# zgui v0.5.0 - dear imgui bindings Easy to use, hand-crafted API with default arguments, named parameters and Zig style text formatting. [Here](https://github.com/michal-z/zig-gamedev/tree/main/samples/minimal_zgpu_zgui) is a simple sample application, and [here](https://github.com/michal-z/zig-gamedev/tree/main/samples/gui_test_wgpu) is a full one. ## Features * Most public dear imgui API exposed * All memory allocations go through user provided Zig allocator * [DrawList API](#drawlist-api) for vector graphics, text rendering and custom widgets * [Test engine API](#test-engine-api) for automatic testing * [Plot API](#plot-api) for advanced data visualizations * [Gizmo API](#gizmo-api) for gizmo * [Node editor API](#node-editor-api) for node based stuff ## Versions * [ImGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/tree/v1.91.0-docking) `1.91.0-docking` * [ImGui test engine](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui_test_engine/tree/v1.91.0) `1.91.0` * [ImPlot](https://github.com/epezent/implot) `O.17` * [ImGuizmo](https://github.com/CedricGuillemet/ImGuizmo) `1.89 WIP` * [ImGuiNodeEditor](https://github.com/thedmd/imgui-node-editor/tree/v0.9.3) `O.9.3` ## Getting started Copy `zgui` to a subdirectory in your project and add the following to your `build.zig.zon` .dependencies: ```zig .zgui = .{ .path = "libs/zgui" }, ``` To get glfw/wgpu rendering backend working also copy `zglfw`, `system-sdk`, `zgpu` and `zpool` folders and add the depenency paths (see [zgpu](https://github.com/zig-gamedev/zig-gamedev/tree/main/libs/zgpu) for the details). Then in your `build.zig` add: ```zig pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ ... }); const zgui = b.dependency("zgui", .{ .shared = false, .with_implot = true, }); exe.root_module.addImport("zgui", zgui.module("root")); exe.linkLibrary(zgui.artifact("imgui")); { // Needed for glfw/wgpu rendering backend const zglfw = b.dependency("zglfw", .{}); exe.root_module.addImport("zglfw", zglfw.module("root")); exe.linkLibrary(zglfw.artifact("glfw")); const zpool = b.dependency("zpool", .{}); exe.root_module.addImport("zpool", zpool.module("root")); const zgpu = b.dependency("zgpu", .{}); exe.root_module.addImport("zgpu", zgpu.module("root")); exe.linkLibrary(zgpu.artifact("zdawn")); } } ``` Now in your code you may import and use `zgui`: ```zig const zgui = @import("zgui"); zgui.init(allocator); _ = zgui.io.addFontFromFile(content_dir ++ "Roboto-Medium.ttf", 16.0); zgui.backend.init( window, demo.gctx.device, @enumToInt(swapchain_format), @enumToInt(depth_format), ); ``` ```zig // Main loop while (...) { zgui.backend.newFrame(framebuffer_width, framebuffer_height); zgui.bulletText( "Average : {d:.3} ms/frame ({d:.1} fps)", .{ demo.gctx.stats.average_cpu_time, demo.gctx.stats.fps }, ); zgui.bulletText("W, A, S, D : move camera", .{}); zgui.spacing(); if (zgui.button("Setup Scene", .{})) { // Button pressed. } if (zgui.dragFloat("Drag 1", .{ .v = &value0 })) { // value0 has changed } if (zgui.dragFloat("Drag 2", .