const std = @import("std"); const nds9 = @import("nds9.zig"); const nds7 = @import("nds7.zig"); const Header = @import("cartridge.zig").Header; const SharedIo = @import("io.zig").Io; const Arm946es = nds9.Arm946es; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; /// Load a NDS Cartridge /// /// intended to be used immediately after Emulator initialization pub fn load(allocator: Allocator, nds7_group: nds7.Group, nds9_group: nds9.Group, rom_file: std.fs.File) ![12]u8 { const log = std.log.scoped(.load_rom); const rom_buf = try rom_file.readToEndAlloc(allocator, try rom_file.getEndPos()); defer; var stream =; const header = try stream.reader().readStruct(Header);"Title: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.title, 0)});"Game Code: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.game_code, 0)});"Maker Code: \"{s}\"", .{std.mem.sliceTo(&header.maker_code, 0)}); // Dealing with the ARM946E-S { const arm946es = nds9_group.cpu; log.debug("ARM9 ROM Offset: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_rom_offset}); log.debug("ARM9 Entry Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_entry_address}); log.debug("ARM9 RAM Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_ram_address}); log.debug("ARM9 Size: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm9_size}); // Copy ARM9 Code into Main Memory for (rom_buf[header.arm9_rom_offset..][0..header.arm9_size], 0..) |value, i| { const address = header.arm9_ram_address + @as(u32, @intCast(i)); nds9_group.bus.dbgWrite(u8, address, value); } arm946es.r[15] = header.arm9_entry_address; } // Dealing with the ARM7TDMI { const arm7tdmi = nds7_group.cpu; log.debug("ARM7 ROM Offset: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_rom_offset}); log.debug("ARM7 Entry Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_entry_address}); log.debug("ARM7 RAM Address: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_ram_address}); log.debug("ARM7 Size: 0x{X:0>8}", .{header.arm7_size}); // Copy ARM7 Code into Main Memory for (rom_buf[header.arm7_rom_offset..][0..header.arm7_size], 0..) |value, i| { const address = header.arm7_ram_address + @as(u32, @intCast(i)); nds7_group.bus.dbgWrite(u8, address, value); } arm7tdmi.r[15] = header.arm7_entry_address; } return header.title; } const bus_clock = 33513982; // 33.513982 Hz const dot_clock = 5585664; // 5.585664 Hz const arm7_clock = bus_clock; const arm9_clock = bus_clock * 2; pub fn runFrame(nds7_group: nds7.Group, nds9_group: nds9.Group) void { // TODO: might be more efficient to run them both in the same loop? { const scheduler = nds9_group.scheduler; const cycles_per_dot = arm9_clock / dot_clock + 1; comptime std.debug.assert(cycles_per_dot == 12); const cycles_per_frame = 355 * 263 * cycles_per_dot; const frame_end = scheduler.tick + cycles_per_frame; const cpu = nds9_group.cpu; const bus = nds9_group.bus; while (scheduler.tick < frame_end) { cpu.step(); if (scheduler.tick >= scheduler.handle(bus); } } { const scheduler = nds7_group.scheduler; const cycles_per_dot = arm7_clock / dot_clock + 1; comptime std.debug.assert(cycles_per_dot == 6); const cycles_per_frame = 355 * 263 * cycles_per_dot; const frame_end = scheduler.tick + cycles_per_frame; const cpu = nds7_group.cpu; const bus = nds7_group.bus; while (scheduler.tick < frame_end) { cpu.step(); if (scheduler.tick >= scheduler.handle(bus); } } } // FIXME: Perf win to allocating on the stack instead? pub const SharedContext = struct { const MiB = 0x100000; io: *SharedIo, main: *[4 * MiB]u8, pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !@This() { const ctx = .{ .io = try allocator.create(SharedIo), .main = try allocator.create([4 * MiB]u8), };* = .{}; return ctx; } pub fn deinit(self: @This(), allocator: Allocator) void { allocator.destroy(; allocator.destroy(self.main); } }; pub inline fn forceAlign(comptime T: type, address: u32) u32 { return switch (T) { u32 => address & ~@as(u32, 3), u16 => address & ~@as(u32, 1), u8 => address, else => @compileError("Bus: Invalid read/write type"), }; }