const std = @import("std"); const Bus = @import("Bus.zig"); const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const Order = std.math.Order; const PriorityQueue = std.PriorityQueue; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; pub const Scheduler = struct { tick: u64, queue: PriorityQueue(Event, void, lessThan), pub fn init(alloc: Allocator) @This() { var scheduler = Scheduler{ .tick = 0, .queue = PriorityQueue(Event, void, lessThan).init(alloc, {}) }; scheduler.queue.add(.{ .kind = EventKind.HeatDeath, .tick = std.math.maxInt(u64), }) catch unreachable; return scheduler; } pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void { self.queue.deinit(); } pub fn handleEvent(self: *@This(), _: *Arm7tdmi, bus: *Bus) void { const should_handle = if (self.queue.peek()) |e| self.tick >= e.tick else false; if (should_handle) { const event = self.queue.remove(); switch (event.kind) { .HeatDeath => { std.debug.panic("[Scheduler] Somehow, a u64 overflowed", .{}); }, .HBlank => { // The End of a Hblank const scanline =; const new_scanline = scanline + 1; // TODO: Should this be done @ end of Draw instead of end of Hblank? bus.ppu.drawScanline(&;;; if (new_scanline < 160) { // Transitioning to another Draw self.push(.{ .kind = .Draw, .tick = self.tick + (240 * 4) }); } else { // Transitioning to a Vblank; self.push(.{ .kind = .VBlank, .tick = self.tick + (308 * 4) }); } }, .Draw => { // The end of a Draw // Transitioning to a Hblank; self.push(.{ .kind = .HBlank, .tick = self.tick + (68 * 4) }); }, .VBlank => { // The end of a Vblank const scanline =; const new_scanline = scanline + 1;; if (new_scanline < 228) { // Transition to another Vblank self.push(.{ .kind = .VBlank, .tick = self.tick + (308 * 4) }); } else { // Transition to another Draw; // Reset Scanline; self.push(.{ .kind = .Draw, .tick = self.tick + (240 * 4) }); } }, } } } pub inline fn push(self: *@This(), event: Event) void { self.queue.add(event) catch unreachable; } pub inline fn nextTimestamp(self: *@This()) u64 { if (self.queue.peek()) |e| { return e.tick; } else unreachable; } }; pub const Event = struct { kind: EventKind, tick: u64, }; fn lessThan(_: void, a: Event, b: Event) Order { return std.math.order(a.tick, b.tick); } pub const EventKind = enum { HeatDeath, HBlank, VBlank, Draw, };