use crate::Cycle; use crate::GB_HEIGHT; use crate::GB_WIDTH; use bitfield::bitfield; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::convert::TryInto; const VRAM_SIZE: usize = 0x2000; const OAM_SIZE: usize = 0xA0; const PPU_START_ADDRESS: usize = 0x8000; // OAM Scan const OBJECT_LIMIT: usize = 10; const WHITE: [u8; 4] = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]; const LIGHT_GRAY: [u8; 4] = [0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFF]; const DARK_GRAY: [u8; 4] = [0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0xFF]; const BLACK: [u8; 4] = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Ppu { pub int: Interrupt, pub control: LCDControl, pub monochrome: Monochrome, pub pos: ScreenPosition, pub vram: Box<[u8; VRAM_SIZE]>, pub stat: LCDStatus, pub oam: ObjectAttributeTable, fetcher: PixelFetcher, fifo: FifoRenderer, obj_buffer: ObjectBuffer, frame_buf: Box<[u8; GB_WIDTH * GB_HEIGHT * 4]>, x_pos: u8, cycles: Cycle, } impl Ppu { pub fn read_byte(&self, addr: u16) -> u8 { self.vram[addr as usize - PPU_START_ADDRESS] } pub fn write_byte(&mut self, addr: u16, byte: u8) { self.vram[addr as usize - PPU_START_ADDRESS] = byte; } } impl Ppu { pub fn step(&mut self, cycles: Cycle) { let start: u32 = self.cycles.into(); let end: u32 = cycles.into(); for _ in start..(start + end) { self.cycles += 1; match self.stat.mode() { Mode::OamScan => { if self.cycles >= 80.into() { self.stat.set_mode(Mode::Drawing); } self.scan_oam(self.cycles.into()); } Mode::Drawing => { if self.x_pos >= 160 { if self.stat.hblank_int() { // Enable HBlank LCDStat Interrupt; } // Done with rendering this frame, // we can reset the ppu x_pos and fetcher state now self.x_pos = 0; self.fetcher.hblank_reset(); self.obj_buffer.clear(); self.stat.set_mode(Mode::HBlank); } else { self.draw(self.cycles.into()); } } Mode::HBlank => { // This mode will always end at 456 cycles if self.cycles >= 456.into() { self.cycles %= 456; self.pos.line_y += 1; // New Scanline is next, check for LYC=LY if self.stat.coincidence_int() { let are_equal = self.pos.line_y == self.pos.ly_compare; self.stat.set_coincidence(are_equal); } let next_mode = if self.pos.line_y >= 144 { // Request VBlank Interrupt; // Reset Window Line Counter in Fetcher self.fetcher.vblank_reset(); if self.stat.vblank_int() { // Enable Vblank LCDStat Interrupt; } Mode::VBlank } else { if self.stat.oam_int() { // Enable OAM LCDStat Interrupt; } Mode::OamScan }; self.stat.set_mode(next_mode); } } Mode::VBlank => { if self.cycles > 456.into() { self.cycles %= 456; self.pos.line_y += 1; // New Scanline is next, check for LYC=LY if self.stat.coincidence_int() { let are_equal = self.pos.line_y == self.pos.ly_compare; self.stat.set_coincidence(are_equal); } if self.pos.line_y == 154 { self.pos.line_y = 0; if self.stat.oam_int() { // Enable OAM LCDStat Interrupt; } self.stat.set_mode(Mode::OamScan); } } } } } } fn scan_oam(&mut self, cycle: u32) { if cycle % 2 != 0 { // This is run 50% of the time, or 40 times // which is the number of sprites in OAM let sprite_height = match self.control.obj_size() { ObjectSize::EightByEight => 8, ObjectSize::EightBySixteen => 16, }; let attr = self.oam.attribute((cycle / 2) as usize); let line_y = self.pos.line_y + 16; if attr.x > 0 && line_y >= attr.y && line_y < (attr.y + sprite_height) && !self.obj_buffer.full() { self.obj_buffer.add(attr); } } } fn draw(&mut self, cycle: u32) { use FetcherState::*; // By only running on odd cycles, we can ensure that we draw every two T cycles if cycle % 2 != 0 { let control = &self.control; let pos = &self.pos; let line_y = self.pos.line_y; let window_y = self.pos.window_y; let is_window = self.control.window_enabled() && window_y <= line_y; // Determine whether we need to enable sprite fetching let mut obj_attr = None; for i in 0..self.obj_buffer.len() { if let Some(attr) = self.obj_buffer.get(i) { if attr.x <= (self.x_pos + 8) { // self.fetcher.obj.resume(); TODO: Try running only when there's