const std = @import("std"); const io = @import("bus/io.zig"); const EventKind = @import("scheduler.zig").EventKind; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const Bit = @import("bitfield").Bit; const Bitfield = @import("bitfield").Bitfield; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const log = std.log.scoped(.PPU); const pollBlankingDma = @import("bus/dma.zig").pollBlankingDma; const intToBytes = @import("util.zig").intToBytes; /// This is used to generate byuu / Talurabi's Color Correction algorithm // const COLOUR_LUT = genColourLut(); pub const width = 240; pub const height = 160; pub const framebuf_pitch = width * @sizeOf(u32); pub const Ppu = struct { const Self = @This(); // Registers bg: [4]Background, aff: AffineBackground, dispcnt: io.DisplayControl, dispstat: io.DisplayStatus, vcount: io.VCount, vram: Vram, palette: Palette, oam: Oam, sched: *Scheduler, framebuf: FrameBuffer, alloc: Allocator, scanline_sprites: [128]?Sprite, scanline_buf: [width]?u16, pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, sched: *Scheduler) !Self { // Queue first Hblank sched.push(.Draw, 240 * 4); const framebufs = try alloc.alloc(u8, (framebuf_pitch * height) * 2); std.mem.set(u8, framebufs, 0); return Self{ .vram = try Vram.init(alloc), .palette = try Palette.init(alloc), .oam = try Oam.init(alloc), .sched = sched, .framebuf = FrameBuffer.init(framebufs), .alloc = alloc, // Registers .bg = [_]Background{Background.init()} ** 4, .aff = AffineBackground.init(), .dispcnt = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .dispstat = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .vcount = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .scanline_buf = [_]?u16{null} ** width, .scanline_sprites = [_]?Sprite{null} ** 128, }; } pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { self.framebuf.deinit(self.alloc); self.vram.deinit(); self.palette.deinit(); self.oam.deinit(); } pub fn setBgOffsets(self: *Self, comptime n: u3, word: u32) void {[n].hofs.raw = @truncate(u16, word);[n].vofs.raw = @truncate(u16, word >> 16); } pub fn setAdjCnts(self: *Self, comptime n: u3, word: u32) void {[n].cnt.raw = @truncate(u16, word);[n + 1].cnt.raw = @truncate(u16, word >> 16); } /// Search OAM for Sprites that might be rendered on this scanline fn fetchSprites(self: *Self) void { const y =; var i: usize = 0; search: while (i < self.oam.buf.len) : (i += 8) { // Attributes in OAM are 6 bytes long, with 2 bytes of padding // Grab Attributes from OAM const attr0 = @bitCast(Attr0,, i)); // Only consider enabled Sprites if (! { const attr1 = @bitCast(Attr1,, i + 2)); // When fetching sprites we only care about ones that could be rendered // on this scanline const iy = @bitCast(i8, y); const start =; const istart = @bitCast(i8, start); const end = start +% spriteDimensions(,[1]; const iend = @bitCast(i8, end); // Sprites are expected to be able to wraparound, we perform the same check // for unsigned and signed values so that we handle all valid sprite positions if ((start <= y and y < end) or (istart <= iy and iy < iend)) { for (self.scanline_sprites) |*maybe_sprite| { if (maybe_sprite.* == null) { maybe_sprite.* = Sprite.init(attr0, attr1, @bitCast(Attr2,, i + 4))); continue :search; } } log.err("Found more than 128 sprites in OAM Search", .