const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const config = @import("config.zig"); const Log2Int = std.math.Log2Int; const Arm7tdmi = @import("arm32").Arm7tdmi; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; pub const FpsTracker = struct { const Self = @This(); fps: u32, count: std.atomic.Value(u32), timer: std.time.Timer, pub fn init() Self { return .{ .fps = 0, .count = std.atomic.Value(u32).init(0), .timer = std.time.Timer.start() catch unreachable, }; } pub fn tick(self: *Self) void { _ = self.count.fetchAdd(1, .Monotonic); } pub fn value(self: *Self) u32 { if ( >= std.time.ns_per_s) { self.fps = self.count.swap(0, .Monotonic); self.timer.reset(); } return self.fps; } }; /// Creates a copy of a title with all Filesystem-invalid characters replaced /// /// e.g. POKEPIN R/S to POKEPIN R_S pub fn escape(title: [12]u8) [12]u8 { var ret: [12]u8 = title; //TODO: Add more replacements std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, &ret, '/', '_'); std.mem.replaceScalar(u8, &ret, '\\', '_'); return ret; } pub const FilePaths = struct { rom: ?[]const u8, bios: ?[]const u8, save: []const u8, pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void { if (self.rom) |path|; if (self.bios) |path|;; } }; pub const io = struct { pub const read = struct { pub fn todo(comptime log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) u8 { log.debug(format, args); return 0; } pub fn undef(comptime T: type, comptime log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) ?T { @setCold(true); const unhandled_io = config.config().debug.unhandled_io; log.warn(format, args); if (builtin.mode == .Debug and !unhandled_io) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{}); return null; } pub fn err(comptime T: type, comptime log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) ?T { @setCold(true); log.err(format, args); return null; } }; pub const write = struct { pub fn undef(log: anytype, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void { const unhandled_io = config.config().debug.unhandled_io; log.warn(format, args); if (builtin.mode == .Debug and !unhandled_io) std.debug.panic("TODO: Implement I/O Register", .{}); } }; }; pub const Logger = struct { const Self = @This(); const FmtArgTuple = std.meta.Tuple(&.{ u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u32 }); buf: << 2, std.fs.File.Writer), pub fn init(file: std.fs.File) Self { return .{ .buf = .{ .unbuffered_writer = file.writer() }, }; } pub fn print(self: *Self, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) !void { try self.buf.writer().print(format, args); try self.buf.flush(); // FIXME: On panics, whatever is in the buffer isn't written to file } pub fn mgbaLog(self: *Self, cpu: *const Arm7tdmi, opcode: u32) void { const fmt_base = "{X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} {X:0>8} cpsr: {X:0>8} | "; const thumb_fmt = fmt_base ++ "{X:0>4}:\n"; const arm_fmt = fmt_base ++ "{X:0>8}:\n"; if ( { if (opcode >> 11 == 0x1E) { // Instruction 1 of a BL Opcode, print in ARM mode const low = cpu.bus.dbgRead(u16, cpu.r[15] - 2); const bl_opcode = @as(u32, opcode) << 16 | low; self.print(arm_fmt, Self.fmtArgs(cpu, bl_opcode)) catch @panic("failed to write to log file"); } else { self.print(thumb_fmt, Self.fmtArgs(cpu, opcode)) catch @panic("failed to write to log file"); } } else { self.print(arm_fmt, Self.fmtArgs(cpu, opcode)) catch @panic("failed to write to log file"); } } fn fmtArgs(cpu: *const Arm7tdmi, opcode: u32) FmtArgTuple { return .