a sprite;; self.fifo.pause(); obj_attr = Some(attr); } } } if let Some(attr) = obj_attr { // Run the Object Fetcher let obj_size = match self.control.obj_size() { ObjectSize::EightByEight => 8, ObjectSize::EightBySixteen => 16, }; match self.fetcher.obj.state { TileNumber => { self.fetcher.obj.tile.with_id(attr.tile_index);; } TileDataLow => { let addr = PixelFetcher::get_obj_low_addr(attr, &self.pos, obj_size); let byte = self.read_byte(addr); self.fetcher.obj.tile.with_low_byte(byte);; } TileDataHigh => { let addr = PixelFetcher::get_obj_low_addr(attr, &self.pos, obj_size); let byte = self.read_byte(addr + 1); self.fetcher.obj.tile.with_high_byte(byte);; } SendToFifo => { self.fetcher.obj.fifo_count += 1; if self.fetcher.obj.fifo_count == 1 { // Load into fifo let tile_bytes =; if let Some(bytes) = tile_bytes { let low = bytes.0; let high = bytes.1; let pixel = TwoBitsPerPixel::from_bytes(high, low); let palette = match attr.flags.palette() { ObjectPaletteId::Palette0 => self.monochrome.obj_palette_0, ObjectPaletteId::Palette1 => self.monochrome.obj_palette_1, }; let num_to_add = 8 - self.fifo.object.len(); for i in 0..num_to_add { let bit = 7 - i; let priority = attr.flags.priority(); let shade = palette.colour(pixel.pixel(bit)); let fifo_pixel = ObjectFifoPixel { shade, palette, priority, }; self.fifo.object.push_back(fifo_pixel); } } } else if self.fetcher.obj.fifo_count == 2 {; self.fifo.resume(); self.fetcher.obj.reset(); } else { panic!("Rekai Musuka is a bad programmer"); } } } } if { match { TileNumber => { // Increment Window line counter if scanline had any window pixels on it // only increment once per scanline though if is_window && ! {; } let x_pos = self.fetcher.x_pos; let addr = self .fetcher .bg_tile_num_addr(control, pos, x_pos, is_window); let id = self.read_byte(addr);; // Move on to the Next state in 2 T-cycles; } TileDataLow => { let addr = self.fetcher.bg_byte_low_addr(control, pos, is_window); let low = self.read_byte(addr);;; } TileDataHigh => { let addr = self.fetcher.bg_byte_low_addr(control, pos, is_window); let high = self.read_byte(addr + 1);;; } SendToFifo => { let palette = &self.monochrome.bg_palette; self.fetcher.send_to_fifo(&mut self.fifo, palette); // FIXME: Should this be equivalent to a reset?; } } } else {; } } if self.fifo.is_enabled() { // Handle Background Pixel and Sprite FIFO if let Some(bg_pixel) = self.fifo.background.pop_front() { if let Some(_object_pixel) = self.fifo.object.pop_front() { todo!("Mix the pixels or whatever I'm supposed todo here"); } else { // Only Background Pixels will be rendered let y = self.pos.line_y as usize; let x = self.x_pos as usize; let rgba = bg_pixel.0.into_rgba(); let i = (GB_WIDTH * 4) * y + (x * 4); self.frame_buf[i..(i + rgba.len())].copy_from_slice(&rgba); } self.x_pos += 1; } } else { self.fifo.resume(); } } pub fn copy_to_gui(&self, frame: &mut [u8]) { frame.copy_from_slice(self.frame_buf.as_ref()); } } impl Default for Ppu { fn default() -> Self { Self { vram: Box::new([0u8; VRAM_SIZE]), cycles: 0.into(), frame_buf: Box::new([0; GB_WIDTH * GB_HEIGHT * 4]), int: Default::default(), control: Default::default(), monochrome: Default::default(), pos: Default::default(), stat: Default::default(), oam: Default::default(), fetcher: Default::default(), fifo: Default::default(), obj_buffer: Default::default(), x_pos: Default::default(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct Interrupt { _vblank: bool, _lcd_stat: bool, } impl Interrupt { pub fn vblank(&self) -> bool { self._vblank } pub fn set_vblank(&mut self, enabled: bool) { self._vblank = enabled; } pub fn lcd_stat(&self) -> bool { self._lcd_stat } pub fn set_lcd_stat(&mut self, enabled: bool) { self._lcd_stat = enabled; } } bitfield! { pub struct LCDStatus(u8); impl Debug; pub coincidence_int, set_coincidence_int: 6; pub oam_int, set_oam_int: 5; pub vblank_int, set_vblank_int: 4; pub hblank_int, set_hblank_int: 3; pub coincidence, set_coincidence: 2; // LYC == LY