{}); unreachable; // TODO: Is this truly unreachable? } } } } /// Draw all relevant sprites on a scanline fn drawSprites(self: *Self, prio: u2) void { const char_base = 0x4000 * 4; const y = @bitCast(i8,; // Loop over every fetched sprite sprite_loop: for (self.scanline_sprites) |maybe_sprites| { if (maybe_sprites) |sprite| { // Move on to the next sprite If its of a different priority if (sprite.priority() != prio) continue :sprite_loop; if ( continue :sprite_loop; // TODO: Affine Sprites var i: u9 = 0; px_loop: while (i < sprite.width) : (i += 1) { const x = (sprite.x() +% i) % 240; const ix = @bitCast(i9, x); // If We've already rendered a pixel here don't overwrite it if (self.scanline_buf[x] != null) continue :px_loop; const start = sprite.x(); const istart = @bitCast(i9, start); const end = start +% sprite.width; const iend = @bitCast(i9, end); // By comparing with both signed and unsigned values we ensure that sprites // are displayed in all valid (AFAIK) configuration if ((start <= x and x < end) or (istart <= ix and ix < iend)) { self.drawSpritePixel(char_base, sprite, ix, y); } } } else break; } } /// Draw a Pixel of a Sprite Tile fn drawSpritePixel(self: *Self, char_base: u32, sprite: Sprite, x: i9, y: i8) void { // FIXME: We branch on this condition quite a lot const is_8bpp = sprite.is_8bpp(); // std.math.absInt is branchless const x_diff = @bitCast(u9, std.math.absInt(x - @bitCast(i9, sprite.x())) catch unreachable); const y_diff = @bitCast(u8, std.math.absInt(y -% @bitCast(i8, sprite.y())) catch unreachable); // Note that we flip the tile_pos not the (tile_pos % 8) like we do for // Background Tiles. By doing this we mirror the entire sprite instead of // just a specific tile (see how sprite.width and sprite.height are involved) const tile_y = y_diff ^ if (sprite.v_flip()) (sprite.height - 1) else 0; const tile_x = x_diff ^ if (sprite.h_flip()) (sprite.width - 1) else 0; // Like in the background Tiles are 8x8 groups of pixels in 8bpp or 4bpp formats const tile_id = sprite.tile_id(); const tile_row_offset: u32 = if (is_8bpp) 8 else 4; const tile_len: u32 = if (is_8bpp) 0x40 else 0x20; const row = tile_y % 8; const col = tile_x % 8; // When calcualting the inital address, the first entry is always 0x20 * tile_id, even if it is 8bpp const tile_base = char_base + (0x20 * @as(u32, tile_id)) + (tile_row_offset * row) + if (is_8bpp) col else col / 2; // TODO: Finish that 2D Sprites Test ROM const offset_base = (tile_x / 8) * tile_len; const offset_offset = (tile_y / 8) * tile_len * if ( sprite.width / 8 else if (is_8bpp) @as(u32, 0x10) else 0x20; const tile_offset = offset_base + offset_offset; const tile = self.vram.buf[tile_base + tile_offset]; const pal_id: u16 = if (!is_8bpp) blk: { const nybble_tile = if (col & 1 == 1) tile >> 4 else tile & 0xF; if (nybble_tile == 0) break :blk 0; const pal_bank = @as(u8, sprite.pal_bank()) << 4; break :blk pal_bank | nybble_tile; } else tile; // Sprite Palette starts at 0x0500_0200 if (pal_id != 0) self.scanline_buf[@bitCast(u9, x)] =, 0x200 + pal_id * 2); } fn drawBackround(self: *Self, comptime n: u3) void { // A Tile in a charblock is a byte, while a Screen Entry is a halfword const charblock_len: u32 = 0x4000; const screenblock_len: u32 = 0x800; const cbb: u2 =[n]; // Char Block Base const sbb: u5 =[n]; // Screen Block Base const is_8bpp: bool =[n]; // Colour Mode const size: u2 =[n]; // Background Size // In 4bpp: 1 byte represents two pixels so the length is (8 x 8) / 2 // In 8bpp: 1 byte represents one pixel so the length is 8 x 8 const tile_len = if (is_8bpp) @as(u32, 0x40) else 0x20; const tile_row_offset = if (is_8bpp) @as(u32, 0x8) else 0x4; // 0x0600_000 is implied because we can access VRAM without the Bus const char_base: u32 = charblock_len * @as(u32, cbb); const screen_base: u32 = screenblock_len * @as(u32, sbb); const vofs: u32 =[n]; const hofs: u32 =[n]; const y = vofs +; var i: u32 = 0; while (i < width) : (i += 1) { // Exit early if a pixel is already here if (self.scanline_buf[i] != null) continue; const