{ cpu.r[0], cpu.r[1], cpu.r[2], cpu.r[3], cpu.r[4], cpu.r[5], cpu.r[6], cpu.r[7], cpu.r[8], cpu.r[9], cpu.r[10], cpu.r[11], cpu.r[12], cpu.r[13], cpu.r[14], cpu.r[15] - if ( 2 else @as(u32, 4), cpu.cpsr.raw, opcode, }; } }; pub const audio = struct { const _io = @import("core/bus/io.zig"); const ToneSweep = @import("core/apu/ToneSweep.zig"); const Tone = @import("core/apu/Tone.zig"); const Wave = @import("core/apu/Wave.zig"); const Noise = @import("core/apu/Noise.zig"); pub const length = struct { const FrameSequencer = @import("core/apu.zig").FrameSequencer; /// Update State of Ch1, Ch2 and Ch3 length timer pub fn update(comptime T: type, self: *T, fs: *const FrameSequencer, nrx34: _io.Frequency) void { comptime std.debug.assert(T == ToneSweep or T == Tone or T == Wave); // Write to NRx4 when FS's next step is not one that clocks the length counter if (!fs.isLengthNext()) { // If length_enable was disabled but is now enabled and length timer is not 0 already, // decrement the length timer if (! and and self.len_dev.timer != 0) { self.len_dev.timer -= 1; // If Length Timer is now 0 and trigger is clear, disable the channel if (self.len_dev.timer == 0 and ! self.enabled = false; } } } pub const ch4 = struct { /// update state of ch4 length timer pub fn update(self: *Noise, fs: *const FrameSequencer, nr44: _io.NoiseControl) void { // Write to NRx4 when FS's next step is not one that clocks the length counter if (!fs.isLengthNext()) { // If length_enable was disabled but is now enabled and length timer is not 0 already, // decrement the length timer if (! and and self.len_dev.timer != 0) { self.len_dev.timer -= 1; // If Length Timer is now 0 and trigger is clear, disable the channel if (self.len_dev.timer == 0 and ! self.enabled = false; } } } }; }; }; /// Sets a quarter (8) of the bits of the u32 `left` to the value of u8 `right` pub inline fn setQuart(left: u32, addr: u8, right: u8) u32 { const offset: u2 = @truncate(addr); return switch (offset) { 0b00 => (left & 0xFFFF_FF00) | right, 0b01 => (left & 0xFFFF_00FF) | @as(u32, right) << 8, 0b10 => (left & 0xFF00_FFFF) | @as(u32, right) << 16, 0b11 => (left & 0x00FF_FFFF) | @as(u32, right) << 24, }; } /// Calculates the correct shift offset for an aligned/unaligned u8 read /// /// TODO: Support u16 reads of u32 values? pub inline fn getHalf(byte: u8) u4 { return @as(u4, @truncate(byte & 1)) << 3; } pub inline fn setHalf(comptime T: type, left: T, addr: u8, right: HalfInt(T)) T { const offset: u1 = @truncate(addr >> if (T == u32) 1 else 0); return switch (T) { u32 => switch (offset) { 0b0 => (left & 0xFFFF_0000) | right, 0b1 => (left & 0x0000_FFFF) | @as(u32, right) << 16, }, u16 => switch (offset) { 0b0 => (left & 0xFF00) | right, 0b1 => (left & 0x00FF) | @as(u16, right) << 8, }, else => @compileError("unsupported type"), }; } /// The Integer type which corresponds to T with exactly half the amount of bits fn HalfInt(comptime T: type) type { const type_info = @typeInfo(T); comptime std.debug.assert(type_info == .Int); // Type must be an integer comptime std.debug.assert(type_info.Int.bits % 2 == 0); // Type must have an even amount of bits return std.meta.Int(type_info.Int.signedness, type_info.Int.bits >> 1); } /// Double Buffering Implementation pub const FrameBuffer = struct { const Self = @This(); layers: [2][]u8, buf: []u8, current: u1 = 0, allocator: Allocator, // TODO: Rename const Device = enum { Emulator, Renderer }; pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, comptime len: comptime_int) !Self { const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, len * 2); @memset(buf, 0); return .{ // Front and Back Framebuffers .layers = [_][]u8{ buf[0..][0..len], buf[len..][0..len] }, .buf = buf, .allocator = allocator, }; } pub fn reset(self: *Self) void { @memset(self.buf, 0); self.current = 0; } pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {; self.* = undefined; } pub fn swap(self: *Self) void { self.current = ~self.current; } pub fn get(self: *Self, comptime dev: Device) []u8 { return self.layers[if (dev == .Emulator) self.current else ~self.current]; } }; const RingBuffer = @import("zba-util").RingBuffer; // TODO: Lock Free Queue? pub fn Queue(comptime T: type) type { return struct { inner: RingBuffer(T), mtx: std.Thread.Mutex = .{}, pub fn init(buf: []T) @This() { return .{ .inner = RingBuffer(T).init(buf) }; } pub fn push(self: *@This(), value: T) !void { self.mtx.lock(); defer self.mtx.unlock(); try self.inner.push(value); } pub fn pop(self: *@This()) ?T { self.mtx.lock(); defer self.mtx.unlock(); return self.inner.pop(); } }; }