const std = @import("std"); const SDL = @import("sdl2"); const io = @import("bus/io.zig"); const util = @import("../util.zig"); const AudioDeviceId = SDL.SDL_AudioDeviceID; const Arm7tdmi = @import("cpu.zig").Arm7tdmi; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const ToneSweep = @import("apu/ToneSweep.zig"); const Tone = @import("apu/Tone.zig"); const Wave = @import("apu/Wave.zig"); const Noise = @import("apu/Noise.zig"); const SoundFifo = std.fifo.LinearFifo(u8, .{ .Static = 0x20 }); const intToBytes = @import("../util.zig").intToBytes; const setHi = @import("../util.zig").setHi; const setLo = @import("../util.zig").setLo; const log = std.log.scoped(.APU); pub const host_sample_rate = 1 << 15; pub fn read(comptime T: type, apu: *const Apu, addr: u32) ?T { const byte = @truncate(u8, addr); return switch (T) { u16 => switch (byte) { 0x60 => apu.ch1.sound1CntL(), 0x62 => apu.ch1.sound1CntH(), 0x64 => apu.ch1.sound1CntX(), 0x68 => apu.ch2.sound2CntL(), 0x6C => apu.ch2.sound2CntH(), 0x70 => & 0xE0, // SOUND3CNT_L 0x72 => apu.ch3.sound3CntH(), 0x74 => apu.ch3.freq.raw & 0x4000, // SOUND3CNT_X 0x78 => apu.ch4.sound4CntL(), 0x7C => apu.ch4.sound4CntH(), 0x80 => apu.psg_cnt.raw & 0xFF77, // SOUNDCNT_L 0x82 => apu.dma_cnt.raw & 0x770F, // SOUNDCNT_H 0x84 => apu.soundCntX(), 0x88 => apu.bias.raw, // SOUNDBIAS 0x90...0x9F =>,, addr), else =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u8 => switch (byte) { 0x60 => apu.ch1.sound1CntL(), // NR10 0x62 => apu.ch1.duty.raw, // NR11 0x63 => apu.ch1.envelope.raw, // NR12 0x68 => apu.ch2.duty.raw, // NR21 0x69 => apu.ch2.envelope.raw, // NR22 0x73 => apu.ch3.vol.raw, // NR32 0x79 => apu.ch4.envelope.raw, // NR42 0x7C => apu.ch4.poly.raw, // NR43 0x81 => @truncate(u8, apu.psg_cnt.raw >> 8), // NR51 0x84 => apu.soundCntX(), 0x89 => @truncate(u8, apu.bias.raw >> 8), // SOUNDBIAS_H else =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), }, u32 =>, log, "Tried to perform a {} read to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ T, addr }), else => @compileError("APU: Unsupported read width"), }; } pub fn write(comptime T: type, apu: *Apu, addr: u32, value: T) void { const byte = @truncate(u8, addr); switch (T) { u32 => switch (byte) { 0x60 => apu.ch1.setSound1Cnt(value), 0x64 => apu.ch1.setSound1CntX(&apu.fs, @truncate(u16, value)), 0x68 => apu.ch2.setSound2CntL(@truncate(u16, value)), 0x6C => apu.ch2.setSound2CntH(&apu.fs, @truncate(u16, value)), 0x70 => apu.ch3.setSound3Cnt(value), 0x74 => apu.ch3.setSound3CntX(&apu.fs, @truncate(u16, value)), 0x78 => apu.ch4.setSound4CntL(@truncate(u16, value)), 0x7C => apu.ch4.setSound4CntH(&apu.fs, @truncate(u16, value)), 0x80 => apu.setSoundCnt(value), // WAVE_RAM 0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value), 0xA0 => apu.chA.push(value), // FIFO_A 0xA4 => apu.chB.push(value), // FIFO_B else =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>8}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u16 => switch (byte) { 0x60 => apu.ch1.setSound1CntL(@truncate(u8, value)), // SOUND1CNT_L 0x62 => apu.ch1.setSound1CntH(value), 0x64 => apu.ch1.setSound1CntX(&apu.fs, value), 0x68 => apu.ch2.setSound2CntL(value), 0x6C => apu.ch2.setSound2CntH(&apu.fs, value), 0x70 => apu.ch3.setSound3CntL(@truncate(u8, value)), 0x72 => apu.ch3.setSound3CntH(value), 0x74 => apu.ch3.setSound3CntX(&apu.fs, value), 0x78 => apu.ch4.setSound4CntL(value), 0x7C => apu.ch4.setSound4CntH(&apu.fs, value), 0x80 => apu.psg_cnt.raw = value, // SOUNDCNT_L 0x82 => apu.setSoundCntH(value), 0x84 => apu.setSoundCntX(value >> 7 & 1 == 1), 0x88 => apu.bias.raw = value, // SOUNDBIAS // WAVE_RAM 0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value), else =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>4}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, u8 => switch (byte) { 0x60 => apu.ch1.setSound1CntL(value), 0x62 => apu.ch1.setNr11(value), 0x63 => apu.ch1.setNr12(value), 0x64 => apu.ch1.setNr13(value), 0x65 => apu.ch1.setNr14(&apu.fs, value), 0x68 => apu.ch2.setNr21(value), 0x69 => apu.ch2.setNr22(value), 0x6C => apu.ch2.setNr23(value), 0x6D => apu.ch2.setNr24(&apu.fs, value), 0x70 => apu.ch3.setSound3CntL(value), // NR30 0x72 => apu.ch3.setNr31(value), 0x73 => apu.ch3.vol.raw = value, // NR32 0x74 => apu.ch3.setNr33(value), 0x75 => apu.ch3.setNr34(&apu.fs, value), 0x78 => apu.ch4.setNr41(value), 0x79 => apu.ch4.setNr42(value), 0x7C => apu.ch4.poly.raw = value, // NR 43 0x7D => apu.ch4.setNr44(&apu.fs, value), 0x80 => apu.setNr50(value), 0x81 => apu.setNr51(value), 0x82 => apu.setSoundCntH(setLo(u16, apu.dma_cnt.raw, value)), 0x83 => apu.setSoundCntH(setHi(u16, apu.dma_cnt.raw, value)), 0x84 => apu.setSoundCntX(value >> 7 & 1 == 1), // NR52 0x89 => apu.setSoundBiasH(value), 0x90...0x9F => apu.ch3.wave_dev.write(T,, addr, value), else =>, "Tried to write 0x{X:0>2}{} to 0x{X:0>8}", .{ value, T, addr }), }, else => @compileError("APU: Unsupported write width"), } } pub const Apu = struct { const Self = @This(); ch1: ToneSweep, ch2: Tone, ch3: Wave, ch4: Noise, chA: DmaSound(.A), chB: DmaSound(.B), bias: io.SoundBias, /// NR50, NR51 psg_cnt: io.ChannelVolumeControl, dma_cnt: io.DmaSoundControl, cnt: io.SoundControl, sampling_cycle: u2, stream: *SDL.SDL_AudioStream, sched: *Scheduler, fs: FrameSequencer, capacitor: f32, is_buffer_full: bool, pub const Tick = enum { Length, Envelope, Sweep }; pub fn init(sched: *Scheduler) Self { const apu: Self = .{ .ch1 = ToneSweep.init(sched), .ch2 = Tone.init(sched), .ch3 = Wave.init(sched), .ch4 = Noise.init(sched), .chA = DmaSound(.A).init(), .chB = DmaSound(.B).init(), .psg_cnt = .{ .raw = 0 }, .dma_cnt = .{ .raw = 0 }, .cnt = .{ .raw = 0 }, .bias = .{ .raw = 0x0200 }, .sampling_cycle = 0b00, .stream = SDL.SDL_NewAudioStream(SDL.AUDIO_U16, 2, 1 << 15, SDL.AUDIO_U16, 2, host_sample_rate).?, .sched = sched, .capacitor = 0, .fs = FrameSequencer.init(), .is_buffer_full = false, }; sched.push(.SampleAudio, apu.interval()); sched.push(.{ .ApuChannel = 0 }, @import("apu/signal/Square.zig").interval); sched.push(.{ .ApuChannel = 1 }, @import("apu/signal/Square.zig").interval); sched.push(.{ .ApuChannel = 2 }, @import("apu/signal/Wave.zig").interval); sched.push(.{ .ApuChannel = 3 }, @import("apu/signal/Lfsr.zig").interval); sched.push(.FrameSequencer, FrameSequencer.interval); return apu; } fn reset(self: *Self) void { self.ch1.reset(); self.ch2.reset(); self.ch3.reset(); self.ch4.reset(); } /// SOUNDCNT fn setSoundCnt(self: *Self, value: u32) void { self.psg_cnt.raw = @truncate(u16, value); self.setSoundCntH(@truncate(u16, value >> 16)); } /// SOUNDCNT_H pub fn setSoundCntH(self: *Self, value: u16) void { const new: io.DmaSoundControl = .