x = hofs + i; // Grab the Screen Entry from VRAM const entry_addr = screen_base + tilemapOffset(size, x, y); const entry = @bitCast(ScreenEntry,, entry_addr)); // Calculate the Address of the Tile in the designated Charblock // We also take this opportunity to flip tiles if necessary const tile_id: u32 =; const row = if ( 7 - (y % 8) else y % 8; // Determine on which row in a tile we're on const tile_addr = char_base + (tile_len * tile_id) + (tile_row_offset * row); // Calculate on which column in a tile we're on // Similarly to when we calculated the row, if we're in 4bpp we want to account // for 1 byte consisting of two pixels const col = if ( 7 - (x % 8) else x % 8; const tile = self.vram.buf[tile_addr + if (is_8bpp) col else col / 2]; // If we're in 8bpp, then the tile value is an index into the palette, // If we're in 4bpp, we have to account for a pal bank value in the Screen entry // and then we can index the palette const pal_id: u16 = if (!is_8bpp) blk: { const nybble_tile = if (col & 1 == 1) tile >> 4 else tile & 0xF; if (nybble_tile == 0) break :blk 0; const pal_bank = @as(u8, << 4; break :blk pal_bank | nybble_tile; } else tile; if (pal_id != 0) self.scanline_buf[i] =, pal_id * 2); } } pub fn drawScanline(self: *Self) void { const bg_mode =; const bg_enable =; const obj_enable =; const scanline =; switch (bg_mode) { 0x0 => { const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); if (obj_enable) self.fetchSprites(); var layer: usize = 0; while (layer < 4) : (layer += 1) { self.drawSprites(@truncate(u2, layer)); if (layer ==[0] and bg_enable & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(0); if (layer ==[1] and bg_enable >> 1 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(1); if (layer ==[2] and bg_enable >> 2 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(2); if (layer ==[3] and bg_enable >> 3 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(3); } // Copy Drawn Scanline to Frame Buffer // If there are any nulls present in self.scanline_buf it means that no background drew a pixel there, so draw backdrop for (self.scanline_buf) |maybe_px, i| { const bgr555 = if (maybe_px) |px| px else self.palette.getBackdrop(); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } // Reset Current Scanline Pixel Buffer and list of fetched sprites // in prep for next scanline std.mem.set(?u16, &self.scanline_buf, null); std.mem.set(?Sprite, &self.scanline_sprites, null); }, 0x1 => { const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); if (obj_enable) self.fetchSprites(); var layer: usize = 0; while (layer < 4) : (layer += 1) { self.drawSprites(@truncate(u2, layer)); if (layer ==[0] and bg_enable & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(0); if (layer ==[1] and bg_enable >> 1 & 1 == 1) self.drawBackround(1); // TODO: Implement Affine BG2 } // Copy Drawn Scanline to Frame Buffer // If there are any nulls present in self.scanline_buf it means that no background drew a pixel there, so draw backdrop for (self.scanline_buf) |maybe_px, i| { const bgr555 = if (maybe_px) |px| px else self.palette.getBackdrop(); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } // Reset Current Scanline Pixel Buffer and list of fetched sprites // in prep for next scanline std.mem.set(?u16, &self.scanline_buf, null); std.mem.set(?Sprite, &self.scanline_sprites, null); }, 0x2 => { const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); if (obj_enable) self.fetchSprites(); var layer: usize = 0; while (layer < 4) : (layer += 1) { self.drawSprites(@truncate(u2, layer)); // TODO: Implement Affine BG2, BG3 } // Copy Drawn Scanline to Frame Buffer // If there are any nulls