const std = @import("std"); const toml = @import("toml"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const log = std.log.scoped(.Config); var state: Config = .{}; const Config = struct { host: Host = .{}, guest: Guest = .{}, debug: Debug = .{}, /// Settings related to the Computer the Emulator is being run on const Host = struct { /// Using Nearest-Neighbor, multiply the resolution of the GBA Window win_scale: i64 = 3, /// Enable Vsync /// /// Note: This does not affect whether Emulation is synced to 59Hz vsync: bool = true, /// Mute ZBA mute: bool = false, }; // Settings realted to the emulation itself const Guest = struct { /// Whether Emulation thread to sync to Audio Callbacks audio_sync: bool = true, /// Whether Emulation thread should sync to 59Hz video_sync: bool = true, /// Whether RTC I/O should always be enabled force_rtc: bool = false, /// Skip BIOS skip_bios: bool = false, }; /// Settings related to debugging ZBA const Debug = struct { /// Enable CPU Trace logs cpu_trace: bool = false, /// If false and ZBA is built in debug mode, ZBA will panic on unhandled I/O unhandled_io: bool = true, }; }; pub fn config() *const Config { return &state; } /// Reads a config file and then loads it into the global state pub fn load(allocator: Allocator, file_path: []const u8) !void { var config_file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_path, .{}); defer config_file.close();"loaded from {s}", .{file_path}); const contents = try config_file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try config_file.getEndPos()); defer; const table = try toml.parseContents(allocator, contents, null); defer table.deinit(); // TODO: Report unknown config options if (table.keys.get("Host")) |host| { if (host.Table.keys.get("win_scale")) |scale| = scale.Integer; if (host.Table.keys.get("vsync")) |vsync| = vsync.Boolean; if (host.Table.keys.get("mute")) |mute| = mute.Boolean; } if (table.keys.get("Guest")) |guest| { if (guest.Table.keys.get("audio_sync")) |sync| state.guest.audio_sync = sync.Boolean; if (guest.Table.keys.get("video_sync")) |sync| state.guest.video_sync = sync.Boolean; if (guest.Table.keys.get("force_rtc")) |forced| state.guest.force_rtc = forced.Boolean; if (guest.Table.keys.get("skip_bios")) |skip| state.guest.skip_bios = skip.Boolean; } if (table.keys.get("Debug")) |debug| { if (debug.Table.keys.get("cpu_trace")) |trace| state.debug.cpu_trace = trace.Boolean; if (debug.Table.keys.get("unhandled_io")) |unhandled| state.debug.unhandled_io = unhandled.Boolean; } }