const std = @import("std"); const Bus = @import("Bus.zig"); const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit; const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const Logger = @import("../util.zig").Logger; const File = std.fs.File; const log = std.log.scoped(.Arm7Tdmi); // ARM Instructions pub const arm = struct { pub const InstrFn = *const fn (*Arm7tdmi, *Bus, u32) void; const lut: [0x1000]InstrFn = populate(); const processing = @import("cpu/arm/data_processing.zig").dataProcessing; const psrTransfer = @import("cpu/arm/psr_transfer.zig").psrTransfer; const transfer = @import("cpu/arm/single_data_transfer.zig").singleDataTransfer; const halfSignedTransfer = @import("cpu/arm/half_signed_data_transfer.zig").halfAndSignedDataTransfer; const blockTransfer = @import("cpu/arm/block_data_transfer.zig").blockDataTransfer; const branch = @import("cpu/arm/branch.zig").branch; const branchExchange = @import("cpu/arm/branch.zig").branchAndExchange; const swi = @import("cpu/arm/software_interrupt.zig").armSoftwareInterrupt; const swap = @import("cpu/arm/single_data_swap.zig").singleDataSwap; const multiply = @import("cpu/arm/multiply.zig").multiply; const multiplyLong = @import("cpu/arm/multiply.zig").multiplyLong; /// Determine index into ARM InstrFn LUT fn idx(opcode: u32) u12 { return @truncate(u12, opcode >> 20 & 0xFF) << 4 | @truncate(u12, opcode >> 4 & 0xF); } // Undefined ARM Instruction handler fn und(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u32) void { const id = idx(opcode); cpu.panic("[CPU/Decode] ID: 0x{X:0>3} 0x{X:0>8} is an illegal opcode", .{ id, opcode }); } fn populate() [0x1000]InstrFn { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(0xE000); var table = [_]InstrFn{und} ** 0x1000; for (&table, 0..) |*handler, i| { handler.* = switch (@as(u2, i >> 10)) { 0b00 => if (i == 0x121) blk: { break :blk branchExchange; } else if (i & 0xFCF == 0x009) blk: { const A = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const S = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; break :blk multiply(A, S); } else if (i & 0xFBF == 0x109) blk: { const B = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; break :blk swap(B); } else if (i & 0xF8F == 0x089) blk: { const U = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const A = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const S = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; break :blk multiplyLong(U, A, S); } else if (i & 0xE49 == 0x009 or i & 0xE49 == 0x049) blk: { const P = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; const U = i >> 7 & 1 == 1; const I = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const W = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; break :blk halfSignedTransfer(P, U, I, W, L); } else if (i & 0xD90 == 0x100) blk: { const I = i >> 9 & 1 == 1; const R = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const kind = i >> 4 & 0x3; break :blk psrTransfer(I, R, kind); } else blk: { const I = i >> 9 & 1 == 1; const S = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; const instrKind = i >> 5 & 0xF; break :blk processing(I, S, instrKind); }, 0b01 => if (i >> 9 & 1 == 1 and i & 1 == 1) und else blk: { const I = i >> 9 & 1 == 1; const P = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; const U = i >> 7 & 1 == 1; const B = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const W = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; break :blk transfer(I, P, U, B, W, L); }, else => switch (@as(u2, i >> 9 & 0x3)) { // MSB is guaranteed to be 1 0b00 => blk: { const P = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; const U = i >> 7 & 1 == 1; const S = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const W = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; break :blk blockTransfer(P, U, S, W, L); }, 0b01 => blk: { const L = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; break :blk branch(L); }, 0b10 => und, // COP Data Transfer 0b11 => if (i >> 8 & 1 == 1) swi() else und, // COP Data Operation + Register Transfer }, }; } return table; } } }; // THUMB Instructions pub const thumb = struct { pub const InstrFn = *const fn (*Arm7tdmi, *Bus, u16) void; const lut: [0x400]InstrFn = populate(); const processing = @import("cpu/thumb/data_processing.zig"); const alu = @import("cpu/thumb/alu.zig").fmt4; const transfer = @import("cpu/thumb/data_transfer.zig"); const block_transfer = @import("cpu/thumb/block_data_transfer.zig"); const swi = @import("cpu/thumb/software_interrupt.zig").fmt17; const branch = @import("cpu/thumb/branch.zig"); /// Determine index into THUMB InstrFn LUT fn idx(opcode: u16) u10 { return @truncate(u10, opcode >> 6); } /// Undefined THUMB Instruction Handler fn und(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u16) void { const id = idx(opcode); cpu.panic("[CPU/Decode] ID: 0b{b:0>10} 0x{X:0>2} is an illegal opcode", .{ id, opcode }); } fn populate() [0x400]InstrFn { comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(5025); // This is exact var table = [_]InstrFn{und} ** 0x400; for (&table, 0..) |*handler, i| { handler.* = switch (@as(u3, i >> 7 & 0x7)) { 0b000 => if (i >> 5 & 0x3 == 0b11) blk: { const I = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; const is_sub = i >> 3 & 1 == 1; const rn = i & 0x7; break :blk processing.fmt2(I, is_sub, rn); } else blk: { const op = i >> 5 & 0x3; const offset = i & 0x1F; break :blk processing.fmt1(op, offset); }, 0b001 => blk: { const op = i >> 5 & 0x3; const rd = i >> 2 & 0x7; break :blk processing.fmt3(op, rd); }, 0b010 => switch (@as(u2, i >> 5 & 0x3)) { 0b00 => if (i >> 4 & 1 == 1) blk: { const op = i >> 2 & 0x3; const h1 = i >> 1 & 1; const h2 = i & 1; break :blk processing.fmt5(op, h1, h2); } else blk: { const op = i & 0xF; break :blk alu(op); }, 0b01 => blk: { const rd = i >> 2 & 0x7; break :blk transfer.fmt6(rd); }, else => blk: { const op = i >> 4 & 0x3; const T = i >> 3 & 1 == 1; break :blk transfer.fmt78(op, T); }, }, 0b011 => blk: { const B = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const offset = i & 0x1F; break :blk transfer.fmt9(B, L, offset); }, else => switch (@as(u3, i >> 6 & 0x7)) { // MSB is guaranteed to be 1 0b000 => blk: { const L = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const offset = i & 0x1F; break :blk transfer.fmt10(L, offset); }, 0b001 => blk: { const L = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const rd = i >> 2 & 0x7; break :blk transfer.fmt11(L, rd); }, 0b010 => blk: { const isSP = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const rd = i >> 2 & 0x7; break :blk processing.fmt12(isSP, rd); }, 0b011 => if (i >> 4 & 1 == 1) blk: { const L = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const R = i >> 2 & 1 == 1; break :blk block_transfer.fmt14(L, R); } else blk: { const S = i >> 1 & 1 == 1; break :blk processing.fmt13(S); }, 0b100 => blk: { const L = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const rb = i >> 2 & 0x7; break :blk block_transfer.fmt15(L, rb); }, 0b101 => if (i >> 2 & 0xF == 0b1111) blk: { break :blk thumb.swi(); } else blk: { const cond = i >> 2 & 0xF; break :blk