{ .raw = value }; // Reinitializing instead of resetting is fine because // the FIFOs I'm using are stack allocated and 0x20 bytes big if ( self.chA.fifo = SoundFifo.init(); if ( self.chB.fifo = SoundFifo.init(); self.dma_cnt = new; } /// NR52 pub fn setSoundCntX(self: *Self, value: bool) void { self.cnt.apu_enable.write(value); if (value) { self.fs.step = 0; // Reset Frame Sequencer // Reset Square Wave Offsets self.ch1.square.pos = 0; self.ch2.square.pos = 0; // Reset Wave Device Offsets self.ch3.wave_dev.offset = 0; } else { self.reset(); } } /// NR52 pub fn soundCntX(self: *const Self) u8 { const apu_enable: u8 = @boolToInt(; const ch1_enable: u8 = @boolToInt(self.ch1.enabled); const ch2_enable: u8 = @boolToInt(self.ch2.enabled); const ch3_enable: u8 = @boolToInt(self.ch3.enabled); const ch4_enable: u8 = @boolToInt(self.ch4.enabled); return apu_enable << 7 | ch4_enable << 3 | ch3_enable << 2 | ch2_enable << 1 | ch1_enable; } /// NR50 pub fn setNr50(self: *Self, byte: u8) void { self.psg_cnt.raw = (self.psg_cnt.raw & 0xFF00) | byte; } /// NR51 pub fn setNr51(self: *Self, byte: u8) void { self.psg_cnt.raw = @as(u16, byte) << 8 | (self.psg_cnt.raw & 0xFF); } pub fn setSoundBiasH(self: *Self, byte: u8) void { self.bias.raw = (@as(u16, byte) << 8) | (self.bias.raw & 0xFF); } pub fn sampleAudio(self: *Self, late: u64) void { self.sched.push(.SampleAudio, self.interval() -| late); // Whether the APU is busy or not is determined by the main loop in emu.zig // This should only ever be true (because this side of the emu is single threaded) // When audio sync is disaabled if (self.is_buffer_full) return; var left: i16 = 0; var right: i16 = 0; // SOUNDCNT_L Channel Enable flags const ch_left: u4 =; const ch_right: u4 =; // Determine SOUNDCNT_H volume modifications const gba_vol: u4 = switch ( { 0b00 => 2, 0b01 => 1, else => 0, }; // Add all PSG channels together left += if (ch_left & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch1.sample) else 0; left += if (ch_left >> 1 & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch2.sample) else 0; left += if (ch_left >> 2 & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch3.sample) else 0; left += if (ch_left >> 3 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch4.sample) else 0; right += if (ch_right & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch1.sample) else 0; right += if (ch_right >> 1 & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch2.sample) else 0; right += if (ch_right >> 2 & 1 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch3.sample) else 0; right += if (ch_right >> 3 == 1) @as(i16, self.ch4.sample) else 0; // Multiply by master channel volume left *= 1 + @as(i16,; right *= 1 + @as(i16,; // Apply GBA volume modifications to PSG Channels left >>= gba_vol; right >>= gba_vol; const chA_sample = self.chA.amplitude() << if ( @as(u4, 2) else 1; const chB_sample = self.chB.amplitude() << if ( @as(u4, 2) else 1; left += if ( chA_sample else 0; left += if ( chB_sample else 0; right += if ( chA_sample else 0; right += if ( chB_sample else 0; // Add SOUNDBIAS // FIXME: Is SOUNDBIAS 9-bit or 10-bit? const bias = @as(i16, << 1; left += bias; right += bias; const clamped_left = std.math.clamp(@bitCast(u16, left), std.math.minInt(u11), std.math.maxInt(u11)); const clamped_right = std.math.clamp(@bitCast(u16, right), std.math.minInt(u11), std.math.maxInt(u11)); // Extend to 16-bit signed audio samples const ext_left = (clamped_left << 5) | (clamped_left >> 6); const ext_right = (clamped_right << 5) | (clamped_right >> 6); // FIXME: This rarely happens if (self.sampling_cycle != self.replaceSDLResampler(); _ = SDL.SDL_AudioStreamPut(, &[2]u16{ ext_left, ext_right }, 2 * @sizeOf(u16)); } fn replaceSDLResampler(self: *Self) void { @setCold(true); const sample_rate = Self.sampleRate(;"Sample Rate changed from {}Hz to {}Hz", .{ Self.sampleRate(self.sampling_cycle), sample_rate }); // Sampling Cycle (Sample Rate) changed, Craete a new SDL Audio Resampler // FIXME: Replace SDL's Audio Resampler with either a custom or more reliable one const old_stream =; defer SDL.SDL_FreeAudioStream(old_stream); self.sampling_cycle =; = SDL.SDL_NewAudioStream(SDL.AUDIO_U16, 2, @intCast(c_int, sample_rate), SDL.AUDIO_U16, 2, host_sample_rate).?; } fn interval(self: *const Self) u64 { return (1 << 24) / Self.sampleRate(; } fn sampleRate(cycle: u2) u64 { return @as(u64, 1) << (15 + @as(u6, cycle)); } pub fn onSequencerTick(self: *Self, late: u64) void { self.fs.tick(); switch (self.fs.step) { 7 => self.tick(.Envelope), // Clock Envelope 0, 4 => self.tick(.Length), // Clock Length 2, 6 => { // Clock Length and Sweep self.tick(.Length); self.tick(.Sweep); }, 1, 3, 5 => {}, } self.sched.push(.FrameSequencer, ((1 << 24) / 512) -| late); } fn tick(self: *Self, comptime kind: Tick) void { self.ch1.tick(kind); switch (kind) { .Length => { self.ch2.tick(kind); self.ch3.tick(kind); self.ch4.tick(kind); }, .Envelope => { self.ch2.tick(kind); self.ch4.tick(kind); }, .Sweep => {}, // Already handled above (only for Ch1) } } pub fn onDmaAudioSampleRequest(self: *Self, cpu: *Arm7tdmi, tim_id: u3) void { if (! return; if (@boolToInt( == tim_id) { self.chA.updateSample(); if (self.chA.len() <= 15) cpu.bus.dma[1].requestAudio(0x0400_00A0); } if (@boolToInt( == tim_id) { self.chB.updateSample(); if (self.chB.len() <= 15) cpu.bus.dma[2].requestAudio(0x0400_00A4); } } }; pub fn DmaSound(comptime kind: DmaSoundKind) type { return struct { const Self = @This(); fifo: SoundFifo, kind: DmaSoundKind, sample: i8, fn init() Self { return .{ .fifo = SoundFifo.init(), .kind = kind, .sample = 0, }; } pub fn push(self: *Self, value: u32) void { self.fifo.write(&intToBytes(u32, value)) catch |e| log.err("{} Error: {}", .{ kind, e }); } pub fn len(self: *const Self) usize { return self.fifo.readableLength(); } pub fn updateSample(self: *Self) void { if (self.fifo.readItem()) |sample| self.sample = @bitCast(i8, sample); } pub fn amplitude(self: *const Self) i16 { return @as(i16, self.sample); } }; } const DmaSoundKind = enum { A, B, }; pub const FrameSequencer = struct { const interval = (1 << 24) / 512; const Self = @This(); step: u3, pub fn init() Self { return .{ .step = 0 }; } pub fn tick(self: *Self) void { self.step +%= 1; } pub fn isLengthNext(self: *const Self) bool { return (self.step +% 1) & 1 == 0; // Steps, 0, 2, 4, and 6 clock length } pub fn isEnvelopeNext(self: *const Self) bool { return (self.step +% 1) == 7; } };