# Mandelbrot Set
An interactive interface where you can navigate the Mandelbrot Set.
### Controls
W - Up
A - Left
S - Down
D - Right
Q Zoom Out
E Zoom In
### Build Instructions
Due to my current configuration (which is one that prioritizes quick development), Bevy requires
some dependencies in order to build this project. These dependencies are `clang`, `lldb`, and `llvm`.
Also, this program requires Rust Nightly (as of 2020-11-26)
Once done, you can build the program with `cargo build`, or `cargo build --release`
### Run Instructions
You can either execut the compiled binary, or use cargo and run `cargo run --release`
### TODO
* Make Zooming feel more natural (where you zoom to is fixed, and not centered)
* Make the amount of iterations done when calculating the Mandelbrot set configurable
* preferrably with a keybind
* Add smooth colouring
* Maybe look into histograms?