const std = @import("std"); const Header = @import("cartridge.zig").Header; const Scheduler = @import("Scheduler.zig"); const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; /// Load a NDS Cartridge /// /// intended to be used immediately after Emulator initialization pub fn load(allocator: Allocator, system: System, rom_path: []const u8) ![12]u8 { const log = std.log.scoped(.load_rom); const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(rom_path, .{}); defer file.close(); const buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try file.getEndPos()); defer; var stream =; const header = try stream.reader().readStruct(Header);"Title: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.title, 0)});"Game Code: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.game_code, 0)});"Maker Code: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.maker_code, 0)}); // Dealing with the ARM946E-S { log.debug("ARM9 ROM Offset: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_rom_offset}); log.debug("ARM9 Entry Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_entry_address}); log.debug("ARM9 RAM Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_ram_address}); log.debug("ARM9 Size: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_size}); // Copy ARM9 Code into Main Memory for (buf[header.arm9_rom_offset..][0..header.arm9_size], 0..) |value, i| { const address = header.arm9_ram_address + @as(u32, @intCast(i)); system.bus9.dbgWrite(u8, address, value); } system.arm946es.r[15] = header.arm9_entry_address; } // Dealing with the ARM7TDMI { log.debug("ARM7 ROM Offset: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_rom_offset}); log.debug("ARM7 Entry Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_entry_address}); log.debug("ARM7 RAM Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_ram_address}); log.debug("ARM7 Size: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_size}); // Copy ARM7 Code into Main Memory for (buf[header.arm7_rom_offset..][0..header.arm7_size], 0..) |value, i| { const address = header.arm7_ram_address + @as(u32, @intCast(i)); system.bus7.dbgWrite(u8, address, value); } system.arm7tdmi.r[15] = header.arm7_entry_address; } return header.title; } /// Load NDS Firmware pub fn loadFirm(allocator: Allocator, system: System, firm_path: []const u8) !void { const log = std.log.scoped(.load_firm); { // NDS7 BIOS const path = try std.mem.join(allocator, "/", &.{ firm_path, "bios7.bin" }); defer; log.debug("bios7 path: {s}", .{path}); const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{}); defer file.close(); const buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try file.getEndPos()); defer; try system.bus7.bios.load(allocator, buf); } { // NDS9 BIOS const path = try std.mem.join(allocator, "/", &.{ firm_path, "bios9.bin" }); defer; log.debug("bios9 path: {s}", .{path}); const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(path, .{}); defer file.close(); const buf = try file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try file.getEndPos()); defer; try system.bus9.bios.load(allocator, buf); } } const bus_clock = 33513982; // 33.513982 Hz const dot_clock = 5585664; // 5.585664 Hz const arm7_clock = bus_clock; const arm9_clock = bus_clock * 2; pub fn runFrame(scheduler: *Scheduler, system: System) void { const cycles_per_dot = arm9_clock / dot_clock + 1; comptime std.debug.assert(cycles_per_dot == 12); const cycles_per_frame = 355 * 263 * cycles_per_dot; const frame_end = scheduler.tick + cycles_per_frame; while (scheduler.tick < frame_end) { switch (isHalted(system)) { .both => scheduler.tick = scheduler.peekTimestamp(), inline else => |halt| { if (comptime halt != .arm9) { system.arm946es.step(); system.arm946es.step(); } if (comptime halt != .arm7) system.arm7tdmi.step(); }, } if (scheduler.check()) |ev| { const late = scheduler.tick - ev.tick; // this is kinda really jank lol const bus_ptr: ?*anyopaque = switch (ev.kind) { .heat_death => null, .nds7 => system.bus7, .nds9 => system.bus9, }; scheduler.handle(bus_ptr, ev, late); } } } const Halted = enum { arm7, arm9, both, none }; inline fn isHalted(system: System) Halted { const ret = [_]Halted{ .none, .arm7, .arm9, .both }; const nds7_bus: *System.Bus7 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(system.arm7tdmi.bus.ptr)); const nds9_halt: u2 = @intFromBool(system.cp15.wait_for_interrupt); const nds7_halt: u2 = @intFromBool( == .halt); return ret[(nds9_halt << 1) | nds7_halt]; } // FIXME: Perf win to allocating on the stack instead? pub const SharedCtx = struct { const MiB = 0x100000; const KiB = 0x400; pub const Io = @import("io.zig").Io; const Vram = @import("ppu/Vram.zig"); io: *Io, main: *[4 * MiB]u8, wram: *Wram, vram: *Vram, pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !@This() { const wram = try allocator.create(Wram); errdefer allocator.destroy(wram); try wram.init(allocator); const vram = try allocator.create(Vram); errdefer allocator.destroy(vram); try vram.init(allocator); const ctx = .