const std = @import("std"); const SDL = @import("sdl2"); const clap = @import("clap"); const known_folders = @import("known_folders"); const emu = @import("emu.zig"); const Bus = @import("Bus.zig"); const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const FpsAverage = @import("util.zig").FpsAverage; const Timer = std.time.Timer; const Thread = std.Thread; const Atomic = std.atomic.Atomic; const File = std.fs.File; const window_scale = 3; const gba_width = @import("ppu.zig").width; const gba_height = @import("ppu.zig").height; const framebuf_pitch = @import("ppu.zig").framebuf_pitch; const expected_rate = @import("emu.zig").frame_rate; pub const enable_logging: bool = false; const is_binary: bool = false; const log = std.log.scoped(.GUI); const correctTitle = @import("util.zig").correctTitle; pub fn main() anyerror!void { // Allocator for Emulator + CLI var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; const alloc = gpa.allocator(); defer std.debug.assert(!gpa.deinit()); // CLI Arguments const params = comptime clap.parseParamsComptime( \\-h, --help Display this help and exit. \\-b, --bios Optional path to a GBA BIOS ROM. \\ Path to the GBA GamePak ROM \\ ); var res = try clap.parse(clap.Help, ¶ms, clap.parsers.default, .{}); defer res.deinit(); const stderr =; defer stderr.close(); if ( return, clap.Help, ¶ms, .{}); const bios_path: ?[]const u8 = if (res.args.bios) |p| p else null; const rom_path = switch (res.positionals.len) { 1 => res.positionals[0], 0 => { try stderr.writeAll("ZBA requires a positional path to a GamePak ROM.\n"); return CliError.InsufficientOptions; }, else => { try stderr.writeAll("ZBA received too many arguments.\n"); return CliError.UnneededOptions; }, }; // Determine Save Directory const save_path = try setupSavePath(alloc); defer if (save_path) |path|;"Save Path: {s}", .{save_path}); // Initialize SDL const status = SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL.SDL_INIT_EVENTS | SDL.SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL.SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER); defer SDL.SDL_Quit(); if (status < 0) sdlPanic(); // Initialize SDL Audio var have: SDL.SDL_AudioSpec = undefined; var want = std.mem.zeroes(SDL.SDL_AudioSpec); want.freq = 32768; want.format = SDL.AUDIO_S8; want.channels = 2; want.samples = 0x200; want.callback = null; const audio_dev = SDL.SDL_OpenAudioDevice(null, 0, &want, &have, 0); defer SDL.SDL_CloseAudioDevice(audio_dev); if (audio_dev == 0) sdlPanic(); // Start Playback on the Audio evice SDL.SDL_PauseAudioDevice(audio_dev, 0); // Initialize Emulator var scheduler = Scheduler.init(alloc); defer scheduler.deinit(); const paths = .{ .bios = bios_path, .rom = rom_path, .save = save_path }; var cpu = try Arm7tdmi.init(alloc, &scheduler, paths); defer cpu.deinit(); cpu.bus.apu.attachAudioDevice(audio_dev); cpu.fastBoot(); const log_file: ?File = if (enable_logging) blk: { const file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(if (is_binary) "zba.bin" else "zba.log", .{}); cpu.useLogger(&file, is_binary); break :blk file; } else null; defer if (log_file) |file| file.close(); // Init Atomics var quit = Atomic(bool).init(false); var emu_rate = FpsAverage.init(); // Create Emulator Thread const emu_thread = try Thread.spawn(.{},, .{ .LimitedFPS, &quit, &emu_rate, &scheduler, &cpu }); defer emu_thread.join(); const title = correctTitle(cpu.bus.pak.title); var title_buf: [0x20]u8 = std.mem.zeroes([0x20]u8); const window_title = try std.fmt.bufPrint(&title_buf, "ZBA | {s}", .{title}); var window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow( window_title.ptr, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, gba_width * window_scale, gba_height * window_scale, SDL.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN, ) orelse sdlPanic(); defer SDL.SDL_DestroyWindow(window); const renderer = SDL.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL.SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL.SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC) orelse sdlPanic(); defer SDL.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); const texture = SDL.SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, 240, 160) orelse sdlPanic(); defer SDL.SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); // Init FPS Timer var dyn_title_buf: [0x100]u8 = [_]u8{0x00} ** 0x100; emu_loop: while (true) { var event: SDL.SDL_Event = undefined; while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) { // Pause Emulation Thread during Input Writing switch (event.type) { SDL.SDL_QUIT => break :emu_loop, SDL.SDL_KEYDOWN => { const io = &; const key_code = event.key.keysym.sym; switch (key_code) { SDL.SDLK_UP => io.keyinput.up.unset(), SDL.SDLK_DOWN => io.keyinput.down.unset(), SDL.SDLK_LEFT => io.keyinput.left.unset(), SDL.SDLK_RIGHT => io.keyinput.right.unset(), SDL.SDLK_x => io.keyinput.a.unset(), SDL.SDLK_z => io.keyinput.b.unset(), SDL.SDLK_a => io.keyinput.shoulder_l.unset(), SDL.SDLK_s => io.keyinput.shoulder_r.unset(), SDL.SDLK_RETURN => io.keyinput.start.unset(), SDL.SDLK_RSHIFT =>, else => {}, } }, SDL.SDL_KEYUP => { const io = &; const key_code = event.key.keysym.sym; switch (key_code) { SDL.SDLK_UP => io.keyinput.up.set(), SDL.SDLK_DOWN => io.keyinput.down.set(), SDL.SDLK_LEFT => io.keyinput.left.set(), SDL.SDLK_RIGHT => io.keyinput.right.set(), SDL.SDLK_x => io.keyinput.a.set(), SDL.SDLK_z => io.keyinput.b.set(), SDL.SDLK_a => io.keyinput.shoulder_l.set(), SDL.SDLK_s => io.keyinput.shoulder_r.set(), SDL.SDLK_RETURN => io.keyinput.start.set(), SDL.SDLK_RSHIFT =>, else => {}, } }, else => {}, } } // FIXME: Is it OK just to copy the Emulator's Frame Buffer to SDL? const buf_ptr = cpu.bus.ppu.framebuf.ptr; _ = SDL.SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, null, buf_ptr, framebuf_pitch); _ = SDL.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, null, null); SDL.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); const actual = emu_rate.calc(); const dyn_title = std.fmt.bufPrint(&dyn_title_buf, "{s} [Emu: {d:0>3.2}fps, {d:0>3.2}%] ", .{ window_title, actual, actual * 100 / expected_rate }) catch unreachable; SDL.SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, dyn_title.ptr); }, .Unordered); // Terminate Emulator Thread } fn sdlPanic() noreturn { const str = @as(?[*:0]const u8, SDL.SDL_GetError()) orelse "unknown error"; @panic(std.mem.sliceTo(str, 0)); } const CliError = error{ InsufficientOptions, UnneededOptions, }; // FIXME: Superfluous allocations? fn setupSavePath(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) !?[]const u8 { const save_subpath = try std.fs.path.join(alloc, &[_][]const u8{ "zba", "save" }); defer; const maybe_data_path = try known_folders.getPath(alloc, .data); defer if (maybe_data_path) |path|; const save_path = if (maybe_data_path) |base| try std.fs.path.join(alloc, &[_][]const u8{ base, save_subpath }) else null; if (save_path) |_| { // If we've determined what our save path should be, ensure the prereq directories // are present so that we can successfully write to the path when necessary const maybe_data_dir = try, .data, .{}); if (maybe_data_dir) |data_dir| try data_dir.makePath(save_subpath); } return save_path; }