const std = @import("std"); const EventKind = @import("scheduler.zig").EventKind; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const width = 240; const height = 160; pub const buf_pitch = width * @sizeOf(u16); const buf_len = buf_pitch * height; pub const Ppu = struct { vram: Vram, palette: Palette, sched: *Scheduler, frame_buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, sched: *Scheduler) !@This() { // Queue first Hblank sched.push(.{ .kind = .HBlank, .tick = sched.tick + 240 * 4 }); // Initialize the Frame Buffer to white const white_buf: [buf_len]u8 = [_]u8{ 0xFF, 0x7F } ** (buf_len / 2); const frame_buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, buf_len); std.mem.copy(u8, frame_buf, &white_buf); return @This(){ .vram = try Vram.init(alloc), .palette = try Palette.init(alloc), .sched = sched, .frame_buf = frame_buf, .alloc = alloc, }; } pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void {; self.vram.deinit(); self.palette.deinit(); } }; const Palette = struct { buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, fn init(alloc: Allocator) !@This() { return @This(){ .buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, 0x400), .alloc = alloc, }; } fn deinit(self: @This()) void {; } pub inline fn get32(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u32 { return (@as(u32, self.get16(idx + 2)) << 16) | @as(u32, self.get16(idx)); } pub inline fn set32(self: *@This(), idx: usize, word: u32) void { self.set16(idx + 2, @truncate(u16, word >> 16)); self.set16(idx, @truncate(u16, word)); } pub inline fn get16(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u16 { return (@as(u16, self.buf[idx + 1]) << 8) | @as(u16, self.buf[idx]); } pub inline fn set16(self: *@This(), idx: usize, halfword: u16) void { self.buf[idx + 1] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 8); self.buf[idx] = @truncate(u8, halfword); } pub inline fn get8(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u8 { return self.buf[idx]; } }; const Vram = struct { buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, fn init(alloc: Allocator) !@This() { return @This(){ .buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, 0x18000), .alloc = alloc, }; } fn deinit(self: @This()) void {; } pub inline fn get32(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u32 { return (@as(u32, self.get16(idx + 2)) << 16) | @as(u32, self.get16(idx)); } pub inline fn set32(self: *@This(), idx: usize, word: u32) void { self.set16(idx + 2, @truncate(u16, word >> 16)); self.set16(idx, @truncate(u16, word)); } pub inline fn get16(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u16 { return (@as(u16, self.buf[idx + 1]) << 8) | @as(u16, self.buf[idx]); } pub inline fn set16(self: *@This(), idx: usize, halfword: u16) void { self.buf[idx + 1] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 8); self.buf[idx] = @truncate(u8, halfword); } pub inline fn get8(self: *const @This(), idx: usize) u8 { return self.buf[idx]; } };