevent accidental double-click from happening ever for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = (1 << button); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); else if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) Yield(2); // Leave enough time for non-alive IDs to expire. (#5325) else Yield(); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = 0; if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) Yield(2); // Not strictly necessary but covers more variant. else Yield(); } // Now NewFrame() has seen the mouse release. // Let the imgui frame finish, now e.g. Button() function will return true. Start a new frame. Yield(); } // TODO: click time argument (seconds and/or frames) void ImGuiTestContext::MouseDoubleClick(ImGuiMouseButton button) { MouseClickMulti(button, 2); } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseLiftDragThreshold(ImGuiMouseButton button) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; g.IO.MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[button] = (g.IO.MouseDragThreshold * g.IO.MouseDragThreshold) + (g.IO.MouseDragThreshold * g.IO.MouseDragThreshold); } ImGuiWindow* ImGuiTestContext::FindHoveredWindowAtPos(const ImVec2& pos) { #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19062 ImGuiWindow* hovered_window = NULL; ImGui::FindHoveredWindowEx(pos, true, &hovered_window, NULL); return hovered_window; #else // Modeled on FindHoveredWindow() in imgui.cpp. // Ideally that core function would be refactored to avoid this copy. // - Need to take account of MovingWindow specificities and early out. // - Need to be able to skip viewport compare. // So for now we use a custom function. ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; ImVec2 padding_regular = g.Style.TouchExtraPadding; ImVec2 padding_for_resize = g.IO.ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges ? g.WindowsHoverPadding : padding_regular; for (int i = g.Windows.Size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ImGuiWindow* window = g.Windows[i]; if (!window->Active || window->Hidden) continue; if (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMouseInputs) continue; // Using the clipped AABB, a child window will typically be clipped by its parent (not always) ImVec2 hit_padding = (window->Flags & (ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) ? padding_regular : padding_for_resize; ImRect r = window->OuterRectClipped; r.Expand(hit_padding); if (!r.Contains(pos)) continue; // Support for one rectangular hole in any given window // FIXME: Consider generalizing hit-testing override (with more generic data, callback, etc.) (#1512) if (window->HitTestHoleSize.x != 0) { ImVec2 hole_pos(window->Pos.x + (float)window->HitTestHoleOffset.x, window->Pos.y + (float)window->HitTestHoleOffset.y); ImVec2 hole_size((float)window->HitTestHoleSize.x, (float)window->HitTestHoleSize.y); if (ImRect(hole_pos, hole_pos + hole_size).Contains(pos)) continue; } return window; } return NULL; #endif } static bool IsPosOnVoid(ImGuiContext& g, const ImVec2& pos) { for (ImGuiWindow* window : g.Windows) #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK if (window->RootWindowDockTree == window && window->WasActive) #else if (window->RootWindow == window && window->WasActive) #endif { ImRect r = window->Rect(); r.Expand(g.WindowsHoverPadding); if (r.Contains(pos)) return false; } return true; } // Sample viewport for an easy location with nothing on it. // FIXME-OPT: If ever any problematic: // - (1) could iterate g.WindowsFocusOrder[] now that we made the switch of it only containing root windows // - (2) increase steps iteratively // - (3) remember last answer and tries it first. // - (4) shortpath to failure negative if a window covers the whole viewport? bool ImGuiTestContext::FindExistingVoidPosOnViewport(ImGuiViewport* viewport, ImVec2* out) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return false; for (int yn = 0; yn < 20; yn++) for (int xn = 0; xn < 20; xn++) { ImVec2 pos = viewport->Pos + viewport->Size * ImVec2(xn / 20.0f, yn / 20.0f); if (!IsPosOnVoid(g, pos)) continue; *out = pos; return true; } return false; } ImVec2 ImGuiTestContext::GetPosOnVoid(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return ImVec2(); ImVec2 void_pos; bool found_existing_void_pos = FindExistingVoidPosOnViewport(viewport, &void_pos); if (found_existing_void_pos) return void_pos; // Move windows away // FIXME: Should be optional and otherwise error. void_pos = viewport->Pos + ImVec2(1, 1); ImVec2 window_min_pos = void_pos + g.WindowsHoverPadding + ImVec2(1.0f, 1.0f); for (ImGuiWindow* window : g.Windows) { #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK if (window->Viewport != viewport) continue; if (window->RootWindowDockTree == window && window->WasActive) #else if (window->RootWindow == window && window->WasActive) #endif if (window->Rect().Contains(window_min_pos)) WindowMove(window->Name, window_min_pos); } return void_pos; } ImVec2 ImGuiTestContext::GetWindowTitlebarPoint(ImGuiTestRef window_ref) { // FIXME-TESTS: Need to find a -visible- click point. drag_pos may end up being outside of main viewport. if (IsError()) return ImVec2(); ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(window_ref); if (window == NULL) { IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("Unable to locate ref window: '%s'", window_ref.Path); return ImVec2(); } ImVec2 drag_pos; for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK if (window->DockNode != NULL && window->DockNode->TabBar != NULL) { ImGuiTabBar* tab_bar = window->DockNode->TabBar; ImGuiTabItem* tab = ImGui::TabBarFindTabByID(tab_bar, window->TabId); IM_ASSERT(tab != NULL); drag_pos = tab_bar->BarRect.Min + ImVec2(tab->Offset + tab->Width * 0.5f, tab_bar->BarRect.GetHeight() * 0.5f); } else #endif { #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19071 const float h = window->TitleBarHeight; #else const float h = window->TitleBarHeight(); #endif drag_pos = ImFloor(window->Pos + ImVec2(window->Size.x, h) * 0.5f); } // If we didn't have to teleport it means we can reach the position already if (!WindowTeleportToMakePosVisible(window->ID, drag_pos)) break; } return drag_pos; } // Click position which should have no windows. // Default to last mouse viewport if viewport not specified. void ImGuiTestContext::MouseMoveToVoid(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseMoveToVoid"); #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT if (viewport == NULL && g.MouseViewport && (g.MouseViewport->Flags & ImGuiViewportFlags_CanHostOtherWindows)) viewport = g.MouseViewport; #endif if (viewport == NULL) viewport = ImGui::GetMainViewport(); ImVec2 pos = GetPosOnVoid(viewport); // This may call WindowMove and alter mouse viewport. #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT MouseSetViewportID(viewport->ID); #endif MouseMoveToPos(pos); IM_CHECK(g.HoveredWindow == NULL); } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseClickOnVoid(int mouse_button, ImGuiViewport* viewport) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseClickOnVoid %d", mouse_button); MouseMoveToVoid(viewport); MouseClick(mouse_button); } void ImGuiTestContext::MouseDragWithDelta(ImVec2 delta, ImGuiMouseButton button) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseDragWithDelta %d (%.1f, %.1f)", button, delta.x, delta.y); MouseDown(button); MouseMoveToPos(g.IO.MousePos + delta); MouseUp(button); } // Important: always call MouseWheelX()/MouseWheelY() with an understand that holding Shift will swap axises. // - On Windows/Linux, this swap is done in ImGui::NewFrame() // - On OSX, this swap is generally done by the backends // - In simulated test engine, always assume