const std = @import("std"); const arm = @import("../cpu.zig"); const util = @import("../util.zig"); const Bus = @import("../Bus.zig"); const Arm7tdmi = arm.Arm7tdmi; const InstrFn = arm.InstrFn; pub fn halfAndSignedDataTransfer(comptime P: bool, comptime U: bool, comptime I: bool, comptime W: bool, comptime L: bool) InstrFn { return struct { fn inner(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, bus: *Bus, opcode: u32) void { const rn = opcode >> 16 & 0xF; const rd = opcode >> 12 & 0xF; const rm = opcode & 0xF; const imm_offset_high = opcode >> 8 & 0xF; const base = cpu.r[rn]; var offset: u32 = undefined; if (I) { offset = imm_offset_high << 4 | rm; } else { offset = cpu.r[rm]; } const modified_base = if (U) base + offset else base - offset; var address = if (P) modified_base else base; if (L) { switch (@truncate(u2, opcode >> 5)) { 0b00 => { // SWP std.debug.panic("[CPU] TODO: Implement SWP", .{}); }, 0b01 => { // LDRH cpu.r[rd] = bus.read16(address); }, 0b10 => { // LDRSB cpu.r[rd] = util.u32SignExtend(8, @as(u32, bus.read8(address))); std.debug.panic("TODO: Affect the CPSR", .{}); }, 0b11 => { // LDRSH cpu.r[rd] = util.u32SignExtend(16, @as(u32, bus.read16(address))); std.debug.panic("TODO: Affect the CPSR", .{}); }, } } else { if (opcode >> 5 & 0x01 == 0x01) { // STRH bus.write16(address, @truncate(u16, cpu.r[rd])); } else { std.debug.panic("[CPU] TODO: Figure out if this is also SWP", .{}); } } address = modified_base; if (W and P or !P) cpu.r[rn] = address; } }.inner; }