branch.fmt16(cond); }, 0b110 => branch.fmt18(), 0b111 => blk: { const is_low = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; break :blk branch.fmt19(is_low); }, }, }; } return table; } } }; pub const Arm7tdmi = struct { const Self = @This(); r: [16]u32, pipe: Pipeline, sched: *Scheduler, bus: *Bus, cpsr: PSR, spsr: PSR, bank: Bank, logger: ?Logger, /// Bank of Registers from other CPU Modes const Bank = struct { /// Storage for r13_, r14_ /// e.g. [r13, r14, r13_svc, r14_svc] r: [2 * 6]u32, /// Storage for R8_fiq -> R12_fiq and their normal counterparts /// e.g [r[0 + 8], fiq_r[0 + 8], r[1 + 8], fiq_r[1 + 8]...] fiq: [2 * 5]u32, spsr: [5]PSR, const Kind = enum(u1) { R13 = 0, R14, }; pub fn create() Bank { return .{ .r = [_]u32{0x00} ** 12, .fiq = [_]u32{0x00} ** 10, .spsr = [_]PSR{.{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }} ** 5, }; } inline fn regIdx(mode: Mode, kind: Kind) usize { const idx: usize = switch (mode) { .User, .System => 0, .Supervisor => 1, .Abort => 2, .Undefined => 3, .Irq => 4, .Fiq => 5, }; return (idx * 2) + if (kind == .R14) @as(usize, 1) else 0; } inline fn spsrIdx(mode: Mode) usize { return switch (mode) { .Supervisor => 0, .Abort => 1, .Undefined => 2, .Irq => 3, .Fiq => 4, else => std.debug.panic("[CPU/Mode] {} does not have a SPSR Register", .{mode}), }; } inline fn fiqIdx(i: usize, mode: Mode) usize { return (i * 2) + if (mode == .Fiq) @as(usize, 1) else 0; } }; pub fn init(sched: *Scheduler, bus: *Bus, log_file: ?std.fs.File) Self { return Self{ .r = [_]u32{0x00} ** 16, .pipe = Pipeline.init(), .sched = sched, .bus = bus, .cpsr = .{ .raw = 0x0000_001F }, .spsr = .{ .raw = 0x0000_0000 }, .bank = Bank.create(), .logger = if (log_file) |file| Logger.init(file) else null, }; } // FIXME: Resetting disables logging (if enabled) pub fn reset(self: *Self) void { const bus_ptr = self.bus; const scheduler_ptr = self.sched; self.* = Self.init(scheduler_ptr, bus_ptr, null); } pub inline fn hasSPSR(self: *const Self) bool { const mode = getModeChecked(self,; return switch (mode) { .System, .User => false, else => true, }; } pub inline fn isPrivileged(self: *const Self) bool { const mode = getModeChecked(self,; return switch (mode) { .User => false, else => true, }; } pub inline fn isHalted(self: *const Self) bool { return == .Halt; } pub fn setCpsr(self: *Self, value: u32) void { if (value & 0x1F != self.cpsr.raw & 0x1F) self.changeModeFromIdx(@truncate(u5, value & 0x1F)); self.cpsr.raw = value; } fn changeModeFromIdx(self: *Self, next: u5) void { self.changeMode(getModeChecked(self, next)); } pub fn setUserModeRegister(self: *Self, idx: usize, value: u32) void { const current = getModeChecked(self,; switch (idx) { 8...12 => { if (current == .Fiq) {[Bank.fiqIdx(idx - 8, .User)] = value; } else self.r[idx] = value; }, 13, 14 => switch (current) { .User, .System => self.r[idx] = value, else => { const kind = std.meta.intToEnum(Bank.Kind, idx - 13) catch unreachable;[Bank.regIdx(.User, kind)] = value; }, }, else => self.r[idx] = value, // R0 -> R7 and R15 } } pub fn getUserModeRegister(self: *Self, idx: usize) u32 { const current = getModeChecked(self,; return switch (idx) { 8...12 => if (current == .Fiq)[Bank.fiqIdx(idx - 8, .User)] else self.r[idx], 13, 14 => switch (current) { .User, .System => self.r[idx], else => blk: { const kind = std.meta.intToEnum(Bank.Kind, idx - 13) catch unreachable; break :blk[Bank.regIdx(.User, kind)]; }, }, else => self.r[idx], // R0 -> R7 and R15 }; } pub fn changeMode(self: *Self, next: Mode) void { const now = getModeChecked(self,; // Bank R8 -> r12 for (0..5) |i| {[Bank.fiqIdx(i, now)] = self.r[8 + i]; } // Bank r13, r14, SPSR switch (now) { .User, .System => {[Bank.regIdx(now, .R13)] = self.r[13];[Bank.regIdx(now, .R14)] = self.r[14]; }, else => {[Bank.regIdx(now, .R13)] = self.r[13];[Bank.regIdx(now, .R14)] = self.r[14];[Bank.spsrIdx(now)] = self.spsr; }, } // Grab R8 -> R12 for (0..5) |i| { self.r[8 + i] =[Bank.fiqIdx(i, next)]; } // Grab r13, r14, SPSR switch (next) { .User, .System => { self.r[13] =[Bank.regIdx(next, .R13)]; self.r[14] =[Bank.regIdx(next, .R14)]; }, else => { self.r[13] =[Bank.regIdx(next, .R13)]; self.r[14] =[Bank.regIdx(next, .R14)]; self.spsr =[Bank.spsrIdx(next)]; }, } self.cpsr.mode.write(@enumToInt(next)); } /// Advances state so that the BIOS is skipped /// /// Note: This accesses the CPU's bus ptr so it only may be called /// once the Bus has been properly initialized /// /// TODO: Make above notice impossible to do in code pub fn fastBoot(self: *Self) void { self.r = std.mem.zeroes([16]u32); // self.r[0] = 0x08000000; // self.r[1] = 0x000000EA; self.r[13] = 0x0300_7F00; self.r[15] = 0x0800_0000;[Bank.regIdx(.Irq, .R13)] = 0x0300_7FA0;[Bank.regIdx(.Supervisor, .R13)] = 0x0300_7FE0; // self.cpsr.raw = 0x6000001F; self.cpsr.raw = 0x0000_001F; self.bus.bios.addr_latch = 0x0000_00DC + 8; } pub fn step(self: *Self) void { defer { if (!self.pipe.flushed) self.r[15] += if ( 2 else @as(u32, 4); self.pipe.flushed = false; } if ( { const opcode = @truncate(u16, self.pipe.step(self, u16) orelse return); if (self.logger) |*trace| trace.mgbaLog(self, opcode); thumb.lut[thumb.idx(opcode)](self, self.bus, opcode); } else { const opcode = self.pipe.step(self, u32) orelse return; if (self.logger) |*trace| trace.mgbaLog(self, opcode); if (checkCond(self.cpsr, @truncate(u4, opcode >> 28))) { arm.lut[arm.idx(opcode)](self, self.bus, opcode); } } } pub fn stepDmaTransfer(self: *Self) bool { inline for (0..4) |i| { if (self.bus.dma[i].in_progress) { self.bus.dma[i].step(self); return true; } } return false; } pub fn handleInterrupt(self: *Self) void { const should_handle = &; // Return if IME is disabled, CPSR I is set or there is nothing to handle if (! or or should_handle == 0) return; // If Pipeline isn't full, we have a bug std.debug.assert(self.pipe.isFull()); // log.debug("Handling Interrupt!", .{}); = .Execute; // FIXME: This seems weird, but retAddr.gba suggests I need to make these changes const ret_addr = self.r[15] - if ( 0 else @as(u32, 4); const new_spsr = self.cpsr.raw; self.changeMode(.Irq); self.cpsr.t.write(false); self.cpsr.i.write(true); self.r[14] = ret_addr; self.spsr.raw = new_spsr; self.r[15] = 0x0000_0018; self.pipe.reload(self); } inline fn fetch(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: u32) T { comptime std.debug.assert(T == u32 or T == u16); // Opcode may be 32-bit (ARM) or 16-bit (THUMB) // will advance the scheduler. There are different timings for CPU fetches, // so we want to undo what will apply. We can do this by caching the current tick // This is very dumb. // // FIXME: Please rework this const tick_cache = self.sched.tick; defer self.sched.tick = tick_cache + Bus.fetch_timings[@boolToInt(T == u32)][@truncate(u4, address >> 24)]; return, address); } pub fn panic(self: *const Self, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn { var i: usize = 0; while (i < 16) : (i += 4) { const i_1 = i + 1; const i_2 = i + 2; const i_3 = i + 3; std.debug.print("R{}: 0x{X:0>8}\tR{}: 0x{X:0>8}\tR{}: 0x{X:0>8}\tR{}: 0x{X:0>8}\n", .{ i, self.r[i], i_1, self.r[i_1], i_2, self.r[i_2], i_3, self.r[i_3] }); } std.debug.print("cpsr: 0x{X:0>8} ", .