const std = @import("std"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const Self = @This(); buf: ?[]u8, alloc: Allocator, pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, maybe_path: ?[]const u8) !Self { var buf: ?[]u8 = null; if (maybe_path) |path| { const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{}); defer file.close(); const len = try file.getEndPos(); buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(alloc, len); } return Self{ .buf = buf, .alloc = alloc, }; } pub fn deinit(self: Self) void { if (self.buf) |buf|; } pub fn get32(self: *const Self, idx: usize) u32 { if (self.buf) |buf| return (@as(u32, buf[idx + 3]) << 24) | (@as(u32, buf[idx + 2]) << 16) | (@as(u32, buf[idx + 1]) << 8) | (@as(u32, buf[idx])); std.debug.panic("[CPU/BIOS:32] ZBA tried to read from 0x{X:0>8} but no BIOS was provided.", .{idx}); } pub fn get16(self: *const Self, idx: usize) u16 { if (self.buf) |buf| return (@as(u16, buf[idx + 1]) << 8) | @as(u16, buf[idx]); std.debug.panic("[CPU/BIOS:16] ZBA tried to read from 0x{X:0>8} but no BIOS was provided.", .{idx}); } pub fn get8(self: *const Self, idx: usize) u8 { if (self.buf) |buf| return buf[idx]; std.debug.panic("[CPU/BIOS:8] ZBA tried to read from 0x{X:0>8} but no BIOS was provided.", .{idx}); }