Flag from into Mode, _mode, set_mode: 1, 0; } impl LCDStatus { pub fn mode(&self) -> Mode { self._mode() } } impl Copy for LCDStatus {} impl Clone for LCDStatus { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl Default for LCDStatus { fn default() -> Self { Self(0x80) // bit 7 is always 1 } } impl From for LCDStatus { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { Self(byte) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(status: LCDStatus) -> Self { status.0 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum Mode { HBlank = 0, VBlank = 1, OamScan = 2, Drawing = 3, } impl From for Mode { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => Self::HBlank, 0b01 => Self::VBlank, 0b10 => Self::OamScan, 0b11 => Self::Drawing, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for LCDMode", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(mode: Mode) -> Self { mode as Self } } impl Default for Mode { fn default() -> Self { Self::HBlank } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct ScreenPosition { pub scroll_y: u8, pub scroll_x: u8, pub line_y: u8, pub ly_compare: u8, pub window_y: u8, pub window_x: u8, } bitfield! { pub struct LCDControl(u8); impl Debug; lcd_enabled, set_lcd_enabled: 7; from into TileMapAddress, win_tile_map_addr, set_win_tile_map_addr: 6, 6; window_enabled, set_window_enabled: 5; from into TileDataAddress, tile_data_addr, set_tile_data_addr: 4, 4; from into TileMapAddress, bg_tile_map_addr, set_bg_tile_map_addr: 3, 3; from into ObjectSize, obj_size, set_obj_size: 2, 2; obj_enabled, set_obj_enabled: 1; bg_win_enabled, set_bg_win_enabled: 0; } impl Copy for LCDControl {} impl Clone for LCDControl { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl Default for LCDControl { fn default() -> Self { Self(0) } } impl From for LCDControl { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { Self(byte) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(ctrl: LCDControl) -> Self { ctrl.0 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum TileMapAddress { X9800 = 0, X9C00 = 1, } impl TileMapAddress { pub fn into_address(self) -> u16 { match self { TileMapAddress::X9800 => 0x9800, TileMapAddress::X9C00 => 0x9C00, } } } impl From for TileMapAddress { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => Self::X9800, 0b01 => Self::X9C00, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for TileMapRegister", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(reg: TileMapAddress) -> Self { reg as Self } } impl Default for TileMapAddress { fn default() -> Self { Self::X9800 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum TileDataAddress { X8800 = 0, X8000 = 1, } impl From for TileDataAddress { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => Self::X8800, 0b01 => Self::X8000, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for TileDataRegister", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(reg: TileDataAddress) -> Self { reg as Self } } impl Default for TileDataAddress { fn default() -> Self { Self::X8800 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum ObjectSize { EightByEight = 0, EightBySixteen = 1, } impl From for ObjectSize { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => Self::EightByEight, 0b01 => Self::EightBySixteen, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for ObjSize", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(size: ObjectSize) -> Self { size as Self } } impl Default for ObjectSize { fn default() -> Self { Self::EightByEight } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum GrayShade { White = 0, LightGray = 1, DarkGray = 2, Black = 3, } impl GrayShade { pub fn into_rgba(self) -> [u8; 4] { match self { GrayShade::White => WHITE, GrayShade::LightGray => LIGHT_GRAY, GrayShade::DarkGray => DARK_GRAY, GrayShade::Black => BLACK, } } pub fn from_rgba(slice: &[u8]) -> Self { let rgba: [u8; 4] = slice .try_into() .expect("Unable to interpret &[u8] as [u8; 4]"); match rgba { WHITE => GrayShade::White, LIGHT_GRAY => GrayShade::LightGray, DARK_GRAY => GrayShade::DarkGray, BLACK => GrayShade::Black, _ => panic!