Windows/Linux behavior as we will swap in ImGuiTestEngine_ApplyInputToImGuiContext() void ImGuiTestContext::MouseWheel(ImVec2 delta) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("MouseWheel(%g, %g)", delta.x, delta.y); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); float td = 0.0f; const float scroll_speed = 15.0f; // Units per second. while (delta.x != 0.0f || delta.y != 0.0f) { ImVec2 scroll; if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) { scroll = delta; } else { td += UiContext->IO.DeltaTime; scroll = ImFloor(delta * ImVec2(td, td) * scroll_speed); } if (scroll.x != 0.0f || scroll.y != 0.0f) { scroll = ImClamp(scroll, ImVec2(ImMin(delta.x, 0.0f), ImMin(delta.y, 0.0f)), ImVec2(ImMax(delta.x, 0.0f), ImMax(delta.y, 0.0f))); Inputs->MouseWheel = scroll; delta -= scroll; td = 0; } Yield(); } } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyDown(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19012 const char* chord_desc = ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord); #else char chord_desc[32]; ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord, chord_desc, IM_ARRAYSIZE(chord_desc)); #endif LogDebug("KeyDown(%s)", chord_desc); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, true)); Yield(); Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyUp(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19012 const char* chord_desc = ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord); #else char chord_desc[32]; ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord, chord_desc, IM_ARRAYSIZE(chord_desc)); #endif LogDebug("KeyUp(%s)", chord_desc); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, false)); Yield(); Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyPress(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, int count) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19012 const char* chord_desc = ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord); #else char chord_desc[32]; ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord, chord_desc, IM_ARRAYSIZE(chord_desc)); #endif LogDebug("KeyPress(%s, %d)", chord_desc, count); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); while (count > 0) { count--; Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, true)); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepShort(); else Yield(); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, false)); Yield(); // Give a frame for items to react Yield(); } } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyHold(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, float time) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19012 const char* chord_desc = ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord); #else char chord_desc[32]; ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord, chord_desc, IM_ARRAYSIZE(chord_desc)); #endif LogDebug("KeyHold(%s, %.2f sec)", chord_desc, time); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, true)); SleepNoSkip(time, 1 / 100.0f); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, false)); Yield(); // Give a frame for items to react } // No extra yield void ImGuiTestContext::KeySetEx(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, bool is_down, float time) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19012 const char* chord_desc = ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord); #else char chord_desc[32]; ImGui::GetKeyChordName(key_chord, chord_desc, IM_ARRAYSIZE(chord_desc)); #endif LogDebug("KeySetEx(%s, is_down=%d, time=%.f)", chord_desc, is_down, time); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForKeyChord(key_chord, is_down)); if (time > 0.0f) SleepNoSkip(time, 1.0f / 100.0f); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyChars(const char* chars) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("KeyChars('%s')", chars); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed == ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Cinematic) SleepStandard(); while (*chars) { unsigned int c = 0; int bytes_count = ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, chars, NULL); chars += bytes_count; if (c > 0 && c <= 0xFFFF) Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForChar((ImWchar)c)); if (EngineIO->ConfigRunSpeed != ImGuiTestRunSpeed_Fast) Sleep(1.0f / EngineIO->TypingSpeed); } Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyCharsAppend(const char* chars) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("KeyCharsAppend('%s')", chars); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_End); KeyChars(chars); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyCharsAppendEnter(const char* chars) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("KeyCharsAppendEnter('%s')", chars); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_End); KeyChars(chars); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Enter); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyCharsReplace(const char* chars) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("KeyCharsReplace('%s')", chars); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 19063 KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Shortcut); #else KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Ctrl); #endif if (chars[0]) KeyChars(chars); else KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Delete); } void ImGuiTestContext::KeyCharsReplaceEnter(const char* chars) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("KeyCharsReplaceEnter('%s')", chars); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 19063 KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Shortcut); #else KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Ctrl); #endif if (chars[0]) KeyChars(chars); else KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Delete); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Enter); } // depth = 1 -> immediate child of 'parent' in ID Stack void ImGuiTestContext::GatherItems(ImGuiTestItemList* out_list, ImGuiTestRef parent, int depth) { IM_ASSERT(out_list != NULL); IM_ASSERT(depth > 0 || depth == -1); if (IsError()) return; ImGuiTestGatherTask* task = &Engine->GatherTask; IM_ASSERT(task->InParentID == 0); IM_ASSERT(task->LastItemInfo == NULL); // Register gather tasks if (depth == -1) depth = 99; if (parent.ID == 0) parent.ID = GetID(parent); task->InParentID = parent.ID; task->InMaxDepth = depth; task->InLayerMask = (1 << ImGuiNavLayer_Main); // FIXME: Configurable filter task->OutList = out_list; // Keep running while gathering // The corresponding hook is ItemAdd() -> ImGuiTestEngineHook_ItemAdd() -> ImGuiTestEngineHook_ItemAdd_GatherTask() const int begin_gather_size = out_list->GetSize(); while (true) { const int begin_gather_size_for_frame = out_list->GetSize(); Yield(); const int end_gather_size_for_frame = out_list->GetSize(); if (begin_gather_size_for_frame == end_gather_size_for_frame) break; } const int end_gather_size = out_list->GetSize(); // FIXME-TESTS: To support filter we'd need to process the list here, // Because ImGuiTestItemList is a pool (ImVector + map ID->index) we'll need to filter, rewrite, rebuild map ImGuiTestItemInfo parent_item = ItemInfo(parent, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); LogDebug("GatherItems from %s, %d deep: found %d items.", ImGuiTestRefDesc(parent, parent_item).c_str(), depth, end_gather_size - begin_gather_size); task->Clear(); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoOpenFullPath // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError void ImGuiTestContext::ItemAction(ImGuiTestAction action, ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags, void* action_arg) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); // [DEBUG] Breakpoint //if (ref.ID == 0x0d4af068) // printf(""); // FIXME-TESTS: Fix that stuff const bool is_wildcard = ref.Path != NULL && strstr(ref.Path, "**/") != 0; if (is_wildcard) { // This is a fragile way to avoid some ambiguities, we're relying on expected action to further filter by status flags. // These flags are not cleared by ItemInfo() because ItemAction() may call ItemInfo() again to get same item and thus it // needs these flags to remain in place. if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Check || action == ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck) Engine->FindByLabelTask.InFilterItemStatusFlags = ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable; else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Open || action == ImGuiTestAction_Close) Engine->FindByLabelTask.InFilterItemStatusFlags = ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable; } // Find item ImGuiTestItemInfo item; if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoOpenFullPath) item = ItemInfo(ref, (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)); else item = ItemInfoOpenFullPath(ref, (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref, item); LogDebug("Item%s %s%s", GetActionName(action), desc.c_str(), (InputMode == ImGuiInputSource_Mouse) ? "" : " (w/ Nav)"); if (item.ID == 0) { if (flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) LogDebug("Action skipped: Item doesn't exist + used ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError."); return; } // Automatically uncollapse by default if (item.Window && !(OpFlags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoUncollapse)) WindowCollapse(item.Window->ID, false); if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Hover) { MouseMove(ref, flags); } if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Click || action == ImGuiTestAction_DoubleClick) { if (InputMode == ImGuiInputSource_Mouse) { const int mouse_button = (int)(intptr_t)action_arg; IM_ASSERT(mouse_button >= 0 && mouse_button < ImGuiMouseButton_COUNT); MouseMove(ref, flags); if (action == ImGuiTestAction_DoubleClick) MouseDoubleClick(mouse_button); else MouseClick(mouse_button); } else { action = ImGuiTestAction_NavActivate; } } if (action == ImGuiTestAction_NavActivate) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused NavMoveTo(ref); NavActivate(); if (action == ImGuiTestAction_DoubleClick) IM_ASSERT(0); } else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Input) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused if (InputMode == ImGuiInputSource_Mouse) { MouseMove(ref, flags); KeyDown(ImGuiMod_Ctrl); MouseClick(0); KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Ctrl); } else { NavMoveTo(ref); NavInput(); } } else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Open) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0) { MouseMove(ref, flags); // Some item may open just by hovering, give them that chance item = ItemInfo(item.ID); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0) { MouseClick(0); item = ItemInfo(item.ID); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0) { MouseDoubleClick(0); // Attempt a double-click // FIXME-TESTS: let's not start doing those fuzzy things.. item = ItemInfo(item.ID); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0) IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("Unable to Open item: '%s' in '%s'", desc.c_str(), item.Window ? item.Window->Name : "N/A"); } } //Yield(); } } else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Close) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) != 0) { ItemClick(ref, 0, flags); item = ItemInfo(item.ID); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) != 0) { ItemDoubleClick(ref, flags); // Attempt a double-click // FIXME-TESTS: let's not start doing those fuzzy things.. widget should give direction of how to close/open... e.g. do you we close a TabItem? item = ItemInfo(item.ID); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) != 0) IM_ERRORF_NOHDR("Unable to Close item: %s", ImGuiTestRefDesc(ref, item).c_str()); } Yield(); } } else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Check) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable) && !(item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked)) { ItemClick(ref, 0, flags); } ItemVerifyCheckedIfAlive(ref, true); // We can't just IM_ASSERT(ItemIsChecked()) because the item may disappear and never update its StatusFlags any more! } else if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck) { IM_ASSERT(action_arg == NULL); // Unused if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable) && (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked)) { ItemClick(ref, 0, flags); } ItemVerifyCheckedIfAlive(ref, false); // We can't just IM_ASSERT(ItemIsChecked()) because the item may disappear and never update its StatusFlags any more! } //if (is_wildcard) Engine->FindByLabelTask.InFilterItemStatusFlags = ImGuiItemStatusFlags_None; } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemActionAll(ImGuiTestAction action, ImGuiTestRef ref_parent, const ImGuiTestActionFilter* filter) { int max_depth = filter ? filter->MaxDepth : -1; if (max_depth == -1) max_depth = 99; int max_passes = filter ? filter->MaxPasses : -1; if (max_passes == -1) max_passes = 99; IM_ASSERT(max_depth > 0 && max_passes > 0); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("ItemActionAll() %s", GetActionName(action)); if (!ref_parent.IsEmpty()) { // Open parent's parents ImGuiTestItemInfo parent_info = ItemInfoOpenFullPath(ref_parent); if (parent_info.ID != 0) { // Open parent if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Open) if ((parent_info.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable) && (parent_info.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) ItemOpen(ref_parent, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); } } // Find child items int actioned_total = 0; for (int pass = 0; pass < max_passes; pass++) { ImGuiTestItemList items; GatherItems(&items, ref_parent, max_depth); //LogItemList(&items); // Find deep most items int highest_depth = -1; if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Close) for (auto& item : items) if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable) && (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened)) // Not checking Disabled state here highest_depth = ImMax(highest_depth, item.Depth); const int actioned_total_at_beginning_of_pass = actioned_total; // Process top-to-bottom in most cases int scan_start = 0; int scan_end = items.GetSize(); int scan_dir = +1; if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Close) { // Close bottom-to-top because // 1) it is more likely to handle same-depth parent/child relationship better (e.g. CollapsingHeader) // 2) it gives a nicer sense of symmetry with the corresponding open operation. scan_start = items.GetSize() - 1; scan_end = -1; scan_dir = -1; } int processed_count_per_depth[8]; memset(processed_count_per_depth, 0, sizeof(processed_count_per_depth)); for (int n = scan_start; n != scan_end; n += scan_dir) { if (IsError()) break; const ImGuiTestItemInfo& item = *items[n]; if (filter && filter->RequireAllStatusFlags != 0) if ((item.StatusFlags & filter->RequireAllStatusFlags) != filter->RequireAllStatusFlags) continue; if (filter && filter->RequireAnyStatusFlags != 0) if ((item.StatusFlags & filter->RequireAnyStatusFlags) != 0) continue; if (filter && filter->MaxItemCountPerDepth != NULL) { if (item.Depth < IM_ARRAYSIZE(processed_count_per_depth)) { if (processed_count_per_depth[item.Depth] >= filter->MaxItemCountPerDepth[item.Depth]) continue; processed_count_per_depth[item.Depth]++; } } switch (action) { case ImGuiTestAction_Hover: case ImGuiTestAction_Click: ItemAction(action, item.ID); actioned_total++; break; case ImGuiTestAction_Check: if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable) && !