present in self.scanline_buf it means that no background drew a pixel there, so draw backdrop for (self.scanline_buf) |maybe_px, i| { const bgr555 = if (maybe_px) |px| px else self.palette.getBackdrop(); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } // Reset Current Scanline Pixel Buffer and list of fetched sprites // in prep for next scanline std.mem.set(?u16, &self.scanline_buf, null); std.mem.set(?Sprite, &self.scanline_sprites, null); }, 0x3 => { const vram_base = width * @sizeOf(u16) * @as(usize, scanline); const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); var i: usize = 0; while (i < width) : (i += 1) { const bgr555 =, vram_base + i * @sizeOf(u16)); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } }, 0x4 => { const sel =; const vram_base = width * @as(usize, scanline) + if (sel) 0xA000 else @as(usize, 0); const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); // Render Current Scanline for (self.vram.buf[vram_base .. vram_base + width]) |byte, i| { const bgr555 =, @as(u16, byte) * @sizeOf(u16)); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } }, 0x5 => { const m5_width = 160; const m5_height = 128; const sel =; const vram_base = m5_width * @sizeOf(u16) * @as(usize, scanline) + if (sel) 0xA000 else @as(usize, 0); const fb_base = framebuf_pitch * @as(usize, scanline); var i: usize = 0; while (i < width) : (i += 1) { // If we're outside of the bounds of mode 5, draw the background colour const bgr555 = if (scanline < m5_height and i < m5_width), vram_base + i * @sizeOf(u16)) else self.palette.getBackdrop(); std.mem.copy(u8, self.framebuf.get(.Emulator)[fb_base + i * @sizeOf(u32) ..][0..4], &intToBytes(u32, toRgba8888(bgr555))); } }, else => std.debug.panic("[PPU] TODO: Implement BG Mode {}", .{bg_mode}), } } fn tilemapOffset(size: u2, x: u32, y: u32) u32 { // Current Row: (y % PIXEL_COUNT) / 8 // Current COlumn: (x % PIXEL_COUNT) / 8 // Length of 1 row of Screen Entries: 0x40 // Length of 1 Screen Entry: 0x2 is the size of a screen entry @setRuntimeSafety(false); return switch (size) { 0 => (x % 256 / 8) * 2 + (y % 256 / 8) * 0x40, // 256 x 256 1 => blk: { // 512 x 256 const offset: u32 = if (x & 0x1FF > 0xFF) 0x800 else 0; break :blk offset + (x % 256 / 8) * 2 + (y % 256 / 8) * 0x40; }, 2 => blk: { // 256 x 512 const offset: u32 = if (y & 0x1FF > 0xFF) 0x800 else 0; break :blk offset + (x % 256 / 8) * 2 + (y % 256 / 8) * 0x40; }, 3 => blk: { // 512 x 512 const offset: u32 = if (x & 0x1FF > 0xFF) 0x800 else 0; const offset_2: u32 = if (y & 0x1FF > 0xFF) 0x800 else 0; break :blk offset + offset_2 + (x % 256 / 8) * 2 + (y % 512 / 8) * 0x40; }, }; } pub fn handleHDrawEnd(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, late: u64) void { // Transitioning to a Hblank if ( {; cpu.handleInterrupt(); } // See if HBlank DMA is present and not enabled pollBlankingDma(&cpu.bus, .HBlank); self.dispstat.hblank.set(); self.sched.push(.HBlank, 68 * 4 -| late); } pub fn handleHBlankEnd(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, late: u64) void { // The End of a Hblank (During Draw or Vblank) const old_scanline =; const scanline = (old_scanline + 1) % 228; self.vcount.scanline.write(scanline); self.dispstat.hblank.unset(); // Perform Vc == VcT check const coincidence = scanline ==; self.dispstat.coincidence.write(coincidence); if (coincidence and {; cpu.handleInterrupt(); } if (scanline < 160) { // Transitioning to another Draw self.sched.push(.Draw, 240 * 4 -| late); } else { // Transitioning to a Vblank if (scanline == 160) { self.framebuf.swap(); // Swap FrameBuffers self.dispstat.vblank.set(); if ( {; cpu.handleInterrupt(); } // See if Vblank DMA is present and