const std = @import("std"); const DmaControl = @import("io.zig").DmaControl; const Bus = @import("../Bus.zig"); const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const readUndefined = @import("../util.zig").readUndefined; const writeUndefined = @import("../util.zig").writeUndefined; pub const DmaTuple = std.meta.Tuple(&[_]type{ DmaController(0), DmaController(1), DmaController(2), DmaController(3) }); const log = std.log.scoped(.DmaTransfer); pub fn create() DmaTuple { return .{ DmaController(0).init(), DmaController(1).init(), DmaController(2).init(), DmaController(3).init() }; } pub fn read(comptime T: type, dma: *const DmaTuple, addr: u32) T { const byte = @truncate(u8, addr); return switch (T) { u32 => switch (byte) { 0xB8 => @as(T, dma.*[0].cnt.raw) << 16, 0xC4 => @as(T, dma.*[1].cnt.raw) << 16, 0xD0 => @as(T, dma.*[2].cnt.raw) << 16, 0xDC => @as(T, dma.*[3].cnt.raw) << 16, else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u16 => switch (byte) { 0xBA => dma.*[0].cnt.raw, 0xC6 => dma.*[1].cnt.raw, 0xD2 => dma.*[2].cnt.raw, 0xDE => dma.*[3].cnt.raw, else => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u8 => readUndefined(log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), else => @compileError("DMA: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(comptime T: type, dma: *DmaTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void { const byte = @truncate(u8, addr); switch (T) { u32 => switch (byte) { 0xB0 => dma.*[0].setSad(value), 0xB4 => dma.*[0].setDad(value), 0xB8 => dma.*[0].setCnt(value), 0xBC => dma.*[1].setSad(value), 0xC0 => dma.*[1].setDad(value), 0xC4 => dma.*[1].setCnt(value), 0xC8 => dma.*[2].setSad(value), 0xCC => dma.*[2].setDad(value), 0xD0 => dma.*[2].setCnt(value), 0xD4 => dma.*[3].setSad(value), 0xD8 => dma.*[3].setDad(value), 0xDC => dma.*[3].setCnt(value), else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u16 => switch (byte) { 0xB0 => dma.*[0].setSad(setU32L(dma.*[0].sad, value)), 0xB2 => dma.*[0].setSad(setU32H(dma.*[0].sad, value)), 0xB4 => dma.*[0].setDad(setU32L(dma.*[0].dad, value)), 0xB6 => dma.*[0].setDad(setU32H(dma.*[0].dad, value)), 0xB8 => dma.*[0].setCntL(value), 0xBA => dma.*[0].setCntH(value), 0xBC => dma.*[1].setSad(setU32L(dma.*[1].sad, value)), 0xBE => dma.*[1].setSad(setU32H(dma.*[1].sad, value)), 0xC0 => dma.*[1].setDad(setU32L(dma.*[1].dad, value)), 0xC2 => dma.*[1].setDad(setU32H(dma.*[1].dad, value)), 0xC4 => dma.*[1].setCntL(value), 0xC6 => dma.*[1].setCntH(value), 0xC8 => dma.*[2].setSad(setU32L(dma.*[2].sad, value)), 0xCA => dma.*[2].setSad(setU32H(dma.*[2].sad, value)), 0xCC => dma.*[2].setDad(setU32L(dma.*[2].dad, value)), 0xCE => dma.*[2].setDad(setU32H(dma.*[2].dad, value)), 0xD0 => dma.*[2].setCntL(value), 0xD2 => dma.*[2].setCntH(value), 0xD4 => dma.*[3].setSad(setU32L(dma.*[3].sad, value)), 0xD6 => dma.*[3].setSad(setU32H(dma.*[3].sad, value)), 0xD8 => dma.*[3].setDad(setU32L(dma.*[3].dad, value)), 0xDA => dma.*[3].setDad(setU32H(dma.*[3].dad, value)), 0xDC => dma.*[3].setCntL(value), 0xDE => dma.*[3].setCntH(value), else => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u8 => writeUndefined(log, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), else => @compileError("DMA: Unsupported write width"), } } /// Function that creates a DMAController. Determines unique DMA Controller behaiour at compile-time fn DmaController(comptime id: u2) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); const sad_mask: u32 = if (id == 0) 0x07FF_FFFF else 0x0FFF_FFFF; const dad_mask: u32 = if (id != 3) 0x07FF_FFFF else 0x0FFF_FFFF; /// Write-only. The first address in a DMA transfer. (DMASAD) /// Note: use writeSrc instead of manipulating src_addr directly sad: u32, /// Write-only. The final address in a DMA transffer. (DMADAD) /// Note: Use writeDst instead of manipulatig dst_addr directly dad: u32, /// Write-only. The Word Count for the DMA Transfer (DMACNT_L) word_count: if (id == 3) u16 else u14, /// Read / Write. DMACNT_H /// Note: Use writeControl instead of manipulating cnt directly. cnt: DmaControl, /// Internal. Currrent Source Address _sad: u32, /// Internal. Current Destination Address _dad: u32, /// Internal. Word Count _word_count: if (id == 3) u16 else u14, // Internal. FIFO Word Count _fifo_word_count: u8, /// Some DMA Transfers are enabled during Hblank / VBlank and / or /// have delays. Thefore bit 15 of DMACNT isn't actually something /// we can use to control when we do or do not execute a step in a DMA Transfer in_progress: bool, pub fn init() Self { return .