{ .io = blk: { const io = try allocator.create(Io); io.* = .{}; break :blk io; }, .wram = wram, .vram = vram, .main = try allocator.create([4 * MiB]u8), }; return ctx; } pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void { self.wram.deinit(allocator); allocator.destroy(self.wram); self.vram.deinit(allocator); allocator.destroy(self.vram); allocator.destroy(; allocator.destroy(self.main); } }; // Before I implement Bus-wide Fastmem, Let's play with some more limited (read: less useful) // fastmem implementations // TODO: move somewhere else ideally pub const Wram = struct { const page_size = 1 * KiB; // perhaps too big? const addr_space_size = 0x8000; const table_len = addr_space_size / page_size; const buf_len = 32 * KiB; const IntFittingRange = std.math.IntFittingRange; const io = @import("io.zig"); const KiB = 0x400; const log = std.log.scoped(.shared_wram); _buf: *[buf_len]u8, nds9_table: *const [table_len]?[*]u8, nds7_table: *const [table_len]?[*]u8, pub fn init(self: *@This(), allocator: Allocator) !void { const buf = try allocator.create([buf_len]u8); errdefer allocator.destroy(buf); const tables = try allocator.alloc(?[*]u8, 2 * table_len); @memset(tables, null); self.* = .{ .nds9_table = tables[0..table_len], .nds7_table = tables[table_len .. 2 * table_len], ._buf = buf, }; } pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void { allocator.destroy(self._buf); const ptr: [*]?[*]const u8 = @ptrCast(@constCast(self.nds9_table));[0 .. 2 * table_len]); } pub fn update(self: *@This(), wramcnt: io.WramCnt) void { const mode =; const nds9_tbl = @constCast(self.nds9_table); const nds7_tbl = @constCast(self.nds7_table); for (nds9_tbl, nds7_tbl, 0..) |*nds9_ptr, *nds7_ptr, i| { const addr = i * page_size; switch (mode) { 0b00 => { nds9_ptr.* = self._buf[addr..].ptr; nds7_ptr.* = null; }, 0b01 => { nds9_ptr.* = self._buf[0x4000 + (addr & 0x3FFF) ..].ptr; nds7_ptr.* = self._buf[(addr & 0x3FFF)..].ptr; }, 0b10 => { nds9_ptr.* = self._buf[(addr & 0x3FFF)..].ptr; nds7_ptr.* = self._buf[0x4000 + (addr & 0x3FFF) ..].ptr; }, 0b11 => { nds9_ptr.* = null; nds7_ptr.* = self._buf[addr..].ptr; }, } } } // TODO: Rename const Device = enum { nds9, nds7 }; pub fn read(self: @This(), comptime T: type, comptime dev: Device, address: u32) T { const bits = @typeInfo(IntFittingRange(0, page_size - 1)).Int.bits; const masked_addr = address & (addr_space_size - 1); const page = masked_addr >> bits; const offset = masked_addr & (page_size - 1); const table = if (dev == .nds9) self.nds9_table else self.nds7_table; if (table[page]) |some_ptr| { const ptr: [*]const T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(some_ptr)); return ptr[offset / @sizeOf(T)]; } log.err("{s}: read(T: {}, addr: 0x{X:0>8}) was in un-mapped WRAM space", .{ @tagName(dev), T, 0x0300_0000 + address }); return 0x00; } pub fn write(self: *@This(), comptime T: type, comptime dev: Device, address: u32, value: T) void { const bits = @typeInfo(IntFittingRange(0, page_size - 1)).Int.bits; const masked_addr = address & (addr_space_size - 1); const page = masked_addr >> bits; const offset = masked_addr & (page_size - 1); const table = if (dev == .nds9) self.nds9_table else self.nds7_table; if (table[page]) |some_ptr| { const ptr: [*]T = @ptrCast(@alignCast(some_ptr)); ptr[offset / @sizeOf(T)] = value; return; } log.err("{s}: write(T: {}, addr: 0x{X:0>8}, value: 0x{X:0>8}) was in un-mapped WRAM space", .{ @tagName(dev), T, 0x0300_0000 + address, value }); } }; pub inline fn forceAlign(comptime T: type, address: u32) u32 { return address & ~@as(u32, @sizeOf(T) - 1); } pub const System = struct { pub const Bus7 = @import("nds7/Bus.zig"); pub const Bus9 = @import("nds9/Bus.zig"); pub const Cp15 = @import("nds9/Cp15.zig"); pub const Arm7tdmi = @import("arm32").Arm7tdmi; pub const Arm946es = @import("arm32").Arm946es; arm7tdmi: *Arm7tdmi, arm946es: *Arm946es, bus7: *Bus7, bus9: *Bus9, cp15: *Cp15, pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void { self.bus7.deinit(allocator); self.bus9.deinit(allocator); } }; // FIXME: Using Wram.Device here is jank. System should probably carry an Enum + some Generic Type Fns pub fn handleInterrupt(comptime dev: Wram.Device, cpu: if (dev == .nds9) *System.Arm946es else *System.Arm7tdmi) void { const Bus = if (dev == .nds9) System.Bus9 else System.Bus7; const bus_ptr: *Bus = @ptrCast(@alignCast(cpu.bus.ptr)); if (! or return; // ensure irqs are enabled if (( & == 0) return; // ensure there is an irq to handle switch (dev) { .nds9 => { const cp15: *System.Cp15 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(cpu.cp15.ptr)); cp15.wait_for_interrupt = false; }, .nds7 => = .execute, } const ret_addr = cpu.r[15] - if ( 0 else @as(u32, 4); const spsr = cpu.cpsr; cpu.changeMode(.Irq); cpu.cpsr.t.unset(); cpu.cpsr.i.set(); cpu.r[14] = ret_addr; cpu.spsr.raw = spsr.raw; cpu.r[15] = if (dev == .nds9) 0xFFFF_0018 else 0x0000_0018; cpu.pipe.reload(cpu); }