(item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked)) if ((item.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) { ItemAction(action, item.ID); actioned_total++; } break; case ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck: if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable) && (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked)) if ((item.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) { ItemAction(action, item.ID); actioned_total++; } break; case ImGuiTestAction_Open: if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable) && !(item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened)) if ((item.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) { ItemAction(action, item.ID); actioned_total++; } break; case ImGuiTestAction_Close: if (item.Depth == highest_depth && (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Openable) && (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened)) if ((item.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) == 0) { ItemClose(item.ID); actioned_total++; } break; default: IM_ASSERT(0); } } if (IsError()) break; if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Hover) break; if (actioned_total_at_beginning_of_pass == actioned_total) break; } LogDebug("%s %d items in total!", GetActionVerb(action), actioned_total); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemOpenAll(ImGuiTestRef ref_parent, int max_depth, int max_passes) { ImGuiTestActionFilter filter; filter.MaxDepth = max_depth; filter.MaxPasses = max_passes; ItemActionAll(ImGuiTestAction_Open, ref_parent, &filter); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemCloseAll(ImGuiTestRef ref_parent, int max_depth, int max_passes) { ImGuiTestActionFilter filter; filter.MaxDepth = max_depth; filter.MaxPasses = max_passes; ItemActionAll(ImGuiTestAction_Close, ref_parent, &filter); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemInputValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, int value) { char buf[32]; ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "%d", value); ItemInput(ref); KeyCharsReplaceEnter(buf); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemInputValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, float value) { char buf[32]; ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "%f", value); ItemInput(ref); KeyCharsReplaceEnter(buf); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemInputValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, const char* value) { ItemInput(ref); KeyCharsReplaceEnter(value); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError bool ImGuiTestContext::ItemSelectAndReadValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiDataType data_type, void* out_data, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return false; const ImGuiDataTypeInfo* data_type_info = ImGui::DataTypeGetInfo(data_type); const ImGuiTestOpFlags SUPPORTED_FLAGS = ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError; IM_ASSERT((flags & ~SUPPORTED_FLAGS) == 0); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("ItemSelectReadValue '%s' 0x%08X as %s", ref.Path ? ref.Path : "NULL", ref.ID, data_type_info->Name); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(out_data != NULL, false); Str256 backup_clipboard = ImGui::GetClipboardText(); ItemInput(ref, flags); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 19063 KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Shortcut); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_C | ImGuiMod_Shortcut); // Copy to clipboard #else KeyPress(ImGuiKey_A | ImGuiMod_Ctrl); KeyPress(ImGuiKey_C | ImGuiMod_Ctrl); // Copy to clipboard #endif KeyPress(ImGuiKey_Enter); const char* clipboard = ImGui::GetClipboardText(); bool ret = ImGui::DataTypeApplyFromText(clipboard, data_type, out_data, data_type_info->ScanFmt); if (ret == false) { if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError) == 0) { LogError("Unable to parse buffer '%s' as %s", clipboard, data_type_info->Name); IM_CHECK_RETV(ret, false); } } ImGui::SetClipboardText(backup_clipboard.c_str()); return ret; } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemSelectAndReadValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, int* out_v) { ItemSelectAndReadValue(ref, ImGuiDataType_S32, (void*)out_v); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemSelectAndReadValue(ImGuiTestRef ref, float* out_v) { ItemSelectAndReadValue(ref, ImGuiDataType_Float, (void*)out_v); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemHold(ImGuiTestRef ref, float time) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("ItemHold %s", desc.c_str()); MouseMove(ref); Yield(); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = (1 << 0); Sleep(time); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = 0; Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemHoldForFrames(ImGuiTestRef ref, int frames) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("ItemHoldForFrames %s", desc.c_str()); MouseMove(ref); Yield(); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = (1 << 0); Yield(frames); Inputs->MouseButtonsValue = 0; Yield(); } // Used to test opening containers (TreeNode, Tabs) while dragging a payload void ImGuiTestContext::ItemDragOverAndHold(ImGuiTestRef ref_src, ImGuiTestRef ref_dst) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestItemInfo item_src = ItemInfo(ref_src); ImGuiTestItemInfo item_dst = ItemInfo(ref_dst); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc_src(ref_src, item_src); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc_dst(ref_dst, item_dst); LogDebug("ItemDragOverAndHold %s to %s", desc_src.c_str(), desc_dst.c_str()); MouseMove(ref_src, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId); SleepStandard(); MouseDown(0); // Enforce lifting drag threshold even if both item are exactly at the same location. // Don't lift the threshold in the same frame as calling MouseDown() as it can trigger two actions. Yield(); MouseLiftDragThreshold(); MouseMove(ref_dst, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId); SleepNoSkip(1.0f, 1.0f / 10.0f); MouseUp(0); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemDragAndDrop(ImGuiTestRef ref_src, ImGuiTestRef ref_dst, ImGuiMouseButton button) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestItemInfo item_src = ItemInfo(ref_src); ImGuiTestItemInfo item_dst = ItemInfo(ref_dst); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc_src(ref_src, item_src); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc_dst(ref_dst, item_dst); LogDebug("ItemDragAndDrop %s to %s", desc_src.c_str(), desc_dst.c_str()); // Try to keep destination window above other windows. MouseMove() operation will avoid focusing destination window // as that may steal ActiveID and break operation. // FIXME-TESTS: This does not handle a case where source and destination windows overlap. if (item_dst.Window != NULL) WindowBringToFront(item_dst.Window->ID); // Use item_src/item_dst instead of ref_src/ref_dst so references with e.g. //$FOCUSED are latched once in the ItemInfo() call. MouseMove(item_src.ID, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId); SleepStandard(); MouseDown(button); // Enforce lifting drag threshold even if both item are exactly at the same location. // Don't lift the threshold in the same frame as calling MouseDown() as it can trigger two