("{:#04X?} is not a colour the DMG-01 supports", rgba), } } } impl Default for GrayShade { fn default() -> Self { Self::White } } impl From for GrayShade { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => GrayShade::White, 0b01 => GrayShade::LightGray, 0b10 => GrayShade::DarkGray, 0b11 => GrayShade::Black, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for GrayShade", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(shade: GrayShade) -> Self { shade as Self } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct Monochrome { pub bg_palette: BackgroundPalette, pub obj_palette_0: ObjectPalette, pub obj_palette_1: ObjectPalette, } bitfield! { pub struct BackgroundPalette(u8); impl Debug; pub from into GrayShade, i3_colour, set_i3_colour: 7, 6; pub from into GrayShade, i2_colour, set_i2_colour: 5, 4; pub from into GrayShade, i1_colour, set_i1_colour: 3, 2; pub from into GrayShade, i0_colour, set_i0_colour: 1, 0; } impl BackgroundPalette { pub fn colour(&self, id: u8) -> GrayShade { match id { 0b00 => self.i0_colour(), 0b01 => self.i1_colour(), 0b10 => self.i2_colour(), 0b11 => self.i3_colour(), _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid BG colour id", id), } } } impl Copy for BackgroundPalette {} impl Clone for BackgroundPalette { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl Default for BackgroundPalette { fn default() -> Self { Self(0) } } impl From for BackgroundPalette { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { Self(byte) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(palette: BackgroundPalette) -> Self { palette.0 } } bitfield! { pub struct ObjectPalette(u8); impl Debug; pub from into GrayShade, i3_colour, set_i3_colour: 7, 6; pub from into GrayShade, i2_colour, set_i2_colour: 5, 4; pub from into GrayShade, i1_colour, set_i1_colour: 3, 2; } impl ObjectPalette { pub fn colour(&self, id: u8) -> Option { match id { 0b00 => None, 0b01 => Some(self.i1_colour()), 0b10 => Some(self.i2_colour()), 0b11 => Some(self.i3_colour()), _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid OBJ colour id", id), } } } impl Copy for ObjectPalette {} impl Clone for ObjectPalette { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl Default for ObjectPalette { fn default() -> Self { Self(0) } } impl From for ObjectPalette { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { Self(byte) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(palette: ObjectPalette) -> Self { palette.0 } } struct TwoBitsPerPixel(u8, u8); impl TwoBitsPerPixel { pub fn from_bytes(higher: u8, lower: u8) -> Self { Self(higher, lower) } pub fn pixel(&self, bit: usize) -> u8 { let higher = self.0 >> bit; let lower = self.1 >> bit; (higher & 0x01) << 1 | lower & 0x01 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ObjectAttributeTable { buf: Box<[u8; OAM_SIZE]>, } impl ObjectAttributeTable { pub fn read_byte(&self, addr: u16) -> u8 { let index = (addr - 0xFE00) as usize; self.buf[index] } pub fn write_byte(&mut self, addr: u16, byte: u8) { let index = (addr - 0xFE00) as usize; self.buf[index] = byte; } pub fn attribute(&self, index: usize) -> ObjectAttribute { let slice: &[u8; 4] = self.buf[index..(index + 4)] .try_into() .expect("Could not interpret &[u8] as a &[u8; 4]"); slice.into() } } impl Default for ObjectAttributeTable { fn default() -> Self { Self { buf: Box::new([0; OAM_SIZE]), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] pub struct ObjectAttribute { y: u8, x: u8, tile_index: u8, flags: ObjectFlags, } impl From<[u8; 4]> for ObjectAttribute { fn from(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Self { Self { y: bytes[0], x: bytes[1], tile_index: bytes[2], flags: bytes[3].into(), } } } impl<'a> From<&'a [u8; 4]> for ObjectAttribute { fn from(bytes: &'a [u8; 4]) -> Self { Self { y: bytes[0], x: bytes[1], tile_index: bytes[2], flags: