class ChatRoomsController < ApplicationController def show @chat_room = ChatRoom.find(params[:id]) end def create # HTTP status code 200 with an empty body head :no_content puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>11123213213213123213" puts params puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>11123213213213123213" ActionCable.server.broadcast "chat_room_#{params[:room]}", session_params end def destroy # chat_room = ChatRoom.find(params[:id]) # chat_room.destroy ActionCable.server.broadcast "chat_room_#{params[:id]}", { hangUp: true } head :ok end private def session_params # SDP = Session description protocol (codec info from client) # Candidate = ICE candidates (e.g. TURN and STUN server) params.permit(:type, :from, :to, :sdp, :candidate, :room) end end