actions. Yield(); MouseLiftDragThreshold(); MouseMove(item_dst.ID, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId | ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow); SleepStandard(); MouseUp(button); } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemDragWithDelta(ImGuiTestRef ref_src, ImVec2 pos_delta) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestItemInfo item_src = ItemInfo(ref_src); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc_src(ref_src, item_src); LogDebug("ItemDragWithDelta %s to (%f, %f)", desc_src.c_str(), pos_delta.x, pos_delta.y); MouseMove(ref_src, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId); SleepStandard(); MouseDown(0); MouseMoveToPos(UiContext->IO.MousePos + pos_delta); SleepStandard(); MouseUp(0); } bool ImGuiTestContext::ItemExists(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); return item.ID != 0; } // May want to add support for ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError if item does not exist? bool ImGuiTestContext::ItemIsChecked(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref); return (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked) != 0; } // May want to add support for ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError if item does not exist? bool ImGuiTestContext::ItemIsOpened(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref); return (item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) != 0; } void ImGuiTestContext::ItemVerifyCheckedIfAlive(ImGuiTestRef ref, bool checked) { // This is designed to deal with disappearing items which will not update their state, // e.g. a checkable menu item in a popup which closes when checked. // Otherwise ItemInfo() data is preserved for an additional frame. Yield(); ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError); if (item.ID == 0) return; if (item.TimestampMain + 1 >= ImGuiTestEngine_GetFrameCount(Engine) && item.TimestampStatus == item.TimestampMain) IM_CHECK_SILENT(((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checked) != 0) == checked); } // FIXME-TESTS: Could this be handled by ItemClose()? void ImGuiTestContext::TabClose(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("TabClose %s", desc.c_str()); // Move into first, then click close button as it appears MouseMove(ref); ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); SetRef(GetID(ref)); ItemClick("#CLOSE"); SetRef(backup_ref); } bool ImGuiTestContext::TabBarCompareOrder(ImGuiTabBar* tab_bar, const char** tab_order) { if (IsError()) return false; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("TabBarCompareOrder"); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(tab_bar != NULL, false); // Display char buf[256]; char* buf_end = buf + IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf); char* p = buf; for (int i = 0; i < tab_bar->Tabs.Size; i++) p += ImFormatString(p, buf_end - p, "%s\"%s\"", i ? ", " : " ", ImGui::TabBarGetTabName(tab_bar, &tab_bar->Tabs[i])); LogDebug(" Current {%s }", buf); p = buf; for (int i = 0; tab_order[i] != NULL; i++) p += ImFormatString(p, buf_end - p, "%s\"%s\"", i ? ", " : " ", tab_order[i]); LogDebug(" Expected {%s }", buf); // Compare for (int i = 0; tab_order[i] != NULL; i++) { if (i >= tab_bar->Tabs.Size) return false; const char* current = ImGui::TabBarGetTabName(tab_bar, &tab_bar->Tabs[i]); const char* expected = tab_order[i]; if (strcmp(current, expected) != 0) return false; } return true; } void ImGuiTestContext::MenuAction(ImGuiTestAction action, ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("MenuAction %s", desc.c_str()); IM_ASSERT(ref.Path != NULL); // MenuAction() doesn't support **/ in most case it would be equivalent to opening all menus to "search". // [01] Works: // MenuClick("File/New"): // [02] Works: // MenuClick("File"); // MenuClick("File/New"); // [03] Works: // MenuClick("File"); // ItemClick("**/New"); // [04] Doesn't work: (may work in the future) // MenuClick("File"); // MenuClick("**/New"); // [05] Doesn't work: (unlikely to ever work) // MenuClick("**/New"); if (strncmp(ref.Path, "**/", 3) == 0) { LogError("\"**/\" is not yet supported by MenuAction()."); return; } int depth = 0; const char* path = ref.Path; const char* path_end = path + strlen(path); ImGuiWindow* ref_window = NULL; if (path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '/') { const char* end = strstr(path + 2, "/"); IM_CHECK_SILENT(end != NULL); // Menu interaction without any menus specified in ref. Str64 window_name; window_name.append(path, end); ref_window = GetWindowByRef(GetID(window_name.c_str())); path = end + 1; if (ref_window == NULL) LogError("MenuAction: missing ref window (invalid name \"//%s\" ?", window_name.c_str()); } else if (RefID) { ref_window = GetWindowByRef(RefID); if (ref_window == NULL) LogError("MenuAction: missing ref window (invalid SetRef value?)"); } IM_CHECK_SILENT(ref_window != NULL); // A ref window must always be set ImGuiWindow* current_window = ref_window; Str128 buf; while (path < path_end && !IsError()) { const char* p = ImStrchrRangeWithEscaping(path, path_end, '/'); if (p == NULL) p = path_end; const bool is_target_item = (p == path_end); if (current_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar) buf.setf("//%s/##menubar/%.*s", current_window->Name, (int)(p - path), path); // Click menu in menu bar else buf.setf("//%s/%.*s", current_window->Name, (int)(p - path), path); // Click sub menu in its own window #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 18520 if (depth == 0 && (current_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup)) depth++; #endif ImGuiTestItemInfo item = ItemInfo(buf.c_str()); IM_CHECK_SILENT(item.ID != 0); bool has_latest_status = (item.TimestampStatus == UiContext->FrameCount); if ((item.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Opened) == 0 || !has_latest_status) // Open menus can be ignored completely. { // We cannot move diagonally to a menu item because depending on the angle and other items we cross on our path we could close our target menu. // First move horizontally into the menu, then vertically! if (depth > 0) { MouseSetViewport(item.Window); if (Inputs->MousePosValue.x <= item.RectFull.Min.x || Inputs->MousePosValue.x >= item.RectFull.Max.x) MouseMoveToPos(ImVec2(item.RectFull.GetCenter().x, Inputs->MousePosValue.y)); if (Inputs->MousePosValue.y <= item.RectFull.Min.y || Inputs->MousePosValue.y >= item.RectFull.Max.y) MouseMoveToPos(ImVec2(Inputs->MousePosValue.x, item.RectFull.GetCenter().y)); } if (is_target_item) { // Final item ItemAction(action, buf.c_str()); break; } else { // Then aim at the menu item. Menus may be navigated by holding mouse button down by hovering a menu. ItemAction(Inputs->MouseButtonsValue ? ImGuiTestAction_Hover : ImGuiTestAction_Click, buf.c_str()); } } current_window = GetWindowByRef(Str16f("//##Menu_%02d", depth).c_str()); IM_CHECK_SILENT(current_window != NULL); path = p + 1; depth++; } } void ImGuiTestContext::MenuActionAll(ImGuiTestAction action, ImGuiTestRef ref_parent) { ImGuiTestItemList items; MenuAction(ImGuiTestAction_Open, ref_parent); GatherItems(&items, "//$FOCUSED", 1); //LogItemList(&items); for (auto item : items) { MenuAction(ImGuiTestAction_Open, ref_parent); // We assume that every interaction will close the menu again if (action == ImGuiTestAction_Check || action == ImGuiTestAction_Uncheck) { ImGuiTestItemInfo info2 = ItemInfo(item.ID); // refresh info if ((info2.InFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled) != 0) // FIXME: Report disabled state in log? Make that optional? continue; if ((info2.StatusFlags & ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Checkable) == 0) continue; } ItemAction(action, item.ID); } } static bool IsWindowACombo(ImGuiWindow* window) { if ((window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup) == 0) return false; if (strncmp(window->Name, "##Combo_", strlen("##Combo_")) != 0) return false; return true; } // Usage: ComboClick("ComboName/ItemName"); void ImGuiTestContext::ComboClick(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("ComboClick %s", desc.c_str()); IM_ASSERT(ref.Path != NULL); // Should always pass an actual path, not an ID. const char* path = ref.Path; const char* path_end = path + strlen(path); const char* p = ImStrchrRangeWithEscaping(path, path_end, '/'); if (p == NULL) { LogError("Error: path should contains a / separator, e.g. ComboClick(\"mycombo/myitem\")"); IM_CHECK(p != NULL); } Str128f combo_popup_buf = Str128f("%.