const std = @import("std"); const util = @import("../../util.zig"); const TimerControl = @import("io.zig").TimerControl; const Io = @import("io.zig").Io; const Scheduler = @import("../scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const Event = @import("../scheduler.zig").Event; const Arm7tdmi = @import("../cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; pub const TimerTuple = std.meta.Tuple(&[_]type{ Timer(0), Timer(1), Timer(2), Timer(3) }); const log = std.log.scoped(.Timer); pub fn create(sched: *Scheduler) TimerTuple { return .{ Timer(0).init(sched), Timer(1).init(sched), Timer(2).init(sched), Timer(3).init(sched) }; } pub fn read(comptime T: type, tim: *const TimerTuple, addr: u32) ?T { const nybble = @truncate(u4, addr); return switch (T) { u32 => switch (nybble) { 0x0 => @as(T, tim.*[0].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[0].getCntL(), 0x4 => @as(T, tim.*[1].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[1].getCntL(), 0x8 => @as(T, tim.*[2].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[2].getCntL(), 0xC => @as(T, tim.*[3].cnt.raw) << 16 | tim.*[3].getCntL(), else =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u16 => switch (nybble) { 0x0 => tim.*[0].getCntL(), 0x2 => tim.*[0].cnt.raw, 0x4 => tim.*[1].getCntL(), 0x6 => tim.*[1].cnt.raw, 0x8 => tim.*[2].getCntL(), 0xA => tim.*[2].cnt.raw, 0xC => tim.*[3].getCntL(), 0xE => tim.*[3].cnt.raw, else =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u8 =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), else => @compileError("TIM: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(comptime T: type, tim: *TimerTuple, addr: u32, value: T) void { const nybble = @truncate(u4, addr); return switch (T) { u32 => switch (nybble) { 0x0 => tim.*[0].setCnt(value), 0x4 => tim.*[1].setCnt(value), 0x8 => tim.*[2].setCnt(value), 0xC => tim.*[3].setCnt(value), else =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u16 => switch (nybble) { 0x0 => tim.*[0].setCntL(value), 0x2 => tim.*[0].setCntH(value), 0x4 => tim.*[1].setCntL(value), 0x6 => tim.*[1].setCntH(value), 0x8 => tim.*[2].setCntL(value), 0xA => tim.*[2].setCntH(value), 0xC => tim.*[3].setCntL(value), 0xE => tim.*[3].setCntH(value), else =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u8 =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), else => @compileError("TIM: Unsupported write width"), }; } fn Timer(comptime id: u2) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); /// Read Only, Internal. Please use self.getCntL() _counter: u16, /// Write Only, Internal. Please use self.setCntL() _reload: u16, /// Write Only, Internal. Please use self.setCntH() cnt: TimerControl, /// Internal. sched: *Scheduler, /// Internal _start_timestamp: u64, pub fn init(sched: *Scheduler) Self { return .{ ._reload = 0, ._counter = 0, .cnt = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .sched = sched, ._start_timestamp = 0, }; } /// TIMCNT_L pub fn getCntL(self: *const Self) u16 { if ( or ! return self._counter; return self._counter +% @truncate(u16, ( - self._start_timestamp) / self.frequency()); } /// TIMCNT_L pub fn setCntL(self: *Self, halfword: u16) void { self._reload = halfword; } /// TIMCNT_L & TIMCNT_H pub fn setCnt(self: *Self, word: u32) void { self.setCntL(@truncate(u16, word)); self.setCntH(@truncate(u16, word >> 16)); } /// TIMCNT_H pub fn setCntH(self: *Self, halfword: u16) void { const new = TimerControl{ .raw = halfword }; // If Timer happens to be enabled, It will either be resheduled or disabled self.sched.removeScheduledEvent(.{ .TimerOverflow = id }); if ( and ( or ! { // Either through the cascade bit or the enable bit, the timer has effectively been disabled // The Counter should hold whatever value it should have been at when it was disabled self._counter +%= @truncate(u16, ( - self._start_timestamp) / self.frequency()); } // The counter is only reloaded on the rising edge of the enable bit if (! and self._counter = self._reload; // If Timer is enabled and we're not cascading, we need to schedule an overflow event if ( and ! self.scheduleOverflow(0); self.cnt.raw = halfword; } pub fn handleOverflow(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, late: u64) void { // Fire IRQ if enabled const io = &; if ( { switch (id) { 0 => io.irq.tim0.set(), 1 => io.irq.tim1.set(), 2 => io.irq.tim2.set(), 3 => io.irq.tim3.set(), } cpu.handleInterrupt(); } // DMA Sound Things if (id == 0 or id == 1) { cpu.bus.apu.handleTimerOverflow(cpu, id); } // Perform Cascade Behaviour switch (id) { 0 => if (cpu.bus.tim[1] { cpu.bus.tim[1]._counter +%= 1; if (cpu.bus.tim[1]._counter == 0) cpu.bus.tim[1].handleOverflow(cpu, late); }, 1 => if (cpu.bus.tim[2] { cpu.bus.tim[2]._counter +%= 1; if (cpu.bus.tim[2]._counter == 0) cpu.bus.tim[2].handleOverflow(cpu, late); }, 2 => if (cpu.bus.tim[3] { cpu.bus.tim[3]._counter +%= 1; if (cpu.bus.tim[3]._counter == 0) cpu.bus.tim[3].handleOverflow(cpu, late); }, 3 => {}, // There is no Timer for TIM3 to "cascade" to, } // Reschedule Timer if we're not cascading if (! { self._counter = self._reload; self.scheduleOverflow(late); } } fn scheduleOverflow(self: *Self, late: u64) void { const when = (@as(u64, 0x10000) - self._counter) * self.frequency(); self._start_timestamp =; self.sched.push(.{ .TimerOverflow = id }, when -| late); } fn frequency(self: *const Self) u16 { return switch ( { 0 => 1, 1 => 64, 2 => 256, 3 => 1024, }; } }; }