not enabled pollBlankingDma(&cpu.bus, .VBlank); } if (scanline == 227) self.dispstat.vblank.unset(); self.sched.push(.VBlank, 240 * 4 -| late); } } }; const Palette = struct { const palram_size = 0x400; const Self = @This(); buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, fn init(alloc: Allocator) !Self { const buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, palram_size); std.mem.set(u8, buf, 0); return Self{ .buf = buf, .alloc = alloc, }; } fn deinit(self: Self) void {; } pub fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: usize) T { const addr = address & 0x3FF; return switch (T) { u32 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 3]) << 24) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 2]) << 16) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr])), u16 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | @as(T, self.buf[addr]), u8 => self.buf[addr], else => @compileError("PALRAM: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: usize, value: T) void { const addr = address & 0x3FF; switch (T) { u32 => { self.buf[addr + 3] = @truncate(u8, value >> 24); self.buf[addr + 2] = @truncate(u8, value >> 16); self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u16 => { self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u8 => { const halfword: u16 = @as(u16, value) * 0x0101; const real_addr = addr & ~@as(u32, 1); // *was* 8-bit read so address won't be aligned self.buf[real_addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 8); self.buf[real_addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 0); }, else => @compileError("PALRAM: Unsupported write width"), } } fn getBackdrop(self: *const Self) u16 { return, 0); } }; const Vram = struct { const vram_size = 0x18000; const Self = @This(); buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, fn init(alloc: Allocator) !Self { const buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, vram_size); std.mem.set(u8, buf, 0); return Self{ .buf = buf, .alloc = alloc, }; } fn deinit(self: Self) void {; } pub fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: usize) T { const addr = Self.mirror(address); return switch (T) { u32 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 3]) << 24) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 2]) << 16) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr])), u16 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | @as(T, self.buf[addr]), u8 => self.buf[addr], else => @compileError("VRAM: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, dispcnt: io.DisplayControl, address: usize, value: T) void { const mode: u3 =; const addr = Self.mirror(address); switch (T) { u32 => { self.buf[addr + 3] = @truncate(u8, value >> 24); self.buf[addr + 2] = @truncate(u8, value >> 16); self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u16 => { self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u8 => { // Ignore if write is in OBJ switch (mode) { 0, 1, 2 => if (0x0601_0000 <= address and address < 0x0601_8000) return, else => if (0x0601_4000 <= address and address < 0x0601_8000) return, } const halfword: u16 = @as(u16, value) * 0x0101; const real_addr = addr & ~@as(u32, 1); self.buf[real_addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 8); self.buf[real_addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, halfword >> 0); }, else => @compileError("VRAM: Unsupported write width"), } } fn mirror(address: usize) usize { // Mirrored in steps of 128K (64K + 32K + 32K) (abcc) const addr = address & 0x1FFFF; // If the address is within 96K we don't do anything, // otherwise we want to mirror the last 32K (addresses between 64K and 