bytes[3].into(), } } } bitfield! { pub struct ObjectFlags(u8); impl Debug; from into RenderPriority, priority, set_priority: 7, 7; y_flip, set_y_flip: 6; x_flip, set_x_flip: 5; from into ObjectPaletteId, palette, set_palette: 4, 4; } impl Copy for ObjectFlags {} impl Clone for ObjectFlags { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } impl From for ObjectFlags { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { Self(byte) } } impl From for u8 { fn from(flags: ObjectFlags) -> Self { flags.0 } } impl Default for ObjectFlags { fn default() -> Self { Self(0) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum RenderPriority { Object = 0, BackgroundAndWindow = 1, } impl From for RenderPriority { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => Self::Object, 0b01 => Self::BackgroundAndWindow, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for RenderPriority", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(priority: RenderPriority) -> Self { priority as u8 } } impl Default for RenderPriority { fn default() -> Self { Self::Object } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum ObjectPaletteId { Palette0 = 0, Palette1 = 1, } impl From for ObjectPaletteId { fn from(byte: u8) -> Self { match byte { 0b00 => ObjectPaletteId::Palette0, 0b01 => ObjectPaletteId::Palette1, _ => unreachable!("{:#04X} is not a valid value for BgPaletteNumber", byte), } } } impl From for u8 { fn from(palette_num: ObjectPaletteId) -> Self { palette_num as u8 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct ObjectBuffer { buf: [ObjectAttribute; 10], len: usize, } impl ObjectBuffer { pub fn full(&self) -> bool { self.len == self.buf.len() } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.buf = [Default::default(); 10]; self.len = 0; } pub fn add(&mut self, attr: ObjectAttribute) { self.buf[self.len] = attr; self.len += 1; } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len } pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&ObjectAttribute> { if index < self.len { Some(&self.buf[index]) } else { None } } } impl Default for ObjectBuffer { fn default() -> Self { Self { buf: [Default::default(); OBJECT_LIMIT], len: 0, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct PixelFetcher { x_pos: u8, bg: BackgroundFetcher, obj: ObjectFetcher, } impl PixelFetcher { pub fn hblank_reset(&mut self) {; = Default::default(); = Default::default(); self.x_pos = 0; } pub fn vblank_reset(&mut self) {; } fn bg_tile_num_addr( &self, control: &LCDControl, pos: &ScreenPosition, x_pos: u8, window: bool, ) -> u16 { let line_y = pos.line_y; let scroll_y = pos.scroll_y; let scroll_x = pos.scroll_x; // Determine which tile map is being used let tile_map = if window { control.win_tile_map_addr() } else { control.bg_tile_map_addr() }; let tile_map_addr = tile_map.into_address(); // Both Offsets are used to offset the tile map address we found above // Offsets are ANDed wih 0x3FF so that we stay in bounds of tile map memory // TODO: Is this necessary / important in other fetcher modes? let x_offset = (x_pos + scroll_x) as u16 & 0x03FF; let y_offset = (line_y.wrapping_add(scroll_y)) as u16 & 0x03FF; // Scroll X Offset is only used when we're rendering the background; let scx_offset = if window { 0 } else { scroll_x / 8 } & 0x1F; let offset = if window { 32 * ( as u16 / 8) } else { 32 * (((y_offset) & 0x00FF) / 8) }; // Determine Address tile_map_addr + offset + x_offset + scx_offset as u16 } fn bg_byte_low_addr( &mut self, control: &LCDControl, pos: &ScreenPosition, window: bool, ) -> u16 { let line_y = pos.line_y; let scroll_y = pos.scroll_y; let id ="Tile Number unexpectedly missing"); let tile_data_addr = match control.tile_data_addr() { TileDataAddress::X8800 => (0x9000_i32 + (id as i32 * 16)) as u16, TileDataAddress::X8000 => 0x8000 + (id as u16 * 16), }; let offset = if window { 2 * ( % 8) } else { 2 * ((line_y + scroll_y) % 8) }; tile_data_addr + offset as u16 } fn send_to_fifo(&mut self, fifo: &mut FifoRenderer, palette: &BackgroundPalette) { let tile_bytes =; if let Some(bytes) = tile_bytes { let low = bytes.0; let high = bytes.1; let pixel = TwoBitsPerPixel::from_bytes(high, low); if fifo.background.is_empty() { for i in 0..8 { // Horizontally flip pixels let bit = 7 - i; let shade = palette.colour(pixel.pixel(bit)); let fifo_pixel = BackgroundFifoPixel(shade); fifo.background.push_back(fifo_pixel); } } } self.x_pos += 1; } pub fn get_obj_low_addr(attr: &ObjectAttribute, pos: &ScreenPosition, obj_size: u8) -> u16 { let line_y = pos.line_y; // FIXME: Should we subtract 16 from attr.y? let y = attr.y.wrapping_sub(16); let line = if attr.flags.y_flip() { (obj_size - (line_y - y)) * 2 } else { (line_y - y) * 2 }; 0x8000 + (attr.tile_index as u16 * 16) + line as u16 } } trait Fetcher { fn next(&mut self, state: FetcherState); fn reset(&mut self); fn pause(&mut self); fn resume(&mut self); fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool; } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct BackgroundFetcher { state: FetcherState, tile: TileBuilder, window_line: WindowLineCounter, enabled: bool, } impl Fetcher for BackgroundFetcher { fn next(&mut self, state: FetcherState) { self.state = state } fn reset(&mut self) { self.state = FetcherState::TileNumber; } fn pause(&mut self) { self.enabled = false; } fn resume(&mut self) { self.enabled = true; } fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.enabled } } impl Default for BackgroundFetcher { fn default() -> Self { Self { state: Default::default(), tile: Default::default(), window_line: Default::default(), enabled: true, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct ObjectFetcher { state: FetcherState, tile: TileBuilder, fifo_count: u8, enabled: bool, } impl Fetcher for ObjectFetcher { fn next(&mut self, state: FetcherState) { self.state = state } fn reset(&mut self) { self.fifo_count = 0; self.state = FetcherState::TileNumber; } fn pause(&mut self) { self.enabled = false; } fn resume(&mut self) { self.enabled = true; } fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.enabled } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct WindowLineCounter { count: u8, checked: bool, } impl WindowLineCounter { pub fn checked(&self) -> bool { self.checked } pub fn increment(&mut self) { self.count += 1; self.checked = true; } pub fn hblank_reset(&mut self) { self.checked = false; } pub fn vblank_reset(&mut self) { self.count = 0; self.checked = false; } pub fn count(&self) -> u8 { self.count } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum FetcherState { TileNumber, TileDataLow, TileDataHigh, SendToFifo, } impl Default for FetcherState { fn default() -> Self { Self::TileNumber } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum FifoPixelKind { Background, Object, } impl Default for FifoPixelKind { fn default() -> Self { Self::Background } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct BackgroundFifoPixel(GrayShade); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct ObjectFifoPixel { shade: Option, palette: ObjectPalette, priority: RenderPriority, } // FIXME: Fifo Registers have a known size. Are heap allocations // really necessary here? #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct FifoRenderer { background: VecDeque, object: VecDeque, enabled: bool, } impl FifoRenderer { pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.enabled } pub fn pause(&mut self) { self.enabled = false; } pub fn resume(&mut self) { self.enabled = true; } } impl Default for FifoRenderer { fn default() -> Self { Self { background: VecDeque::with_capacity(8), object: VecDeque::with_capacity(8), enabled: true, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)] struct TileBuilder { id: Option, low: Option, high: Option, } impl TileBuilder { pub fn with_id(&mut self, id: u8) { = Some(id); } pub fn with_low_byte(&mut self, data: u8) { self.low = Some(data); } pub fn with_high_byte(&mut self, data: u8) { self.high = Some(data); } }