{ .sad = 0, .dad = 0, .word_count = 0, .cnt = .{ .raw = 0x000 }, // Internals ._sad = 0, ._dad = 0, ._word_count = 0, ._fifo_word_count = 4, .in_progress = false, }; } pub fn setSad(self: *Self, addr: u32) void { self.sad = addr & sad_mask; } pub fn setDad(self: *Self, addr: u32) void { = addr & dad_mask; } pub fn setCntL(self: *Self, halfword: u16) void { self.word_count = @truncate(@TypeOf(self.word_count), halfword); } pub fn setCntH(self: *Self, halfword: u16) void { const new = DmaControl{ .raw = halfword }; if (! and { // Reload Internals on Rising Edge. self._sad = self.sad; self._dad =; self._word_count = if (self.word_count == 0) std.math.maxInt(@TypeOf(self._word_count)) else self.word_count; // Only a Start Timing of 00 has a DMA Transfer immediately begin self.in_progress = == 0b00; } self.cnt.raw = halfword; } pub fn setCnt(self: *Self, word: u32) void { self.setCntL(@truncate(u16, word)); self.setCntH(@truncate(u16, word >> 16)); } pub fn step(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi) void { const is_fifo = (id == 1 or id == 2) and == 0b11; const sad_adj = Self.adjustment(; const dad_adj = if (is_fifo) .Fixed else Self.adjustment(; const transfer_type = is_fifo or; const offset: u32 = if (transfer_type) @sizeOf(u32) else @sizeOf(u16); if (transfer_type) { cpu.bus.write(u32, self._dad,, self._sad)); } else { cpu.bus.write(u16, self._dad,, self._sad)); } switch (sad_adj) { .Increment => self._sad +%= offset, .Decrement => self._sad -%= offset, // TODO: Is just ignoring this ok? .IncrementReload => log.err("{} is a prohibited adjustment on SAD", .{sad_adj}), .Fixed => {}, } switch (dad_adj) { .Increment, .IncrementReload => self._dad +%= offset, .Decrement => self._dad -%= offset, .Fixed => {}, } self._word_count -= 1; if (self._word_count == 0) { if (! { // If we're not repeating, Fire the IRQs and disable the DMA if ( { switch (id) { 0 =>, 1 =>, 2 =>, 3 =>, } cpu.handleInterrupt(); } self.cnt.enabled.unset(); } // We want to disable our internal enabled flag regardless of repeat // because we only want to step A DMA that repeats during it's specific // timing window self.in_progress = false; } } pub fn pollBlankingDma(self: *Self, comptime kind: DmaKind) void { if (self.in_progress) return; switch (kind) { .HBlank => self.in_progress = and == 0b10, .VBlank => self.in_progress = and == 0b01, .Immediate, .Special => {}, } if ( and self.in_progress) { self._word_count = if (self.word_count == 0) std.math.maxInt(@TypeOf(self._word_count)) else self.word_count; if (Self.adjustment( == .IncrementReload) self._dad =; } } pub fn requestSoundDma(self: *Self, fifo_addr: u32) void { comptime std.debug.assert(id == 1 or id == 2); const is_enabled =; const is_special = == 0b11; const is_repeating =; const is_fifo = == fifo_addr; if (is_enabled and is_special and is_repeating and is_fifo) { self._word_count = 4; self.cnt.transfer_type.set(); self.in_progress = true; } } fn adjustment(idx: u2) Adjustment { return std.meta.intToEnum(Adjustment, idx) catch unreachable; } }; } pub fn pollBlankingDma(bus: *Bus, comptime kind: DmaKind) void { bus.dma[0].pollBlankingDma(kind); bus.dma[1].pollBlankingDma(kind); bus.dma[2].pollBlankingDma(kind); bus.dma[3].pollBlankingDma(kind); } const Adjustment = enum(u2) { Increment = 0, Decrement = 1, Fixed = 2, IncrementReload = 3, }; const DmaKind = enum(u2) { Immediate = 0, HBlank, VBlank, Special, }; fn setU32L(left: u32, right: u16) u32 { return (left & 0xFFFF_0000) | right; } fn setU32H(left: u32, right: u16) u32 { return (left & 0x0000_FFFF) | (@as(u32, right) << 16); }