*s", (int)(p-path), path); ItemClick(combo_popup_buf.c_str()); ImGuiWindow* popup = GetWindowByRef("//$FOCUSED"); IM_CHECK_SILENT(popup && IsWindowACombo(popup)); Str128f combo_item_buf = Str128f("//%s/**/%s", popup->Name, p + 1); ItemClick(combo_item_buf.c_str()); } void ImGuiTestContext::ComboClickAll(ImGuiTestRef ref_parent) { ItemClick(ref_parent); ImGuiWindow* popup = GetWindowByRef("//$FOCUSED"); IM_CHECK_SILENT(popup && IsWindowACombo(popup)); ImGuiTestItemList items; GatherItems(&items, "//$FOCUSED"); for (auto item : items) { ItemClick(ref_parent); // We assume that every interaction will close the combo again ItemClick(item.ID); } } static ImGuiTableColumn* HelperTableFindColumnByName(ImGuiTable* table, const char* name) { for (int i = 0; i < table->Columns.size(); i++) if (strcmp(ImGui::TableGetColumnName(table, i), name) == 0) return &table->Columns[i]; return NULL; } void ImGuiTestContext::TableOpenContextMenu(ImGuiTestRef ref, int column_n) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("TableOpenContextMenu %s", desc.c_str()); ImGuiTable* table = ImGui::TableFindByID(GetID(ref)); IM_CHECK_SILENT(table != NULL); if (column_n == -1) column_n = table->RightMostEnabledColumn; ItemClick(TableGetHeaderID(table, column_n), ImGuiMouseButton_Right); Yield(); } ImGuiSortDirection ImGuiTestContext::TableClickHeader(ImGuiTestRef ref, const char* label, ImGuiKeyChord key_mods) { IM_ASSERT((key_mods & ~ImGuiMod_Mask_) == 0); // Cannot pass keys only mods ImGuiTable* table = ImGui::TableFindByID(GetID(ref)); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(table != NULL, ImGuiSortDirection_None); ImGuiTableColumn* column = HelperTableFindColumnByName(table, label); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(column != NULL, ImGuiSortDirection_None); if (key_mods != ImGuiMod_None) KeyDown(key_mods); ItemClick(TableGetHeaderID(table, label), ImGuiMouseButton_Left); if (key_mods != ImGuiMod_None) KeyUp(key_mods); return (ImGuiSortDirection)column->SortDirection; } void ImGuiTestContext::TableSetColumnEnabled(ImGuiTestRef ref, const char* label, bool enabled) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("TableSetColumnEnabled %s label '%s' enabled = %d", desc.c_str(), label, enabled); TableOpenContextMenu(ref); ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); SetRef("//$FOCUSED"); if (enabled) ItemCheck(label); else ItemUncheck(label); PopupCloseOne(); SetRef(backup_ref); } void ImGuiTestContext::TableResizeColumn(ImGuiTestRef ref, int column_n, float width) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("TableResizeColumn %s column %d width %.2f", desc.c_str(), column_n, width); ImGuiTable* table = ImGui::TableFindByID(GetID(ref)); IM_CHECK_SILENT(table != NULL); ImGuiID resize_id = ImGui::TableGetColumnResizeID(table, column_n); float old_width = table->Columns[column_n].WidthGiven; ItemDragWithDelta(resize_id, ImVec2(width - old_width, 0)); IM_CHECK_EQ(table->Columns[column_n].WidthRequest, width); } const ImGuiTableSortSpecs* ImGuiTestContext::TableGetSortSpecs(ImGuiTestRef ref) { ImGuiTable* table = ImGui::TableFindByID(GetID(ref)); IM_CHECK_SILENT_RETV(table != NULL, NULL); ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; ImSwap(table, g.CurrentTable); const ImGuiTableSortSpecs* sort_specs = ImGui::TableGetSortSpecs(); ImSwap(table, g.CurrentTable); return sort_specs; } void ImGuiTestContext::WindowClose(ImGuiTestRef ref) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("WindowClose"); ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); SetRef(GetID(ref)); #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK // When docked: first move to Tab to make Close Button appear. if (ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef("")) if (window->DockIsActive) MouseMove(window->TabId); #endif ItemClick("#CLOSE"); SetRef(backup_ref); } void ImGuiTestContext::WindowCollapse(ImGuiTestRef window_ref, bool collapsed) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(window_ref); if (window == NULL) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); if (window->Collapsed != collapsed) { LogDebug("WindowCollapse %d", collapsed); ImGuiTestOpFlags backup_op_flags = OpFlags; OpFlags |= ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoAutoUncollapse; ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); SetRef(window->ID); ItemClick("#COLLAPSE"); SetRef(backup_ref); OpFlags = backup_op_flags; Yield(); IM_CHECK(window->Collapsed == collapsed); } } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError void ImGuiTestContext::WindowFocus(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiTestRefDesc desc(ref); LogDebug("WindowFocus('%s')", desc.c_str()); ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); if (window) { ImGui::FocusWindow(window); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER: In theory should be replaced by click on title-bar or tab? Yield(); } // We cannot guarantee this will work 100% // - Some modal inhibition may kick-in. // - Because merely hovering an item may e.g. open a window or change focus. // In particular this can be the case with MenuItem. So trying to Open a MenuItem may lead to its child opening while hovering, // causing this function to seemingly fail (even if the end goal was reached). ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if ((window != g.NavWindow) && !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)) LogDebug("-- Expected focused window '%s', but '%s' got focus back.", window->Name, g.NavWindow ? g.NavWindow->Name : ""); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow // FIXME: In principle most calls to this could be replaced by WindowFocus()? void ImGuiTestContext::WindowBringToFront(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); if (window != g.NavWindow && !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow)) { LogDebug("WindowBringToFront()->FocusWindow('%s')", window->Name); ImGui::FocusWindow(window); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER: In theory should be replaced by click on title-bar or tab? Yield(2); } else if (window->RootWindow != g.Windows.back()->RootWindow) { LogDebug("BringWindowToDisplayFront('%s') (window.back=%s)", window->Name, g.Windows.back()->Name); ImGui::BringWindowToDisplayFront(window); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER: This is not an actually possible action for end-user. Yield(2); } // Same as WindowFocus() if ((window != g.NavWindow) && !