const std = @import("std"); const Backup = @import("backup.zig").Backup; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const log = std.log.scoped(.GamePak); const intToBytes = @import("../util.zig").intToBytes; const Self = @This(); title: [12]u8, buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, backup: Backup, pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, rom_path: []const u8, save_path: ?[]const u8) !Self { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(rom_path, .{}); defer file.close(); const file_buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, try file.getEndPos()); const title = parseTitle(file_buf); const kind = Backup.guessKind(file_buf) orelse .None; const pak = Self{ .buf = file_buf, .alloc = alloc, .title = title, .backup = try Backup.init(alloc, kind, title, save_path), }; pak.parseHeader(); return pak; } fn parseHeader(self: *const Self) void { const title = parseTitle(self.buf); const code = self.buf[0xAC..0xB0]; const maker = self.buf[0xB0..0xB2]; const version = self.buf[0xBC];"Title: {s}", .{title}); if (version != 0)"Version: {}", .{version});"Game Code: {s}", .{code}); if (lookupMaker(maker)) |c|"Maker: {s}", .{c}) else"Maker Code: {s}", .{maker}); } fn parseTitle(buf: []u8) [12]u8 { return buf[0xA0..0xAC].*; } fn lookupMaker(slice: *const [2]u8) ?[]const u8 { const id = @as(u16, slice[1]) << 8 | @as(u16, slice[0]); return switch (id) { 0x3130 => "Nintendo", else => null, }; } inline fn isLarge(self: *const Self) bool { return self.buf.len > 0x100_0000; } pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {; self.backup.deinit(); } pub fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T { const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF; if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) { if (self.isLarge()) { // Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if // * Backup type is EEPROM // * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB) if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF) return; } else { // Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if // * Backup type is EEPROM // * Small ROM (less than 16MB) if (@truncate(u8, address >> 24) == 0x0D) return; } } return switch (T) { u32 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 3)) << 24) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 2)) << 16) | (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | (@as(T, self.get(addr))), u16 => (@as(T, self.get(addr + 1)) << 8) | @as(T, self.get(addr)), u8 => self.get(addr), else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, word_count: u16, address: u32, value: T) void { const addr = address & 0x1FF_FFFF; if (self.backup.kind == .Eeprom) { const bit = @truncate(u1, value); if (self.isLarge()) { // Addresses 0x1FF_FF00 to 0x1FF_FFFF are reserved from EEPROM accesses if // * Backup type is EEPROM // * Large ROM (Size is greater than 16MB) if (addr > 0x1FF_FEFF) return self.backup.eeprom.write(word_count, &self.backup.buf, bit); } else { // Addresses 0x0D00_0000 to 0x0DFF_FFFF are reserved for EEPROM accesses if // * Backup type is EEPROM // * Small ROM (less than 16MB) if (@truncate(u8, address >> 24) == 0x0D) return self.backup.eeprom.write(word_count, &self.backup.buf, bit); } } switch (T) { u32 => switch (address) { 0x0800_00C4 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Data and Direction", .{ T, value }), 0x0800_00C6 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Direction and Control", .{ T, value }), else => {}, }, u16 => switch (address) { 0x0800_00C4 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Data", .{ T, value }), 0x0800_00C6 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Direction", .{ T, value }), 0x0800_00C8 => log.err("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to I/O Port Control", .{ T, value }), else => {}, }, u8 => log.warn("Wrote {} 0x{X:} to 0x{X:0>8}, Ignored.", .{ T, value, address }), else => @compileError("GamePak: Unsupported write width"), } } fn get(self: *const Self, i: u32) u8 { @setRuntimeSafety(false); if (i < self.buf.len) return self.buf[i]; const lhs = i >> 1 & 0xFFFF; return @truncate(u8, lhs >> 8 * @truncate(u5, i & 1)); } test "OOB Access" { const title = .{ 'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', ' ', 'W', 'O', 'R', 'L', 'D', '!' }; const alloc = std.testing.allocator; const pak = Self{ .buf = &.{}, .alloc = alloc, .title = title, .backup = try Backup.init(alloc, .None, title, null), }; std.debug.assert(pak.get(0) == 0x00); // 0x0000 std.debug.assert(pak.get(1) == 0x00); std.debug.assert(pak.get(2) == 0x01); // 0x0001 std.debug.assert(pak.get(3) == 0x00); std.debug.assert(pak.get(4) == 0x02); // 0x0002 std.debug.assert(pak.get(5) == 0x00); }