96K) return if (addr < vram_size) addr else 0x10000 + (addr & 0x7FFF); } }; const Oam = struct { const oam_size = 0x400; const Self = @This(); buf: []u8, alloc: Allocator, fn init(alloc: Allocator) !Self { const buf = try alloc.alloc(u8, oam_size); std.mem.set(u8, buf, 0); return Self{ .buf = buf, .alloc = alloc, }; } fn deinit(self: Self) void {; } pub fn read(self: *const Self, comptime T: type, address: usize) T { const addr = address & 0x3FF; return switch (T) { u32 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 3]) << 24) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 2]) << 16) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | (@as(T, self.buf[addr])), u16 => (@as(T, self.buf[addr + 1]) << 8) | @as(T, self.buf[addr]), u8 => self.buf[addr], else => @compileError("OAM: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(self: *Self, comptime T: type, address: usize, value: T) void { const addr = address & 0x3FF; switch (T) { u32 => { self.buf[addr + 3] = @truncate(u8, value >> 24); self.buf[addr + 2] = @truncate(u8, value >> 16); self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u16 => { self.buf[addr + 1] = @truncate(u8, value >> 8); self.buf[addr + 0] = @truncate(u8, value >> 0); }, u8 => return, // 8-bit writes are explicitly ignored else => @compileError("OAM: Unsupported write width"), } } }; const Background = struct { const Self = @This(); /// Read / Write cnt: io.BackgroundControl, /// Write Only hofs: io.BackgroundOffset, /// Write Only vofs: io.BackgroundOffset, fn init() Self { return .{ .cnt = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .hofs = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, .vofs = .{ .raw = 0x0000 }, }; } }; const AffineBackground = struct { const Self = @This(); bg: [2]AffineBackgroundRegisters, fn init() Self { return .{ .bg = [_]AffineBackgroundRegisters{AffineBackgroundRegisters.init()} ** 2, }; } }; const AffineBackgroundRegisters = struct { const Self = @This(); x: io.BackgroundRefPoint, y: io.BackgroundRefPoint, pa: io.BackgroundRotScaleParam, pb: io.BackgroundRotScaleParam, pc: io.BackgroundRotScaleParam, pd: io.BackgroundRotScaleParam, fn init() Self { return .{ .x = .{ .raw = 0 }, .y = .{ .raw = 0 }, .pa = .{ .raw = 0 }, .pb = .{ .raw = 0 }, .pc = .{ .raw = 0 }, .pd = .{ .raw = 0 }, }; } pub fn writePaPb(self: *Self, value: u32) void { = @truncate(u16, value); self.pb.raw = @truncate(u16, value >> 16); } pub fn writePcPd(self: *Self, value: u32) void { self.pc.raw = @truncate(u16, value); self.pd.raw = @truncate(u16, value >> 16); } }; const ScreenEntry = extern union { tile_id: Bitfield(u16, 0, 10), h_flip: Bit(u16, 10), v_flip: Bit(u16, 11), pal_bank: Bitfield(u16, 12, 4), raw: u16, }; const Sprite = struct { const Self = @This(); attr0: Attr0, attr1: Attr1, attr2: Attr2, width: u8, height: u8, fn init(attr0: Attr0, attr1: Attr1, attr2: Attr2) Self { const d = spriteDimensions(,; return .{ .attr0 = attr0, .attr1 = attr1, .attr2 = attr2, .width = d[0], .height = d[1], }; } fn x(self: *const Self) u9 { return; } fn y(self: *const Self) u8 { return; } fn is_8bpp(self: *const Self) bool { return; } fn shape(self: *const Self) u2 { return; } fn size(self: *const Self) u2 { return; } fn tile_id(self: *const Self) u10 { return; } fn pal_bank(self: *const Self) u4 { return; } fn h_flip(self: *const Self) bool { return; } fn v_flip(self: *const Self) bool { return; } fn priority(self: *const Self) u2 { return; } }; const AffineSprite = struct { const Self = @This(); attr0: AffineAttr0, attr1: AffineAttr1, attr2: Attr2, width: u8, height: u8, fn init(attr0: AffineAttr0, attr1: AffineAttr1, attr2: Attr2) Self { const d = spriteDimensions(,; return .