(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)) LogDebug("-- Expected focused window '%s', but '%s' got focus back.", window->Name, g.NavWindow ? g.NavWindow->Name : ""); } // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow void ImGuiTestContext::WindowMove(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImVec2 input_pos, ImVec2 pivot, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("WindowMove '%s' (%.1f,%.1f) ", window->Name, input_pos.x, input_pos.y); ImVec2 target_pos = ImFloor(input_pos - pivot * window->Size); if (ImLengthSqr(target_pos - window->Pos) < 0.001f) { //MouseMoveToPos(window->Pos); //?? return; } if ((flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow) == 0) WindowFocus(window->ID); WindowCollapse(window->ID, false); MouseSetViewport(window); MouseMoveToPos(GetWindowTitlebarPoint(ref)); //IM_CHECK_SILENT(UiContext->HoveredWindow == window); MouseDown(0); // Disable docking #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK if (UiContext->IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); else KeyDown(ImGuiMod_Shift); #endif ImVec2 delta = target_pos - window->Pos; MouseMoveToPos(Inputs->MousePosValue + delta); Yield(); MouseUp(); #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); #endif MouseSetViewport(window); // Update in case window has changed viewport } void ImGuiTestContext::WindowResize(ImGuiTestRef ref, ImVec2 size) { if (IsError()) return; ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(ref); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window != NULL); size = ImFloor(size); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("WindowResize '%s' (%.1f,%.1f)", window->Name, size.x, size.y); if (ImLengthSqr(size - window->Size) < 0.001f) return; WindowFocus(window->ID); WindowCollapse(window->ID, false); // Extra yield as newly created window that have AutoFitFramesX/AutoFitFramesY set are temporarily not submitting their resize widgets. Give them a bit of slack. Yield(); // Aim at resize border or resize corner ImGuiID border_x2 = ImGui::GetWindowResizeBorderID(window, ImGuiDir_Right); ImGuiID border_y2 = ImGui::GetWindowResizeBorderID(window, ImGuiDir_Down); ImGuiID resize_br = ImGui::GetWindowResizeCornerID(window, 0); ImGuiID id; if (ImAbs(size.x - window->Size.x) < 0.0001f && ItemExists(border_y2)) id = border_y2; else if (ImAbs(size.y - window->Size.y) < 0.0001f && ItemExists(border_x2)) id = border_x2; else id = resize_br; MouseMove(id, ImGuiTestOpFlags_IsSecondAttempt); if (size.x <= 0.0f || size.y <= 0.0f) { IM_ASSERT(size.x <= 0.0f && size.y <= 0.0f); MouseDoubleClick(0); Yield(); } else { MouseDown(0); ImVec2 delta = size - window->Size; MouseMoveToPos(Inputs->MousePosValue + delta); Yield(); // At this point we don't guarantee the final size! MouseUp(); } MouseSetViewport(window); // Update in case window has changed viewport } void ImGuiTestContext::PopupCloseOne() { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("PopupCloseOne"); ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (g.OpenPopupStack.Size > 0) ImGui::ClosePopupToLevel(g.OpenPopupStack.Size - 1, true); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER Yield(); } void ImGuiTestContext::PopupCloseAll() { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("PopupCloseAll"); ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (g.OpenPopupStack.Size > 0) ImGui::ClosePopupToLevel(0, true); // FIXME-TESTS-NOT_SAME_AS_END_USER Yield(); } // Match code in BeginPopupEx() ImGuiID ImGuiTestContext::PopupGetWindowID(ImGuiTestRef ref) { Str30f popup_name("//##Popup_%08x", GetID(ref)); return GetID(popup_name.c_str()); } #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_VIEWPORT // Simulate a platform focus WITHOUT a click perceived by dear imgui. Similare to clicking on Platform title bar. void ImGuiTestContext::ViewportPlatform_SetWindowFocus(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("ViewportPlatform_SetWindowFocus(0x%08X)", viewport->ID); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForViewportFocus(viewport->ID)); // Queued since this will poke into backend, best to do in main thread. Yield(); // Submit to Platform Yield(); // Let Dear ImGui next frame see it } // Simulate a platform window closure. void ImGuiTestContext::ViewportPlatform_CloseWindow(ImGuiViewport* viewport) { if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("ViewportPlatform_CloseWindow(0x%08X)", viewport->ID); Inputs->Queue.push_back(ImGuiTestInput::ForViewportClose(viewport->ID)); // Queued since this will poke into backend, best to do in main thread. Yield(); // Submit to Platform Yield(3); // Let Dear ImGui next frame see it } #endif #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK // Note: unlike DockBuilder functions, for _nodes_ this require the node to be visible. // Supported values for ImGuiTestOpFlags: // - ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow // FIXME-TESTS: USING ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow leads to increase of ForeignWindowsHideOverPos(), best to avoid void ImGuiTestContext::DockInto(ImGuiTestRef src_id, ImGuiTestRef dst_id, ImGuiDir split_dir, bool split_outer, ImGuiTestOpFlags flags) { ImGuiContext& g = *UiContext; if (IsError()) return; IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); ImGuiWindow* window_src = GetWindowByRef(src_id); ImGuiWindow* window_dst = GetWindowByRef(dst_id); ImGuiDockNode* node_src = ImGui::DockBuilderGetNode(GetID(src_id)); ImGuiDockNode* node_dst = ImGui::DockBuilderGetNode(GetID(dst_id)); IM_CHECK_SILENT((window_src != NULL) != (node_src != NULL)); // Src must be either a window either a node IM_CHECK_SILENT((window_dst != NULL) != (node_dst != NULL)); // Dst must be either a window either a node // Infer node from window. Not the opposite as docking a node would imply docking all of it. if (node_src) window_src = node_src->HostWindow; if (node_dst) window_dst = node_dst->HostWindow; Str128f log("DockInto() Src: %s '%s' (0x%08X), Dst: %s '%s' (0x%08X), SplitDir = %d", node_src ? "node" : "window", node_src ? "" : window_src->Name, node_src ? node_src->ID : window_src->ID, node_dst ? "node" : "window", node_dst ? "" : window_dst->Name, node_dst ? node_dst->ID : window_dst->ID, split_dir); LogDebug("%s", log.c_str()); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window_src != NULL); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window_dst != NULL); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window_src->WasActive); IM_CHECK_SILENT(window_dst->WasActive); // Avoid focusing if we don't need it (this facilitate avoiding focus flashing when recording animated gifs) if (!(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoFocusWindow)) { if (g.Windows[g.Windows.Size - 2] != window_dst) WindowFocus(window_dst->ID); if (g.Windows[g.Windows.Size - 1] != window_src) WindowFocus(window_src->ID); } // Aim at title bar or tab or node grab ImGuiTestRef ref_src; if (node_src) ref_src = ImGui::DockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(node_src); // Whole node grab else ref_src = (window_src->DockIsActive ? window_src->TabId : window_src->MoveId); // FIXME-TESTS FIXME-DOCKING: Identify tab MouseMove(ref_src, ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoCheckHoveredId); SleepStandard(); // Start dragging source, so it gets undocked already, because we calculate target position // (Consider the possibility that dragging this out will move target position) MouseDown(0); if (g.IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyDown(ImGuiMod_Shift); Yield(); MouseLiftDragThreshold(); if (window_src->DockIsActive) MouseMoveToPos(g.IO.MousePos + ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetFrameHeight() * 2.0f)); else Yield(); // A yield is necessary to start the moving, otherwise if by the time we call MouseSetViewport() no frame has elapsed and the viewports differs, dragging will fail. // (Button still held) // Locate target ImVec2 drop_pos; bool drop_is_valid = ImGui::DockContextCalcDropPosForDocking(window_dst, node_dst, window_src, node_src, split_dir, split_outer, &drop_pos); IM_CHECK_SILENT(drop_is_valid); if (!drop_is_valid) { if (g.IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); return; } // Ensure we can reach target WindowTeleportToMakePosVisible(window_dst->ID, drop_pos); ImGuiWindow* friend_windows[] = { window_src, window_dst, NULL }; ForeignWindowsHideOverPos(drop_pos, friend_windows); // Drag drop_is_valid = ImGui::DockContextCalcDropPosForDocking(window_dst, node_dst, window_src, node_src, split_dir, split_outer, &drop_pos); IM_CHECK_SILENT(drop_is_valid); MouseSetViewport(window_dst); MouseMoveToPos(drop_pos); if (node_src) window_src = node_src->HostWindow; // Dragging a menu button may detach a node and create a new window. IM_CHECK_SILENT(g.MovingWindow == window_src); Yield(2); // Docking to dockspace over viewport (needs extra frame) or moving a dock node to another node (needs two extra frames) fails in fast mode without this. IM_CHECK_SILENT(g.HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow && g.HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow->RootWindowDockTree == window_dst->RootWindowDockTree); // Docking will happen on the mouse-up const ImGuiID prev_dock_id = window_src->DockId; const ImGuiID prev_dock_parent_id = (window_src->DockNode && window_src->DockNode->ParentNode) ? window_src->DockNode->ParentNode->ID : 0; const ImGuiID prev_dock_node_as_host_id = window_src->DockNodeAsHost ? window_src->DockNodeAsHost->ID : 0; MouseUp(0); // Cool down if (g.IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); ForeignWindowsUnhideAll(); Yield(); Yield(); // Verify docking has succeeded! It's not easy to write a full fledged test, let's go for a simple one. if (!(flags & ImGuiTestOpFlags_NoError)) { const ImGuiID curr_dock_id = window_src->DockId; const ImGuiID curr_dock_parent_id = (window_src->DockNode && window_src->DockNode->ParentNode) ? window_src->DockNode->ParentNode->ID : 0; const ImGuiID curr_dock_node_as_host_id = window_src->DockNodeAsHost ? window_src->DockNodeAsHost->ID : 0; IM_CHECK_SILENT((prev_dock_id != curr_dock_id) || (prev_dock_parent_id != curr_dock_parent_id) || (prev_dock_node_as_host_id != curr_dock_node_as_host_id)); } } void ImGuiTestContext::DockClear(const char* window_name, ...) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("DockClear"); va_list args; va_start(args, window_name); while (window_name != NULL) { ImGui::DockBuilderDockWindow(window_name, 0); window_name = va_arg(args, const char*); } va_end(args); if (ActiveFunc == ImGuiTestActiveFunc_TestFunc) Yield(2); // Give time to rebuild dock in case io.ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar is set } bool ImGuiTestContext::WindowIsUndockedOrStandalone(ImGuiWindow* window) { if (window->DockNode == NULL) return true; return DockIdIsUndockedOrStandalone(window->DockId); } bool ImGuiTestContext::DockIdIsUndockedOrStandalone(ImGuiID dock_id) { if (dock_id == 0) return true; if (ImGuiDockNode* node = ImGui::DockBuilderGetNode(dock_id)) if (node->IsFloatingNode() && node->IsLeafNode() && node->Windows.Size == 1) return true; return false; } void ImGuiTestContext::DockNodeHideTabBar(ImGuiDockNode* node, bool hidden) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("DockNodeHideTabBar %d", hidden); ImGuiTestRef backup_ref = GetRef(); if (hidden) { SetRef(node->HostWindow); ItemClick(ImGui::DockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(node)); ImGuiID popup_id = PopupGetWindowID(GetID("#WindowMenu", node->ID)); SetRef(popup_id); #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 18910 ItemClick("###HideTabBar"); #else ItemClick("Hide tab bar"); #endif IM_CHECK_SILENT(node->IsHiddenTabBar()); } else { IM_CHECK_SILENT(node->VisibleWindow != NULL); SetRef(node->VisibleWindow); ItemClick("#UNHIDE", 0, ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeD | ImGuiTestOpFlags_MoveToEdgeR); IM_CHECK_SILENT(!node->IsHiddenTabBar()); } SetRef(backup_ref); } void ImGuiTestContext::UndockNode(ImGuiID dock_id) { IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("UndockNode 0x%08X", dock_id); ImGuiDockNode* node = ImGui::DockBuilderGetNode(dock_id); if (node == NULL) return; if (node->IsFloatingNode()) return; if (node->Windows.empty()) return; #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19071 const float h = node->Windows[0]->TitleBarHeight; #else const float h = node->Windows[0]->TitleBarHeight(); #endif if (!UiContext->IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyDown(ImGuiMod_Shift); // Disable docking ItemDragWithDelta(ImGui::DockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(node), ImVec2(h, h) * -2); if (!UiContext->IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); MouseUp(); } void ImGuiTestContext::UndockWindow(const char* window_name) { IM_ASSERT(window_name != NULL); IMGUI_TEST_CONTEXT_REGISTER_DEPTH(this); LogDebug("UndockWindow \"%s\"", window_name); ImGuiWindow* window = GetWindowByRef(window_name); if (!window->DockIsActive) return; #if IMGUI_VERSION_NUM >= 19071 const float h = window->TitleBarHeight; #else const float h = window->TitleBarHeight(); #endif if (!UiContext->IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyDown(ImGuiMod_Shift); ItemDragWithDelta(window->TabId, ImVec2(h, h) * -2); if (!UiContext->IO.ConfigDockingWithShift) KeyUp(ImGuiMod_Shift); Yield(); } #endif // #ifdef IMGUI_HAS_DOCK //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ImGuiTestContext - Performance Tools //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the reference DeltaTime, averaged over PerfIterations/500 frames, with GuiFunc disabled. void ImGuiTestContext::PerfCalcRef() { LogDebug("Measuring ref dt..."); RunFlags |= ImGuiTestRunFlags_GuiFuncDisable; ImMovingAverage delta_times; delta_times.Init(PerfIterations); for (int n = 0; n < PerfIterations && !Abort; n++) { Yield(); delta_times.AddSample(UiContext->IO.DeltaTime); } PerfRefDt = delta_times.GetAverage(); RunFlags &= ~ImGuiTestRunFlags_GuiFuncDisable; } void ImGuiTestContext::PerfCapture(const char* category, const char* test_name, const char* csv_file) { if (IsError()) return; // Calculate reference average DeltaTime if it wasn't explicitly called by TestFunc if (PerfRefDt < 0.0) PerfCalcRef(); IM_ASSERT(PerfRefDt >= 0.0); // Yield for the average to stabilize LogDebug("Measuring GUI dt..."); ImMovingAverage delta_times; delta_times.Init(PerfIterations); for (int n = 0; n < PerfIterations && !Abort; n++) { Yield(); delta_times.AddSample(UiContext->IO.DeltaTime); } if (Abort) return; double dt_curr = delta_times.GetAverage(); double dt_ref_ms = PerfRefDt * 1000; double dt_delta_ms = (dt_curr - PerfRefDt) * 1000; const ImBuildInfo* build_info = ImBuildGetCompilationInfo(); // Display results // FIXME-TESTS: Would be nice if we could submit a custom marker (e.g. branch/feature name) LogInfo("[PERF] Conditions: Stress x%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s", PerfStressAmount, build_info->Type, build_info->Cpu, build_info->OS, build_info->Compiler, build_info->Date); LogInfo("[PERF] Result: %+6.3f ms (from ref %+6.3f)", dt_delta_ms, dt_ref_ms); ImGuiPerfToolEntry entry; entry.Timestamp = Engine->BatchStartTime; entry.Category = category ? category : Test->Category; entry.TestName = test_name ? test_name : Test->Name; entry.DtDeltaMs = dt_delta_ms; entry.PerfStressAmount = PerfStressAmount; entry.GitBranchName = EngineIO->GitBranchName; entry.BuildType = build_info->Type; entry.Cpu = build_info->Cpu; entry.OS = build_info->OS; entry.Compiler = build_info->Compiler; entry.Date = build_info->Date; ImGuiTestEngine_PerfToolAppendToCSV(Engine->PerfTool, &entry, csv_file); // Disable the "Success" message RunFlags |= ImGuiTestRunFlags_NoSuccessMsg; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------