const std = @import("std"); const Bus = @import("../../Bus.zig"); const Arm7tdmi = @import("../../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const InstrFn = @import("../../cpu.zig").arm.InstrFn; const PSR = @import("../../cpu.zig").PSR; const log = std.log.scoped(.PsrTransfer); const rotr = @import("../../../util.zig").rotr; pub fn psrTransfer(comptime I: bool, comptime R: bool, comptime kind: u2) InstrFn { return struct { fn inner(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u32) void { switch (kind) { 0b00 => { // MRS const rd = opcode >> 12 & 0xF; if (R and !cpu.hasSPSR()) log.err("Tried to read SPSR from User/System Mode", .{}); cpu.r[rd] = if (R) cpu.spsr.raw else cpu.cpsr.raw; }, 0b10 => { // MSR const field_mask = @truncate(u4, opcode >> 16 & 0xF); const rm_idx = opcode & 0xF; const right = if (I) rotr(u32, opcode & 0xFF, (opcode >> 8 & 0xF) * 2) else cpu.r[rm_idx]; if (R and !cpu.hasSPSR()) log.err("Tried to write to SPSR in User/System Mode", .{}); if (R) { // arm.gba seems to expect the SPSR to do somethign in SYS mode, // so we just assume that despite writing to the SPSR in USR or SYS mode // being UNPREDICTABLE, it just magically has a working SPSR somehow cpu.spsr.raw = fieldMask(&cpu.spsr, field_mask, right); } else { if (cpu.isPrivileged()) cpu.setCpsr(fieldMask(&cpu.cpsr, field_mask, right)); } }, else => cpu.panic("[CPU/PSR Transfer] Bits 21:220 of {X:0>8} are undefined", .{opcode}), } } }.inner; } fn fieldMask(psr: *const PSR, field_mask: u4, right: u32) u32 { // This bitwise ORs bits 3 and 0 of the field mask into a u2 // We do this because we only care about bits 7:0 and 31:28 of the CPSR const bits = @truncate(u2, (field_mask >> 2 & 0x2) | (field_mask & 1)); const mask: u32 = switch (bits) { 0b00 => 0x0000_0000, 0b01 => 0x0000_00FF, 0b10 => 0xF000_0000, 0b11 => 0xF000_00FF, }; return (psr.raw & ~mask) | (right & mask); }