const std = @import("std"); const util = @import("util.zig"); const bitfield = @import("bitfield"); const Bus = @import("bus.zig").Bus; const Scheduler = @import("scheduler.zig").Scheduler; const Bitfield = bitfield.Bitfield; const Bit = bitfield.Bit; const comptimeDataProcessing = @import("cpu/data_processing.zig").comptimeDataProcessing; const comptimeSingleDataTransfer = @import("cpu/single_data_transfer.zig").comptimeSingleDataTransfer; const comptimeHalfSignedDataTransfer = @import("cpu/half_signed_data_transfer.zig").comptimeHalfSignedDataTransfer; pub const InstrFn = fn (*Arm7tdmi, *Bus, u32) void; const arm_lut: [0x1000]InstrFn = populate(); pub const Arm7tdmi = struct { r: [16]u32, sch: *Scheduler, bus: *Bus, cpsr: CPSR, pub fn init(scheduler: *Scheduler, bus: *Bus) @This() { return .{ .r = [_]u32{0x00} ** 16, .sch = scheduler, .bus = bus, .cpsr = .{ .val = 0x0000_00DF }, }; } pub fn skipBios(self: *@This()) void { self.r[0] = 0x08000000; self.r[1] = 0x000000EA; // GPRs 2 -> 12 *should* already be 0 initialized self.r[13] = 0x0300_7F00; self.r[14] = 0x0000_0000; self.r[15] = 0x0800_0000; // TODO: Set sp_irq = 0x0300_7FA0, sp_svc = 0x0300_7FE0 self.cpsr.val = 0x6000001F; } pub inline fn step(self: *@This()) u64 { std.debug.print("PC: 0x{X:} ", .{self.r[15]}); const opcode = self.fetch(); std.debug.print("opcode: 0x{X:}\n", .{opcode}); // Debug if (checkCond(&self.cpsr, opcode)) arm_lut[armIdx(opcode)](self, self.bus, opcode); return 1; } fn fetch(self: *@This()) u32 { const word = self.bus.read32(self.r[15]); self.r[15] += 4; return word; } fn fakePC(self: *const @This()) u32 { return self.r[15] + 4; } }; fn armIdx(opcode: u32) u12 { return @truncate(u12, opcode >> 20 & 0xFF) << 4 | @truncate(u12, opcode >> 4 & 0xF); } fn checkCond(cpsr: *const CPSR, opcode: u32) bool { // TODO: Should I implement an enum? return switch (@truncate(u4, opcode >> 28)) { 0x0 =>, // EQ - Equal 0x1 => !, // NEQ - Not equal 0x2 =>, // CS - Unsigned higher or same 0x3 => !, // CC - Unsigned lower 0x4 =>, // MI - Negative 0x5 => !, // PL - Positive or zero 0x6 =>, // VS - Overflow 0x7 => !, // VC - No overflow 0x8 => and !, // HI - unsigned higher 0x9 => ! and, // LS - unsigned lower or same 0xA => ==, // GE - Greater or equal 0xB => !=, // LT - Less than 0xC => ! and ( ==, // GT - Greater than 0xD => or ( !=, // LE - Less than or equal 0xE => true, // AL - Always 0xF => std.debug.panic("[CPU] 0xF is a reserved condition field", .{}), }; } fn populate() [0x1000]InstrFn { return comptime { @setEvalBranchQuota(0x5000); // TODO: Figure out exact size var lut = [_]InstrFn{undefinedInstruction} ** 0x1000; var i: usize = 0; while (i < lut.len) : (i += 1) { if (i >> 10 & 0x3 == 0b00) { const I = i >> 9 & 1 == 1; const S = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; const instrKind = i >> 5 & 0xF; lut[i] = comptimeDataProcessing(I, S, instrKind); } if (i >> 9 & 0x7 == 0b000 and i >> 3 & 1 == 1 and i & 1 == 1) { const P = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; const U = i >> 7 & 1 == 1; const I = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const W = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; lut[i] = comptimeHalfSignedDataTransfer(P, U, I, W, L); } if (i >> 10 & 0x3 == 0b01) { const I = i >> 9 & 1 == 1; const P = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; const U = i >> 7 & 1 == 1; const B = i >> 6 & 1 == 1; const W = i >> 5 & 1 == 1; const L = i >> 4 & 1 == 1; lut[i] = comptimeSingleDataTransfer(I, P, U, B, W, L); } if (i >> 9 & 0x7 == 0b101) { const L = i >> 8 & 1 == 1; lut[i] = comptimeBranch(L); } } return lut; }; } const CPSR = extern union { mode: Bitfield(u32, 0, 5), t: Bit(u32, 5), f: Bit(u32, 6), i: Bit(u32, 7), v: Bit(u32, 28), c: Bit(u32, 29), z: Bit(u32, 30), n: Bit(u32, 31), val: u32, }; const Mode = enum(u5) { User = 0b10000, FIQ = 0b10001, IRQ = 0b10010, Supervisor = 0b10011, Abort = 0b10111, Undefined = 0b11011, System = 0b11111, }; fn undefinedInstruction(_: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u32) void { const id = armIdx(opcode); std.debug.panic("[CPU] {{0x{X:}}} 0x{X:} is an illegal opcode", .{ id, opcode }); } fn comptimeBranch(comptime L: bool) InstrFn { return struct { fn branch(cpu: *Arm7tdmi, _: *Bus, opcode: u32) void { if (L) { cpu.r[14] = cpu.r[15] - 4; } cpu.r[15] = cpu.fakePC() +% util.u32SignExtend(24, opcode << 2); } }.branch; }