const std = @import("std"); const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit; const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield; pub const Io = struct { const Self = @This(); dispcnt: DisplayControl, dispstat: DisplayStatus, vcount: VCount, /// Read / Write ime: bool, ie: InterruptEnable, pub fn init() Self { return .{ .dispcnt = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }, .dispstat = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }, .vcount = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }, .ime = false, .ie = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }, }; } pub fn read32(self: *const Self, addr: u32) u32 { return switch (addr) { 0x0400_0000 => @as(u32, self.dispcnt.raw), 0x0400_0004 => @as(u32, self.dispstat.raw), 0x0400_0006 => @as(u32, self.vcount.raw), 0x0400_0200 => @as(u32,, 0x0400_0208 => @boolToInt(self.ime), else => std.debug.panic("[I/O:32] tried to read from {X:}", .{addr}), }; } pub fn write32(self: *Self, addr: u32, word: u32) void { switch (addr) { 0x0400_0200 => = @truncate(u16, word), 0x0400_0208 => self.ime = word & 1 == 1, else => std.debug.panic("[I/O:32] tried to write 0x{X:} to 0x{X:}", .{ word, addr }), } } pub fn read16(self: *const Self, addr: u32) u16 { return switch (addr) { 0x0400_0000 => self.dispcnt.raw, 0x0400_0004 => self.dispstat.raw, 0x0400_0006 => self.vcount.raw, 0x0400_0200 =>, 0x0400_0208 => @boolToInt(self.ime), else => std.debug.panic("[I/O:16] tried to read from {X:}", .{addr}), }; } pub fn write16(self: *Self, addr: u32, halfword: u16) void { switch (addr) { 0x0400_0000 => self.dispcnt.raw = halfword, 0x0400_0004 => self.dispstat.raw = halfword, 0x0400_0200 => = halfword, 0x0400_0208 => self.ime = halfword & 1 == 1, else => std.debug.panic("[I/O:16] tried to write 0x{X:} to 0x{X:}", .{ halfword, addr }), } } pub fn read8(self: *const Self, addr: u32) u8 { return switch (addr) { 0x0400_0000 => @truncate(u8, self.dispcnt.raw), 0x0400_0004 => @truncate(u8, self.dispstat.raw), 0x0400_0200 => @truncate(u8,, 0x0400_0006 => @truncate(u8, self.vcount.raw), else => std.debug.panic("[I/O:8] tried to read from {X:}", .{addr}), }; } pub fn write8(_: *Self, addr: u32, byte: u8) void { std.debug.panic("[I/0:8] tried to write 0x{X:} to 0x{X:}", .{ byte, addr }); } }; /// Read / Write const DisplayControl = extern union { bg_mode: Bitfield(u16, 0, 3), frame_select: Bit(u16, 4), hblank_interval_free: Bit(u16, 5), obj_mapping: Bit(u16, 6), forced_blank: Bit(u16, 7), bg_enable: Bitfield(u16, 8, 4), obj_enable: Bit(u16, 12), win_enable: Bitfield(u16, 13, 2), obj_win_enable: Bit(u16, 15), raw: u16, }; /// Read / Write const DisplayStatus = extern union { vblank: Bit(u16, 0), hblank: Bit(u16, 1), coincidence: Bit(u16, 2), vblank_irq: Bit(u16, 3), hblank_irq: Bit(u16, 4), vcount_irq: Bit(u16, 5), vcount_trigger: Bitfield(u16, 8, 8), raw: u16, }; /// Read Only const VCount = extern union { scanline: Bitfield(u16, 0, 8), raw: u16, }; /// Read / Write const InterruptEnable = extern union { vblank: Bit(u16, 0), hblank: Bit(u16, 1), coincidence: Bit(u16, 2), tm0_overflow: Bit(u16, 3), tm1_overflow: Bit(u16, 4), tm2_overflow: Bit(u16, 5), tm3_overflow: Bit(u16, 6), serial: Bit(u16, 7), dma0: Bit(u16, 8), dma1: Bit(u16, 9), dma2: Bit(u16, 10), dma3: Bit(u16, 11), keypad: Bit(u16, 12), game_pak: Bit(u16, 13), raw: u16, };