{self.cpsr.raw}); self.cpsr.toString(); std.debug.print("spsr: 0x{X:0>8} ", .{self.spsr.raw}); self.spsr.toString(); std.debug.print("pipeline: {??X:0>8}\n", .{self.pipe.stage}); if ( { const opcode = self.bus.dbgRead(u16, self.r[15] - 4); const id = thumb.idx(opcode); std.debug.print("opcode: ID: 0x{b:0>10} 0x{X:0>4}\n", .{ id, opcode }); } else { const opcode = self.bus.dbgRead(u32, self.r[15] - 4); const id = arm.idx(opcode); std.debug.print("opcode: ID: 0x{X:0>3} 0x{X:0>8}\n", .{ id, opcode }); } std.debug.print("tick: {}\n\n", .{self.sched.tick}); std.debug.panic(format, args); } }; const condition_lut = [_]u16{ 0xF0F0, // EQ - Equal 0x0F0F, // NE - Not Equal 0xCCCC, // CS - Unsigned higher or same 0x3333, // CC - Unsigned lower 0xFF00, // MI - Negative 0x00FF, // PL - Positive or Zero 0xAAAA, // VS - Overflow 0x5555, // VC - No Overflow 0x0C0C, // HI - unsigned hierh 0xF3F3, // LS - unsigned lower or same 0xAA55, // GE - greater or equal 0x55AA, // LT - less than 0x0A05, // GT - greater than 0xF5FA, // LE - less than or equal 0xFFFF, // AL - always 0x0000, // NV - never }; pub inline fn checkCond(cpsr: PSR, cond: u4) bool { const flags = @truncate(u4, cpsr.raw >> 28); return condition_lut[cond] & (@as(u16, 1) << flags) != 0; } const Pipeline = struct { const Self = @This(); stage: [2]?u32, flushed: bool, fn init() Self { return .{ .stage = [_]?u32{null} ** 2, .flushed = false, }; } pub fn isFull(self: *const Self) bool { return self.stage[0] != null and self.stage[1] != null; } pub fn step(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, comptime T: type) ?u32 { comptime std.debug.assert(T == u32 or T == u16); const opcode = self.stage[0]; self.stage[0] = self.stage[1]; self.stage[1] = cpu.fetch(T, cpu.r[15]); return opcode; } pub fn reload(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void { if ( { self.stage[0] = cpu.fetch(u16, cpu.r[15]); self.stage[1] = cpu.fetch(u16, cpu.r[15] + 2); cpu.r[15] += 4; } else { self.stage[0] = cpu.fetch(u32, cpu.r[15]); self.stage[1] = cpu.fetch(u32, cpu.r[15] + 4); cpu.r[15] += 8; } self.flushed = true; } }; pub const PSR = extern union { mode: Bitfield(u32, 0, 5), t: Bit(u32, 5), f: Bit(u32, 6), i: Bit(u32, 7), v: Bit(u32, 28), c: Bit(u32, 29), z: Bit(u32, 30), n: Bit(u32, 31), raw: u32, fn toString(self: PSR) void { std.debug.print("[", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("N", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("Z", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("C", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("V", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("I", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("F", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); if ( std.debug.print("T", .{}) else std.debug.print("-", .{}); std.debug.print("|", .{}); if (getMode( |m| std.debug.print("{s}", .{m.toString()}) else std.debug.print("---", .{}); std.debug.print("]\n", .{}); } }; pub const Mode = enum(u5) { User = 0b10000, Fiq = 0b10001, Irq = 0b10010, Supervisor = 0b10011, Abort = 0b10111, Undefined = 0b11011, System = 0b11111, pub fn toString(self: Mode) []const u8 { return switch (self) { .User => "usr", .Fiq => "fiq", .Irq => "irq", .Supervisor => "svc", .Abort => "abt", .Undefined => "und", .System => "sys", }; } }; fn getMode(bits: u5) ?Mode { return std.meta.intToEnum(Mode, bits) catch null; } fn getModeChecked(cpu: *const Arm7tdmi, bits: u5) Mode { return getMode(bits) orelse cpu.panic("[CPU/CPSR] 0b{b:0>5} is an invalid CPU mode", .{bits}); }