{ .attr0 = attr0, .attr1 = attr1, .attr2 = attr2, .width = d[0], .height = d[1], }; } }; const Attr0 = extern union { y: Bitfield(u16, 0, 8), is_affine: Bit(u16, 8), // This SBZ disabled: Bit(u16, 9), mode: Bitfield(u16, 10, 2), mosaic: Bit(u16, 12), is_8bpp: Bit(u16, 13), shape: Bitfield(u16, 14, 2), raw: u16, }; const AffineAttr0 = extern union { y: Bitfield(u16, 0, 8), rot_scaling: Bit(u16, 8), // This SB1 double_size: Bit(u16, 9), mode: Bitfield(u16, 10, 2), mosaic: Bit(u16, 12), is_8bpp: Bit(u16, 13), shape: Bitfield(u16, 14, 2), raw: u16, }; const Attr1 = extern union { x: Bitfield(u16, 0, 9), h_flip: Bit(u16, 12), v_flip: Bit(u16, 13), size: Bitfield(u16, 14, 2), raw: u16, }; const AffineAttr1 = extern union { x: Bitfield(u16, 0, 9), aff_sel: Bitfield(u16, 9, 5), size: Bitfield(u16, 14, 2), raw: u16, }; const Attr2 = extern union { tile_id: Bitfield(u16, 0, 10), rel_prio: Bitfield(u16, 10, 2), pal_bank: Bitfield(u16, 12, 4), }; fn spriteDimensions(shape: u2, size: u2) [2]u8 { @setRuntimeSafety(false); return switch (shape) { 0b00 => switch (size) { // Square 0b00 => [_]u8{ 8, 8 }, 0b01 => [_]u8{ 16, 16 }, 0b10 => [_]u8{ 32, 32 }, 0b11 => [_]u8{ 64, 64 }, }, 0b01 => switch (size) { 0b00 => [_]u8{ 16, 8 }, 0b01 => [_]u8{ 32, 8 }, 0b10 => [_]u8{ 32, 16 }, 0b11 => [_]u8{ 64, 32 }, }, 0b10 => switch (size) { 0b00 => [_]u8{ 8, 16 }, 0b01 => [_]u8{ 8, 32 }, 0b10 => [_]u8{ 16, 32 }, 0b11 => [_]u8{ 32, 64 }, }, else => std.debug.panic("{} is an invalid sprite shape", .{shape}), }; } fn toRgba8888(bgr555: u16) u32 { const b = @as(u32, bgr555 >> 10 & 0x1F); const g = @as(u32, bgr555 >> 5 & 0x1F); const r = @as(u32, bgr555 & 0x1F); return (r << 3 | r >> 2) << 24 | (g << 3 | g >> 2) << 16 | (b << 3 | b >> 2) << 8 | 0xFF; } fn genColourLut() [0x8000]u32 { return comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(std.math.maxInt(u32)); var lut: [0x8000]u32 = undefined; for (lut) |*px, i| px.* = toRgba8888Talarubi(i); return lut; }; } // FIXME: The implementation is incorrect and using it in the LUT crashes the compiler (OOM) /// Implementation courtesy of byuu and Talarubi at fn toRgba8888Talarubi(bgr555: u16) u32 { @setRuntimeSafety(false); const lcd_gamma: f64 = 4; const out_gamma: f64 = 2.2; const b = @as(u32, bgr555 >> 10 & 0x1F); const g = @as(u32, bgr555 >> 5 & 0x1F); const r = @as(u32, bgr555 & 0x1F); const lb = std.math.pow(f64, @intToFloat(f64, b << 3 | b >> 2) / 31, lcd_gamma); const lg = std.math.pow(f64, @intToFloat(f64, g << 3 | g >> 2) / 31, lcd_gamma); const lr = std.math.pow(f64, @intToFloat(f64, r << 3 | r >> 2) / 31, lcd_gamma); const out_b = std.math.pow(f64, (220 * lb + 10 * lg + 50 * lr) / 255, 1 / out_gamma); const out_g = std.math.pow(f64, (30 * lb + 230 * lg + 10 * lr) / 255, 1 / out_gamma); const out_r = std.math.pow(f64, (0 * lb + 50 * lg + 255 * lr) / 255, 1 / out_gamma); return @floatToInt(u32, out_r) << 24 | @floatToInt(u32, out_g) << 16 | @floatToInt(u32, out_b) << 8 | 0xFF; } // Double Buffering Implementation const FrameBuffer = struct { const Self = @This(); buf: [2][]u8, original: []u8, current: u1, // TODO: Rename const Device = enum { Emulator, Renderer, }; pub fn init(bufs: []u8) Self { std.debug.assert(bufs.len == framebuf_pitch * height * 2); const front = bufs[0 .. framebuf_pitch * height]; const back = bufs[framebuf_pitch * height ..]; return .{ .buf = [2][]u8{ front, back }, .original = bufs, .current = 0, }; } fn deinit(self: Self, alloc: Allocator) void {; } pub fn swap(self: *Self) void { self.current = ~self.current; } pub fn get(self: *Self, comptime dev: Device) []u8 { return self.buf[if (dev == .Emulator) self.current else ~self.current]; } };