{ .v = &value0, .min = -1.0, .max = 1.0 })) { // value1 has changed } // Setup wgpu render pass here zgui.backend.draw(pass); } ``` ### Building a shared library If your project spans multiple zig modules that both use ImGui, such as an exe paired with a dll, you may want to build the `zgui` dependencies (`zgui_pkg.zgui_c_cpp`) as a shared library. This can be enabled with the `shared` build option. Then, in `build.zig`, use `zgui_pkg.link` to link `zgui` to all the modules that use ImGui. When built this way, the ImGui context will be located in the shared library. However, the `zgui` zig code (which is compiled separately into each module) requires its own memory buffer which has to be initialized separately with `initNoContext`. In your executable: ```zig const zgui = @import("zgui"); zgui.init(allocator); defer zgui.deinit(); ``` In your shared library: ```zig const zgui = @import("zgui"); zgui.initNoContext(allocator); defer zgui.deinitNoContxt(); ``` ### DrawList API ```zig draw_list.addQuad(.{ .p1 = .{ 170, 420 }, .p2 = .{ 270, 420 }, .p3 = .{ 220, 520 }, .p4 = .{ 120, 520 }, .col = 0xff_00_00_ff, .thickness = 3.0, }); draw_list.addText(.{ 130, 130 }, 0xff_00_00_ff, "The number is: {}", .{7}); draw_list.addCircleFilled(.{ .p = .{ 200, 600 }, .r = 50, .col = 0xff_ff_ff_ff }); draw_list.addCircle(.{ .p = .{ 200, 600 }, .r = 30, .col = 0xff_00_00_ff, .thickness = 11 }); draw_list.addPolyline( &.{ .{ 100, 700 }, .{ 200, 600 }, .{ 300, 700 }, .{ 400, 600 } }, .{ .col = 0xff_00_aa_11, .thickness = 7 }, ); ``` ### Test Engine API Zig wraper for [ImGUI test engine](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui_test_engine). ```zig var check_b = false; var _te: *zgui.te.TestEngine = zgui.te.getTestEngine().?; fn registerTests() void { _ = _te.registerTest( "Awesome", "should_do_some_another_magic", @src(), struct { pub fn gui(ctx: *zgui.te.TestContext) !void { _ = ctx; // autofix _ = zgui.begin("Test Window", .{ .flags = .{ .no_saved_settings = true } }); defer zgui.end(); zgui.text("Hello, automation world", .{}); _ = zgui.button("Click Me", .{}); if (zgui.treeNode("Node")) { defer zgui.treePop(); _ = zgui.checkbox("Checkbox", .{ .v = &check_b }); } } pub fn run(ctx: *zgui.te.TestContext) !void { ctx.setRef("/Test Window"); ctx.windowFocus(""); ctx.itemAction(.click, "Click Me", .{}, null); ctx.itemAction(.open, "Node", .{}, null); ctx.itemAction(.check, "Node/Checkbox", .{}, null); ctx.itemAction(.uncheck, "Node/Checkbox", .{}, null); std.testing.expect(true) catch |err| { zgui.te.checkTestError(@src(), err); return; }; } }, ); } ``` ### Plot API ```zig if (zgui.plot.beginPlot("Line Plot", .{ .h = -1.0 })) { zgui.plot.setupAxis(.x1, .{ .label = "xaxis" }); zgui.plot.setupAxisLimits(.x1, .{ .min = 0, .max = 5 }); zgui.plot.setupLegend(.{ .south = true, .west = true }, .{}); zgui.plot.setupFinish(); zgui.plot.plotLineValues("y data", i32, .{ .v = &.{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 } }); zgui.plot.plotLine("xy data", f32, .{ .xv = &.{ 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 2.5 }, .yv = &.{ 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.9 }, }); zgui.plot.endPlot(); } ``` ### Gizmo API Zig wraper for [ImGuizmo](https://github.com/CedricGuillemet/ImGuizmo). ### Node editor API Zig wraper for [ImGuiNodeEditor](https://github.com/thedmd/imgui-node-editor). ```zig var node_editor = zgui.node_editor.EditorContext.create(.{ .enable_smooth_zoom = true }), zgui.node_editor.setCurrentEditor(node_editor); defer zgui.node_editor.setCurrentEditor(null); { zgui.node_editor.begin("NodeEditor", .{ 0, 0 }); defer zgui.node_editor.end(); zgui.node_editor.beginNode(1); { defer zgui.node_editor.endNode(); zgui.textUnformatted("Node A"); zgui.node_editor.beginPin(1, .input); { defer zgui.node_editor.endPin(); zgui.textUnformatted("-> In"); } zgui.sameLine(.{}); zgui.node_editor.beginPin(2, .output); { defer zgui.node_editor.endPin(); zgui.textUnformatted("Out ->"); } } } ```